PC SUM 2013 07 16
JULY 16, 2013
Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Andrew Aller, Maryam Yusuf, Stephen Withrow, and Lisa Hokkanen
Mark Undestad, Kim Tennyson, and Steven Weick
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior
Planner; Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer; and Drew Ingvalson, Planning Intern
Dave Moore 3811 Williston Road
Chris Hammer 9688 Washington Boulevard
Troy Kakacek 380 West 86 Street
Jim & Susan Keeler 1817 Freedom Lane
Deb Chenoweth 1829 Freedom Lane
LuAnn Markgraf 401 Rice Court
Dick Roe 6771 Penamint Lane
Wally Schwab 950 Carver Beach Road
Keith & Julie Peterson 921 Hiawatha Drive
Jeff Kerfeld 2702 Shadow Wood Court
Karen Blenker 405 Rice Court
Joe Dorn 1833 Freedom Lane
John C. Knoblauch 1450 Knob Hill Lane
Colleen Kroll 2694 Shadow Wood Court
Emily Owen 2706 Shadow Wood Court
Keith Wyman 2674 Shadow Wood Court
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Chairman Aller clarified background information
before asking the applicant, David Moore to explain the variance request. Chairman Aller opened the
public hearing. Keith Peterson, 921 Hiawatha Drive provided background information regarding when
the lot was for sale in 1999 and the City told the neighbors the lot was not buildable and how adjoining
neighbors were going to buy the property to add onto their lots but a city employee bought the lot before
they could finish the deal. Wally Schwab, 950 Carver Beach Road spoke to the fact that when Ms.
Benson was granted a variance it was because to deny it would be considered a taking and his concern
with a building of any size being crammed into this sub-standard sized lot. Dick Roe, 6771 Penamint
stated he could support a single story house that meets the setbacks but could not support a two story
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
house. Katie Eckhoff, 920 Hiawatha Drive expressed concern that cramming a house on this tiny, little
lot will bring the value of their house down. Chairman Aller closed the public hearing.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission, as the Board of Appeals and
Adjustments, approves a 5.8% hard cover variance to permit the construction of a single-family
home subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and
1. The builder shall provide a tree survey as part of the building permit process. The builder shall
try to preserve the trees at the perimeter of the property.
2. The building shall be limited to the split level house design.
3. The builder shall apply for a building permit and meet all requirements of said permit.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
CASE 2013-08.
Sharmeen Al-Jaff presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Withrow asked for clarification
on the amount of land donated to the City, and results from soil borings. The applicant, Dave Pokorney
with Community Asset Development Group, 1403 Valley View Road, Chaska stated they were excited
about this use for the property and did not have any issues with the conditions in the staff report.
Chairman Aller asked the applicant to explain further the use associated with the senior housing facility.
Commissioner Withrow asked about patios or decks. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. Chris
Hammer, 9688 Washington Boulevard stated his concern over potential future impact to the wooded area
of Bluff Creek and the effect on their home values. Colleen Kroll, 2694 Shadow Wood Court asked if the
donated property from Mr. Klingelhutz would become parks and trails, the effects of the easement for
Pioneer Trail expansion in the future, sewer hook-up into the city of Chaska, and the impact of the
location of the houses to their home. Jeff Kerfeld, 2702 Shadow Wood Court asked for clarification of
the sewer hook-up to their neighborhood in Chaska, grading impact affecting wildlife habitat, and
concerns with lighting and runoff. Emily Owen, 2706 Shadow Wood Court shared her neighbor’s
concerns as well as a concern with increased traffic. Keith Wyman, 2674 Shadow Wood Court expressed
concern with the height of the roof and the sewer connection. Chairman Aller closed the public hearing.
After comments from commission members, the following motions were made.
