PC SUM 2003 12 02CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 2003 Acting Chair Feik called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Feik, Kurt Papke, Rich Slagle and Steve Lillehaug MEMBERS ABSENT: Uli Sacchet, Craig Claybaugh and Bethany Tjornhom STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planner; and Matt Saam, Acting City Engineer/Public Works Director PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: Janet Paulsen 7305 Laredo Drive Deb Lloyd 7302 Laredo Drive PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #2003-8 TO ALLOW A FOOD PROCESSING FACILITY (MAIN STREET BANKERY) TO BE LOCATED IN AN EXISTING INDUSTRIAL OFFICE BUILDING; LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF MALLORY COURT AND LAKE DRIVE WEST; LOT 1~ BLOCK L CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 8TM ADDITION; WELMAN SPERIDES ARCHITECTS. Public Present: Name Address Nick Sperides, Welman Sperides Architects, Kristi Khumert, Andreas Development Victoria Woods, Andreas Development 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Bloomington 708 East Lake Street, Wayzata 708 East Lake Street, Wayzata Sharmeen A1-Jaff presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Lillehaug asked for clarification on the intent of the compliance plan. Commissioner Papke asked what the applicant's intentions were for use of the retail space and if there was a limitation on the type of products produced. Acting Chair Feik asked about the hours of operation. Nick Sperides with Welman Sperides Architects spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated he has not met specifically with the applicant because the applicant's lease is contingent on approval of the conditional use permit. Acting Chair Feik opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Slagle asked if the neighborhood to the south had been notified of this public hearing. Staff stated they did not fall within the 500 foot requirement. Commissioner Papke asked if the applicant becomes very successful and wants to hold an event such as Pies Inc., are Planning Commission Summary - December 2, 2003 there requirements for that. Staff stated they could apply for a temporary sales permit. Acting Chair Feik stated he would like to limit the hours of operation for baking. Commissioner Lillehaug stated staff has implemented a compliance plan and if there are problems with it, a more appropriate measure than limiting hours is enforcing the compliance plan. Commissioner Slagle asked staff to make the applicant aware of problems with noise similar to the banging of flour trucks at General Mills. Slagle moved, Papke seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit #2003-8 a Food Processing Facility in an lOP district for Main Street Bakery, Inc., to be located on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 8th Addition as shown on the plans dated received November 7, 2003, subject to the following conditions: The applicant shall contact the Building Inspections Department to discuss permit and occupancy requirements. The applicant shall meet with the Fire Inspection Department to discuss Fire Code requirements. 3. Compliance with conditions of site plan and plat approval. There shall be no outdoor storage of any equipment associated with the bakery or the auxiliary uses associated with the bakery. A maximum of 20% of the floor area may be used for retail purposes of merchandise manufactured or stored on site. 6. Truck parking is permitted on site only along the northerly parking area. 7. Compliance plan must be submitted to the city including: An inventory of potential or identified odor emission point sources associated with the bakery. An engineering quality plan detailing best available control technologies and appurtenances designed to eliminate or achieve the maximum reduction of odor pollution from an emission point source inclusive of, but not necessarily limited to, certain processes, procedures, or operating methods intended to mitigate or control odor pollution. A detailed explanation of the specifications and operating parameters of the best available control technologies, monitoring instrumentation and equipment, and processes and procedures intended for the mitigation or control of odor pollution. A specification of the documentation that will be made available for the city's review that will verify the data produced by the monitoring equipment and which will verify that processes and procedures are 2 Planning Commission Summary - December 2, 2003 conducted consistent with the specifications in the facility's odor control study and plan. An approved schedule which states, in a time certain manner, the implementation and installation of the best available control technology, processes, procedures, operating methods and monitoring instrumentation designed to mitigate or control odors at the facility inclusive of any approved completion date. An acknowledgement of the authority of the city and it's agents to enter into the facility or it's property in order to investigate complaints and to verify the facility's adherence to the compliance plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT #2003-3 FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A DOCK; 6735 LAKEWAY DRIVE~ ANTHONY ROEPKE. Public Present: Name Address Anthony Roepke Joe Morin 6735 Lakeway Drive 1441 Lake Lucy Road Sharmeen A1-Jaff presented the staff report on this item. There was confusion from the drawings regarding the placement of the permanent boardwalk and floating dock, and interpretation of the regulations regarding the length of docks. The Planning Commission asked for clarification from the city attorney on these regulations prior to going to City Council. Commissioner Slagle asked if staff felt this was a complete application. Commissioner Lillehaug had concerns that the survey did not show the wetland buffer. Acting Chair Feik had concerns with the impact of installing a permanent dock through the wetlands and the length of the dock. He called the public hearing to order. The applicant, Anthony Roepke stated the purpose of this proposal was to get a dock beyond the wetland and lily pads. He addressed questions regarding installation of the dock and had questions regarding the placement of the dock related to the ordinary high water mark. Joe Morin, 1441 Lake Lucy Road stated his interpretation of the ordinance is to allow a dock to be 50 feet in length or until it reaches 4 feet of water, whichever is greater. Not a minimum of 50 feet. He stated he is working together with the applicant to make sure there's minimum impact on the environment by sharing a dock. Acting Chair Feik closed the public hearing. Commissioner Slagle asked for clarification on the number of boats that can moored on a dock that is shared. Lillehaug moved, Papke seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Wetland Alteration Permit #2003-3 for a boardwalk across the wetland at 6735 Lakeway Drive, subject to the following conditions: Planning Commission Summary - December 2, 2003 The boardwalk shall be installed across the wetland as a permanent structure and a dock shall extend from the boardwalk into Lake Lucy to provide docking for watercraft. The applicant shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City and the installation of the boardwalk across the drainage and utility easement. 