Approval Letter 08-14-2013Engineering This letter is to formally notify you that on August 12, 2013, the Chanhassen City Phone: 952.227.1100 Council adopted the following four motions: Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the land use map amendment from Residential — Low Density to Residential — Low and Medium Park & Recreation Density with the following condition, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact Phone 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 and Recommendation: Recreation Center August 14, 2013 CITY OF John Knoblauch Phone: 952.227.1400 J & S Ventures 1, Inc. CIIANNSEN 1450 Knob Hill Lane Planning & Natural Resources Excelsior, MN 55331 7700 Market Boulevard Residential — Low Density (R4) and Mixed Low Density Residential (R8) to Planned PO Box 147 Re: The Preserve at Rice Lake — Planning Case 2013 -12 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Land Use Map Amendment from Residential -Low Density to Public works Residential -Low and Medium Density; Rezoning from Single Family Administration Residential (RSF) and Mixed Low Density Residential (R4) to Planned Phone: 952.227.1100 Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R); Subdivision of 13.22 acres into Fax: 952.227.1110 16 lots and 2 outlots with Variances (PRESERVE AT RICE LAKE); Building inspections Site Plan Review; and Wetland Alteration Permit. Phone: 952.227.1180 C. PRELIMINARY PLAT: Fax: 952.227.1190 Dear Mr. Knoblauch: Engineering This letter is to formally notify you that on August 12, 2013, the Chanhassen City Phone: 952.227.1100 Council adopted the following four motions: Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the land use map amendment from Residential — Low Density to Residential — Low and Medium Park & Recreation Density with the following condition, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact Phone 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 and Recommendation: Recreation Center 1. Approval of the Land Use Amendment is subject to Metropolitan Council 2310 Coulter Boulevard determination of consistency with system plan. Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax 952 227.1404 B. REZONING Planning & Natural Resources Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the rezoning from Phone: 952,2271130 Residential — Low Density (R4) and Mixed Low Density Residential (R8) to Planned Fax: 952.227.1110 Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) with the following condition, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation and attached ordinance Public works rezoning the property. 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 1. Approval of the Rezoning is contingent upon approval of the final plat and Fax: 952.227.1310 execution of the development contract. Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 C. PRELIMINARY PLAT: Fax: 952.227.1110 Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the preliminary plat to Web Site subdivide 13.22 acres into 16 lots and 2 outlots as shown in plans dated received www.d.chanhassen.mn.us August 5, 2013with the following conditions, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing forToday and Planning for Tomorrow Mr. John Knoblauch The Preserve at Rice Lake - Planning Case 2013 -12 August 14, 2013 Page 2 All lots must comply with the following table: COMPLUNCE TABLE Wetland setback: 20 ft. buffer, 30 ft. principal structure, 15 ft. accessory structure. Front: 25 ft. Rear: 30 ft., accessory structure 15 ft. Side: 10 ft. house, 5 ft. garage 2. All relocated trees shall be warranted for two seasons and replaced by developer if dead or dying within that time period. Area Width Depth Maximum (square feet) (feet) (feet) Hardcover Notes (square feet 60 at PUD 10,000 building 100 30 percent setback Ll Bl 10,085 126 122 3,025 Wetland L2 B1 10,001 90 108 1 3,000 Wetland L3 Bl 11,324 3148 109 3,397 Wetland L4 Bl 10,281 76 143 3,084 Wetland L5 Bl 10,103 70 146 3,031 L6 Bl 10,301 63 134 3,090 L7 Bl 10,017 62 128 3,005 L8 Bl 10,000 62 124 3,000 Wetland L9 Bl 10,187 62 129 3,056 Wetland L10 Bl 10,024 63 123 3,007 Wetland Lll Bl 12,083 65 (building 116 3,625 Wetland setback) L12 Bl 10,017 65 (building 118 3,005 Wetland setback Ll B2 108 Wetland, * area of neck 14,085* (building 132 4,225 (4,961 sq. ft.) excluded setback) from lot area calculations L2 B2 10,781 85 106 3,234 Corner lot L3 B2 10,000 106 127 3,000 L4 B2 10,003 91 148 3,001 Outlot A 282,031 6.47 acres open space/wetlands Outlot B 47,560 1.09 acres open s ace /wetlands ROW 72,309 1.66 acres TOTAL 576,299 13.23 acres Wetland setback: 20 ft. buffer, 30 ft. principal structure, 15 ft. accessory structure. Front: 25 ft. Rear: 30 ft., accessory structure 15 ft. Side: 10 ft. house, 5 ft. garage 2. All relocated trees shall be warranted for two seasons and replaced by developer if dead or dying within that time period. Mr. John Knoblauch The Preserve at Rice Lake — Planning Case 2013 -12 August 14, 2013 Page 3 3. Advanced warning and speed advisory signs are required where the design speed is less than 30 mph. 4. The site plan and HydroCAD model must be revised to address the following comments: a. Peak discharge rates are proposed to increase at the following locations: i. Runoff leaving the overall site for the snowmelt events. ii. Runoff leaving the western portion of Wetland A for the 2, 10 and 100 year design events. iii. Runoff leaving the site to the north of the eastern portion of Wetland A for the snowmelt event. iv. Runoff leaving the site to the north of the western portion of Wetland A for all events. b. The drainage areas and/or curve number in the HydroCAD model must correspond to the Drainage Area and Curve Number Table. c. Directly connected impervious areas must be modeled separately rather than included in the composite Curve Number computation. d. The applicant must provide calculations (or submit a model) demonstrating that the city's requirements for water quality are satisfied. i. If the event -based NURP standard cannot be achieved by dead pool storage, then (P8 or other) calculations should be based on equivalent annual removal efficiencies. ii. If an iron - enhanced filtration system is included in the design, calculations should be provided demonstrating the water quality treatment benefits of the BMP. Detailed plans of the system should be submitted for review with the calculations. iii. The report notes that the east pond is able to remove 87.8% of the phosphorus load. This removal efficiency appears excessively high. It is anticipated that there is either an error with the model inputs or the calculation was performed for a particular rainfall event rather than annualized removal efficiency. 5. The developer shall obtain off -site easements over the existing swale and 18" culvert. 6. The developer agreed to replace the 18" culvert north of the site with a new pipe that provides the same capacity. 7. The HydroCAD model must be revised so that the impervious surface of the lots is 30 %. 8. If groundwater is encountered during site construction the lowest floor elevations must be adjusted so that there is a minimum three -foot separation. Mr. John Knoblauch The Preserve at Rice Lake — Planning Case 2013 -12 August 14, 2013 Page 4 9. The grading plan must be revised to address the following comments: a. The developer must obtain a MnDOT permit for the proposed grading within the MnDOT right -of -way. b. It is difficult to discern between the proposed contours, lot lines and setback lines. The developer's engineer is requested to change the drawing line weights. 10. Some homes may choose to install a privately -owned and maintained booster to provide a higher water pressure. 11. The watermain shall be 8 -inch PVC (C -900). 12. Prior to final submittal the developer must obtain all necessary easements to install the sanitary sewer off -site, to the north. 13. A portion of the trunk sewer and water hookup fees must be paid in cash with the final plat in the rate in effect at that time. 14. The proposed location of the catch basin on the east side of the cul de sac must be shifted so that it will not conflict with the pedestrian ramp to the trail between Lots 11 and 12, Block 1. 15. Street and utility plan and profile construction plans must be submitted with the final plat. 16. Outfalls into the easterly pond must be minimized to the greatest extent practicable. 17. Plan shall show proposed pond maintenance access and landscaping must not interfere with pond maintenance access. 18. The applicant must apply for and receive an NPDES permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and provide evidence to the city prior to grading the site. 19. The Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) must be prepared as a standalone document and submitted to engineering for review and comment prior to final plat approval. This SWPPP shall include a narrative, plan set and applicable details. 20. The SWPPP must include the required elements as listed in Part III of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity ( NPDES Construction Permit) and in the MPCA SWPPP checklist. 21. A detailed erosion prevention and sediment control plan must be submitted for review and approval per the requirements of Section 19 -145 of Chanhassen City Code and the NPDES Construction Permit. This should include, among the other listed requirements, all temporary and permanent best management practices. Mr. John Knoblauch The Preserve at Rice Lake — Planning Case 2013 -12 August 14, 2013 Page 5 22. There is significant evidence of gully erosion at both off -site discharge locations. Rates must be reduced below existing discharge rates or efforts must be taken to stabilize these discharge points to prevent further channel incision and head cutting. 23. Wetland buffers are required around all wetlands on site. Extend buffer around wetland E. 24. Wetland buffer must be extended through all disturbed areas. A detailed vegetation management plan must be developed showing how these areas will be permanently stabilized. 25. A vegetation establishment and management plan must be developed and submitted for review for all areas preserved as open space including those areas graded for the construction of stormwater management practices and the installation of utilities that are above the normal water level prior to final plat approval. 26. Minnesota Department of Transportation right -of -way is outside of the City of Chanhassen's WCA jurisdiction as MnDOT is their own LGU. Chanhassen's review of wetland boundaries ended at the property limits. The applicant must get all appropriate approvals from MnDOT for work on the sound wall. 27. The development must comply with the MN Rules Chapter 6120 and the DNR must issue their concurrence to this effect. 28. Estimated Surface Water Management Connection charges due at the time of final plat are $69,983.50. Provide area of wetland buffer and preservation/volume reduction area after development to accurately calculate credit. 29. Fifty - percent (50 %) of park fees shall be collected in consideration for the dedication of Outlots A and B. The park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. At today's rate these fees would total $46,400 (16 lots X $5,800 per lot/2). 30. Wetland nomenclature on plan set shall be amended to correspond with HydroCAD drainage report and wetland replacement application. 31. The land owner and the selected contractor must provide a Landowner Statement and Contractor Responsibility for Work in Wetlands or Public Waters form to the City prior to working on the road crossing into the site. This form is available on the Board of Soil and Water Resources website. 32. A detailed planting schedule and maintenance plan must be provided for the preservation/volume reduction area. 33. Preservation/volume reduction area shall be protected from construction traffic, material stockpiling and other construction related activities during site development. These protection measures shall be shown in plans. Mr. John Knoblauch The Preserve at Rice Lake — Planning Case 2013 -12 August 14, 2013 Page 6 34. Signs shall be placed along the preservation/volume reduction area to protect the area from encroachment after build out. 35. Seeded areas within the outlots shall be established and managed according to guidelines and policies developed by the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources as are available on their website. 36. Construction of the 8 -foot wide neighborhood trail connection from the public street to the southeast comer of the property. 37. The applicant shall comply with all MnDOT requirements for any work within their right -of- way, i.e. noise wall, landscaping, etc. D. VARIANCES Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Variances to allow a reduced setback from Highway 212 and a cul -de -sac that exceeds 800 feet in length as shown in plans dated received August 5, 2013 with the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1. Approval of the variances is contingent upon approval of the Land Use Plan Amendment, Subdivision, Site Plan Review, Rezoning and Wetland Alteration Permit. E. SITE PLAN REVIEW Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for a medium density development as shown in plans dated received August 5, 2013 with the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1. Approval of the Land Use Amendment subject the Metropolitan Council determination of consistency with system plan. 2. Adoption of the Chanhassen PUD Ordinance, which shall be created to govern the site and design standards. 3. Execution of the Site Plan Permit. 4. Approval of the final plat and execution of the development contract. F. WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the wetland alteration permit as shown in plans dated received August 5, 2013 with the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1. Wetland buffers are required around all wetlands on site. Mr. John Knoblauch The Preserve at Rice Lake — Planning Case 2013 -12 August 14, 2013 Page 7 2. A plan should be provided showing the location of all wetland buffer signs. These signs shall be placed concurrent to the installation of erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs except when grading is proposed at a buffer monument location. 3. The plan must meet the sequencing requirements of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. This can be accomplished by locating the sidewalk to the north side of the proposed road and extending the regional connection between lots 11 and 12 of Block 1. 4. A completed Application for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits Form shall be provided with the Minnesota Local /State /Federal Application for Water/Wetland Projects as well as a signed and executed purchase agreement between the applicant and the bank holder. 5. Wetland nomenclature on plan set shall be amended to correspond with HydroCAD drainage report and wetland replacement application. 6. Approval of the Wetland Alteration Permit is contingent upon approval of the Land Use Plan Amendment, variances, Rezoning, Site Plan Review, Final Plat, and execution of the Development Contract. Attached are items required for final plat consideration. If you have any questions, please call me at (952) 227 -1134 or e-mail me at saliaff@ci.chanbassen.mn.us. Sincerely, Sharmeen Al -Jaff Senior Planner SAJ:ktm Enclosure c: Chestnut Group, LLC ec: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Director of Community Development Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director Jerry Mohn, Building Official gAplan\2013 planning cases\2013 -12 preserve at rice lake\approval letter.doc ITEMS REQUIRED FOR FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION The following items are required to be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to City Council meeting and payment of a $250.00 final plat review fee: Submit three (3) sets of full size, 50 scale construction plans and specifications for staff review and redline. • Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities (sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines). The plan view must show all drainage and utility easements. • Grading and drainage plans shall show dwelling type and elevations, wetlands and wetland buffer areas, stormwater pond NWL and HWL, EOF and catch basin and storm manhole numbers. • The construction plans and specifications shall be in accordance to the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications & Detail Plates. • The plans shall include traffic signage and street light placement. 2. Drainage calculations for water quantity and quality ponding with maps showing drainage areas for pre -and post - development conditions and contributing areas to catch basins. 3. Hydraulic calculations and drainage map for the storm sewer design. 4. Tree Preservation Easements (if applicable). 5. Trail Easements (if applicable). 6. Engineer's Cost Estimate of Improvements: a. Sanitary sewer system. b. Water system. c. Storm sewer drainage system including cleaning and maintenance. d. Streets, sidewalk and trails. e. Erosion control. f. Site restoration (seeding, sodding, etc.). g. Site grading h. Street lights & signs i. Engineering, surveying & inspection j. Landscaping 7. Five (5) sets (folded) of final plat, one (1) set of reductions (81/2" x 11 "), and a digital copy in .tif format. 8. Digital copy of the legal description of the property in a .doc format. 9. Lot tabulations. Failure to provide any of the above items by the required deadline will result in delaying consideration of final plat before the City Council. Updated 11 -29 -06 gAeng \forms \final plat submittal.doc