Withrow moved, Hokkanen seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
Planning Case #2013-08 to rezone 8.9 acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate
District, to R-8, Mixed Medium-Density Residential Bluff Creek Cottages contingent upon site
plan approval, as shown in plans dated received June 14, 2013, and adoption of the Findings
of Fact. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
Withrow moved, Hokkanen seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City
Council approve the conditional use permit for Planning Case 2013-08 for Bluff Creek
Cottages as shown in plans dated received June 14, 2013, and including the attached
Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions:
1.The plans are amended to read “Assumed wetland boundary – area not delineated per
1987 Corps Manual.”
2.The 894’ contour is the assumed wetland boundary for purposes of determining buffer
and setbacks.
3.Wetland buffer shall be shown to measure twenty (20) feet as is consistent with a Manage
2 wetland. The setback from this buffer shall then be thirty (30) feet.
4.That portion of the property containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone and the tributary to
Bluff Creek is dedicated to the city as per discussion with applicant and city staff.
5.The applicant must apply for and receive a NPDES construction permit prior to any
earth-disturbing activity.
6.The applicant must prepare a SWPPP consistent with the NPDES construction permit
requirements (Part III) and submit this SWPPP to the city for review and comment.
7.The construction of the bioretention area shall be phased such that it is not disturbed until
after the rest of the site has been graded. The plans shall be amended to reflect this and
perimeter control shall be installed that will prevent the operation of equipment and the
stockpiling of materials in this area.
8.Sediment control Best Management Practices shall remain in place around the
bioretention basin until the area tributary to the basin is stabilized.
9.Inlet protection shall be installed on the double catch basin on Pioneer Trail located
downstream of the site prior to commencement of earth-disturbing activities. Inlet
protection shall be installed on all catch basins and curb cuts interior to the site after
installation until final stabilization is met.
10.All outfalls, including the curb cut, shall be stabilized within 24 hours of connection.
11.The rip rap for the curb cut shall extend, uninterrupted, to the normal water level of the
proposed pond (905.0’).
12.The geotextile fabric shall have a permittivity value of 0.5 or higher.
13.The model shall be amended to show that the peak discharge rate at the curb cut is no
greater than 3.0 cfs during the 25-year storm event. If this cannot be achieved, the
applicant is strongly encouraged to use pipe to convey stormwater runoff.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
14.An operations and maintenance manual shall be provided to the city for review and
approval and shall cover the bioretention feature and the swale inlet into the pond.
15.The outfall for the stormwater detention pond shall be pulled away from the wetland such
that there is adequate room to install all rip rap without any disturbance below the 894’
contour. If practicable to do so, the outfall shall be pulled entirely outside of the wetland
buffer area.
16.The bioretention feature shall be designed in a manner consistent with the Minnesota
Stormwater Manual “design criteria for bioretention”.
17.A detailed plan for the bioretention feature, including phasing, soil amendments,
underdrain (if necessary) and planting schedule shall be provided to the city for review
and approval.
18.Percolation tests shall be performed in the bioretention area to determine infiltration
rates. The model shall be amended based upon these findings and provided to the city.
19.The bioretention feature shall be designed such that it drains within 48 hours.
20.Pretreatment shall be provided prior to discharge to the bioretention feature. This shall
be a grass swale consistent with the MN Stormwater Manual “Guidelines for filter strip
pre-treatment sizing”, a forebay or a sump manhole at least three feet in depth.
21.The applicant must receive permission from Carver County for the proposed runoff
condition into Pioneer Trail and provide a spread and run calculation to show that the
proposed catch basin will capture the ten-year event or otherwise design the storm sewer
to capture this event.
22.The applicant is responsible for all other permits and approvals.”
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Withrow moved, Hokkanen seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City
Council approve the site plan consisting of a 13,700 square-foot continuing care retirement
facility, Planning Case 2013-08 for Bluff Creek Cottages as shown in plans dated received
June 13, 2013, and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to
the following conditions:
Building Official Conditions:
1.The proposed structure is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system.
2.All plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of
Minnesota. A geotechnical (soil evaluation) report is required.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
3.Designs\plans for retaining wall(s) exceeding four feet in height must be prepared and signed
by a structural engineer.