3. The dock shall be located outside of the dock setback zone. All voted in favor, except Feik who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 3 to 1. Acting Chair Feik voted no because he thinks the interpretation of the clause relating to dock length is erroneous. It is not supposed to be unlimited length of dock, and until such time as that is further defined, he can't support the motion. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A WETLAND SETBACK VARIANCE #2003-16 AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #2003-8 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHED ON PROPERTY ZONED PUD-R~ 7474 MOCCASIN TRAIL~ KHAI & HEATHER TRAN. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Papke asked for clarification on the landscaping requirements. Commissioner Lillehaug asked for clarification on the buffering requirements, city versus national codes. Acting Chair Feik asked for clarification on the buffer yard and covenant regulations within the subdivision. Khai Tran, the applicant, thanked the planning staff for all their assistance and explained their situation. Acting Chair Feik opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Slagle moved, Lillehaug seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit #2003-8 to permit the construction of a 96 square foot shed/playhouse as shown on the registered land survey dated checked and reviewed on February 8, 1996, and based on the findings in the staff report. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Slagle moved, Lillehaug seconded that the Planning Commission approve Variance #2003-16 for a 28 foot variance from the 40 foot wetland setback requirement and a 34 foot Bluff Creek Overlay, BCO primary zone setback variance from the 40 foot BCO primary zone setback for the construction of a shed, based on the findings in the staff report with the following conditions: Maintain existing buffer. No additional structure encroachments into the required setbacks. 4 Planning Commission Summary - December 2, 2003 The applicant shall work in consultation with the City Forester to add landscaping to screen the structure from the east and west and create a more natural appearance. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SHORELAND SETBACK VARIANCE #2003-18 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION ON PROPERTY ZONED RSF~ RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY; 6900 UTICA LANE, DALE & GLORIA CARLSON. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Papke asked when the spa room was added onto the house, before or after the 1986 ordinance. The applicant stated it was constructed in 1987. Commissioner Lillehaug asked for clarification on what addition the Planning Commission was concerned with and increasing a non-conformance. Acting Chair Feik asked if the eaves had been taken into account in the measurements and about the placement of the shed. The applicant, Dale Carlson stated they have lived in this house since 1972 and provided some background information. He stated confusion over his property now being a non-conforming lot. After discussion concerning the eaves and shed, the following motion was made. Slagle moved, Lillehaug seconded that the Planning Commission approve Variance #2003-18 for a maximum 7 foot variance for the continuation of the eaves line from the 75 foot shoreland setback requirement as shown on the registered land survey dated checked and reviewed on March 30, 1992, and based on the findings in the staff report with the following conditions: The applicant shall install a silt fence prior to any excavation, if necessary. The applicant shall apply for a building permit. The applicant shall show the location of the existing driveway on the survey. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 18 OF CITY CODE, SUBDIVISIONS. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Acting Chair Feik asked if the 500 foot notification requirement could be expanded. Continuing with the staff report, Bob Generous stated that under the existing ordinance there is a range for the width of arterial and local streets. Staff is recommending to go with what the detail plates show and was asking for guidance from the commission. Commissioner Lillehaug stated a preference for a 31 foot width. Commissioner Slagle asked for clarification on the requirement relating to landscaping replacement and perhaps the need for penalties other than just replacement for cutting of mature trees and discussion of what happens if an applicant cuts down large numbers of trees prior to ever coming in with an application. The next Planning Commission Summary - December 2, 2003 item of discussion was Section 18-61(d)(4). The previous ordinance said, show a 60 by 60 pad to estimate tree removal. Staff is recommending to say 8,400 square feet. The Planning Commission voiced confusion over the wording of this requirement. There was discussion over the $500 penalty per diameter inch for removal of trees. The City Council felt that was an excessive amount. As an example, Plymouth has $100 per diameter inch. Acting Chair Feik asked if there was still a clause regarding replacement to go along with the penalty. Commissioner Papke asked for clarification on the goal of what the city is trying to achieve, saving every tree in the city or old growth trees. Commissioner Slagle suggested, because the City Council and Planning Commission seem to have differing ideas relative to tree preservation and sidewalks/trails, that they discuss it in a work session. Acting Chair Feik first wanted to open the public hearing for public comment prior to making any decisions. Janet Paulsen, 7305 Laredo Drive asked for clarification on the code regarding private streets and right-of-way. She stated the 60 by 60 house pad is such a practical way to figure out if there's enough room for a home on a lot. She asked for the definition of buildable area and stated her agreement with the requirement of sidewalks. Deb Lloyd, 7302 Laredo Drive stated she did not think the staff report was cooked enough. There were still lots of improvements needed. She liked seeing right-of-way for private streets documented. She would like to see the 60 by 60 house pad requirement remain. She stated she's been watching Dream House on TV and cited some tree preservation requirements from Portland, Oregon. She asked that the Planning Commission table this tonight and give serious consideration to doing things to really improve the ordinance. Acting Chair Feik closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. Slagle moved, Papke seconded to table the amendments to Chapter 18 of the City Code, Subdivisions per Planning Commission discussion. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Slagle noted the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated November 18, 2004 amending the summary minutes on page 5, changing stop lights to stop sign; and amending the verbatim minutes on page 79 amending condition number 3. Acting Chair Feik adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 9:25 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim