Approval Letter 08-28-2013Administration Dear Mr. Schutrop: Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 This letter is to confirm that on August 26, 2013, the Chanhassen City Council Building Inspections approved the final plat for Bluff Creek Woods creating three lots and one outlot Phone: 952.227.1160 subject to the following conditions: Fax: 952.227.1190 August 28, 2013 CITY OF Engineering Phone: 952.2271700 Phone: 952.227.1300 Mr. Martin Schutrop CIIANIIASSEN 540 Lakota Lane drivewa s to each home sign proposed Y , an address si shall also be installed. Submit ro osed Chaska, MN 55318 7700 Market Boulevard signage to Fire Marshal for approval. P Box Chanhassen, MN N 55317 Re: Bluff Creek Woods — Final Plat Planning Case # 2013 -09 Administration Dear Mr. Schutrop: Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 This letter is to confirm that on August 26, 2013, the Chanhassen City Council Building Inspections approved the final plat for Bluff Creek Woods creating three lots and one outlot Phone: 952.227.1160 subject to the following conditions: Fax: 952.227.1190 Public Works 1. At the entrance off Hazeltine Boulevard, a monument sign displaying all four Engineering Phone: 952.2271700 Phone: 952.227.1300 address numbers shall be installed. In addition, at the start of the individual Fax: 952.227.1170 drivewa s to each home sign proposed Y , an address si shall also be installed. Submit ro osed signage to Fire Marshal for approval. Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 2. Park fees shall be collected in full for the two new homes at the rate in force upon Fax: 952.227.1110 final plat submission and approval. Park Recreation Phone: 952.2271120 3. Any use of or work within or affecting MnDOT rights -of -way requires a permit. Fax: 952.227.1110 Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at Y hft://www.dot.state.mn.us/utilitv/. Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard 4. Outlot A and the preservation easement shall be coincidental with the primary Phone: 952.227.1400 zone for the Bluff Creek Overlay District and shall be recorded with the final plat. Fax: 952.221.1404 The primary zone shall follow the east property lines of Lots 2 and 3 and the Planning & southeast 55 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 5. A structure setback of 40 feet is required from the primary zone. No disturbance Fax: 952.227.1110 shall occur within the first 20 feet of the setback Public Works 6. The Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone and the corresponding setback 7901 Park Place shall be shown on all plan sheets. Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 7. Signs clearly demarcating the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone shall be Senior Center installed at all major angle points and at the intersection of lot lines with the Phone: 952.227.1125 primary zone boundary. Site plans shall be amended to show the placement of the Fax: 952.227.1110 signs. Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us g. The applicant shall provide drainage calculations for pre - development and post - development conditions. Chanhassen is a Community for Life • Providing forTodayand Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED Mr. Martin Schutrop August 28, 2013 Page 2 9. Preservation of natural vegetation shall be allowed as a volume and rate control tool. Water quality best management practices are still required. This shall meet the requirements of the NPDES permit for drainage to an impaired water or NURP plus enhanced treatment, whichever is stricter. 10. SWMP charges shall be paid in the amount of 33 percent of the normal fees due to the protection of land through a combination of preservation easement and the dedication of Outlot A to the City. Total SWMP fees are $19,952.00. The developer shall pay SWMP fees of $6,584.00 at the time of final plat recording. 11. Water that now heads west and then south along the trail and away from this area will be directed northwest into the depression north of the shared entrance. An adequate outlet must be provided for this area and the existing drainage patterns must be maintained. 12. Prior to grading, each lot shall install tree protection fencing at the edge of grading limits. 13. Building permit surveys for each lot shall be required to show all inventoried trees within the grading limits and 10 feet beyond and their removal or preservation status. 14. The developer shall work with staff to realign the access to Lot 1. 15. If the common portion of the driveway to Lots 1 and 2 is damaged during construction, it must be replaced with three inches of bituminous. 16. The driveway easement shall be recorded as a separate document. 17. The grading plan must be revised so that the grades do not exceed 3H:1 V. 18. A permit is required from MnDOT to install the sewer and water services as well as grading in the right -of -way. 19. The City must be notified a minimum of 72 hours before the sewer and water services are to be installed. 20. The sewer and water service connections must be inspected and approved by the City. 21. The developer must submit an escrow for the sewer and water service installation and necessary boulevard restoration associated with the service installation. 22. Lots 1 and 3 are subject to the City sewer and water hook -up charges and the Metropolitan Council Sanitary Access Charge. Thirty percent of the City sewer and water hookups are due with the final plat with the remaining 70 percent due with the building permit at the rate in effect at that time. The amount due with the final plat is WAC: 2 units x $1,818 /unit = $3,636 and SAC: 2 units x $651 /unit = $1,302. Mr. Martin Schutrop August 28, 2013 Page 3 23. The developer must submit a proposed street name for review and approval prior to final plat of the property. 24. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. 25. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 26. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 27. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 28. The developer and/or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 29. Infiltration areas must be protected from compaction due to construction- related activities. Plans shall be amended to indicate how this will occur. 30. The driveway for Lot I must be a minimum of five feet from the existing utility pedestal and five feet from the Lot 1 /Lot 2 property line. 31. A driveway easement in favor of Lot 3 is required over the common driveway located on Lot 2. 32. The existing overhead service to the existing home on Lot 2 crosses over Lot 3. The developer's options are as follows: a) Record a private easement over the overhead utility against Lot 3 in favor of Lot 2, or b) Relocate the overhead utility and record any necessary private easement, or c) Convert the service to underground 33. If not already available, the developer is responsible for extending private utilities to the property, such as telephone, cable, electric and gas. 34. The existing propane tank must be removed from Lot 3. 35. The grading plan must be revised to include the 972 ft. and 974 ft. contours at the house pads on Lots 3 and 1, respectively. 36. The hydrology calculations must be revised as follows: a) Include drainage from Highway 41. The applicant is not required to treat this runoff, but the volume for a 100 -year event needs to be incorporated into the calculations to accurately determine the 100 -year elevation of the proposed stormwater feature. Mr. Martin Schutrop August 28, 2013 Page 4 b) The existing drainage area boundaries used for the runoff calculations needs to be revised to include all the area draining to the wetlands, including area outside of the proposed development. This is necessary to accurately calculate the HWL of the wetland. c) Ensure that the post - development discharge rates to both wetlands do not exceed the existing condition. Including the proposed infiltration basins in the hydrology calculations should help to achieve this. d) The curve number for the wetland areas must be 78. Two signed mylar copies of the final plat shall be submitted to our office for signatures. One 1 " =200' scale mylar reduction of the final plat and one 1 " =200' scale paper reduction of the final plat with just street names and lot and block numbers shall be submitted. The executed development contract and the required fees ($23,470.66) and security ($11,330.55) specified therein shall be submitted to the City. In addition, a digital copy in .dxf format and a digital copy in .tif format (pdf compatible) in Carver County coordinates of the final plat shall be submitted. The City will submit all the necessary documents to Carver County for recording. Processing of the final plat documents prior to recording usually takes approximately two weeks upon receipt by the city A warranty deed for Outlot A, the preservation easement and private street easement shall be prepared and executed for recording with the final plat documents. Additionally, all current year taxes must be paid in full and any delinquent property taxes or green acres taxes must also be paid. Once everything is submitted, please contact Gordy Stauff at 952- 227 -1166 to coordinate the preconstruction meeting Should you have any questions, please contact me at (952) 227 -1131 or by email at beenerousa ,,ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincere' % Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator Jerry Mohn, Building Official gAplan\2013 planning cases\2013 -09 bluff creek woods\iinal plat documents\appmal letta.doc