4.Detailed building code-related requirements have not been reviewed; this will take place
when complete structural/architectural plans are submitted.
5.Structures and site must meet Minnesota Accessibility Code.
6.The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as
possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures.
Fire Marshal Conditions:
1.Add one hydrant at the intersection of Pioneer Trail and the entrance road.
2.In addition to 12-inch address numbers on the building, address numbers will be required at
driveway entrance. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for requirements.
3.A PIV, Post indicator valve will be required.
4.Yellow painted curbing and “No Parking Fire Lane” signs are required. Contact Chanhassen
Fire Marshal for details.
5.City Engineer shall verify that the purposed fire apparatus turnaround is sufficient.
6.A three-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrant(s).
Planning Conditions:
1.All rooftop and ground equipment must be screened from views.
2.Approval of the site plan application is contingent upon approval of the rezoning and
conditional use permit for Planning Case 2013-08.
3.The monument sign may not exceed 24 square feet in area nor be higher than 5 feet. The
sign shall be located 10 feet from the property line.
4.Sign illumination and design shall comply with ordinance. If illuminated, the letters shall be
backlit and use individual dimension letters, at least one-half inch deep. The sign materials
shall be compatible with the building. The applicant must apply for a sign permit.
5.The trash enclosure for the building has not been shown on the plans. The structure must be
screened from views and constructed of the same materials as the building. Recycling space
and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure as the
6.Light levels for site lighting shall be no more than one-half foot candle at the project
perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. Light fixtures shall be
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
downcast and the light shall be cut off at a 90-degree angle as required by the city code. All
fixtures shall be shielded.
Park and Trail Conditions:
1.Park fees in the amount of $12,000 shall be collected as part of the site plan permit.
Engineering Conditions:
1.An agreement must be obtained from MnDOT and Carver County to allow the driveway to
connect to Pioneer Trail (County Road 14) and to allow construction of private utilities in the
2.The applicant must apply for and receive a NPDES construction permit prior to any earth-
disturbing activity.
3.The applicant must prepare a SWPPP consistent with the NPDES construction permit
requirements (Part III) and submit this SWPPP to the city for review and comment.
4.The construction of the bioretention area shall be phased such that it is not disturbed until
after the rest of the site has been graded. The plans shall be amended to reflect this and
perimeter control shall be installed that will prevent the operation of equipment and the
stockpiling of materials in this area.
5.Sediment control Best Management Practices shall remain in place around the bioretention
basin until the area tributary to the basin is stabilized.
6.Inlet protection shall be installed on the double catch basin on Pioneer Trail located
downstream of the site prior to commencement of earth-disturbing activities. Inlet protection
shall be installed on all catch basins and curb cuts interior to the site after installation until
final stabilization is met.
7.All outfalls, including the curb cut, shall be stabilized within 24 hours of connection.
8.The rip rap for the curb cut shall extend, uninterrupted, to the normal water level of the
proposed pond (905.0’).
9.The geotextile fabric shall have a permittivity value of 0.5 or higher.
10.The plans must be signed by a registered engineer.
11.Ten-foot drainage and utility easements are required over all public utilities.
12.An existing topography plan sheet must be included in the plan set.
13.The grading plans must be amended so that no slopes exceed 3:1.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
14.The developer’s engineer must submit a soils report and boring log for this site indicating the
soil conditions, permeability and slope.
15.The plans must show the elevations at the corners of the proposed building and where the
building foundation is acting as a retaining wall.
16.The plans must identify any stockpile areas that will be used during construction.
17.The developer’s engineer must call out the 6-foot retaining wall around the “outdoor space”
in the plans and include top and bottom of wall elevations.
18.The following materials are prohibited for retaining wall construction: smooth face, poured-
in-place concrete (stamped or patterned concrete is allowed), masonry, railroad ties or
timber. Walls taller than 6 feet shall not be constructed with boulder rock.
19.The developer’s engineer must adjust grading at the face of the east retaining wall to create a
swale so water will flow away from both the wall and the building.
20.The retaining walls shall be privately owned and maintained.
21.All retaining walls over six feet high and within 10 feet of a sidewalk or other public way
must have a fence or other barrier. This condition includes the areas where the building
foundation will act as a retaining wall.
22.Before vehicles enter Pioneer Trail, the driveway must provide a landing area that starts at
least 50 feet back from the crosswalk and is at a 2% maximum grade.
23.The parking lot aisle must be 26 feet wide.
24.The turnaround must allow enough room for a fire truck to turn and exit the parking lot
without going through the parking spaces. Approved turnarounds include a 100-foot
hammerhead and a 70-foot diameter cul-de-sac.
25.The plans are amended to read “Assumed wetland boundary – area not delineated per 1987
Corps Manual.”
26.The 894’ contour is the assumed wetland boundary for purposes of determining buffer and
27.Wetland buffer shall be shown to measure twenty (20) feet as is consistent with a Manage 2
wetland. The setback from this buffer shall then be thirty (30) feet.
28.That portion of the property containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone and the tributary to
Bluff Creek is dedicated to the city as per discussion with applicant and city staff.
29.The model shall be amended to show that the peak discharge rate at the curb cut is no greater
than 3.0 cfs during the 25-year storm event. If this cannot be achieved, the applicant is
strongly encouraged to use pipe to convey stormwater runoff.
30.An operations and maintenance manual shall be provided to the city for review and approval
and shall cover the bioretention feature and the swale inlet into the pond.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
31.The outfall for the stormwater detention pond shall be pulled away from the wetland such
that there is adequate room to install all rip rap without any disturbance below the 894’
contour. If practicable to do so, the outfall shall be pulled entirely outside of the wetland
buffer area.
32.The bioretention feature shall be designed in a manner consistent with the Minnesota
Stormwater Manual “design criteria for bioretention”.
33.A detailed plan for the bioretention feature, including phasing, soil amendments, underdrain
(if necessary) and planting schedule shall be provided to the city for review and approval.
34.Percolation tests shall be performed in the bioretention area to determine infiltration rates.
The model shall be amended based upon these findings and provided to the city.
35.The bioretention feature shall be designed such that it drains within 48 hours.
36.Pretreatment shall be provided prior to discharge to the bioretention feature. This shall be a
grass swale consistent with the MN Stormwater Manual “Guidelines for filter strip pre-
treatment sizing”, a forebay or a sump manhole at least three feet in depth.
37.The applicant must receive permission from Carver County for the proposed runoff condition
into Pioneer Trail, and provide a spread and run calculation to show that the proposed catch
basin will capture the ten-year event or otherwise design the storm sewer to capture this
38.The applicant is responsible for all other permits and approvals.
39.The developer’s engineer must show the detailed lift station design and location in the plans.
40.The City of Chaska must approve the sanitary sewer plans.
41.The sanitary sewer and watermain shall be privately owned and maintained.
42.A plan sheet is required to show the watermain extension from the driveway to the
connection to Chanhassen’s watermain system.
43.The watermain that is parallel to Pioneer Trail must be 8 inches for fire flow conditions.
44.The developer’s engineer shall model the watermain extension for fire flow demand to the
development to ensure the watermain pipe size is adequate.
45.Fire hydrants are required every 400 feet, and gate valves are required every 800 feet.
46.This property has outstanding assessments from previous improvement projects that were
deferred due to the property’s Green Acres status. Altering the zoning for this property will
cause the assessments to come due.
47.Water and sewer trunk and hook-up fees are to be collected with the development contract.
48.A permit is required for any work within the MnDOT or Carver County right-of-way.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
49. A temporary construction easement will be required for the installation of utilities within
road right-of-way.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
1, INC., PLANNING CASE 2013-12.
Sharmeen Al-Jaff and Alyson Fauske presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Withrow
asked for clarification on the comprehensive park plan. Commissioner Hokkanen suggested reducing the
number of lots, asked about the variance for the cul-de-sac length, and the speed limit on the curve in the
road. Chairman Aller asked if the cul-de-sac could handle a fire truck. Commissioner Yusuf asked if
staff considered two access points. The applicant, John Knoblauch, 1450 Knob Hill Lane provided
background information on design of the property. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. Troy
Kakacek, 380 West 86 Street expressed concern with changing the zoning from low to medium density
and future use of the property if this project does not move forward. Karen Blenker, 405 Rice Court had
concern with her property value going down with this development and the effect on wildlife and wetland
quality. LuAnn Markgraf, 401 Rice Court discussed the impact on her property from the entrance,
sidewalk, and signage. Chairman Aller closed the public hearing.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
the land use map amendment from Residential – Low Density to Residential – Low
and Medium Density with the following condition, and adoption of the attached Findings of
Fact and Recommendation:
1.Approval of the Land Use Amendment is subject to Metropolitan Council determination of
consistency with system plan.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
the rezoning from Residential – Low Density (R4) and Mixed Low Density
Residential (R8) to Planned Unit Development – Residential (PUD-R) with the following
condition; and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation and
attached ordinance rezoning the property.
1.Approval of the Rezoning is contingent upon approval of the final plat and execution of the
development contract.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
the preliminary plat to subdivide 13.22 acres into 16 lots and 2 outlots as shown in
plans dated received June 14, 2013 with the following conditions, and adoption of the
attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation:
1. All lots must comply with the following table:
Area Width Depth
Hardcover Notes
(square feet) (feet) (feet)
(square feet)
60 at
PUD 10,000 building 100 30 percent
L1 B1 10,510 139 122 3,153 Wetland
L2 B1 10,076 89 108 3,022 Wetland
L3 B1 10,100 135 107 3,030 Wetland
L4 B1 10,353 84 141 3,150 Wetland
L5 B1 10,011 69 146 3,003
L6 B1 10,622 62 130 3,198
L7 B1 10,017 62 120 3,005
L8 B1 10,000 62 124 3,000 Wetland
L9 B1 10,041 62 128 3,012 Wetland
L10 B1 10,212 61 126 3,063 Wetland
L11 B1 72 (building Wetland
12,936 121 3,880
L12 B1 75 (building Wetland
10,089 118 3,026
L1 B2 Wetland, * area of neck
96 (building
12,723* 128 3,817 (5,580 sq. ft.) excluded
from lot area calculations
L2 B2 10,830 75 102 3,249 Corner lot
L3 B2 10,096 106 127 3,029
L4 B2 10,004 91 148 3,001
Outlot A 6.46 acres open
Outlot B 1.1 acres open
ROW 72,309 1.66 acres
TOTAL 576,299 13.23 acres
Wetland setback:
20 ft. buffer, 30 ft. principal structure, 15 ft. accessory structure.
25 ft.
30 ft., accessory structure 15 ft.
10 ft. house, 5 ft. garage
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
2.All relocated trees shall be warranted for two seasons and replaced by developer if dead or
dying within that time period.
3.The applicant shall show proof to the city of permission by MnDOT to place landscape
materials on state right-of-way.
4.The applicant shall increase bufferyard plantings along the south property line to meet
minimum requirements.
5.Advanced warning and speed advisory signs are required where the design speed is less than
30 mph.
