6 StandardsRooftopScreen/SdewlkCITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 iarke! Bcit~iev,4rd PO Box 147 Onanhassen blN 55317 Adminislration Ph(,n~ 952,~2/11~0 Fax 952227 111(} Building Inspections Phor:e 952227' 1180 Fax: 952227 1190 Engineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax: 952227 1170 Finance Phone 9522271140 Fax: 9522271110 Park & Recreation Phone: 9522271120 Fax: 952 2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Pho;~e~ 952227.1400 Fax: 9522271404 Planning & Natural Resources Pl~one: 9522271130 Fax 952 227 1110 Public Works 1591 Pa,~k Road Pi~0ne: 952 2271300 Fax: 952 227 1310 Senior Center Ph',)ne: 952227 1125 Fax: 952227111(3 Web Site ,,~,',¢,,,',,~.,' c chaphassen mn us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Angela Auseth, Planning Technician DATE: January 6, 2004 RE: Sidewalk and Rooftop Screening Regulations Staff has contacted other communities regarding sidewalk requirements for new developments as well as requirements for screening of rooftop equipment. Overall, most communities do not have specific regulations for requiring sidewalks in new developments. Rooftop screening has more specific regulations, such as making sure that it is not visible from neighboring properties. Please review and we will discuss at an upcoming meeting. For your information the survey results are as follows: Bloomington 952-563-8920 ao Mechanical Equipment Screening. Condition of approval, compatible with architecture, same height as equipment, not visual from adjoining properties. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment installed on buildings constructed within the City shall be screened from view. This requirement shall be deemed satisfied when all parts of the roof-mounted equipment are not visible from ground level observation or at any point on the property, adjacent property, or from adjacent streets. ii. Screening required by this Section shall comply with the following: · The screening shall be permanently attached to the building and shall be capable of withstanding all load requirements as outlined in the State of Minnesota Building Code. · The screening shall be constructed with materials that are architecturally compatible with the building. The use of wood, in whole or in part, as a screening material The City of Chanhassen · ~,.(] 8'¢,1l ~' (lOfT/Il ] !Ih/, with IlL shall not be considered as being architecturally compatible unless the building is constructed with a wood exterior. · A parapet wall of sufficient height and as an integral part of the building shall be considered as approved screening, · All roof-top screening shall be kept in repair or in a proper state of preservation. · Existing screening which requires major alteration or replacement shall meet the requirements of this Section. Maintenance. · In all districts, all screening, including landscaping, fencing, and other structures, whether required or not, shall be maintained so as not to be unsightly or constitute a nuisance to adjoining property and so as to be in accordance with any approved plans. Screening is "unsightly" when it is dilapidated, when it is in need of paint or peeling, when its materials are broken, crumbling, decaying, warping, or falling apart, or, in the case of landscaping, when plant materials are diseased or dying. b. Side walks Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, any final plan for development in a Mixed-Use District (CX-2) and any final site and building plan for development in a Commercial Service District (CS-I), Commercial Office District (CO-I) or Residential Office District (RO-50) shall include the following transit and carpooling design requirements: · Transit. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths and other similar pedestrian traffic circulation systems located within one-fourth mile of existing transit routes shall be designed to provide easy pedestrian access to transit facilities. Any building located within one-fourth mile of an existing transit route shall be required to have a sidewalk extending from such building to the roadway or sidewalk situated adjacent to the transit route. Developers of such buildings shall provide transit shelters if requested to do so by the City of Bloomington or the Metropolitan Transit Commission. Sidewalks shall be provided from parking areas, loading zones and recreation areas to the entrance to the building. Plymouth 763-509-5000 b. Mechanical Equipment Screening: i. Roof top screening administrative approval ii. All rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment of non-residential buildings shall comply with the following standards: · All rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be buffered so as to mitigate noise in compliance with Section 21105.10 of this Chapter. · All rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be designed (including exterior color) and located so to be aesthetically harmonious and compatible with the building. Screening of the equipment may be required where the design, color, and location of the equipment are found to not effectively buffer noise or provide aesthetic harmony and compatibility as observed by a six-foot tall individual standing at ground level on the adjacent property or public right-of-way. Screening shall be constructed of durable materials which are aesthetically compatible with the structure and which may be an integral part of the structure. Applicable requirements for access to the equipment shall be observed in the design and construction of the screening. (Amended by Ord. No. 99-5, 01/19/99) · Rooftop mechanical equipment less than three (3) feet in height shall be exempt from the screening requirements of Section 21130.05, Subd. 2. of this Chapter. c. Sidewalks and Trails. i. Sidewalks and Trails. Required sidewalks and trails shall be installed at the time a street is constructed. ii. Side walk on one side of the street on local streets--Plat iii. Larger streets require trails--comp plan iV. Required Improvements. · A sidewalk or trail shall be installed along all arterial and collector roadways consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. A sidewalk shall be required on one side of all local streets. Sidewalks shall extend to the turn-around portion of a cul-de- sac street. Construction of both sidewalks and trails shall be as specified in the City's Engineering Guidelines. · Width. Sidewalks along local streets shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide. Trails shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide, unless located directly behind a curb, in which case they shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide. · Grade. Sidewalks and trails shall be sloped in such a manner so as to prevent pooling of storm water runoff and to drain away from any nearby buildings. The profile grade shall not exceed the grade of the adjacent roadway, unless authorized by the City Engineer. · Location. Sidewalks shall be included within the dedicated street right-of-way. Trails may be located within the street right-of-way, an easement or an outlot, depending on whether there is sufficient right-of-way to accommodate the trail and meet other City requirements, including snow storage. Eden Prairie 952-949-8300 d. Mechanical Equipment Screening: All mechanical equipment mounted on the exterior of a building and possessing one_or more of the characteristics listed below in k.3. shall be physically screened from all public roads and adjacent differing land uses with factory prefinished metal, wood laminated with metal, or other building material in a manner architecturally integral to the building or buildings on site. ii. All mechanical equipment located on the ground and possessing one or more of the characteristics listed blow in k.3. shall be physically screened from all public roads and adjacent differing land uses with either plant material or factory prefinished metal, wood laminated with metal, or other building material in a manner architecturally integral to the building or buildings on site. 111. Irregular in size and shape; Exposed and/or protruding fans, grills, pipes, tubes, wires, vents; Unfinished metal covering, exposed rivets, exposed seams. iV. "Parapet Wall" - An architecturally, structurally and aesthetically integral wall extending above the roof level, continuously around the perimeter of the building which has the primary purpose of screening mechanical equipment. Existing Transportation Systems. Describe how the land within the PUD will be served by transportation systems and provide an analysis of the PUD's impact upon such transportation systems. If transportation systems are not adequate to accommodate the traffic expected from the development, describe improvements necessary. Illustrate how the plan provides for pedestrian and bicycle sidewalks and trails and how they tie into the City-wide system. Sidewalks and Trails. Sidewalks and/or trails may be required. The design thereof shall conform to the_requirements of the City Engineer. i. Other Information. · Statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of building with number of proposed dwelling units; type of business or industry so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards or congestion of population. · A general landscaping plan showing plantings, berms, fences, lighting, parking layout, sidewalks and trails. Sidewalks and Trails. Sidewalks and/or trails may be required. The design thereof shall conform to the requirements of the City Engineer. i. Depending on the site and trial system ii. PUD's encourage sidewalks, not required in single family g. Plan Area Identification. Provide the following to identify the land included in the proposed PUD. A map drawn to scale of 1" = 200' showing roads, structures, lakes, streams, ponds, wetlands, floodplains, vegetation, topography, utilities, sidewalks, trails, parks, zoning, and land use within 1,000 11-44 feet of the boundaries of a proposed PUD and an analysis of the impact the PUD would have on the above referenced items. Eagan 651-675-5685 h. Mechanical Equipment screening i. (in PD's it is a condition of approval no visualization from neighboring property lines ii. In the RD and BP districts, ground level view of all mechanical utilities shall be completely screened from contiguous properties and adjacent streets Sidewalks (nothing in writing) i. on a collector one side or a trail ii. Major or minor collector both sides iii. County road trail Edina 952-927-886 ! a. Mechanical Equipment Screening. All mechanical equipment accessory to any building, except single dwelling unit and double dwelling unit buildings, shall be screened from all lot lines and streets. ii. Materials. Required screening may be achieved with fences, walls, earth berms, hedges and other landscape materials. All walls and fences shall be architecturally harmonious with the principal building. Earth berms shall not be steeper than 3:1. All materials, including landscaping, shall have a minimum opacity of 90 percent year round. iii. Location. All required screening shall be located on the lot occupied by the use, building, facility or structure to be screened. No screening shall be located upon any public road right-of-way, or within 20 feet of the traveled portion of a street. iv. Height. The minimum height for screening required by this Section is as follows: Screening required by subparagraphs I and 2 of paragraph A. of Subd. 2 of Subsection 850.10: ten feet above property line; · Screening required by subparagraph 3 of paragraph A. of Subd. 2 of Subsection 850.10: four feet above level of parking lot and ten feet above level of loading facility; and Screening required by subparagraphs 4 and 5 of paragraph A. of Subd. 2 of Subsection 850.10: high enough to completely screen from property lines, but not less than five feet or greater than ten feet in height. b. Sidewalks a. Only as they relate to other sidewalk systems Minnetonka 952-939-8200 j. Mechanical Equipment Screening i. Single-family homes are exempt from this requirement. "All rooftop or ground-mounted mechanical equipment and exterior trash and recycling storage areas shall be enclosed with materials compatible with the principal structure. Low-profile, self contained mechanical units which blend into the building architecture are exempt from the screening requirement." ii. The PD zoning district includes those properties in the general area of 1-394. "Accessory equipment: all mechanical and heating, ventilation, air conditioning equipment shall be incorporated into the architecture of a building so as not be visible from public views or audible from residential neighborhoods." iii. Telecommunications Facilities This section of code pertains to cell towers. "Ground-mounted equipment. Ground-mounted accessory equipment or buildings must be architecturally designed to blend in with the surrounding environment, including the principal structure, or must be screened from view by suitable vegetation, except where a design of non-vegetative screening better reflects and complements the character of the surrounding neighborhood." k. Sidewalks i. Left a message for the City's sidewalks. Burnsville 952-895-4400 1. Mechanical Equipment Screening i. Paint to match building ii. Changing to require a parapet wall (February) Trail's Coordinator regarding m. Sidewalks i. No regulations ii. Push for sidewalks with PUD · Varies, usually one side of street