CC Minutes 09-10-2012Chanhassen City Council — September 10, 2012 Surface Water Drainage and Treatment 1. While it does not appear that the site will exceed the maximum 70% hardcover as allowed by §20 -505, calculations must be provided. These calculations shall include the artificial turf areas. 2. The submittal shall indicate if there is an underdrain system for the artificial turf areas. If there is, show how this is connected to the public conveyance system. The applicant must also describe how this system prevents animal wastes from entering the storm sewer system. 3. The landscape plan calls out non -woven weed mat. This should be changed to reflect that the fabric must have a minimum permittivity of 0.7 sec-1 as described in ASTMD -4491 and an apparent opening size maximum of 0.25 mm. If this is not acceptable for the landscaping purposes, this area shall be calculated as hardcover for both planning and stormwater modeling purposes. Erosion and Sediment Control 1. The applicant shall provide the NPDES Permit number prior to commencement of earth disturbing activities. 2. The SWPPP shall be amended such that under Project Contacts, the City contact is Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator 952- 227 -1168 and Chip Hentges, Carver County SWCD, 952- 393 -1146 shall be added. 3. That portion of the SWPPP with the heading "Responsibility Requirements" shall be completed in full and submitted to the City and included in the on -site SWPPP prior to the commencement of earth disturbing activities. 4. Per Part III. A. 3 of the NPDES permit, a narrative describing the timing and placement of all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs must be included in the SWPPP. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0 CONSENT AGENDA: I(G). REOUEST TO AMEND THE SUNNY SLOPE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL (PUD -R) TO INCORPORATE UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND REFERENCE THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RSF) DISTRICT Mayor Furlong: At this time Mr. White, good evening. If you'd like to come forward and maybe ask your questions or request and then Ms. Aanenson maybe you can give us an update on what's been done and we'll see where we go so thank you again. Daniel White: Again what I'd request tonight is simply a continuance to allow an opportunity for the residents of Sunny Slope to communicate with the planning staff and to understand what is being proposed. 20 Chanhassen City Council — September 10, 2012 Mayor Furlong: Okay. And do you have any specific concerns or Ms. Aanenson, maybe you could give us a real short background on how we got here. To this point and what we're doing. Kate Aanenson: Sure. Did we speak on the phone? I've talked to somebody. Daniel White: We've communicated. Kate Aanenson: Pardon me? Daniel White: We've communicated Kate Aanenson: Okay. I did this one so I know a little bit more about it. This is on Lake Riley. Sunny Slope is a PUD that actually has 12 lots and they have a common area in the middle, a private street and they also have a beachlot so the underlying PUD, we did have a neighborhood meeting and we did have a public hearing at the Planning Commission. Clearly we haven't been effective in communicating what's going on so we'd be happy to meet with the residents. If they want to set up a meeting and then we'll just put this back on another agenda and make sure we work through the issues and make sure there's understanding on what we're doing. I think that's what we're missing there, if that makes sense. Mayor Furlong: Yep. Yep. That's fine. Any concerns about deferring this to a future council meeting? If not, is there a motion to table this item and request that staff meet with the residents. Councilman McDonald: So moved Mayor Furlong: Motion's been made. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion's been made and seconded to table this item and allow staff and residents time to meet. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council table the request to amend the Sunny Slope Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R) to incorporate unique development standards and reference the Single Family Residential (RSF) District and request staff meet with the residents in this neighborhood. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PROPOSED 2013 BUDGET: RESOLUTION APPROVING /CERTIFYING MAXIMUM PROPOSED PRELIIMHNARY LEVY TO THE CARVER COUNTY AUDITOR. Mayor Furlong: I believe there's a presentation, is that correct? Greg Sticha: Good evening Mayor, City Council members. Before I go through my power point this evening, which goes into more detail on setting a preliminary levy for 2013 I just want to make a couple notes. Number one, when you set a preliminary levy in the State of Minnesota it means an amount that cannot be exceeded when you set a final levy in December. So the amount that you set this evening will be the high point of which our levy will be for 2013. You can only go down from this number when you set a final levy in December. And then secondly, the number that will be used for the Truth in Taxation statements that will be going out in mid - November will be based on the preliminary levy that you set this evening. First I just want to go over the budget calendar for the remaining portion of the year so people at home kind of know when their opportunities are to gain more information about the budget and budget 21