Returned PH Notice Cards-Minnewashta Creeke MINNEWASHTA CREEK 3 RESIDENTIAL PUD contact 952- 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is pr, ..,uant to Minnesota EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -77$1 Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this m . , . nowledges that the City a rad Cpl o .1 ke its employees or agents, or third parties wh}eritF#1�}acgrsra or use of data provided. lirldeq Grr /e L.,pden Crrele f' i.eyee Cu" m� 3 m c 1+ 049J82036654 $ 00.450 05/17)2012 Mailed From 55317 CITY OF US POSTAGE CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Min www.cl.ch- r.- ', Disclaimer 7y- �p l i This map is neither a legally recorded map not as one. This map is a compilation of records, city, county, state and federal offices and others. is to be used for reference purposes only: T, Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to the City does not re resent that the GIS Data can or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of \ + \ + ,,recision MARY B VAN BEUSEKOM in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or + . round please 6610 ROCKY ISLAND LN contact 952- 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is pr, ..,uant to Minnesota EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -77$1 Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this m . , . nowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties wh}eritF#1�}acgrsra or use of data provided. srruw uasseyueyoIo ge,Ies le Ilewe /q ao 17El6-LZZ (Z96) le 'aauueld aoluas 'gep -IH uaawaeyS loe;uoo aseald 'uollewiolul leuoglppe peau ao suollsanb (ue aney noA ll - Iwly'b- b0-Z6 /uel /nags /srruw uasseyueyo Io MMM;e ells qaM s, (llo ayl uo punol aq ueo uogewao;ul leuolllppb' -poleloaadde Illleaa6 aq 1pm sluawwoo anoA -Z60Z '6Z Aln0 aol pappayos a(lanlle;ual sl lenoidde pue Malnaa Ilounoo /fllO - 6ugaaw uolsslwwoo 6wuueld Z60Z '66 aunt ay; aol polnpayos aflange;ual sl yolyM 6uueay ollgnd ay; aol paeMaol 6u1o6 wall sly; of aoud gels ( ;Io yllM sa6ueyo pasodad ay; ssnoslp o; /llunlaoddo ue no f Molle of sI asnoy uado ayi to asodand ayi pooyaogy6lau anoa(aol spaepuels aql o; se afluelo apinoid of pue Aepo ;;size lay; se sluawdolanap ay; Appoo of sl s;uawpuawe pasodad ayi to leob ayi suollelnbai 6uluoz paepuels ayi bo sluawannbaa Ile yllM palidwoo luawdolanap 941 J! uana 'luawdolanaa lel;uaplsab pauueld a se passaoad aq o; paalnba seM slot gZ 6ulpaaoxa;uawdolanep Rllwed -al6wS lepuaplsa�{ (ue 's,OL66 ayi 6uund . ueld luawdolanap a saouaaalaa loafed ayl aaylea -islxe sioealuoo luawdolanap ao spaepuels u6lsap ou 0961, of aolad . -aoueulpap Qnd ayl ul spiepuelS u6lsad ayi ;o uolldope ayl yllM ueyl aaylea 'loea;uo0 luawdolanap ayl to lied se spaepuelS u6lsap ayi aouaaalaa s,0666 Rliee pue s,086 L ayi uI p91e9JO suolslnlpgns and ayi a WOO Rll0 uesseyuey0 ay; eouaaalaa /lalenbape;ou Rew llaq;'aanaMoy'sloulslp 6uluoz 6uiAlaapun ayi aouaaalaa seoueulpao luaoaa aaow ayi . :sloafad luaaaglp ayi 6ulaeasaa sage bulMOpol ay; paanooslp sey gelS (llo ay; lnog6nay; W -and) sluawdolanap lun pauueld lel;uaplsaa 09 Alelewlxoidde ay; 6u11e61 sanul ueaq sey gels 'aea ( lsed ay; aanp -Alaadaad anolf uo 6uluoz ayi of luawpuawe pasodoid a ssnoslp of asnoy uado ue of noA annul of mill pinoM gels AllO aaumo Alaadwd ae94 pAenalno8 jegjeN 6 U Ajejgll uassuque43 — uaoob japllM uolujogl uid L-9'Z6oZ'L£ Aew' ep41 :Ava a3maimm0o )IaaJO B4489MGUUIW uo:j 3snOH N3dO (m-and) 1N3WdOl3A3a IINn a3NNVId TdIIN3aIS3M N3SSVHMdHO d0 AII3