Returned PH Notice Cards-Meadows/Woods at LongacresMEADOWS/WOODS AT LONGACRES RESIDENTIAL PUD 1.' N CITY OF CHANHASSEN Market Boulevard P.O. ` P.O. Box 147 t Chanhassen, Minnesn' # www.ci.chanh-,taJSQL�� O R 049,i82G36654 V V . 150 05/11/2012 Mailed From 55317 US POSTAGE This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey a. • �- u1 `R �a' as one. This map is a compilation of records, information , city , county, state and federal offices and other sources rega is to be used for reference purposes only. The City do, Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this 0t" • ��`x,\ the City does not represent that the CIS Data can be used for n any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or .n LONGACRES HOMEOWNERS ASSN INC in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepanciEl please PO BOX 542 contact 952 - 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided purs Minnesota Statutes §488.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowle.rges that the City CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -0542 shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties whicto - 014. (1)1 �d „owse of data provided. Farr #S w�i' lilrlu�rlrn+�uu���in l�� ,w,l,lui,rlr,'i�,lrrinl�Iri�i�i A/ sn uw uassequego io snaaua q le liewo /q jo LEL L-LZZ (Z96) le 'pauueld JoivaS 'snaauaE) pagoa loeluoo aseald 'uogew.iolui leuoilippe peau jo suogsenb /pue aneg no%ll 'Iwlq'h-bO-ZL /uel /Ajar /sn'uw uasseguego io nnnnn le ells qaM S/3!,) aql uo punol aq ueo uogewjolui leuoilippy papoajdde Aileaa6 aq Ilion sluawwoo ino k ZLOZ '£Z Amp jol palnpagos AI@AIIEIUOI sl lenoadde. puc nneinaJ liounoo Fl!,j '6olea-u uoissiwwoo 6uiuueid ZLOZ '6L eunp eql aol palnpagos ,flanllelual si goigM 6wjeaq oilgnd aql jol pimuq buiob wall slgl of joud gels bllC) qjm sa6uego pasodad aq; ssnoslp of Apunlaoddo ue no/ Mope of si asnoq uado aql to asodind aql poogjogq6ieu ino/ aol spJepuels aql of se FluelO apinad of pue Repol lsixa Aagl se sluewdolanap aql Alppoo of 9t"iawpuawe pasodad eql to leob aql suoileln6ai 6wuoz piepuels eql to sluawannba ile ql!M papdwoo luawdolanap agl li uana-Uiawdolanaa leguaplsab pauueld e se posseoad aq of paiinbaa seen slot 9Z buipeaoxe luawdoianap riliwe=l- al6uis jotjuapsaa !ue 's,OL6L aql buunp ueld luawdolanap a saOUeje;aj loefoad aql jaglea -lsixa sloeiluoo luawdolanap Jo spaepuels ublsap ou 086 L Ol JOild aoueuipio and agl w splepuelS u61s90 aql to uOtldope aql gum uegl aagleJ 'loeAuOo luawdolanaQ aql to lied se spiepuelS u61sa(I aql aouaJalaJ s,066L Apea pue s,0261 ayl ui paleajo suoisinipgns rind agl apoo AliZ) uessequego eq] aouaaalai (ialenbape lou (ew Ragl 'JanaMOq 'sloulsip 6uiuoz 6uilliapun eq eouaaalej seoueuipio luaoaj ajow aql :sloefoid luajalAp eql 6uigojeasaj jelle 6wMOpol aql paJanoosip seq -4e1S A110 eql lnog6noigl (H-cind) sluawdolanad liun pauueld leiluapisab 09 (lalewixadde aql buile6gs9nui uoeq seq llels 'jea ( lsed aq Janp /liedad inoR uo 6wuoz eql of luewpuawe pasodad a ssnoslp of esnoq uado ue of no t al!AUi of aIil pinoM llels llio :jauMo AljedOJd Jeaa pAenalnog jogjoN 66LL ltjejgll uosseyueyo woos japliM uolujogl `wd L-9 `Z 40Z `6E