Returned PH Notice Postcards-Autumn RidgeF— — Highway 5 AUTUMN RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PUD / w ...... ».� e..... ® sa te al$�J��eU /eye a 8 8 _rn Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error * I CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 049J82036654 �00.+a(I v 06/01/2012 Mailed From 55317 US POSTAGE the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, b N 1 Al E 553 D E 1 U D D 6 (u 2 ^ 12 any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or R E T" R N T ^v SE n v R in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are four NOT DEL T. V E R AB L E AS ADDRESSED contact 952- 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to f N A13 L E TO FORWARD Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 ( 2000), and the user of this map acknowledges the �D;�- 3 shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brough' its employees or agents, or third parties whi .acice a data provided. sn uw uassequego lO snoaaua q le pews fq jo p£ p p-LZZ (Z96) le '19uueld aoluas 'snoaaua0 qo8 loeluoo aseeld 'uol;ewao;ui leuol;ippe peau jo suopsenb !ue aneq noL lI 'S- bo -Zp /sn uw uassequep to MMM le alts qem s,All0 eq; uo punol aq ueo uollewolul leuolllppy paleloeidde Rl;eaj6 aq plM s;uawwoo jnoA 'Z[OZ 'E p;sn6ny jol palnpaps AIGAIILIU@l sl lenoidde pue MalAeJ Ilouno0 Al!o 'ZpOZ 'L p (Inr jol palnpayos AI@Allelual sl go;gM 6Uueaq ollgnd agl jol piemiol 6uio6 wall sly; o; joud ge ;s Al!o q ;lM se6uego pasodoid aql ssnosip o; Apunlioddo ue no% Mope of sl asnoq uado aq; to asodind aq_ poogjogg6lau unoR jol spepue ;s eql of se tluelo aplAoad of pue lepol lslxe Aagl se sluawdolanap ag; R ;IpOO o; sl s;uaualivawe pasodoid eq; to leob aql suogeln6ei 6uluoz piepue ;s ay; to sluawannbei lie g ;lM palldwoo luawdolanap aql 11 uana 'luawdolanaa lel;uaplsaa pauueld e se passaooid aq o; pannbai seM slot gZ 6upaaoxe luawdolanap lllwed- al6uls lelluaplsaa {ue 's,0L6p aql 6uun4 ,ueld luawdolanap a seouejejej loefad eql jaglea lslxe sloeiluoo luawdolanap Jo spjepuels u6lsap ou Og6 p of Loud aOUeulpJO Ofld aql ul spiepuels ublsap ay; to uolldope agl gllM ueg; jeglej ';oeiluoO;uawdolanaO eql to }red se spepuels u6lsa4 aql aouejalaJ s,066 p Tea pue s,0g6 p aql w peleaao suolslAlpgns Ond agl apoo /fll0 uasseguego eql aouejalai (lalenbape lou (ew Aaql 'JeAeMOg'sloulslp 6uluoz 6ulFUapun aql eouaaalaa seoueulpio lueoei aaow aql :sloafojd;uajal ; 1p ag; 6ulgojeasaj jage 6wM01101 aq; paaanoOSlp seq }gels -Apo aql lnog6naq; (b -ond) sluawdolana(I llun pauueld lel;ueplsab 0g Alalewlxoidde aql 6ulle6llsanul uaaq seq llels 'aea (;sed aql JanO A;-jadad jno% uo 6uluoz aql of luawpuawe pasodad a ssnoslp o; asnog uado ue o; no/ allAUI o; a�li pinoM gels Apo :jauMO Al edad Jeaa paen8lno8 aallnoa 04£Z aa}ueo uol;eaaoeN uasse4uey0 — woob a)fel sn;ol wd L-9 `ZpOZ `6Z ounr `Aepsinyl asp uu 3snOH N3dO (N-and) 1N3WdOl3A3a llNn 43NNVld TdI.LN3aIS3N N3SSVHNVH3 JO A110 Highway 5 AUTUMN RIDGE RESIDENTIAL PUD �r........,.