Returned PH Notice Postcards-Springfield/SummerfieldThis map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952 - 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §480.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties whigh;er eopt eE the.iiae� aneeae.e of data provided. —' —' !: , I -'-3"- � ' - '� Pj CITY OF UA CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 wmci.chanhassen.mn.us 049J82036654 $ 0a.4i® 0a/01t20,2 US VPOSTAGE 5 NIXIE 553 DE 1�••�••�0006/05/12 RETURN TO SENDER NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE 10 FORWARD Be—: SS117014747 f! I11n11' tuljitl!! lilf! !Ilinunllfinlisnil4utlut�tJltil . sn uw-uasseyueyo -!w snaauaoq le l!ewe /q jo l£ f 6-LZZ (Z96) le 'pauueld JoluaS 'snaauaO gog.loeluoo aseald 'uollewiolul,leuoglppe paau jo suogsanb Rue aney no/ }I '9-b0-ZL/sn uw uasseyueyo-lo rmrmM le al!s qaM s,/1!0 ayl uo punol aq ueo uollewiolui leuoglppy pale!oaidde lleaA aq I pM sluawwoo ino k Z[OZ'£1 lsn6ny jol painpayos llanllelual sl JEA(Mde pue Ma!AaJ pounoo (1!0 'Z[OZ 'L6 Alnr jol painpayos (langelual sl yolyM 6uueay oilgnd ayl jo} pjeMiol 6u!ob wal s!yl of joud l;els Ally yl!^m sa6ueyo pasodwd ayl ssnos!p of A1!unlJOddo ue no l Mope of sl asnoy uado ayl }o asod�nd aq 'pooyjoggbiau jno/ jol spiepuels ayl 01 se /luep apinwd of pue Repol 1s!xa Rayl se sluawdolanap ayl /ylpoo 01 sl sluawpuawe pasodad ayl }o leo6 ayl suo!leln6ai 6uluoz piepuels ayl }o sluawaimbei pe y1!m palldwoo luawdolanap ayl l! uana 'luawdolanaa leguaplsaa pauueld e se passaocud aq of paimbei sam slol gZ 6wpaeoxe luawdolanap AI!wej -916wS Ieguaplsaa !ue '6,OL6l ayl buuna ueld luawdolanap a saouajelai loafad ayl jayleb is!xe sloeiluoo luawdolanap Jo SpJepuels u61sap ou 0861. 01 Loud aoueu!pio and ayl ul spiepuelS u6!saa ayl }o uogdope ayl yl!M ueyl jaylej 'loeiluoo luawdolanap ayl }o lied se spiepuelS u6!saa ayl eouejelai s,0661 Tea pue s,Og61 ayl ul paleaJo suolslA!pgns and ayl apoo Apo uesseyueyo ayl aouejolai R!alenbape lou Aew lay} 'JanaM0q'slo!j1slp 6uluoz bul papun ayl aouaja }aj seoueulpio lueow ajow ayl :sloafoid luaiaglp eql 6ulyojeasaj jage 6ulnmopo} ayl paJaAOOSIp sey 11e1S A8O eql lnoy6nojyl (u-and) sluawdolana(l 1!un pauueld le!luaplsaa 09 (lalewlxoadde ayl 6u!le6!lsanul ueaq sey gels 'jea/ }sed aq; JOAO lliadad jnoR uo 6uluoz ay1 of luawpuawe pasodad a ssnoslp of asnoy uado ue of nog( annul 01 a�!I pinoM }leis j!3 :aaummO Aliadord jeap paenalno8 aa;lnoa O6CZ jalueo uopeenoM uasseyueya - wooa a)le-1 sn;o-I wd L-9 `UOZ `bZ ounr `Aeps.inyl plag.lawwnS /plat} uu S 3snOH N3dO (b-and) 1N3WdOl3A3a llNn ®3NN`dld -lVliN301S3M N3SSVHNVH3 -40 J.11a