AeW `Aepsenl S0.13e uol ;e SpooM/SnnopeOW ayl MOO 3snOH N3dO W-and) 1N3WdOl3A3a llNn 43NNVld "PdIIN3aIS9M utsctatmer This map is nei, as one. This m6 city, county, statt _ _ - and is to be used f, . -.cnt that the Geographic Inform. - ..,dp are error free, and the City does not r, <a for navigational, tracking: or any other purpose r '_.,,ent of distance or direction or precrinqn in the depiction of ..es. If errors or discrepancies are found plea §e contact 952 - 227 -110 _ preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which ArIA ��be arsg ose of data provided. .......�.1p� ?L, r,.y ! .3 CITY OF ' CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhasgan ' " nnesota 55317 en rr n.us I 049J82036654 $ 00.450 v 05/11/2012 Mailed From 55317 US POSTAGE DAVID J HUTCHINSON 2350 HUNTER DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8428 sn-uw uasseguego to snoiaua q le llewe Aq ao 6£ L L-LZZ (Z96) le 'aauueld a01uaS'snojauaa liagoa'1oeluoo aseald 'uollewiolw leuog!ppe paau jo suogsanb /ue aneq not ll -Iwlg 4- q�]nias /snuw uasseyueyo to nvnm le alp qam s,lllo aq; uo punol aq ueo uollewjop leuoglppy palepa�dde dgeaa6 aq ym sluawwoo Inoa, 'ZLOZ '£Z b,Inr jol palnoauos llanhelual sI lenoidde pue Melnaa pounoa Al!a 6uilaaw uoissituwo 6uluueld Z60Z `6L aun[ 9111 col panpayos /lanl1e1u91 sI gop4m 6uueay oggnd eq' +1ol paenvol 6wob wall siyl of aoud gels Al!a ql!m sebuego pesodad eql ssnoslp of Al!unlioddo ue ncA Mope of sI esnoq uado syl to asodmd ayl poogjogy6lau jnoA jol sp.iepuels agl of se Alpep apinaad of pue /epol lsixe Aaql se sluawdolanap ayl Allpoo of si sluawpuawe pasodoad agl 40 1206 eqj suogelnbaa 6wuoz piepuels agl to sluawannboi Ile gl!m palldwoo luawdolanap aql l! uana'luswdolanao lelluap!saa pauueld e se passaooid aq of paalnbai seM slol 9Z 6ulp9aoxa luawdolanap LI!wed- 0l6u!S le!luaplsaa bue 's,OL6 L ayl 6uuna . ueld luawdolanap a saouaaalaa loefoad eql jayleb -islxe sloeiluoo luawdolanap io spiepuels u6lsap ou 0961. of Loud . aoueulpi0 and ay1 w spiepuelS u6lsaa ayl to uolldope aql y8M uegl aaylej 'loejluoa luawdolanaa agl to lied se spiepuelS u6lsap agl 90u919l9J s,066L /ljea pue S,086 1, 9111 ul pa1e9,10 suolslnlpgns and agl apoo Lllo uasseyuega ayl aouajejej Alalenbepe 1ou tew /agl 'aanaMOg'sloplslP 6wuo7 6u llaapun a111 aouejalai seoueulpio lueoaa aaow agl . :sloafad luaiagla agl 6ulgoaeesaj ja4e 6uIM0110I aql paaanooslp seg llelS Al!o ayl lnogbnojgl (2! -and) sluawdolanap llun pauueld Ielluaplsaa 09 Alalewlxadde ayl 6w1e611sanul uaeq seq gels 'aea t lsed ay1 nano lliedad ano! uo 6wuo7 ayl of luawpuawe pasodad a ssnoslp of asnog uado ue of no! a11nu1 01 a>III pinoM gels Al!a :jauMp A1jadad Jeaa pJenalnog jagja){ L LLL Ajeaq!-1 uasseyuega woob iopl!M uo;ujoyl'uad L -9 `ZLOZ `L£ AeW Aepsenl. saaae uo'l le spooAA/snnopeaW ayl 903 3Sf1OH N3dO (2j-and) 1N3WdO-13A3a iINf1 a3NNV-1d -lVliN3aIS3N i MEADOWSM08DSAT _ t 049J82036654 LONGACRES RESIDENTIAL PUD O' 00.4CJ0 \ - %� .$ M '�3✓I �� U5117/21012 o � Mailed From 55 }1! US POSTAGE a7 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 L Chanhassen S WWW I 9rT;LT- Lyy-�o Disclaimer y�0 >, :'• ' This map is neither a legally recorded map ncg.