6.The site plan and HydroCAD model must be revised to address the following comments:
a.Peak discharge rates are proposed to increase at the following locations:
i.Runoff leaving the overall site for the two-year (2.8-inch) rainfall and snowmelt
ii.Runoff leaving the wetland located on the western portion of the site for each design
iii.Runoff leaving the site to the north for the snowmelt event.
b.Use a pond in the model at the 18-inch culvert located north of the site.
c.The analysis should reflect any overtopping of the driveway or other overland flows that
may occur.
d.Due to the increased velocities through the12-inch culvert leaving the western wetland,
the developer must provide a design to address associated erosion at this location. Any
required improvements outside of existing easements shall require additional easements.
e.The drainage areas and/or curve number in the HydroCAD model must correspond to the
Drainage Area and Curve Number Table.
f.Directly connected impervious areas must be modeled separately rather than included in
the composite Curve Number computation.
g.The applicant must provide calculations (or submit a model) demonstrating that the city’s
requirements for water quality are satisfied.
i.If the event-based NURP standard cannot be achieved by dead pool storage, then (P8
or other) calculations should be based on equivalent annual removal efficiencies.
ii.If an iron-enhanced filtration system is included in the design, calculations should be
provided demonstrating the water quality treatment benefits of the BMP. Detailed
plans of the system should be submitted for review with the calculations.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
iii.The report notes that the east pond is able to remove 87.8% of the phosphorus load.
This removal efficiency appears excessively high. It is anticipated that there is either
an error with the model inputs or the calculation was performed for a particular
rainfall event rather than annualized removal efficiency.
7.The HydroCAD model must be revised so that the impervious surface of the lots is 30%.
8.If groundwater is encountered during site construction the lowest floor elevations must be
adjusted so that there is a minimum three-foot separation.
9.The developer must provide additional information showing how the proposed
“Preservation/Stormwater Volume Reduction Area” between the large wetland and the back
of Lots 4-7, Block 1 will meet the minimum requirements.
10.Storm sewer sizing calculations must be submitted with the final plat application and shall
include the existing storm sewer at Tigua Lane (approximately 280 feet east of the proposed
street intersection). The existing 12-inch reinforced concrete pipe north of Lots 7 and 8,
Block 1 shall also be included in the analysis.
11.The grading plan must be revised to address the following comments:
a.The developer must obtain a MnDOT permit for the proposed grading within the
MnDOT right-of-way.
b.The grading plan must be revised at the slope down from the street to the wetland at
Station 3+00, and between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 so the slope does not exceed 3H:1V.
c.The lowest openings of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 must be at least one foot above the
emergency overflow elevation.
d.The minimum floor elevation of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 1 shall be 897.6’.
e.The building envelope for Lot 3, Block 2 must not encroach into the drainage and utility
f.The side yard drainage and utility easements between Lots 10 and 11, Block 1 must
match what is shown on the plat.
g.The building pad shown for Lot 1, Block 2 cannot accommodate any of the house styles
provided and must be revised accordingly.
h.It is difficult to discern between the proposed contours, lot lines and setback lines. The
developer’s engineer is requested to change the drawing line weights.
12.A building permit is required to construct the proposed retaining wall. Plans must be
submitted with the permit application and must be signed by an engineer registered in the
State of Minnesota.
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13.Some homes may choose to install a privately-owned and maintained booster to provide a
higher water pressure.
14.The watermain shall be 8-inch PVC (C-900).
15.Prior to final submittal the developer must obtain the necessary easement to install the
sanitary sewer off-site, to the north.
16.A portion of the trunk sewer and water hookup fees must be paid in cash with the final plat in
the rate in effect at that time.
17.Street and utility plan and profile construction plans must be submitted with the final plat.
18.The Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be prepared as a standalone
document and submitted to engineering for review and comment. This SWPPP shall include
a narrative, plan set and applicable details.
19.The SWPPP must include the required elements as listed in Part III of the National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater
Associated with Construction Activity (NPDES Construction Permit) and in the MPCA
SWPPP checklist.
20.A detailed erosion prevention and sediment control plan must be submitted for review and
approval per the requirements of Section 19-145 of Chanhassen City Code and the NPDES
Construction Permit. This should include, among the other listed requirements, all temporary
and permanent best management practices.
21.There is significant evidence of gully erosion at both off-site discharge locations. Rates must
be reduced below existing discharge rates or efforts must be taken to stabilize these discharge
points to prevent further channel incision and head cutting.
