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1. SouthWest Village 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat and Site Plan
9 F, IA CITY OF CHANHASSEN 9�H ASS PROPOSED MOTION: PC DATE: 9/3/2013 CC DATE: 9/9/2013 REVIEW DEADLINE: 10/1/2013 CASE #: 2013 -19 — SouthWest Village 2 °d Addition/Townhomes BY: Al -Jaff, et al. "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Preliminary Plat to replat Outlot C, SouthWest Village into 38 Lots and one Outlot; and Site Plan Approval for construction of 38 townhomes (SouthWest Village Townhomes) , subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval of 2.75 acres of property zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and located at the northeast corner of Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard (SouthWest Village 2nd Addition); and Site Plan Review for 38 townhomes (SouthWest Village Townhomes). Applicant: Ryland Homes. Owner: SouthWest Transit. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within the required 500 feet. Staff is recommending approval of the request with conditions. LOCATION: Northeast comer of Highway 101 APPLICANT: Ryland Homes 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Mr. Mark Sonstegard msonstcg@,Mland.com and Lyman Blvd. 61v� SouthWest Transit 13500 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Mr. Len Simich, CEO lsimicK ,swtransit.or9 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development, Mixed Use — PUD, Mixed Use 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Mixed Use ACREAGE: 2.75 Acres DENSITY: 13.8 Units /Acre LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 2 of 27 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposal consists of two requests: Preliminary plat approval to subdivide 2.75 acres into 38 lots and one outlot, and site plan approval for the construction of 38 townhomes. The site is located at the northeast intersection of Highway101 and Lyman Boulevard. Access to the site will be from Lyman Boulevard and a right - in/out only off of Highway 101. The site is zoned Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use. SouthWest Village Park and Ride is located to the north of the subject sit. SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 3 of 27 Subdivision/Preliminary Plat: The first request is for the subdivision of 2.75 acres into 38 lots and 1 outlot. Lots 1 -38 will house the townhouses. Outlot A contains surface parking areas, drive aisles and all driveways and common areas for the townhomes. Site Plan: The site plan is for the townhomes. The applicant is proposing 4 six -unit and 2 seven - unit townhomes. Materials on the exterior of the homes include stone, HardiePlank, vinyl siding and asphalt shingles. All the garage doors and parking will be hidden behind the buildings and the main focus from Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101 will be the architectural design of these townhomes. This type of urban housing is typically located closer to the right -of -way to provide an urban edge to the public realm. The applicant intends to hold a neighborhood meeting on August 28, 2013. At the time of writing this report, the meeting had not yet taken place. Staff regards the project as a well - designed development. The overall design is sensitive to the surrounding area. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat and site plan subject to conditions outlined in the staff report. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is bound by Highway 212 to the north, Highway 101 to the west, Lyman Boulevard to the south, and large -lot residential to the east. The high point of the property lies in the west - central portion of the site and gently slopes. Steep slopes exist within the treed area in the northeast corner of the parent property. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article VII, Planned Unit Development District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 9, Design Standards for Multifamily Developments SouthWest Village Design Standards BACKGROUND On February 18, 2004, the City of Chanhassen and SouthWest Metro Transit (now known as SouthWest Transit) began a series of three neighborhood meetings. The intent of the planning process was to arrive upon a park- and -ride layout design and a planned unit development that met the functional needs of transit patrons and complement the community within the area's limitations. The February 18th neighborhood meeting focused on the Project Background and Intent; March 31" dealt with Alternative Design Concepts and Land Use Schemes; and the April 2l 't meeting focused on a preferred layout concept, Land Use, and a draft PUD ordinance. SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 4 of 27 Each meeting resulted in a list of questions and suggestions. The questions and concerns were