� K. G�.G as one. This map is a compilation of records, (2,� 4 1 . -. city, county, state and federal offices and other ; F j, N. �S is to be used for reference purposes only. 1 c.s (o -\ p` Q' \ \�y Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to T!\, °` r the City does not represent that the GIS Data can t G ..g or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement M precision KIMBERLY $WITALSKI in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or found please 2350 HUNTER DR contact 952- 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is pi t.,uant to Minnesota CHANHA$$EN, MN $$317 -$42$ Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this m. ...xnowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties wh" e.out. agcey5 s, pre of data provided. - "-yy ! —'q ..usd° li r n r ni nre rn i� n it n i u rr r e rnu r -srcuw uassequeg5-t5 snaaua q ;e Ilewe Aq jo L£ L L -LZZ (Z96) ;e 'pauueld Joluag 'snaaua0 uagoa;oe;uoo aseeld 'uogewio ;ul leuol;lppe paau io suogsanb Ilue aneq no/f ;I - Iwlg't4-b0-ZL /uel /Alas /sn uw uasseguego-lo mmm ;e a;ls qem s,6 ;la ay; uo puno; aq ueo uopewjo ;w leuoil!Ppv 'pa;epaidde Rpe9j6 aq II!m s;uawwoo jnoA 'ZLOZ '£Z Ainr jo; palnpagos (lanl ;e;ua; sl lenwdde pue MalnaJ pounoo (;Ia 6ugaaw uolssiwwoo 6uluueld ZLOZ `6L aunr ay; jo; palnpagos Rlanl ;e;ua; sl golgm 6uueaq ollgnd aq; jo; pjeAuo; 6wo6 wa ;I sly; o; joud jje ;s 0 g ;lm sa6uego pasodad ay; ssnoslp o; ( ;lun;roddo lie no I mope o; sl asnog uado ay ; ;o asodmd agl - poogjogg6lau jnoR jo; spJepue ;s ag; o; se ( ;uep apinad o; pue Repo ; ;slxe /Iag; se s ;uawdolanap ay; Appoo o; sl s;uawpuawe pasodoid 941 j leo6 agl suopeln6ai 6uluoz piepue ;s ay; ;o s;uawa mbei lie g ;lm palldwoo;uawdolanap ay ; ;I liana ';uawdolanaa lel ;uaplsa�i pauueld e se passaoad aq o; peimbaj sem s;ol 9Z 6ulpaaoxa ;uawdolanap Rllwej- 9i6uls lelauaplsqu Rue 's,OL6 L ag; 6uuna . -ueld;uawdolanap a saOUaia;aj;oafoad aq; jag ;ea -;slxe s;oei;uoo;uawdolanap ao spJepue ;s u6lsap ou 086E Ol JOUd aoueulpip and ag; w spiepue ;s u61saa ag ; ;o uol ;dope eq; q ;lm ueq; iaq;ej ' ;oej ;uoo ;uawdolanaa ay ; ;o lied se spiepue ;s u6lsaa ay; aouaJa;aJ s,066L Rhea pue s,0961 ay; ul pa;eaJo suolslnlpgns and OU . apoo Apo uasseguega ag; aouaia;ai (la;enbepe ;ou Rew I(ag; 'JanaMOg 's ;ou ;slp 6uluoz 6uiAliapun ag; eouaja;aj seoueupo;uaoaj ajow agl . :sloe foid;uaiaglp ag; 6ulgojeesaj cage 6ulMOpo; ay; paJanOOSlp Seg gels ( ;la ag; ;nog6noag; W -and) s;uawdolanaa;lun pauueld lel;uaplsaa 09 (la ;ewlxadde aq; 6ul ;e6l ;sanul uaaq seg 6e ;s 'jeaR;sed ag; J9n0 (uadad inoR uo 6uluoz ag; o ;;uawpuawe pasodoid a ssnoslp o; asnog uado ue o; noR a ;lnul o; a�ll pinom .4e ;s R;Ia aaum0 IfuadOJd Jeao pJenafnoajagjo>l �6LL ftjejgs-1 uesseyuey0 — wooa jap11M uo4ujo41 wd L -9 ` M `6S ABW ep� :AVO (MOBU2103 sajoe uo-I ;e spoomsmopeew ayl NOd 3snOH N3dO (u- and)1N3WdOl3A3a IINn a3NNVld IVIIN3a1S3U MEADOWS/WOODS AT LONGACRES RESIDENTIAL PUD CITY OF ceaNHAssEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen " "' sl ! ' WWW S Nn p.