2. Park & Trail Camden Ridge Rezoning , Subdivision and CUP /101 d-- CITY OF CIIANHASSEN MEMORANDUM 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 TO: Park and Recreation Commission Chanhassen, MN 55317 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director /I/ Administration Phone: 952.2271100 DATE: June 6, 2013 Fax: 952.2271110 Building Inspections SUBJ: Park and Trail Conditions of Approval - CAMDEN RIDGE — Phone: 952.2271180 Request for Rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Planned Fax: 952.2271190 Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R); Subdivision of approximately 24 acres into 32 single - family lots, 26 twinhome Engineering lots, and 7 outlots; and a Conditional Use Permit to allow Phone: 952.2271160 development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Property is Fax: 952.2271170 located at 1500 Pioneer Trail (see location map). Applicant: Finance Lennar. Owner: Bruce Jeurissen Phone: 952.2271140 Fax: 952.2271110 PROPOSED MOTION Park & Recreation Phone: 952.2271120 "The Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council apply the Fax: 952.2271110 following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for Camden Ridge: Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard 1. Full park dedication fees shall be collected per city ordinance in lieu of Phone: 952.2271400 requiring parkland dedication; and Fax: 952.2271404 2. Construction of Bluff Creek Trail from its current southerly terminus, Planning & extending between the new homes and Bluff Creek to a terminus point at Natural Resources Phone: 952.2271130 TH 212. The developer shall provide design, engineering, construction and Fax: 952.2271110 testing services required of the "Bluff Creek Trail." All construction documents, including material costs, shall be delivered to the Park and Public Works Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of 7901 Park Place each phase of construction. The trail shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with Phone: 952.2271300 asphalt and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall Fax: 952.2271310 be reimbursed by the City for the cost of the aggregate base, asphalt Senior Center surfacing, and storm water systems utilized to construct the trail. This Phone: 952.2271125 reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of Fax: 952.2271110 the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials noted. Labor and installation, design, engineering and Web Site testing services are not reimbursable expenses." www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Park & Recreation Commission June 6, 2013 Page 2 BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a Rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R); Subdivision of approximately 36 acres into 32 single- family lots, 26 twinhome lots, and nine outlots; and a Conditional Use Permit to allow development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The site has a high point of 940 elevation located at the north property line. The site has a low point of 866 elevation adjacent to Bluff Creek, which separates the northern and southern halves of the property. The o o land south of Bluff Creek is located entirel y �O �'• N '�� '• % C C'a� ` •�,� .�� within the Bluff Creek Overlay District ` irrit 6"m� Primar Corridor and is proposed as an area to be preserved as open space. 