Returned PH Notice Postcards-North BayNORTH BAY RESIDENTIAL PUD Riar Ricfg& k ulscialmer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that It Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, ar the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precisic in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found plea; contact 952- 227 -1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minneso Statutes §466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the Cl shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by Use its employees or agents, or third parties whle.iil uqA access prise data provided. �kT45 i CITY OF CHANHASSFN 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 www.ci.chanhassen.nnn.us 049J82036654 $ 00.450 $ 06/01/2012 US uPOSTAGE NIXIE 550 Oc 1 00 06/05/12 RETURN TO SENDER NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD BC: 1I 55017014747 *0970-00911-01-39 111I 11jj t1I ttitlilli't ttlklf t)I lit lii�if It Hi�lif ll�lf Sf f�ll��If tFf� Itif 'sn uw'uasseyueyo io snaaua q le Ilewe Aq io LEI, L-LZZ (Z96) le 'pauueld a011-19s 'snaauaE) qoa loeluoo aseald 'uollewjolul leuolllppe paeu jo suollsanb Aue aney noA ll '9-b0-ZL /sn uw-uasseyueyo-lo mmm 1e alls qaM s Al!o aql uopunol oq ueo uollewlo)u(leuol ; 1pPV paleloaidde Allee16 eq ll!m sluawwoo ino%'Z[OZ 'EL 1sn6nV iol palnpayos Alanllelual sl leAoidde pue MOlAaJ l!ounoo Al!o ZLOZ 'LL Alnp jol palnpayos Alangelual sl yOIgM 6wjeay oggnd 9y1 jol pieauol 6wo6 wall sigl of jopd gels Al!o pm sebuego posodoid ay1 ssnoslp of A1lun;loddo ue no/ Mope of sl asnoy uado ayl to asodind agU poogaogy6lau inoA jol spiepuels ayl of se Aluelo ap!Aoid of pue Aepol lslxe A9g1 se sluawdolanap agl AllpoO 01 sl sluaiupuawe pasodoid ay1;o leo6 ayl suogeln6aj 6uluoz piepuels ay1 to sluewailnbai lie yllM palldwoo luawdolanap 9q1;! uana 'luacudolanaa lelluaplsaa pauueld e se passeooid eq of pailnbai seM slol 9Z 6ulpaaoxa luawdolanap Allweu- 916u!s lent plsalj Aue 's,OL6L ayl 6uuna ueld luawdolanap a saouajalaj loafoad ayl jaylea 'lslxe sloeiluoo luawdolanap Jo spJpuels u6isap ou 086 L Ol JOlid eoueulpap and ayl ul spiepuels u6ls9a a41 ;o uogdope ayl yl!M ump Jaglej '1oeiluoo luowdolanaa ay1;o ued se sp'epuels u6ls9a ay1 001.19.191a-1 s,066L Apea pue S,096 1, ay1 w paleWO suolslAlpgns and aql apoo A1la uassequeya aql aouaaalaj Alalenbepe lou Aew A9y1 'janaMoy :sloulslp 6uluoz bulApapun ay; oomalarseoueulpjo lua09.1 aiow agl :sloefad 1uajaglp 9y1 6ulyojeasaj Belle 6ulMOpol 041 paJanooslp seg;lels Al!o agl lnog6nayl (8-and) sluawdolanaa 1!un pauueld leguoplsab 09 Alalewlxoidde ayl 6ugebllsanul uaaq sey gels 'jeaA lsed ay1 aano Apadad 1noA uo 6uluoz ayl of luawpuawe pasodoid a ssnoslp of asnoy uado ue of noA allow 01 @All pinoM 4els Al!o :jaumo A1Jadad jeea paen8lno8 ja;lnoo 04£Z ja ;uao uol;eaiaab uesseyueyo - Luooa ejo-1 sn;o-i Wd L -9 Z60Z `LZ ounr `Aepsjnyl e 3snOH N3dO W-and) 1N3WdOl3A34 llNn 43NNVld IVI1NMIS3N N3SSVHNVHO d0 Jlll3