�,,,.n..N. ® e ° °x� eOOx�l% �v / 'nn4ma B T -- c,:mw.,a . e . sr,.mrv. 9=1 � Disclaimer ,r 7 t I 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 www.ci.chanhassen.rnn.us 5 049J82636654 :¢ V Q0 v 06/01/2012 Mailed From 55317 US POSTAGE This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error f the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tra N i X1 E t { - D E ^ 13 00 136/02/12 any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or r n ` . ' ' `� ' v u'- R ` a n in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are fount h C r DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED contact 952 - 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Mi ^' N' AB , E T FORWARD Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that _. shall not be liable for any damages, . and expressly waives all claims, and ai defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought I its employees or agents, or third parties whicry:ai�se-out..q;�,;aceepk..® data provided. __. ._-, T' sn uw uassequego iwo snoeauabq le pewa !q jo LEI L -LZZ (Z96) le 'Jauueld Joivag 'snaauaa clog ;oeluoo aseeld 'uoi;ewo ;ui leuogippe paau jo suogsanb Rue aneg no% ;l gy0 -ZL/sn uw uasseguego io Nwm le alis qem s,Rlio ag; uo punol aq ueo uogewo;ul leuoglppy pa ;eoaidde Alleaa6 aq piM sluawwoo moA 'ZLOZ 'E L lsn6ny io; paInpagos Al9Ailelual si lenoidde pue M9IAaJ pounoo l!o 'ZLOZ 'L L ln0 io; palnpagos (leAllelua; si goigM 6uueag oggnd eq; jo; pienvo; 6uiob wali sigl of joud };e ;s R;io q;iM sebuego pasodad aql ssnosip of RliunlJoddo ue noA Mope of si asnog uado ag ; ;o asodind aql poogjoggbau jno t jo; spjepuels eql of se R ;uep apiAad of pue repo; ;sixe Aeqj se s;uawdolanap ag; t;lpoO of sl s;uawpuawe pasodoid aq; ;o leo6 aql suoilelnbai 6wuoz piepuels aq ; ;o sluawannbei Ile qj!m palldwoo luawdolanap aql ;l u9A9 'luawdolanaa leiluapisaa pauueld e se pass000id aq of paimbei seM s;ol 9Z 6uwpaaoxa luawdolanap (llwed- 916w3lel ;uap;saa (ue's,OL6L eql 6uuna ueld luaujdOl9nep a saou9aa;aa loafO.id agl jagle�I lsixa $lOeJAIOO luewdolenap JO spaepuels u6isap Ou 0g6L of Loud aoueuipio and aql ui spiepuelg ubisaa aql ;o uoi ;dope aql pm uegl {aglej Iloea;uoo luawdolanaa aql ;o lied se spiepue;g u6isaa aql eouaaa;aa s,0661 Tea pue s,096 L aq; ui p91e9JO suoisiAipgns and aql apoo A ;ia uasseguego agl aouajejej Rlalenbepe lou Aew taq; 'JanaMOq aloialsip 6uiuoz 6wRli9pun eql aouaialaa seoueuipio lueoei ajow aql :sloefoid;uaiapp aql 6wgojeesaa aaue 6u1MOpo; ag; pa1anoosip seg 4e;g / ;la 9141 ;nog6nojg1 (b -and) sluawdolanaa liun pauueld leguapisab 09 Rla;ewixoidde ag; 6wle6gsanul uaaq seq ,4els 'jea ( ;sed aq; Jan0 Rliadoid ino ( uo 6wuoz a14; o; luawpuawe pasodad a ssnosip o; asnoq uado ue of no! a ;lnw of a >Ill pinoM l;els A ;la :jaumo /laadoad aeaa pJenalno8 ja4lno0 06£Z aalueo uol;eaaoab uesseyue40 — wooy o lei sn;o-I wd L-9 `Z60Z `LZ ounr `Aepsiny,L a p —uwnInV 3snOH N3dO Wand) -LN3WdOl3A30 1[Nn 43NNVId IVIIN3aISM] N3SSVHNVHO 30 ADO