addressed and posted on the City's web site. The suggestions (to the extent feasible) were incorporated into a draft PUD ordinance. The final draft layout that was arrived at reflected a park -and -ride facility along the north portion of the site, a commercial component in the center and a residential development along the south portion of the site. F Transit Station Parking Deck 800 cars max. W 100' Buffer Commercial /Retail 16,000 sq. ft. 1 Housing t_— _ —_ - -_ ' 16 un max. itslacse 1 J Enhanced Landscaping It B VD-7--�--�--�-� Access to the site was a concern to the neighbors. Numerous meetings took place with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. These meetings resulted in permitting a right - in/out access off of Highway 101 and allowing full access off of Lyman Boulevard to maintain a 100 - foot setback from the easterly property line. This setback will allow for an adequate buffer between the subject site and the residential neighborhood to the east. SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 5 of 27 MnDOT also agreed to a bus slip lane off of the Highway 212 eastbound on -ramp. AM BUS MOVEMENT PM BUS MOVEMENT SouthWest Village 2 a Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 6 of 27 A number of studies were requested by the residents. SouthWest Metro Transit hired consultants to conduct these studies and present them to the neighborhood. They included: 1. PHASE I ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF PROPOSED PARK & RIDE DEVELOPMENT AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 101 AND THE PROPOSED HIGHWAY 212 ON EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY VALUES IN CHANHASSEN, by Shenehon Company. The study concluded: The development could potentially have a positive impact on values by creating a buffer to the interstate, preventing higher impact development on the site, and adding convenience to the homeowners in the area. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT —NOISE AND AIR QUALITY, by David Braslau Associates, Inc. The study concluded: The proposed Park - and -Ride facility is planned to serve a maximum of eight buses per hour with parking for 800 motor vehicles. During the AM period buses will enter and depart along the north access to the facility and will therefore have minimal impact on both noise and air quality. During the PM period, buses will enter at the north from TH 101 and circle the parking ramp to return to TH 101 to reach the TH 212 westbound on -ramp. These buses will travel along the east roadway of the facility and between the parking ramp and the new residential structures to be constructed as part of the project. These buses will have somewhat more impact on noise and air quality, although the impacts will be limited. Noise levels during 6 -7 AM, which fall under the nighttime period, are expected to exceed the Minnesota noise standards primarily due to traffic on the new TH 212, its ramps, and TH 101. Appropriate construction of the new housing proposed for the site can permit higher noise limits to be applied and therefore can comply with noise standards. Noise levels during the PM Peak Hour are generally under the state noise standards except for the apartments that face the access roadway carrying departing buses. However, the 2 dBA exceedance is within modeling error and may not be a problem if no outdoor uses are planned for the north side of these buildings. The buses alone are not sufficient to cause the noise standards to be exceeded. Contributions from the other roadways are sufficient for this small exceedance of the standards. Predicted air quality (carbon monoxide concentrations) is well below both the 1 -hour and the 8 -hour standard and no air quality problems are anticipated with operation of the facility. As new diesel engine and diesel fuel regulations are implemented, the potential for odor associated with the facility will also decrease. Appropriate equipment will be able to operate at the facility with little or no odor impacts. SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 7 of 27 3. TRAFFIC STUDY FOR PROPOSED TRANSIT- ORIENTED FACILITY IN CHANHASSEN, by Benshoof & Associates, Inc. Levels of service (LOS) are classified as follows: LOS A — free flow LOS B — stable flow, with high degree of freedom LOS C — stable flow, with restricted freedom LOS D — high- density flow with restricted speed and freedom LOS E — unstable flow; at or near capacity LOS F — forced flow; volume exceeds capacity The study concluded that the area surrounding the site will operate as follows: M -26 -2064 0912 E£1V6HpOF B RSSCC. 