22.A vegetation establishment and management plan must be developed for all areas preserved
as open space including those areas graded for the construction of stormwater management
practices that are above the normal water level.
23.Minnesota Department of Transportation right-of-way is outside of the City of Chanhassen’s
WCA jurisdiction as MnDOT is their own LGU. Chanhassen’s review of wetland
boundaries ended at the property limits. The applicant must get all appropriate approvals
from MnDOT for work on the sound wall.
24.The development must comply with the MN Rules Chapter 6120 and the DNR must issue
their concurrence to this effect.
25.Estimated Surface Water Management Connection charges due at the time of final plat are
$67,483.50. Provide area of wetland buffer after development to accurately calculate credit.
Fifty-percent (50%) of shall be collected in consideration for the dedication of
26.park fees
Outlots A and B.
The park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
submission and approval. At today’s rate these fees would total $(16 lots X $5,800 per
27.Dedication of a public outlot or easement to accommodate the construction of a neighborhood
trail connection to the future Rice Marsh Lake Trail shall be further reviewed for proper
placement through the wetland.
28.Construction of the 8-foot wide neighborhood trail connection from the public street to the
southeast corner of the property.
29.The applicant shall comply with all MnDOT requirements for any work within their right-of-
way, i.e. noise wall, landscaping, etc.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
the Variances to allow a reduced setback from Highway 212 and a cul-de-sac that
exceeds 800 feet in length as shown in plans dated received June 14, 2013 with the following
conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation:
1.Approval of the variances is contingent upon approval of the Land Use Plan Amendment,
Subdivision, Site Plan Review, Rezoning and Wetland Alteration Permit.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
the site plan for a medium density development as shown in plans dated received
June 14, 2013 with the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact
and Recommendation:
1.Approval of the Land Use Amendment subject the Metropolitan Council determination of
consistency with system plan.
2.Adoption of the Chanhassen PUD Ordinance, which shall be created to govern the site and
design standards.
3.Execution of the Site Plan Permit.
4.Approval of the final plat and execution of the development contract.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Hokkanen moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council
the wetland alteration permit as shown in plans dated received June 14, 2013 with
the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
1.Wetland buffers are required around all wetlands on site.
2.A plan should be provided showing the location of all wetland buffer signs. These signs
shall be placed concurrent to the installation of erosion prevention and sediment control
BMPs except when grading is proposed at a buffer monument location.
3.The plan must meet the sequencing requirements of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation
Act. This can be accomplished by locating the sidewalk to the north side of the proposed
road and extending the regional connection between lots 11 and 12 of Block 1.
4.A completed Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form shall be provided with the
Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application for Water/Wetland Projects as well as a signed
and executed purchase agreement between the applicant and the bank holder.
5.Wetland nomenclature on plan set shall be amended to correspond with HydroCAD drainage
report and wetland replacement application.
6.Approval of the Wetland Alteration Permit is contingent upon approval of the Land Use Plan
Amendment, variances, Rezoning, Site Plan Review, Final Plat, and execution of the
Development Contract.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Yusuf asked about servicing of the
holding tanks.
Yusuf moved, Withrow seconded that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals
and Adjustments approves Planning Case #2013-14 for a variance to permit installation of sewage
subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of
holding tanks
Fact and Decision:
1.Variance allowing holding tanks to be time limited to three years.
2.Sewage holding tanks may not serve an inhabited structure.
3.Site served by holding tanks must be seasonal use only.
4.Sewage holding tank(s) to have capacity alarm.
5.Sewage holding tank(s) pumping contract required.
6.The new holding tanks must be 50 feet from the well on the property.
7.The tanks must 50 feet from the wetland on the north and west sides of the property.
8.The tanks must be outside of the right-of-way.
9.The septic holding tank system must be installed per plumbers code.
Planning Commission Summary – July 16, 2013
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hokkanen noted the verbatim and summary
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated June 18, 2013 as presented.
Kate Aanenson discussed items scheduled for
upcoming meetings.
Withrow moved, Aller seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was
adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim