05_SPECIAL PROVISIONSSPECIAL PROVISIONS LAKE ST. JOE’S COVE 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 The WORK to be performed under the provisions of these Contract Documents includes all WORK necessary to construct LAKE ST. JOE’S COVE as shown on the construction plans. The WORK is divided into three (3) sections. 1.2 Section I "Site Grading, Erosion Control and Restoration" shall consist of all site grading work necessary to establish the finished grades as established on the Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, and as specified in these SPECIFICATIONS or as directed by the ENGINEER. The WORK shall include the following: Clearing and Grubbing of all areas necessary to complete ALL WORK; Street and lot grading; Subgrade correction within the fill areas of the public streets and building pads; Berm construction; Implementation and maintenance of soil erosion control measures; Re-spreading of topsoil; Seeding and mulching disturbed areas outside the curb to curb portion of the street right of ways and boulder wall construction, as directed by the ENGINEER. 1.3 Section II "Utility Construction" shall consist of the construction work required to complete all utilities as shown on the PLANS or as described in these SPECIFICATIONS. The work shall include construction of the following: Sanitary sewer mains and services; Watermains and services; Storm Sewers; Related appurtenances, backfilling, required pipe bedding, returning disturbed areas to grade, and restoration as directed by the ENGINEER. 1.4 Sectio n III "Street Construction and Restoration" shall consist of all construction work to build the streets and restore the boulevard areas as shown on the PLANS or described in these SPECIFICATIONS. The WORK shall include construction of the following: Final shaping and subgrade preparation; Concrete curb and gutter; Crushed rock base; Bituminous Base; Bituminous wearing surface; Concrete walks; Bituminous Trail; Backfilling of curb; Spreading of topsoil; sodding behind curb and seeding and mulching all disturbed areas as directed by the ENGINEER. 1.5 Section I, Section II and Section III of the WORK shall be done under one single CONTRACT. All bidders shall bid the Section I WORK, the Section II WORK and the Section III WORK. The owner will review all bids based on price, scheduling, coordination, and ability to meet the required completion deadlines. The OWNER reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1 The GENERAL CONDITIONS are general in scope and may contain provisions or refer to conditions not relevant to the WORK to be performed. GENERAL CONDITIONS provisions pertaining to a nonexistent condition or which conflict with any provision of the SPECIAL CONDITIONS shall have no meaning in the CONTRACT and shall be disregarded. 3. OWNER, ENGINEER AND CITY 3.1 The term OWNER means STS Property, LLC5605 Zumbra Drive Excelsior, Minnesota 55331, Telephone: 612-590-8099 Contact Person – Carole Toohey. The term ENGINEER means Sathre-Bergquist, Inc., 150 South Broadway, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391, Telephone: (952) 476-6000. Contact Person – Mr. Dan Schmidt, P.E. The term CITY means the City of CHANHASSEN, County of Carver, and State of Minnesota, acting by its City Council or duly authorized officers. 4. CONTRACT DRAWINGS 4.1 The CONTRACT DRAWINGS or PLANS on which the Proposal and CONTRACT are based, consists of plan sheets bearing the general title: LAKE ST. JOE’S COVE 5. COMPLETION DATE AND WORK SCHEDULE Grading Start Date: September 15, 2013 Utility Construction Start Date: October 1, 2013 All work excluding Boulevard Restoration December 1, 2013 and 1.5" Wear Course (including Sidewalk) Boulevar d Restoration - 14 Calendar Days after notification by Engineer 2013 1.5" Wear Course - 21 Calendar Days after notification by Engineer 5.2 No WORK shall be performed, nor shall any material or equipment be stored at the WORK site prior to receipt of the Notice to Proceed. 5.3 Prior to signing of Contract Documents a meeting with all Contractors, the Owner and Engineer in attendance will be held to work out a detailed Construction Schedule and Completion Dates on this project. The above listed Dates are approximate and final schedules will be determined to prior to at a later date. 6. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 6.1 The sum of Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($500.00) shall be deducted from any monies due the CONTRACTOR for each and every calendar day that the WORK remains uncompleted beyond the completion dates as established in these SPECIFICATIONS. The CONTRACTOR shall note that the liquidated damages shall pertain to each of the completion dates as specified in these SPECIFICATIONS on the Contract Documents. This deduction of monies shall not be assessed as a penalty, but rather as predetermined liquidated damages to be sustained by the OWNER. 7. INSURANCE 7.1 Insurance requirements shall be in accordance with the attached Lennar Corporation Insurance Requirements. The Contractor shall obtain the stated minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of the Contract, with the Owner and City included as additional named insured. 8. WORKMANSHIP AND CLEANUP 8.1 It is the intention and purpose of these SPECIFICATIONS to obtain good workmanship throughout the project and to complete the WORK in full working order. WORK shall be performed fully in accordance with the PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS. The site of the WORK shall be left in an equal to or better than cleanliness condition upon completion of the WORK. 9. COORDINATION OF WORK 9.1 No compensation or time extensions will be granted for any delays or inconveniences encountered because of poor coordination or lack of cooperation between CONTRACTORS. 9.2 The OWNER reserves the right to award additional contracts in conjunction with this project such as landscaping and house construction. The CONTRACTORS shall make the site available to the OWNER and his subcontractors at all times and shall not impair said subcontractors from completing their work. 10. MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 The ENGINEER shall be notified 48 hours prior to commencement of the WORK. CONTRACTORS shall be subject to shut down if proper prior notification is not given. 10.2 The CONTRACTOR shall immediately repair or replace, at his own expense, any defective materials or workmanship including embankment settlements of which he is notified during the construction period or within two years after the date of Final Acceptance of the WORK by the OWNER and CITY. 10.3 City streets, County Roads and State Highways that are utilized for access to for egress from the site shall be kept free of dirt and other debris resulting from the construction. 10.4 The CONTRACTOR will be given notice when an unsatisfactory condition exists. The CONTRACTOR shall perform the necessary clean up or reparative WORK, within 48 hours or the WORK will be completed by others, and any costs incurred by the OWNER will be deducted from any monies due the CONTRACTOR. 11. CONSTRUCTION STAKING 11.1 Construction staking for the Contract WORK shall be provided in part by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall supplement the staking done by the ENGINEER as necessary to complete the WORK as specified. 11.2 After lines and grades for any part of the WORK have been given by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully preserve them, and in the case of willful or careless destruction, he shall be charged for the cost of restaking by the ENGINEER. The cost of such restaking shall be withheld from any monies due or to become due the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper execution of the WORK to such lines and grades and shall at his own expense correct any mistakes that may be caused by the unauthorized disturbance or removal. 11.3 The CONTRACTOR shall give the ENGINEER notice at least two (2) working days prior to his need for the establishment of lines and grades and shall provide at his own expense such assistance as is required for setting lines and grades and other reference points. No additional compensation will be allowed the CONTRACTOR for any claim of crew holdup due to lack of line and grade stakes. 12. SITE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL 12.1 The Contractors shall be required to stockpile on site at a location determined in the field by the Owner all boulders 12" or larger in diameter that are found on site. 12.3 The Contractor doing the utility and street construction will be required to accept the responsibility of maintaining the accepted site as approved with the uniform 6” layer of topsoil. Any areas disturbed by the utility or street construction will have to be rechecked and verified at both the subgrade and top of topsoil prior to acceptance and final payment of the utility and street work. 12.4 The Contractor will be responsible for maintaining all erosion control, BMP’S, and other stormwater management items listed in the SWPPP through the completion of the grading, utility construction, street construction, installation of the minor utilities, and the establishment of the turf.  The contractor shall sign the NPDES permit as the permitee (Contractor).  After the establishment of all turf, the contractor shall sign over the NPDES permit to the Owner (Lennar Corporation.)   12.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for the cleaning of the sedimentation ponds two times.  Once after the bituminous base course has been installed, and again after the wear course has been installed, prior to final acceptance.  This item will be paid per pond per cleaning.  The amount will be bid price regardless of the amount of sediment included in the ponds. 12.6 The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all the silt fence and the costs for the maintenance shall be paid per linear foot of repair.     12.7 The Developer will fill out the Inspection and Maintenance Report (Project Log) each week and/or within 24 hours after any rainfall greater than 0.5 inches. The Developer shall submit the log to the Engineer each month and with any payment request. One copy of the Report must remain on site at all times, in accordance with the rules outlined in the stormwater permit. 13. RESTORATION 13.1 All restoration shall be done in accordance with the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan. Prior to restoration, all seed mixtures shall be verified to be the proper seasonal mixture. 13.2 The site grading restoration shall be done in phases, leaving no more than 40 acres disturbed at any one time. 14. SANITARY SEWER 14.1 The pipe used for Sanitary Sewer Mainlines and service lines shall be polyvinyl chloride as specified in the Standard Detail Specifications for Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems. 14.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be paid at the Bid Price for Trench Stabilization Rock for the actual amount of rock used as ordered by the ENGINEER. The quantity listed in the Proposal is approximate. The CONTRACTOR shall get approval from the ENGINEER or the ENGINEER’S REPRESENTATIVE prior to the placement of Trench Stabilization Rock. 14.3 The unit price bid for PVC service shall include all labor and materials necessary to install the service pipe and all bends, plugs etc. Services shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard Detail Plates of the City of Chanhassen. 14.4 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to perform, in accordance with the Standard Detail Specifications for Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems the following tests: 1. Low Pressure Air Test 2. Deflection Test Lamping of lines with City and/or Engineer present. 15. WATERMAIN 15.1 All water services shall be one (1) inch copper and shall be located in the field by the ENGINEER. 15.2 All watermain fittings, valves, and hydrants shall be furnished with mechanical joints meeting the latest A.W.W.A. Specifications and Section 02665 of this report. 15.3 The unit price bid for 1" Copper Service shall include all labor and materials necessary to install one corporation stop with tap, the 1" copper and one curb stop with curb box. Curb boxes shall be installed at the property line and a 10 foot tail extended into the property. 15.4 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to perform passing hydrostatic pressure test ½ AWWA standard, conductivity tests, and bacteriological tests in accordance with the Standard Detail Specifications for Watermain Systems on all watermain constructed on this project. 16. STORM SEWER 16.1 All Storm Sewers shall be reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) Class 4 or better unless another class is noted on the PLANS. Joints shall be type R4. 16.2 Storm Sewer materials and construction shall be in conformance with the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction 2005 Edition. 17. STREET CONSTRUCTION 17.1 Following utility installation, and prior to placement of aggregate base, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to reshape the street subgrade to within 0.5 inches of final subgrade as indicated on the PLANS. No direct compensation will be made for this WORK. Said subgrade shall adequately pass the street deflection test in accordance with the Standard Detail Specifications for Street Construction, Walkways and Pavement prior to placement of any aggregate base materials. 17.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to submit weight tickets for all aggregate placed, to the ENGINEER, within 24 hours of said placement. 17.3 The Bituminous Non-Wearing Course shall be in accordance with MnDot Specification 2350 Type LVNWE35030B (See City of CHANHASSEN Details). The Bituminous Wearing Course shall be in accordance with MnDot Specification 2350 LVWE35030B (See City of CHANHASSEN). The CONTRACTOR shall be required to submit weight tickets for all bituminous materials placed, to the ENGINEER, within 24 hours of said placement. 17.4 The concrete sidewalks shall be constructed as soon as practical following completion of the curb and bituminous base. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the necessary street cleaning prior to placement of final Bituminous Surface. 17.5 Prior to placement of the aggregate base, all manhole and valve box castings shall be removed or lowered below the bottom of the aggregate level. Following construction of the first bituminous lift the CONTRACTOR shall adjust all the castings just below the first lift. Immediately prior to the construction of the final bituminous lift, the CONTRACTOR shall adjust all castings to their final elevation of 0.5 inch below the final surface. The bid items for "Adjust Manhole Castings" and "Adjust Valve Box Castings" shall be compensation for all adjustments required to establish the finished grades for the tops of these structures. Ramping of manholes for snow plow protection will not be allowed. 17.6 Following completion of the curb and gutter construction, the CONTRACTOR shall backfill the curb and spread a minimum of 6" of topsoil on the boulevard area. Following the installation of the minor utilities (Xcel Energy, Gas, etc.) the CONTRACTOR shall reshape the boulevard areas and install two rolls of sod along the curb (See City of CHANHASSEN Street Section Detail). The remaining disturbed area shall be seeded and mulched as specified in the site grading section of the SPECIFICATIONS. This reshaping, sodding and seeding shall be paid for at the CONTRACT UNIT PRICE per linear foot of curb area restored. 18. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS 18.1 Fill placed below three feet of subgrade elevation should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698). This fill should not be more than 3 percentage points over the soil's optimum moisture content as determined by the standard Proctor. Fill placed within the upper three feet of subgrade and the aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum of 100 percent of the standard Proctor density. This fill should not be more than 1 percentage point over the soil's optimum moisture content as determined by standard Proctor. 18.2 If the existing moisture content of the backfill material below three feet of subgrade is greater than 3 percentage points above the optimum moisture content, the soil shall be compacted to a minimum density of 3 pounds per cubic feet less than the standard Proctor curve at that moisture content. At no time shall the density be less than 90 percent of the standard Proctor density. This modification of the compaction specification shall at no time be used or applied to the upper 3 feet of the subgrade or the aggregate base. 19. SIDEWALK & TRAILS 19.1 The unit price bid for sidewalk shall include all necessary preparation grading, granular cushion or class 5, sidewalk construction, and backfilling. The work shall be done in accordance with the Typical Walkway Section. 19.2 The bituminous trails shall be field fit to avoid trees and match existing grade. Trail Preparation Grading shall be paid for by the cubic yard of material excavated. The class 5 base and bituminous shall be paid for by the ton at the bid unit price. Trail restoration shall include all backfilling and seeding and mulching to restore the disturbed areas. 20. GUARANTEE 20.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be required upon acceptance of the work or a portion thereof to submit a maintenance bond in the amount of the work being accepted by the City guaranteeing that work to the City for a period of two years from the date of acceptance. 20.2 The CONTRACTOR may be required to submit a separate maintenance bond guaranteeing the utility portion of this project upon acceptance of that portion of the project. SPECIAL PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1. SCOPE OF WORK SP-1 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS SP-1 3. OWNER SP-2 4. CONTRACT DRAWINGS SP-2 5. COMPLETION DATE AND WORK SCHEDULE SP-2 6. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES SP-3 7. INSURANCE SP-3 8. WORKMANSHIP AND CLEANUP SP-4 9. COORDINATION OF WORK SP-4 10. MISCELLANEOUS SP-4 11. CONSTRUCTION STAKING SP-5 12. SITE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL SP-5 13. RESTORATION SP-6 14. SANITARY SEWER SP-6 15. WATERMAIN SP-7 16. STORM SEWER SP-7 17. STREET CONSTRUCTION SP-7 18 COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS SP-8 19 SIDEWALK & TRAILS SP-8 20. GUARANTEE SP-9