0 447 To the north of the property is a wooded hill ;'' �. on the Fox parcel that is included in the Bluff Creek Primary Corridor, which is intended to be preserved. To the northeast is a ponding and wetland mitigation area for MnDOT and the Highway 212 project. To the south is a future developable area that is guided for office use. The parcel to the south will gain access via Pioneer Trail. The property to the west is Pioneer Pass, a 94 -lot single- family subdivision. As part of that development, the Bluff Creek Corridor was preserved. The initial access to the site will be from the northwest. This roadway crosses two other parcels and, therefore, must be coordinated with the development of those sites. Final plat approval will be contingent on the developer resolving the access issue. As part of this development, we are also requiring that the developer establish a second means of access to the site. This access is shown as street c in the development plans. Staff recommends that this road be moved as far east as possible to limit its impact on the wooded hill to the north. Staff is recommending approval of the proposed development subject to the conditions of the staff report. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — PARKS AND OPEN SPACE The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to its quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places a strong emphasis on parks and open space. As the City of Chanhassen has developed and increased in population, more pressure and attention has been given to providing recreational opportunities for our residents. Increased leisure time, health awareness, greater mobility, and high disposable incomes have all contributed to the increased Park & Recreation Commission June 6, 2013 Page 3 demand for recreational activities. The challenge of the next century will be to provide facilities for a growing and diverse population. Parks can be defined as public areas that provide active or passive - oriented recreational facilities. A significant characteristic of parkland is its accessibility to its users. Open space is any parcel that is not used for buildings or other structures and is left in a natural state. Parks and open space perform diverse functions: meets physical and psychological needs, enhances and protects the resource base, enhances real estate values, and provides a positive impact on economic development. COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located within one -half mile of every residence in the city. The proposed Camden Ridge development is located within the park service area of Pioneer Pass Park. Construction of the 8.7 -acre Pioneer Pass Park site is currently underway and Phase 1 of development is expected to be complete in 2014. Pioneer Pass Park 1/2 Mile Service Area , �• • �� , ��'� n 2013 Pioneer Pass Park - Phase 1 Construction ^' B $350,000 - Park Decicatc Furl j tin ,* ;I:_0 Bid Package 8 Cun ent ly Being Created i 0 fir v.rd,r r Phase l Includes .,. s rar� ' a 0 DF IreIGradhg { ��` - � \ _. /Oj ➢Storm Sewer Improvements -c' �o; 7 ' e b trnq „� b.., YParking lot n i=ww 13 DP " - YBasketba I Court g 14 15 . itrf ,i� YSoftball/Basebatl Foil '"o"° 10 1: ➢Soccer /lacrosse Field 'N=11;,., t tt 79 �; �s vao YTra is N. 73� 3 � DP lay Areas t a ' =F'w.r"i : 18 77. YPlcnc Shelter I - 1 r.r.. ■ / "If _. p;,,_ ➢Landsca ping j _ Pioneer ( —YOR 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ • 'Pass Park - k,. • ♦.♦* ♦`�_- • - Bluff • . , r `l rP, y ro d, lit e , ' Exisrvg Trails i� Future Trals . I ,��, 1 °1 �� i . 11 F .. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN One of the most anticipated trail extensions within the city is the north/south Bluff Creek Corridor Pedestrian Trail that extends from Lyman Boulevard south to Pioneer Trail. The proposed Camden Ridge development is poised to complete this extension. The proposed development will construct a trail starting at the current southern terminus of the Bluff Creek Trail and extending south — stopping at a location north of TH 212. In order to complete a link to Pioneer Trail, the city would like to work with the applicant and property owner to extend the Park & Recreation Commission June 6, 2013 Page 4 trail under the TH 212 bridge to a point connecting with the existing pedestrian trail along