Traffic Noise AssessmentCITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED AUG 0 2 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Camden Ridge Chanhassen, Minnesota TRAFFIC NOISE ASSESSMENT Prepared for Pioneer Engineering. by David Braslau Associates, Inc. 6603 Queen Avenue S. Suite N Richfield, MN 55423 Tel: 612 - 331 -4571 Fax: 612-331-4572 Eml: david @braslau.com Dr. David Braslau, President 2 August 2013 Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. ............................... 1 1.1. Objectives of this Noise Assessment ............................................... ............................... 1 1.2. Site Location and Layout ................................................................. ............................... 1 1.3. Minnesota Noise Standards .............................................................. ............................... 1 1.4. Report Components .......................................................................... ............................... 4 2.0 METHODOLOGY FOR ANALYZING HIGHWAY NOISE ....... ............................... 5 2.1. Noise Modeling Assumptions .......................................................... ............................... 5 3.0 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS .............................................................. ............................... 7 3.1. Predicted Noise Levels ..................................................................... ............................... 7 3.2. Compliance with State Standards for the 6 -7 AM (nighttime) Period ............................ 9 3.3. Construction needed to provide an Exterior- Interior Noise Reduction of 30 dBA....... 10 4.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS .............................................................. .............................11 David Braslau Associates, Inc. Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment List of Figures Figure1.1 Site Location ........................................................................... ............................... 2 Figure 1.2 Site Layout and Grading Pl an ............................................... ............................... 3 Figure 2.1 Location of Receptor Sites and Proposed Berm and Noise Wall ...................... 6 List of Tables Table 1.1 Minnesota State Noise Standards for Residential Land Uses (NAC -1) ........... 1 Table 3.1 Predicted L10 for the PM Peak Hour .................................. ............................... 7 Table 3.2 Predicted L10 for the 6 -7 AM Hour ..................................... ............................... 8 Table 33 6 -7 AM Level s relative to the NAC -2 Standards .............. ............................... 10 David Braslau Associates, Inc. Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Objectives of this Noise Assessment This Noise Assessment evaluates the potential impacts of noise from Trunk Highway 212 on the proposed Camden Ridge residential development in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Projected traffic noise levels from TH 212 are compared with the Minnesota daytime and nighttime noise standards to determine the potential for noise impacts and effectiveness of the proposed noise wall on top of the existing berms. The exterior- interior noise attenuation provided by the proposed building construction is assumed for typical construction in Minnesota and compared with the exemption provisions contained in the Minnesota rules. 1.2. Site Location and Layout Location of the Camden Ridge development within the City of Chanhassen is shown in Figure 1.1. The development and grading plan is shown in Figure 1.2. Noise impacts have been evaluated for receptors at the ground floor and upper floor levels. 1.3. Minnesota Noise Standards The Minnesota State Noise Standards for residential land uses are presented in Table 1.1. Residential land uses are included in the NAC -1 (Noise Area Classification -1) under Minnesota Rule 7030.0040. Table 1.1 Minnesota State Noise Standards for Residential Land Uses (NAC -1) L10 is the level exceeded 10% or 6 minutes of an hour. L50 is the level exceeded 50% or 30 minutes of an hour. The L101evel is used as the primary indicator of traffic noise impact since it accurately reflects the potential impact of traffic. David Braslau Associates, Inc, Page 1 Da 'me (7:00 am to 10:00 m Nighttime (10:00 pm to 7:00 am L10 65 dBA 55 dBA L50 60 dBA 50 dBA L10 is the level exceeded 10% or 6 minutes of an hour. L50 is the level exceeded 50% or 30 minutes of an hour. The L101evel is used as the primary indicator of traffic noise impact since it accurately reflects the potential impact of traffic. David Braslau Associates, Inc, Page 1 c 0 R 0 a d Le a d 0 n to N N C v F w N N F O �i U U I.i ti rJ vi U U O y Q 7 N y Pl N 91 a M Y W a d � .�. '� ❑ A by U C O W y N O � y a w U b O � A Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment 1.4. Report Components Section 2.0 of the report describes the methodology and assumptions used for analyzing traffic noise. Section 3.0 of the report addresses projected traffic noise and compliance with state noise standards. Section 4.0 presents a summary of findings. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment 2.0 METHODOLOGY FOR ANALYZING HIGHWAY NOISE Noise levels from TH 212 have been predicted using the MinnNoise highway noise model upon MnDOT traffic counts on TH 212. Noise levels are evaluated at receptors facing the highway at each of the proposed lots 5 feet above ground level where outdoor activity can be expected and also at the upper floors of homes with living and sleeping rooms. Predicted traffic noise levels are compared with the Minnesota state noise standards to determine compliance with the standards. 2.1. Noise Modeling Assumptions Model geometry was based upon the grading plan with adjacent highway layout and elevations shown on Figure 2.1. Vehicle mix and volumes were taken from the MnDOT MinnNoise model input for TH 212 just east of the project and adjusted based upon the 2012 volume of 41,500 vehicles per day. An 8 foot high noise wall on a berm up to 4 feet in height, depending upon location, is proposed along the entire property fronting TH 212 as shown on Figure 2.1. Noise receptors have been assumed 5 feet above ground level and at the upper floors of the lots closest to TH 212.. Some limited shielding of noise is assumed to be provided by homes. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 5 a k T Y Y a � f I y .O O O a C R v L y Y v 0 O R O a ti N b�D 2 N O Q W b 0 Ic Cq QI Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment 3.0 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS 3.1. Predicted Noise Levels Predicted daytime L10 noise levels at ground level receptors (5 feet above ground elevation) and the upper floor at each of the receptor sites are shown in Table 3.1. The last two columns show the predicted L10 level relative to the daytime standard of 65 dBA. All levels are expressed in dBA (A- weighted decibels). Location of the receptor sites is shown on Figure 3.1. Table 3.1 Predicted L10 for the PM Peak Hour It can be seen from the table that all of the outdoor ground floor receptors are predicted to be below the daytime noise standard. Levels at the upper floors upper floor levels are generally several dBA above the daytime standard but are not intended for outdoor uses. With appropriate home construction required for compliance with the nighttime standard (see discussion in Section 3.2, the applicable L10 standard will be 70 dBA, so that these homes will be in compliance with the state noise standards. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 7 L10 PM Period Re Day Standard Receptor Ground Fir Upper Fir Ground Fir Upper Flr LOT1 -3 62.9 64.4 -2.1 -0.6 LOT1 -4 64.2 66.3 -0.8 1.3 LOT1 -5 63.4 68.6 -1.6 3.6 LOT2 -15/16 62.8 67.8 -2.2 2.8 LOT2 -13/14 1 63.2 67.8 -1.8 2.S LOT2 -11/12 63.2 67.4 -1.8 2.4 LOT2 -9/10 62.4 66.4 -2.6 1.4 LOT2 -7/8 61.2 65.6 -3.8 0.6 LOT2 -5/6 62.0 63.9 -3.0 -1.1 It can be seen from the table that all of the outdoor ground floor receptors are predicted to be below the daytime noise standard. Levels at the upper floors upper floor levels are generally several dBA above the daytime standard but are not intended for outdoor uses. With appropriate home construction required for compliance with the nighttime standard (see discussion in Section 3.2, the applicable L10 standard will be 70 dBA, so that these homes will be in compliance with the state noise standards. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 7 Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment Sound levels have also been estimated for the 6 -7 AM period assuming 60% of the PM peak traffic which is a typical value for this important commuting hour. These levels are presented in Table 3.2. The last column shows the predicted L101evel relative to the nighttime standard of 55 dBA. All levels are expressed in dBA (A- weighted decibels). Table 3.2 Predicted L10 for the 6 -7 AM Hour It can be seen that the predicted 6 -7 AM L10 levels exceed the nighttime level by as much as 12 dBA on the upper floor. However, exceptions to the Minnesota rules permit a higher L10 standard or limit to be applied if the land use meets certain conditions. These are addressed below in Section 3.2. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 8 L10 6- 7 AM Re Night Standard Receptor Ground Fir Upper Fir Ground Fir Upper Fir LOT1 -3 61 62 6 7 LOT1 -4 62 64 7 9 LOT1 -5 61 67 6 12 LOT2 -15/16 61 66 6 11 LOT2 -13/14 1 61 66 1 6 11 LOT2 -11/12 61 65 6 10 LOT2 -9/10 60 64 5 9 LOT2 -7/8 59 1 64 4 9 LOT2 -5/6 60 62 5 7 It can be seen that the predicted 6 -7 AM L10 levels exceed the nighttime level by as much as 12 dBA on the upper floor. However, exceptions to the Minnesota rules permit a higher L10 standard or limit to be applied if the land use meets certain conditions. These are addressed below in Section 3.2. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 8 Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment 3.2. Compliance with State Standards for the 6-7 AM (nighttime) Period Under exceptions contained in Minnesota Rules, commercial noise standards (NAC -2) can be applied to a residential land use if provisions in the rules can be met. The applicable provisions of Minnesota Rule 7030.0050 are presented below. Subp. 3. Exceptions. The noise area classification for a land use may be changed in the following ways if the applicable conditions are met. B. The standards for a building in a noise area classification 2 shall be applied to a building in a noise area classification 1 if the following conditions are met: (1) the building is constructed in such a way that the exterior to interior sound level attenuation is at least 30 dB(A); (2) the building has year -round climate control; and (3) the building has no areas or accommodations that are intended for outdoor activities. Since there are no areas outside of the upper floor that are specifically intended for outdoor use during the nighttime period, condition (3) of the provisions can be met. Condition (2) will be met if the homes are required to provide year -round climate control which is planned. Condition (1) can be met if the exterior to interior sound attenuation of the homes is 30 dBA or greater, Under NAC -2, the L10 is 70 dBA for both daytime and nighttime periods. Comparisons of the projected nighttime (6-7 am) L101evels for receptors relative to the NAC -2 L10 70 dBA standard are presented in Table 33. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 9 Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment Table 3.3 6 -7 AM Level s relative to the NAC -2 Standards It can be seen that the Upper Floor daytime levels will be 3 dBA or more below the L10 70 dBA standard. Therefore, all of the homes on the site will comply with the state noise standards if the homes meet or exceed an exterior to interior noise reduction of 30 dBA. 3.3. Construction needed to provide an Exterior- Interior Noise Reduction of 30 dBA Proposed construction for the homes in the development is noted below: Exterior construction proposed: LP Smart Board 15/32" sheathing Tyvek wrap 2x6 studs 16 " o.c. R -19 batt insulation '/2" gypsum board Mechanical ventilation system: 3 -ton central air unit Windows STC 25 -28 Patio doors: STC 25 -28 Entry doors: STC 29 In order to achieve the 30 dBA exterior to interior sound attenuation, STC 28 windows would be required if windows make up 15% of the wall area, and STC 29 windows if windows account for 20% of the wall area facing the highway. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 10 L10 6- 7 AM Re L10 70 Receptor Ground 2nd Floor Ground 2nd Floor LOT1 -3 61 62 -9 -8 LOTt -4 62 64 -8 -6 LOT1 -5 61 67 -9 -3 LOT2 -15/16 61 66 -9 -4 LOT2 -13/14 1 61 66 -9 -4 LOT2 -11/12 61 1 65 -9 -5 LOT2 -9/10 60 64 -10 -6 LOT2 -7/8 59 64 -11 -6 LOT2 -5/6 60 62 -10 -8 It can be seen that the Upper Floor daytime levels will be 3 dBA or more below the L10 70 dBA standard. Therefore, all of the homes on the site will comply with the state noise standards if the homes meet or exceed an exterior to interior noise reduction of 30 dBA. 3.3. Construction needed to provide an Exterior- Interior Noise Reduction of 30 dBA Proposed construction for the homes in the development is noted below: Exterior construction proposed: LP Smart Board 15/32" sheathing Tyvek wrap 2x6 studs 16 " o.c. R -19 batt insulation '/2" gypsum board Mechanical ventilation system: 3 -ton central air unit Windows STC 25 -28 Patio doors: STC 25 -28 Entry doors: STC 29 In order to achieve the 30 dBA exterior to interior sound attenuation, STC 28 windows would be required if windows make up 15% of the wall area, and STC 29 windows if windows account for 20% of the wall area facing the highway. David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 10 Camden Ridge Traffic Noise Assessment 4.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Traffic noise levels have been predicted for the Camden Ridge residential development northwest of TH 212 in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The analysis has been performed for nine receptor locations (representing 15 proposed living units closest to TH 212) both at the ground floor and upper floor level. An 8 -foot noise wall on top of a berm up to feet in height is proposed along the entire frontage of the development with TH 212. With the berm and wall combination, all of the ground level receptors are predicted to be below the daytime LIO 65 dBA standard for residential land uses. Upper story receptors will experience levels several dBA above the daytime standard but are not planned for outdoor uses. Nighttime (6 -7 am) levels at all of the receptor sites are estimated to be over the L10 55 dBA standard. However, exceptions to the noise standards permit the NAC -2 or Commercial Noise Standard to be applied which is L10 70 dBA, providing certain conditions are met. With appropriate home construction, these conditions should be met so that all receptor sites will be in compliance with the state noise standards. yAjobs\2013jobs\213038\mport\a den_ridge_Mffic_noise_mmsment.dce David Braslau Associates, Inc. Page 11