5. Park&Trail MaintenanceReportCITYOF CHANHASSEN Administration Fix cZ !i I( P/~ )::2 727! Fa~ C2.'2' ' Fax %2227 1!i) Park & ~ecreation PhT~< 952 ? 1120 Fax 952 227 !I 10 R,-'rea J)r Qe~te~ 23!0 Ou?cr B,~u evard Phor> 952227 14~0 [~:x 952 2,x7 140', Natural ~esources c:,x 952 227 1!i0 Public Works S~ior 6~t~r P:~ :~/2/ Web Site MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent DATE: December 8, 2003 SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report In preparation for winter, we have prepared all hockey rinks and family rinks for flooding. The weather has not been cooperating with us yet. With the temperature in the mid 30's and no frost in the ground, we are just in a waiting mode to start flooding the rinks. When the temperature drops enough so the ground freezes we can flood around the clock and it should only take us about 4 days to have the rinks ready for skating. The trail from Lake Ann to Greenwood Shores has been completed. The blacktop was stripped off and new base material was added to raise the trail with new culverts and drain tile to direct the water away from the trail. This work was done by the Park Maintenance Staff. A contractor was hired to lay the blacktop. The Park Maintenance Staff then backfilled along the trail and reseeded the area. The Curry Farms trail was also completed in the same manner. We did remove the east half of the trail that was always in a wet area. We re-graded the easterly part of the park to eliminate any water drainage problem and reseeded the area. The entire tail at Curry Farms was overlaid with blacktop. We also rearranged the back stop and ball field so there will no longer be a wet hole in the outfield. Park Maintenance Staff would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. TheCilyofChanhassen.' : ,, : : ; :, ' ,' 'h~