•' 1' „w mow• Gail ��yr�p SFA C1 3�,L� �y. e .. _ E� NU Disclaimer c�Fy This map is neither a legally recorded map g•C-g' 6�' N, \ \t�'e as one. This map is a compilation of recoru C�' 6'� \1�� 0.� •`�' city, county, state and federal offices and othe e� t1F -a'yo' •�40�., `'. is to be used for reference purposes only. Geographic Information System (GIS) Data uses rya the City does not represent that the GIS Data ca, 5 `,� e•'e -Ing or 4 049J82036654 $00.450 any other purpose requiring exacting measuremen '6t 0 . or precision LONGACRES HOMEOWNERS ASSN INC in the depiction of geographic features. If errors dre found please PO BOX 542 contact 952 - 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21(2000), and the user of thk -p acknowledges that the City CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -0542 shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from s @any and all claims brought by User, dataprovided. or agents, or third partiesw`-- •3 04jb 3 "�se of iii i I it ill iii l i I, i l l 1 1 f 7 )rlt its employees ,� s -t 3' i r r n r ,rt rvo ,u u„ r ra r u r r r, u e ,r -sn-uw-uasseyuego 10 snaaua q le Ilewe Aq jo LE L L-LZZ (Z96) le 'pauueld JoluaS 'sna9ua0 aJagoM loeluoo aseald 'uogewjo;ul leuoglppe paau jo suogsenb (ue aneg no( ;I 'IUAg 7- VO -ZUUeI /Ajas/srruw uasseguego to MMM le ells qem s,(ll0 ay; uo punol aq ueo uogewjolul leuo!l!ppV -polepaidde lleai6 aq ll!m sluawwoo moA -ZLOZ 'CZ Rini jol palnpayos (langelual Si lenadde pue M91AaJ Ilounoo Al!o -6wlaaw uolsslwwoo 6uluueld Z L0Z '6L aunr aqa jol palnpayos ApAllelual sI golgm 6uueaq ollgnd aq; iol piemjo; 6u1o6 wall slgl of joud gels Al!o gl!m sa6uego pasodoid agl ssnoslp of Al!unlroddo ue no ( Molle of sI asnog uado agl ;o esodmd agl poogjogq61eu ino f aol spiepuels ayl of se (luelo apinoid of pue /epol lslxa tagl se sluawdolanap aql Appoo of sI sluawpuawe pasodad aql to 1806 aql suolleln6aj 6uluoz piepuels agi ;o sluawannbaj Ile pm palldwoo luawdolanap aql l! ulna 'luawdolanaa leRuaplsab pauueld e se passaoad aq of pgjinbaj seM slol 9Z 6ulpaaoxa luawdolanap Rllwed- al6ulS lepuaplsaa (ue 's,0L6 L agl 6uuna . weld luawdolanap a saouaja;aJ loafed aql jaylea -lslxe sloeiluo0luawdolanap jo spiepuels u6ls9p ou 0961, of Loud . -aoueulpio and aql ul spiepuelS Ape(] eql bo uolldope aql ql!M uegl aaglej 'loejluoo luewdolanaa aql ;o lied se spiepuelS u6lsaa agl aouaJa;aJ s,066L Tea pue s,096L agl ul paleaJo suolslAlpgns and aql . apoo Allo uosseyuego eql eouaaalaj Alojenbape lou Rew Ragl 'JanaMOg'sloulslp 6uluoz 6u1Aliapun agl eouajalaj saoueulpio lueow ajow aql . :slOafad luajaOlp ayl 6ulgaeesai jage 6ulM01101 aql paJanooslp seq l;elS Allo aql lnogbnojgl (H-and) sluawdolanao l!un pauueld IeBuaplsaa 09 (Ialewlxadde 941 6ulle6psanul uaaq seq gels 'ieaA lsed agl19AO -Rliadoid moA uo 6uluoz ayl of luawpuawe pasodad a ssnoslp of asnoq uado ue of noA al!AU1 01 951!1 pinoM 4els �4l0 aauMo />JadCUd reap pjenalno8 jegjeM 6 UL Ajejgll uesseque40 — wool jop11M uo;ujoyl wd L-q `Z60Z `4E AeW ` ep :Alva a31032R100 saJoe uol ;e spooMsenopeaW 041 2104 3snOH N3dO 121-and) 1N3WdO13A3a 11Nn a3NMdld 1V11N3aIS3H MEADOWS7WOODS AT LONGACRES RESIDENTIAL PUD I: 1 r r Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map not as one. This map