Review Extension email from Jack Appert to Sharmeen Al-Jaff 02-11-201313 —a1, AI -Jaff, Sharmeen From: Appert, Jack [appert @karealty.com] Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 2:07 PM To: AI -Jaff, Sharmeen Subject: Crossroads of Chanhassen Sharmeen —On behalf of Kraus - Anderson I am requesting that Planning Case 2013 -06, Crossroads PUD Amendment & SPR, be postponed until the March 5, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting. This will allow the application to proceed to the City Council for the March 25, 2013 meeting. We are hereby granting the City of Chanhassen the additional 60 days required to complete this process. Jack S. Appert I Real Estate Development Associate iappert(a karealty.com I Direct 952- 948 -9367 1 Cell 651 - 402 -6049 Kraus - Anderson Realty Company 1 4210 W. Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington MN 55437 -2951 Main 952 - 881 -8166 1 Fax 952- 881 -8114 1 www.krausanderson.com rA°'ea55E;onsdo uia ernlronmenf before rrolm!iiu c:ail. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended for the use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. It may contain information which is privileged and confidential within the meaning of applicable law. Accordingly dissemination, distribution. copying or other use of this message or any of this contents by any person other than the Intended Recipient may constitute a breach of civil or cf iminal law and is strictly prohibited. If you are not the Intended Recipient, please contact the sender as soon as possible. All information or opinions expressed in this message and /or any attachments are those of the author, and are not necessarily those of our organization. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this E -mail. As our organization accepts no responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this E -mail or attachments, we recommend that you subject these to your virus checking procedures prior to opening. KA and Kraus - Anderson are registered trademarks