6a. Pend. Resignation RodFranks CITYOF PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Phane: 952 2271100 Fax 9522271110 Building Inspections Fi~x: 952227 119(} Engineering Phoq(: 952227 1160 Fax: 952 227 Finance Phne 95222/!140 Fax 952 22~ 11 ]0 Park & Recreation R~o~e %2 2271 Fax 952 22~ 1]~0 Re~r~a~ ox~ Oe lt~r 2~q0 Oo~?,er ~ one: 952 2271400 Fa~ 952 227 !$~4 Planning & Natural Resources Phsne 952 ?2f 1~0 Fax 952 22/~1~0 Public Works ~591 ~ar~ R'one: 952 227 ]3~0 Fa~: 952 22~ ~31~ Senior Center Fbone: 952 ~2;.1125 Fax: 952 22~.~1~ Web Site MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: November 7, 2003 SUB J: Pending Resignation of Park and Recreation Commission Chair Rod Franks Mr. Rod Franks, current chair of the city's Park and Recreation Commission, has been elected to the District 112 School Board. Upon assuming his new board position, Mr. Franks plans to step down from the commission. Rod's current term was due to expire in April of 2004. Mr. Franks has served the Commission for the past six years, two of those as Chair. His leadership on the Commission will be missed. No other commissioner's terms expire this coming April. I have reviewed the candidate pool for the past two years. Two candidates were identified that applied but were not appointed. They are Brenda Vatland at 7290 Kurvers Point Road, and Michael Leonard at 8129 Stone Creek Drive. I recommend that the City Council advertise this vacancy and interview candidates during their scheduled appointment period in April of 2004. Please let me know how you would like me to proceed. The City of Chanhassen · ,,s, g,'owlr',g corm/rT/unJl,~ ¢,ith clean lakes quaiily schoois a sharmir~g dowr~to'c,,n thrh'h/g busirlesses '¢,,¢ndlnO trails and :)ea~t,fuf parks