Returned PH Notice Postcards-Chanhassen HillsCHANHASSEN HILLS RESIDENTIAL PUD X12 This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that r�= Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, trackh any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or prec in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found p( contact 952 - 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minn( Statutes §488.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and afire defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by I its employees or agents, or third parties whjctl.2dse_ out gAjejjAa;�s a�g%B ow data provided. x�td ^cl =k-' 7 N I to %* r CITY OF Qr CWHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 www.ci.chanhassen.mn. us S 049J82036654 $ 00A50 06/01/2012 US POSTAGE r r I sn uw uassequego loVsnojauabq le 1pewa Aq Ao L£ LL-LZZ (Z96) le 'jauueld joluas 'snaauaE) clog loeluoo aseald'uogewjolui leuollipp( paau jo suogsanb Aue aneq noA ll '9-b0 -ZL /sn uw uasseLluego to twin le alts clam s,11!O aq; uo punol aq ueo uol ;ewiolui leuog!ppy palepaidde Alleai6 aq lllnn s ;uawwoo jno,x, 'Z60Z '£ b ;snbny jot pa npagos A angelua; s! lenoidde pue MaiAeJ l!ounoo Al!7 Z60Z .L l, Alnr jot palnpagos AIaAl;elua; s! golgM 6uueaq ollgnd aql jot pjeAuol 6ulob wap slq; of aoud gels Alio gllnn se6uego pasodoid eq; ssnosip of Allun1joddo ue no! moll of si asnoq uado eyl to asodind aql paogjogq6iau jnoA jot spjepuels aql of se A uplo epl.nc.�d of pup Repot lslxe Aayl se sluawdolanap aul A1lp0o 0161 s;ucjwpuawe pasodad eq; 10 leob aqj_ cuogeln6ei ftiwoz piepuels eq ;10 sluawannbaj lle ql!•M pagdwoo luawd0lanap atl ;1! uena 'luatudolana(I ;elluapisay pauueld e se passaoojd aq of pa.nnbei seen s1ol gZ buipaeoxe luawdo GAap A iwed- 016uls leili.rap!sarl Aue 'UZ61 aql bu1in4 ueid piawdOlanac e saoua.0J= -.i 10afojd agl ia4leu ;sixa s ;oen,u0o luai.udolanap io spii?nuels . bisap ou n46;_ of i0i id 'aoueu p o afld aq, ui spiepuels u6lsa4 aql 10 uogdope aql q;lM uegl jeglej 'loealuo;) luatudojanaO ag ; jr, lied se spiepuels ubisaa aq; eouenjej S,066 1, Area pue s,096L aq; u1 paleaJo suolslnlpgns ❑nd aql apoo A;lo uassequegO aq; aouejejai Alalenbape;ou Aew Aagl `JenaMOq 'sloulslp 6uluoz bulApapun eql aouaaalai saoueu pao lueoei aaow aql :spafoid luaaalllp ay; bulgoaeasaj aalle 6ulM01101 aq; paJan0osIp seq llels AllO aq;;nog6noagl (y -and) sluawdolanap i!un pauueld lequaplsaa 09 Alalewlxojdde aq; 6ul ;e6l;sanul ueeq seq gels `jeaA lsed aq; Janp Alladoid jnoA uo 6uluoz eg; of luawpuawe pasodoid a ssnosip o; asnoq uado up- of noA a;lAU! 01 @lIj p1noM ge ;s 44l0 :jaumo Aljadad Re(] pJenalno8 jelino3 04£Z a Ja;uaO uolleaaoeM uasse4uey0 — wooa a3le-I sn ;off wd L -9 `Z 40Z `6Z aunt `Aepsinyl s111H UGSSBLIUB145 3r.nOH N3dO (N- and) 1N3WdOl3n3a IINn U2NNV -Id - IVIlNBOIS3N N3SSVHNVH3 d0 AM CHANHASSEN HILLS RESIDENTIAL PUD This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant "- Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error 5 "•� • " ° "?'r.`. 049J82036654 ti $QV.45O 4 v osrolrzolz CITY OF US POSTAGE CHA USSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 www.ci.chanhassen.rrn.us the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, t N I a I in e- _ is iT ij r r� j 1 any other purpose requiring exacgng measurement of distance or direction or P E TU P. N T C E N U E R in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are four NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED contact 952 - 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to I UNABLE TO FORWARD Statutes §400.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges thi v ; S S -'g -101 A ! 4 ; shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brough - its employees or agents, or third parties whiiCb,arisaYo data provided. snuw uassequego p snaaua q le llewe (q ao [C[ 1,-ZZZ (Z96)12 'jauueld joivag 'snaauaO qo8 loeluoo aseeld 'uogewjolul leuolllppe peau ao suogsenb Aue aneq no/ ll 9- b0-Z1 /sn uw= uesseyueyo to MMM le alis clam s, (l!o ayl uo punol aq ueo uolleuwjolul IeuollpppV pelepeudde llleau6 aq llim sluawwoo inoA Z10Z '£l 3snbnV aol palnpayos (langelual sl Ienadde pue Malnaa pounoo !l!o 'Z10Z L1 in; jol palr,payos IGAI;Clual o! yOlyrr. 6uueag ollgnd ayl jol piepruol buiob wall glyl of scud }leis R110 yl!M sa6uago pasodad aq; ssnoslp of Allunlioddo ue not Mope of sl asnoy uado ayl to asodind I poogaogy6lau jno I loj spiepuels ayl of se Alpelo apinoad of pue Aepol lslxe layl se sluawdolanap ayl Allpoo of sl puawe pasodad ayl to leob aql suolleln6ai 6uluoz piepuels ayl to sluawaalnbai Ile pm palldwoo luawdolanap ayl d! uana 'luawd0lana4 Iepuaplsaa pauueld e se passoocad aq of pajlnbei seen slol gZ bulpaaoxe luawdolanap AI!we4- a16ulS lelluaplsab Aue 's,0/6 I. ayl 6uunQ ueld luawdolanap a saouaaalaa loaloid eql jegleb 'lslxa sloejluoo luawdolanap ao spJepuels u61sap ou 0261 0; Loud aoueulpl0 and egl ul spaepuelS u6lsap ayl to uolldope eql yl!m ueyl jeglej 'loeguoo luawdol9n94 ayl to lied se spiepuelS u61sa4 agl aoueje;ej s,0661 (pea pue s,0861 ayl ul palea.10 suolslnlpgns and eqi apoo 4410 uesseyuego ayl aouaaa4aa Alejenbape lou !ew Aayl'JanaMOy 'sloulslp 6uluoz 6uiAlaapun ayl eouajapj saoueulpio lueoaa aaow eql :sloaloid luaja4lp aql bulyoaeasaj aalle 6ulMollol ayl paJanOOSlp sey llelS 'Alto ayl lnoy6nayl (d -and) sluawdolanap llun pauueld feguaplsab 09 6lalewlxadde ayl 6u1je61lsanul uaaq sey;;els 'aea/ ised ayl JOAO (liedoid mo/ uo 6uluoz eql of luawpuawe posodoid a ssnoslp of asnoy uedo ue of no! annul of mill pinoM gels Aj!o :jaumo ApadCUd 1890 paenalno8 aallnoo o6EZ aa;ua0 uoljeaaoeN uosseyueyo — woob aile1 sn ;o1 wd L-9 `Z 6l `4Z ounr `Aepsinyl SIM uasseyuey0 3snOH N3dO Wand) 1N3Wd013/ DO llNn a3NNV1d 1VIlN30lS3N N3SSVHNVH0 d0 All3