is a compilation of record City, county, state and federal offices and c is to be used for reference purposes or Geographic Information System (GIS) Data u. the City does not represent that the GIS Data °L 049J82036654 $ 00.450 •0511772012 Mailed From 55317 CITY OF US POSTAGE CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 www.ci.chanhassen.nnn L Rd SnZ 'S, yRCF 5 S 55 a sn- M ti 5 � 1 F. 4 S U 3 - F ty j1,,,,,•, F DF V� \A QA„ S G X MAN \�c�'tl�}9'' any other purpose requiring exacting measurer, 2�aNN Vx ,l�`�''�,��a•:,,,. DAVID J HUTCHINSON in the depiction of geographic features. If errs t' Y�.'•t,'. <ase 2350 HUNTER DR contact Statutes 952-227-1107. Subd. 21 (2000), and the useer o, le,: +,`ages- that rthe C'ry CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -8428 shall not be liable for any damages, and express. claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from : .md all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third padies wftC- .Un cul -1014M, y`+me' g§g;gcuse of { t'; li ; j j �� ; t +; i�f data provided. +� ' 'r`. _ ++% Ir lr lr rtrlrn urr nr rr rr a rr r u rr r r ruu r -sn-uw-uassequeyo to snaaua q le I!ewe Aq jo L£ L L-LZZ (Z46)1e 'pauueld Jo!uag 'snaauaO )p@goZj loeluoo aseald 'uo!lewolul leuog!ppe peau jo suopsenb Aue aneq noA 11 - Iwl4't,- gO-ZL/uela/jAias/sn uw uassequego !o Nvvm 1e a1!s gam S, A4!0 8y1 uo punol aq ueo uogewiop leuoll!ppy 'paleloaidde Age9j6 aq II!M sluawwoo rno,k -ZLOZ '£Z Alnr iol pa!npayos Alanllelual sl lenadde pue Ma!Aaj l!ounoo A8O `6u!leew uolssiwwoo 6uluueld Z LOZ '6L aunr eql jol palnpayos AiaA!leluel sl goigm 6uueeq o!lgnd ayl jo; pjemiol 6uiob wal! s!4l of joud Mels Al!O qpm sa6uego pasodoid ayl ssnoslp of A3!un1ioddo ue noA Molle of sl asnoy uado 941 j asodmd ay1 poogjogqBieu moA jol spiepuels ayl of se Alpelo apinoid of pue Aepol lslxe Aayl se sluawdolanap ayl Allpoo of si sluawpuawe pasodoid ayl to leo6 a41 suolleln6ei 6uluoz piepuels ayl to sluawaimbai Ile yl!M papdwoo luawdolanap ayl;! uana 'luawdO!anaa ieguaplsaa pauueld e se pess000id aq of paimbei seM slol gZ 6u!paaoxa luawdolanap Allwed -9l6wg lelluaplsaa Aue 's,OL6L ay1 6uuna . -ueld luawdolanap a saouajalaj loefad ayl jaylea ;s!xe sloealuoo luawdolanap JO sp�epuels u6ls9p ou 086L of solid aoueulpio and ayl ul spiepuelg u6!sao eqj to uolldope a4l yl!M ueyl jaylej 'loeiluoo luawdolanaa ayl bo }red se spiepuelS u6lsaa 944 OMWalW s,066 I, Area pue s,086 L ayl u1 palMO suo!slA!pgns and DU 'apoO AIIO uassequegO eqj aouaia;ai Alalenbape lou Aew Aayl 'JanaMOy'spilslp 6uluoz 6ulAliapun a41 eouejejej saoueu!pio lueow ajow eqi . :sloefw p d luajag eqj 6UIgOJe9s9J Jaue 6ulMOpO1 ayl paJanOOS!p sey 11e1S -A1!O ayl lnog6nayl (a -and) sluawdolanaa 1!un pauueld Ie!luepisaa 05 Alalewlxoidde ayl W1e611saAU1 useq sey .4els 'ieaA lsed ayl JanO Aliedad moA uo 6uluoz eqj of luawpuawe pasodoid a ssnos!p of asnoy uado ue of noA al!AU1 of aj!l pinoM llels Apo :jeuMO Aljedwd Jeaa pJenalno8 jagjo)4 L 4LL Ajejgl-1 uessequegO — wood japlIM uo;ujo41 Lud L-9 `Z4oZ `bE AeW ` ep7� ing1 :"0 a3103NNOO saJOe uo-1 ;e spooMsenopeaW ayl 210d 3snOH N3dO (m-and) 1NMdO -13A3a 11Nn a3NNHld IVI1NMISM