EC SUM 2013 06 12
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
June 12, 2013
Members Present:
Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Matthew Myers, Amy Wenner, Bret Borth, Amy Omann
Members Absent:
Keith Anderson
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
May minutes were approved.
Joint meeting review:
The commissioners commented that the meeting went well and they receive good
feedback from the Council on the report. In the surface water section, it should be noted that inspections took
place on Lake Susan, Christmas and Riley in addition to the other lakes mentioned in the report. Also to be
included in the organizations listed is the LLWC. The commissioners said that the council was pleased with the
commission’s work at the Seminary Fen. The group talked about the possibility of the DNR including a pier or
boardwalk on the property.
4 of July Planning:
The commission will have an info table at the trade fair event on July 3. Keith, Amy W,
Bret and Matt are able to help out. The event runs 4:30- 7:30 pm. The main topic for the table will be emerald
ash borer. Peripheral supplies needed are: a sign identifying the commission, copies of the Sustainability Report
Seminary Fen Signage:
At the last Seminary Fen Workgroup, Larissa (DNR) asked Katie if commission could help install
signage at the fen. Katie showed pictures of signs at other scientific & natural areas and will forward
those to commission for input on pictures, wording, and sign placement.
It was suggested that putting in the signs would be a good Eagle Scout project, but at this point there
would likely not be enough hours to do so. Boy Scouts could be enlisted for community service hours.
Terry mentioned that the city could contribute some funding to meet MS4 requirements for education.
Katie also mentioned that a monitoring well will be installed at Bluff Creek Drive which is near the fen.
Storm Water Update:
The commission asked Terry about the Flood Mitigation Project on Highway 101 over the Minnesota
River, and impacts to the fen. Terry explained that a new bridge will be constructed and a section of
Flying Cloud will be raised. During construction, likely beginning in 2014, dewatering will be required
for road construction. It is unknown what, if any effect it will have on the Fen, Assumption Creek or
Bluff Creek. This is a concern because water levels of both Seminary Fen and Assumption Creek have
been dropping, and no one is sure where the recharge area is. The DNR has been part of the design team
for the Highway 101 and Carver County Road 61 project. Terry said one possible cause may be the
weight of Audobon Road which cuts across the northwest corner of the fen. Fens are a rare natural
feature and Minnesota is home many of the remaining fens.
Terry had two items to discuss with the commission:
(1) Storm Water Management Plan update. The city’s SWMP was last updated in 2006 and was
supposed to be perfectly aligned with the four watershed districts and water management
organizations (Minnehaha Creek WD, Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek WD, Lower Minnesota River
WD, and Carver County WMO). However, MCWD did not complete their plan until 2007 and so
we have a Memorandum of Understanding signed with MCWD to abide by their rules. LMRWD
was the last to update their plan. Their primary responsibility is finding and managing sites for
dredge materials associated with maintaining the river’s navigation channel, but they need money
to procure more land. To realign plans, Chanhassen will begin work on rewriting the city’s plan
this summer. This will require an advisory board which may include members from
commissions, city council, development community, and public.
(2) RPBCWD Commission Openings. Mr. Wencl’s term will be expiring in July. While the city
does not typically get involved, it may be beneficial to recommend someone for the appointment
to our county commissioners should Mr. Wencl decide against seeking reappointment. The EC
should consider candidates.
(3) General Discussion. Terry answered questions from commissioners about various projects
and issues around Chanhassen.
General Discussion
Amy W. brought up the water conservation article on the agenda for next month, and asked Terry if he
had any suggestions. He mentioned properly aligned irrigation heads, not sprinkling across sidewalks,
and the fact that grass goes dormant. The commission discussed how to tactfully write about
Chanhassen’s lax watering regulations and high usage. Terry suggested highlighting a success story such
as Eagan. Amy W. suggested maybe a comparison with neighboring communities, and asked Terry if
there were any financial incentives at the local or state level for residential water conservation initiatives.
Keith mentioned RPBCWD now has a cost share program for rain gardens and gray water that may be
useful. Terry will look into others.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM.
Minutes prepared by Amy Wenner