Pioneer Trail. ATTACHMENTS 1. Preliminary Plat Exhibits 2. Property Location Map 3. Park Service Area & Trail Map c: Lennar Homes Bruce Jeurissen LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED FUT DESCRI JEURISSEN PARCEL • � �P,N TP.RY 6d M11 10_C EXISTING SANITARY S_WC2 1 t '^ ' / - - P ?0'OS_J SAKI ARY S - W R ��`. r 6 { 1 > > FUTL2C S NITAR' S_51 R PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANS lc 152 > HYDRAN A I 6 I '" ' ` DC N )4 GA IL VALVE o f - 1 a Il . s -r ' i _ 9 Y• � ( CHANHA S S EN, MINNESOTA , - - - - - -- - - - -- EXISTING WA <� .,,� 1 1 1 1 PRO'OS_J 5Y'ATERFr141R FUTL RE WATERMAIR 5 � ® G CA ICH 3ASN -` \ \ )p�.4? CI l e BEEHIVE \ \ "'U+ e � • • STORM MAVHO F \ � ��� 9 ? 1 }r -- ■ ® FLARED END SECTION `� \ 3 S '/ . 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TREE PLAN SURFACE \` �\ \ f j •p EX GDNG ?E E \, � ,,/' # L1. LANDSCAPE PLAN / SURFACE \ YT! _-- SELEC- A RIA BAC<FL_ ( '` ,\ 4 i M_ ., .� GRAVE_ CONST. \ ` ,.. 111 rN - RANGE , „ , EROSION COLTRCL U ANKET w STREET _ICH l PISNEERengineering y^' 00 -SLAG- 112169- SHEET -COS'R a�F �I4L3llGLV5i.5 G16F�t:bRS 1.,eD SUR 7"0133 Le.VW�A8CHC5C'a (651) 681-191/1 l bcmby entry U. tbls plan W85 w<evw by ,T I E- Ce 1 -2013 a ernaal a LENNAR JE 1.5 I m KithA Wilknnin I RCV I COVER SHEE 16105 ?(.1'H AVENUEN SUITE 600 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 `uwtv.piom -e reng.tvtm am ANy lvrm•enl bneineer umermelawseftbeStateofMuulesae Reg. No" 2, 504 Dam 05.17.1013 wn KAw P LtMOUTH,MINNESOTA55:1.16 CfiANFIASSEN,MINNESOTA 53 All 1 Pion rr I,ngineenne 4 ,, / �' - � '' �' NORTH OF BLUFF CREEK SITE DATA: / // - - - - - - - - r - _ 1 , PROPOSED LOTS: 58 \ \ 15 - 75' WIDE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS \ A 17 - 90 WIDE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 1 it . : . . _ \ 26 - TWIN HOMES • \ • '1 EXISTING ZONING: A2 ' \ - - ,+\ \ � , PROPOSED ZONING: RLM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT STANDARDS / _ , -_ ,' AND SHORELAND OVERLAY AND BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY _ \ .a �' ` , ' EXISTING LAND USE: MEDIUM DENSITY (4 -8 UNITS /ACRE) \� _ - - - - - , \ \ , \ ' RLM LOT MINIMUMS SINGLE FAMILY: \ �``� ` , < LOT WIDTH: 50' 2. LOT DEPTH: 110' �� �`: , \ LOT AREA: 9,000 SF ' \ FRONT SETBACK: 25' �\... �y \' l - < REAR SETBACK: 25' ;' #, A - - . • - - 5' GARAGE, 10' LIVING SPACE - V ' - '' --A • \�'�� I - . _ - � , I SIDE SETBACK: 35% IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE - -,. _ ` ``: ,. :• - - _ , - \ 1 < - , -\- ' _ - " - ansila - - 1 ,F cRk -`, -/ - - - - -- - _ _ - ' _ • , - , _ _ - _ . - - - - _ ` T, RLM LOT MINIMUMS TWIN HOMES: REB NTIoN ' .1 lean.,, F c, t ' LOT WIDTH: 50' a , s z. ,, r N n s, 0,e 2 \ 7 � LOT DEPTH: 100' ~' - _ _ < LOT AREA: 7,260 /UNIT, (PROPOSED AVERAGE 7,999 /UNIT) \� — az> ti:. ... - I" �` - FRONT SETBACK: 25' i \'\, RETNNINC WALL .- - - "' j REAR SETBACK: 30' • WIT FENCE • � � - - SIDE SETBACK: 10' . • -;~.', n 40% IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 81 . - - • - -. N ' ' A lt „D ]rR:: ". - ' n SF " 6 s , SHORELAND OVERLAY REQUIREMENT (RIVER /STREAM REQUIREMENTS): 0.10 SF 0.11,0,92 if ` ' 0.:,., '= I 0., 9F DA _ . . - - 3:4.0229, •• ' - ' , r - F ..)R7' 4 . � LOT WIDTH: 90' (SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 21 -26) -0�• , R � 9� A:,0,,,, SF 0.10,922 5E 0.9,902 5F 8:3 SF { - - 6 - -�. - Al1.Ja1 SF ,1� O ' LOT AREA: UNDERLYING ZONING . ' ' 1 + 1� 9. 53 4 D Iaz_ s 1 = 346E SF a , r ----- a >8 Sf 8:3290' 'F ♦ \ a a e' _ 1 - ` - - -” --� - 9 � . , N' '5.22 \ !!�� A,D )I6 Bi \ ` K 1, n - . 1,.. f .- - ------ -- ._. . _._ D . -e - _ _.1' -- 4 .WY \. Ik D:J.8B6 5f I. s- < a �,�� OTHER SETBACKS: ' 8.2,2= _ ,4 • . Ap0, . 1 FROM 212: 50' Ns' 181'IUmptaus,RNt - -- ♦ _- x - = - Wt FENCE - - - ,„ X94 , i - - _ . _ - _ - - 7 Al ' -`\ C ,; _ . 10, 11 +D a _z r 2 8:] N \ k,2222 9f ; .