EC SUM 2013 04 10 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting April 10, 2013 Members Present: Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Keith Anderson, Matthew Myers, Amy Wenner, Bret Borth Members Absent: Amy Omann Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Introduction and welcome : The commissioners introduced themselves to new commissioner, Bret Borth, and vice versa. Commissioners talked about what environmental issues they were particularly interested in and gave some personal background. Election of Chair/Vice-Chair: Nominations for Katie or Glenn as Chair were made. Nominations for Glenn or Keith as vice-chairs were made. A discussion ensued of who would like to accept. A motion was made for Katie as Chair and Glenn as Vice-Chair. It was seconded and voted on with all those in favor, none opposed. Minutes: March minutes were approved with the addition of a brief update on a fen tour. Annual review of by-laws: The commission reviewed the by-laws and approved them without changes. General Planning:  Sustainability Report: Jill distributed paper copies of the final draft of the Sustainability Report. A request was made to print them double sided in the future. Jill will do that. The general consensus was that the re-design of the report was great and that it really looks good. After approval from the council, rd the commission will distribute the report at the Arbor Day and July 3 Trade Fair. It will also be available in the brochure racks at City Hall and on the website.  Joint meeting: The commission briefly discussed logistics for the meeting. It was agreed that Katie, as chair, will represent the commission with other members stepping in as needed. Katie will use the year- in-review document compiled by Keith as the basis for informing the council on what was accomplished within the last year. She will also present the Sustainability Report and then inquire as to whether there are any additional areas the commission should focus on.  Arbor Day: A photographer/videographer is needed at the event. Matthew volunteered to do both. Commissioners should arrive at Lake Susan at 8:15/8:30 am. The event will start at 9 am. There are 20 trees to plant near the ball field and parking lot. As in past years, the event should be done by 11 am at the latest.  July 3 and 4: The commission explained their involvement in the business expo and parade for Bret. They then discussed if they wanted to do the parade. Many of the commissioners may be out of town that day. Perhaps the commission will skip the parade this year? A head count will be taken at the May meeting to see if there would be enough commissioners in town for the parade. For the business expo, only 2-3 commissioners are needed to run the booth. Matthew and Keith volunteered to do it. Bret may also be available. General Discussion :  The Arbor Day poster contest presentation will be held at the April 22 council meeting. Matthew, Amy O. and Katie are able to attend and help the mayor with the presentation.  Jill informed the commission that there will be another joint commission tour this year. The Moon Valley site in southern Chan will be visited. She encouraged the commission to suggest other sites they would like to tour. One suggestion was the Lake Susan shoreline stabilization area.  Amy W announced that she had a draft for an Earth Day/Arbor Day article written. It talks about what the commission is doing, the Arbor Day tree planting, recycling day and the Minnetonka schools recycling collection.  A fen walk organized and sponsored by the Carver County Historical Society will be held on June 22. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair