5a City Center Park UpdateCITYOF
7700 Mark'~t Boulevard
PO Box 147
,St,anhassen BN 55317
P,, r'e 952 ~2, 1 O0
F~ s02 22,, 1110
Building Inspections
Phon~: 952227 ~180
Fax: 952 2271190
Px, ne: 952 2271160
P~x: 952 227 1170
PI:)I e 9522271140
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Park & Recreation
Phonu 9522271120
Fax 952 227 !110
Becreatio ~ Center
23!0 (}o~ [er Boulevard
Phone 952 227 1400
F~x 9522271404
Planning &
Nalural Resources
Phooe: 9522271130
Rax 952227 1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Plooe 9522271300
Fax 9522271310
Senior Center
Phone 952 227 !125
Fax 952227 1110
Web Site
¢:w't,' ,,ti char~hassen mn us
Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
November 18, 2003
City Center Park Update
The good news is that the project is substantially complete. The remaining sod
will be installed on November 19, 20 and 21. The park sign is anticipated to be
installed the week of December 1. The fountain was tested once during the week
of November 10 and will be tested one final time prior to winterization. The
annual tree lighting ceremony will be held in the park on Saturday, December 6 at
5:00 p.m. We are looking forward to a grand opening date of mid-June 2004.
What kind of activities would the Commission like to see?
c: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
The City ot Chanhassen · ~ ?'¢,ir~7,;,3mr' ~r, y ,i,, :;e~r' a~,es q ;air:, <,'xr(:,:, i:chir~,~: ;,:, ', : , ;; : '