� ` 4.45 . -- ;0, j 0 S A 10,502 SF 17F t 0,. FROM BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT: 40' i - - - . ., RETENTION I. I" - 0.100. SF .. 6 JJ9' 5F Al a4x SF a fG1 7 A,7,31.1 SF )<' 7 i 1 ,6 B.J. �9 5f = ': 0.4,939E FROM WETLANDS: 40' m } ,I BASIN I I c i 'i B 3.65z 5E / "4e 5- i _la4ci sf ° � , _ A 10.s2n :vs � -- � � � 4,.. ' \ ` I LL_ 0 W' ��`Y F 5659 ' 1 1 gNLaa C 1 '7 -, q -- - Yx ax \ ' .'" 1 - ;... S . I: ,, Ru sE • L aDw PROPOSED LOT MINIMUMS SINGILE FAMILY: - - r_ - _ - - c. ' ,, ` �' i f „ )j �,, ter.. - __. �' , 1 �� L 6 e 0,.. J 75' . ` r -' , V : 0 * q; A. h ',' ,2u1LOT E '\\ ,,0,)e) 5F LOT WIDTH: 75 ,4 • _ _ — - �` .� , (1 I ; 6 A:5,926 SF B:z 715 r ti 8:2.3 5EI LOT DEPTH: 130' C p ' _ s - \ - RETENTION ,'' A).1415F ' --- �.QV` - � ' ; „ s , -�' 3 ' - R . a -- -- 0.16.2 °)SF `~ ' \ BASIN i I 3: =,8565E -` LOT AREA: 9,000 SF PER RLM REQUIREMENT , . '°' r ; D_,6)25f .� ',�� /,- s A >)96 6F ` 35% ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE PER SHORELAND DISCTRCT SEC 20 -485 A. 4,R 7 J' ii;/ ' A:14,733 SF D 4 10 .' ; . ___ ' YL. -_ B :,000 SF Q' i� a 0:3.119 M-: j , ,,6.961 SF '� 9)° ' ' r ' \ \+` \!i 1 8 „ - CONSERVATION SIGN 1 0, yn As,r>a o i 10 .. 11 I �, .. ,,10.751 SF xx _ � 2 8:,30 5- — STREET LIGHT -" _ _ _ - _ _ I ' // a -. D 0.14,0)2 v� ,D 0395,: / 12 I A,6A95 SF\ 1 / N� ' • 3:4:25 9- \ A) ` / '1 B:6,i139F "`3nnA. ; ; - 8 ,,12, 5F , A11. PRIMARY BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT 0.203664 ` ` Yo + ` \ _ - • _ _ _ n 1 P 664 SF ° \,-' \ ` \ , ''O . •. /. C J .6.4 5E ; h s \\ ; �?- , 6 10, s �. / ^• 0. :119359 �? / i "' 5 SECONDARY BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT y J 0.6.564 SF I '; --- ,WIND WN.L _ c 22.0 ,,uma x F j•�A , r % i31 H FENCE R OPEN SPA. t. 9 -E \v q ,1E,EanoN 9AIN 1 / � ` yu � J ( /� e • • . NIN!ICUS o—,ao, a - ' - \,. C,' ,1 9E ..;1 -' t' I WETLAND \ ',x .` Ar' 3 s ° �N. . \ \ �` "�- •/' ' B LU FF CRFEN 0 �RLY DISTRICT \ % 6 d ♦ e � A: ,osoD 44-701N tar 61lA \ _ 36%5 •> - .— w2nx,IxL r[II = AREA \. _ - - \ \ \ \ _ ' p . O F \ \ - . y - - - _ - _ \ � \ - � A , _ * �' �3� / - - - p QITTLOT B `�' " ��� f ,OITTLOT - % ,� / o I �1� . t 1 - _ - _ - _ _ _ - � � C F P / // 0 50 100 200 - - - - -" 4i 1 � — Illi i \ , F 2� / CRAPII RC AT If IN FR ?T PI'''NEERengineering ' °= - - / 1 / 00 ENT- 112289 -5HEET -SITE ■I F1YL3110C16325 1AlD;F:A>11F 5 3.713A51J9 3FJ83 I'ANDS ADWC6C -5 JEURISSEN n 'J (- II ob db y Nmue RlviEiam I Deem DG - 17 - 20 19 I I I .IE VItISSEN PARCEL I 4 ' 6 11 68 1 - 191 LENNAR 242 Enterprise Drive m n rlm9arm y Ano- , 6nperr; ani marl 10-6b A w; l l mbrine Designed NM PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 16!05 SUM AYENUEN SUl'1'EGW OF 15 Mendota Height, MN 55120 a Pax: nnre -9488 .12 duly larmw9 Profiss0 •wm,Pimnc.enn trader me loos of me She ofMurnesom Zee. No. 2504 Dan 0: -17 -2013 Drawn ,CAW P LYMOUTH, MINNESOTA SSdd6 CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA I A • f AMINE ent ImgineerinE ■ MinnowasM1ta v. w linen HemM1LS Pa ...- -- . —� - , y l e —�_ _ _ Cit o f5 Nf n_�Cou ty I E rit.. - e 4 a ,,, easen = \-' ea^w'° .,.. TwI e .., JJ�� a fi s . r .E.r^ k y v a w / 4k C� 4 1� _____ , . . , n f p r 1 s t W� ;� yy;; Lake 3" I rl"' '� Beach rd .y d @g H ��� Minnewashfa _. i \74a.\ b 1 f i € t� , wa • �� � 3 m . „. Lake Lucy Se "' � I Sy • ' yp l a ron t w` F y ! , 6 € .d. sn.. S � � . �8 Shrmn P�uk � K ° °h l A t t gg can _ e . --' \ ss, ssv 0. F O \�� -' 1 Lake ® +w. 1. OM An„ 9 1 " f 8 rw ` ,, o� I s • e Y wa � 1 i �.. 4; t, , a ,,.w �' /� i'` .:,. -"'r_ , R'f"+�^�: ° �.� -t �, �" N ■ Nhnne.r. 3fowl ° w ksn 3 `"�- t j �� : 5. tiM1�mm era r w P a w.. r ■ � I ®° a 3 `t ��' r - ° _ I r te ' : �"E ° r i e �.T / a n . iii .��� Pu • . , ,., r ' _ _ ill Mid - ' y 'r `\ - `cr eme • � t :0 tr nes.�a w . 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