PC Minutes 07-16-2013Chanhassen Planning Commission – July 16, 2013 1.Wetland buffers are required around all wetlands on site. 2.A plan should be provided showing the location of all wetland buffer signs. These signs shall be placed concurrent to the installation of erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs except when grading is proposed at a buffer monument location. 3.The plan must meet the sequencing requirements of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. This can be accomplished by locating the sidewalk to the north side of the proposed road and extending the regional connection between lots 11 and 12 of Block 1. 4.A completed Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form shall be provided with the Minnesota Local/State/Federal Application for Water/Wetland Projects as well as a signed and executed purchase agreement between the applicant and the bank holder. 5.Wetland nomenclature on plan set shall be amended to correspond with HydroCAD drainage report and wetland replacement application. 6.Approval of the Wetland Alteration Permit is contingent upon approval of the Land Use Plan Amendment, variances, Rezoning, Site Plan Review, Final Plat, and execution of the Development Contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: 9150 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD: REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW AN ALTERNATIVE TO A SUBSURFACE TREATMENT SYSTEM (SSTS) ON PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURAL ESTATE (A2) AND LOCATED AT 9150 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: CITY OF CHANHASSEN. PROPERTY OWNER: JAMES D. WILSON, ET. AL, PLANNING CASE 2013-14. Aanenson: This is the Wilson Nursery piece. This is a request for a variance in the City Code to allow the installation of a sewage…on property zoned Agricultural. The subject site is 38, I mean 39 acres and is seasonally used as a nursery site. It’s guided low density in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. This is the location of the subject site. Again it’s almost 39 acres. It abuts Highway 101 where it just so happens that the City is doing an improvement project. This is kind of the engineered drawing of the improvement project. …but as they were working in the, what they believed was the easement, existing septic site was in that easement area and was not…so it was accidentally hit so if you look at this map, which would be a little easier to read then the engineering plan…it’s right on the easement area so it was hit. …so the resolution that we’re proposing with this variance request is to put a holding tank in there. The City has adopted Carver County’s ordinance for holding tanks and that’s what we’re referring to here so the recommendation would be to replace it with a holding tank so it has to be pumped regularly. We feel comfortable with this use as this, the Wilson Nursery property because it is a seasonal use. So no one’s living there. It’s used as part of the operation. The reason why another septic site could not be placed on this site is that the entire area’s been compromised through the activity that’s taken place with the landscaping business and then the ultimate grading of that right-of-way for the City’s… There wasn’t a good site to put that so this is in a future growth area. We do believe that within the next number of years they could potentially redevelop. Basically a lift station built off of Powers Boulevard immediately to the west of this property bringing sewer up…but we do believe that is coming in in the near future so the staff 38 Chanhassen Planning Commission – July 16, 2013 is comfortable putting the holding tank in there. We did put the conditions on there in the staff report specifically relating to time line…discussion with the city engineering regarding that…certainly if we’re not in there with sewer and water, we would extend that again as long as we needed to make that happen until such time that sewer and water is available. With that we put the standard conditions that would be required through the County and through our ordinance to make that happen. So again you put those ordinance references in there from the County and that we are recommending a variance to install holding tanks. Subject to those conditions so I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Aller: Questions? Yusuf: Who will be servicing the holding tank? Aanenson: Oh that’s a good question. Actually I think because the nursery is, I did ask the City Engineer that because the nursery is managing their septic system right now. Once they install it, then they will be managing that. They’ll have their private contractor manage the… Aller: Anything else? Yusuf: Do you have any idea how long this type of… Aanenson: You know we thought we had some development happening on that, we had a project that didn’t come to fruition as the economy turned but you have to come from the property to the, just to the west of this that abuts Powers Boulevard. That’s where the lift station would be so, but…interest in the property. It’s the property in front of it that’s not as interested at this time in developing so. Don’t know. Could happen in 2 years. Could happen in 5 or 6 years or more. Yusuf: Thank you. Withrow: Kate, will these be visible from the highway? Aanenson: No they won’t. Withrow: They will be shielded. Aanenson: Yep they’ll be, yeah. Actually they are buried so. Withrow: They’re buried, oh okay. I’m sorry. Aanenson: That’s okay. I probably didn’t make that clear but they are, yep. Yep, and they won’t be outside the right-of-way. Aller: I’ll entertain a motion. Yusuf: I’ll make a motion the Chanhassen Planning Commission as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves Planning Case 2013-14 for a variance to permit installation of sewage holding tanks subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Withrow: I’ll second. 39 Chanhassen Planning Commission – July 16, 2013 Aller: I have a motion and a second. Any further discussion? I have none. Yusuf moved, Withrow seconded that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves Planning Case #2013-14 for a variance to permit installation of sewage subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of holding tanks Fact and Decision: 1.Variance allowing holding tanks to be time limited to three years. 2.Sewage holding tanks may not serve an inhabited structure. 3.Site served by holding tanks must be seasonal use only. 4.Sewage holding tank(s) to have capacity alarm. 5.Sewage holding tank(s) pumping contract required. 6.The new holding tanks must be 50 feet from the well on the property. 7.The tanks must 50 feet from the wetland on the north and west sides of the property. 8.The tanks must be outside of the right-of-way. 9.The septic holding tank system must be installed per plumbers code. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hokkanen noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated June 18, 2013 as presented. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: th Aanenson: There was no council update. They also did not meet because of the 4 of July and just to go over your upcoming items. Next meeting will be National Night Out so we hope you’re all doing something in your own neighborhood so, we’ve had a lot of requests that people…in their own neighborhood so… For sure we’re expecting something to come in on this th Friday, so that will be on, a small subdivision on for August 20. And we also note that the rd Southwest Village Townhomes will be in for September 3 so we do anticipate two other projects coming forward. And we do have a definitive date for our joint commissions tour and th that will be September 11, which is a Wednesday. I’ll send you out another note so, we’re going to meet, so three weeks in a row there… Withrow: So our next meeting is when, I’m sorry? th Aanenson: It will be on August 20. Withrow: Thank you. th Aanenson: Yep, August 6 is National Night Out. And also I included in your packet was, just some information on some new businesses that were welcomed to the City. Aller: Yeah, so anybody that’s watching please check us out on the website and take a look at the new businesses that are issued sign permits throughout the year. They’re obviously looking for us to Buy Chanhassen. Thank you to all the sponsors out there who did such a great job on th the 4 of July parade activities. They were great. With that I’ll take a motion to adjourn. 40