4. Senior Center Report 12/03CITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 553F Administration Phor, e 952 227 1!00 Fax: 9522271110 Building Inspections Phone: 952 2271180 Fax 952227 1190 Engineering P, ,ur ~ 9522271160 Fax: 952 2271170 Finance Phone: 9522271140 Fax: 952 227 1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952 2271120 Fax; 9522271110 Recreat on CeF~ter 2310 Coulter BOLdevard Phone: 9522271400 Fax: 9522271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone:952227!130 Fax: 9522271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952227 1300 Fax 9522271310 Senior Cenler Phone: 9522271125 Fax: 952 227 1110 Web Site w¢,,W ci cParlhasser/r'!n US MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator December 10, 2003 Senior Center Activities Update Participation at the Senior ('enter this fall has been busier than ever! We continue to accept new participants and have organized new programs to help attract additional participants. This winter we will be offering Foot Care Service, Book Club meetings, Walking Club opportunities, and hopefully, Aqua Aerobics! The Senior Center continues to work with the Chaska & Parks Recreation Department and the Eden Prairie Senior Center to support and create new opportunities for area seniors. We have also partnered with Chanhassen Elementary, Chapel Hill Academy, and Bluff Creek Elementary Schools for intergenerational programs for seniors. Listed below are the averages for each daily activity for the months of October and November and the monthly attendance numbers for June 2003 - December 2003. Regular Monthly Activities Bridge 44 people Men's Club 10 men Stalnping Club 5 people CHAN-o-laires 24 people Bowling 8 people Woodcarving 18 people Women's Club 18 women Card Club 34 people Bingo 15 people Foot Care Clinic 4 people Free Movie Day 10 people Health Insurance Asst. 3 people Recorded Number of Visitors at the Center June 625 people July 640 people August 550 people September 775 people October 875 people November 615 people December 275 people (As of 12/10/03) Trips - Upcoming trips include; Winter Carnival 2004, "CATS," at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre, and the Mill City Museum. Extended Trips - Upcoming extended tours for 2004 include Nova Scotia (June) and Mackinaw Island (September). This past September, 40 seniors joined the Senior Center to travel to Cape (!od. This trip was a great success! The 9-day tour to Italy scheduled for this past November was canceled due to Far & Wide filing bankruptcy. The City of Chanhassen · A clr,Dwlqg conrr/ur~ih",,',,,'itl cIc, iSrl lakes qu~iil/S,31(:,,fl5 a :! irr~ !,l ", !r ,,ms [:u:¢i!>:'ss{L< ' ~ Mr. Todd Hoffman Decetnber 10, 2003 Page 2 All paying participants were notified and given the proper forms to fill out for financial reimbursement. Monthly Programs - The Senior Center continues to offer Health Insurance Assistance once a month every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. This service is provided by MAAA (Minnesota Area Agency on Aging). This program is FREE of charge. The Senior Center offers monthly Saturday catered meals and entertainment on a monthly basis from September - April. The average number for these meals has been approximately 30 seniors. Defensive driving classes for people 55 and older are held once a month. These classes have been very successful and in high demand. Each month we attract about 35 people. New Programs - Foot Care service is back at the Senior Center! Brenda Anderson, a local R.N. has offered to provide foot care service for seniors in the Chanhassen community once a month every lst Tuesday from 9:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Our first clinic was held on December 2'~( The clinic was full with 4 registrants. The Senior Center has organized a new Book Club to begin on Monday, January 26th from 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. This group will be meeting in the Library until the Senior Center remodeling project is complete. Special Programs - On September 19, the City of Chanhassen Law Enforcement Department, Chanhassen Senior Center, and the Victoria Senior Center hosted its 2',d Annual Senior Safety Seminar at the Recreation Center. This year's attendance was 40 seniors. The Flu Shot Clinic this year was a great success! A total of 160 seniors attended. Shots were administered by MVNA (Minnesota Visiting Nursing Agency). The Senior Center continues to work with the AmericInn of Chanhassen to provide Open Swim opportunities for area seniors. We have sold a total of 55 tickets since March 2004. Each punch card is sold for $24, with a profit of $12 per card. This program has profited a total of $660 for 2004. On December 5, 2003, the Senior Center hosted its annual Holiday Social at the Recreation Center. A total of 70 seniors were present to enjoy appetizers/beverages and music provided by the CHAN-o-laires. Chapel Hill Academy entertained thirty Men's & Women's Club members on Monday, December 1~t. The children sang, played games and shared cookies and a holiday craft with the seniors. Miscellaneous- The Senior Center raised approximately $150 at the Culver's fund- raising event on Monday, November 17, 2003. G:\Park\kara\Park & Recreation Report 12-03