952 238 1671 P. O2 3 �s a`al�aI LBM D/D wnroscu,E NOW RAMPS I r WO =--I �`aa 18 t_ IVA DM TH $12 r2611 NO-BUILD as 26„ BUILD xcnoc aI y � •/B R-I"A M `aa z LL � if� t_WB as "aa �A/A 1 L. �-AA �. an LYMAN BLVD. sJ ac� ~ Tr AAA aA� �Tr A/A "' "—y. 0 9 o' a : SOUTHWEST TRAFFIC STUDY FOR FIGURE 7 METRO TRANSIT 11FBEN6HOOI`&A==TESJNC, PROPOSED TRANSIT_ ORIENTEDFACILfTY WEEKDAY A.M. IN CHANHASSEN PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 8 of 27 MW -26 -2884 8912 BENS F B PSSDC. 952 238 1671 P. 83/83 a`at3 I�I W QO t —A/A rCC T 912 NOMM RAMPS METRO TRANSIT N NOTro BCAIE DID —1 WBENBHOOF BABSOCIATES, INC. F & ASalee KES,yNC. IN CHANHASSEN PEAK HOUR aI cl NA mwNSHO I � SOUTH RAMPS a`a ILD I I 22011 BUILD )DW a d RW a$ o gl� L_BOB �YW t_ NA '� C� I3II�I b L-� A/A AA LYMMI BLVD. �" a--A/A -; �plTr' aA fnl Tnl(u' A/A-1 ��a s A/A� aA ff aialal a SOUTHWEST TRAFFIC STUDY FOR FIGURE 8 METRO TRANSIT PROPOSED TRANSIT - ORIENTED FACILITY WEEKDAY P.M. WBENBHOOF BABSOCIATES, INC. F & ASalee KES,yNC. IN CHANHASSEN PEAK HOUR LEVELS OF SERVICE mwNSHO On June 23, 2004, the City Council approved rezoning the property to Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use, and adopted the Planned Unit Development Ordinance that regulated and set standards for the development of this site including permitted uses, landscaping, setbacks, signage, building materials, architectural standards, parking, etc. On June 12, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved a Planned Unit Development amendment to the Design Standards. They include setbacks, height of parking ramp, location of the retail element and signs, and a variance to allow a reduced setback from Highway 212, Highway 101, and Lyman Boulevard (City Code requires a 50 -foot setback from arterial and collector roads). A preliminary plat to subdivide 10.01 acres into 35 lots and 3 outlots. Lot 1 SouthWest Village 2 a Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 9 of 27 currently contains the parking ramp. The remaining lots were platted into outlots to be replatted when development of the rest of the site resumes. A site plan was also approved that contained three elements. The first site plan was for a parking ramp located along the northeast portion of the site. The second site plan request was for the retail element. It is intended to occupy the northwesterly portion of the site. The third site plan was for the townhomes. The applicant proposed 1 six -unit, 3 five -unit, and 3 four -unit townhomes. They were proposed to be located along the southern portion of the site. These townhomes were never built. The new request proposes a similar use but with a revised design. SUBDIVISION The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval to replat 2.751 acres into 38 lots and 1 outlot. The site is zoned Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use and is located at the northeast intersection of Highways 101 and Lyman Boulevard. The 38 lots will house townhomes with an area of 1.311 acres. Outlot A contains parking areas, drive aisles and green space (1.438 acres). The ordinance states, "All lots shall abut for their full required minimum frontage on a public street as required by the zoning ordinance; or be accessed by a private street; or a flag lot which shall have a minimum of thirty feet of frontage on a public street." All lots have street frontage (either public or private). Access, on the other hand, is mainly gained from a right - in/out only off of Highway 101 and a full access off of Lyman Boulevard. A private street and cross - access easements will be shared between the properties. Private streets are permitted in this district if the following conditions exist: 1. The prevailing development pattern makes it unfeasible or inappropriate to construct a public street. In making this determination the city may consider the location of existing property lines and homes, local or geographic conditions, and the existence of wetlands. 2. After reviewing the surrounding area, it is concluded that an extension of the public street system is not required to serve other parcels in the area, improve access, or to provide a street system consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The use of a private street will permit enhanced protection of the city's natural resources including wetlands and forested areas. A public street is not required to serve these parcels or adjacent parcels. In fact, the majority of our commercial and high- density establishments have cross - access easements, share curb cuts and access (Villages on the Pond, Market Square, Chanhassen Retail, Frontier, Byerly's, Crossroads Plaza, Market Street Station, etc.). The property has an arterial and collector public street providing primary access to the site. The use of a private street reduces the overall hard surface coverage. SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 10 of 27 The subdivision request is a relatively straightforward action and staff is recommending approval with conditions. There are no minimum lot areas within a PUD. The following are the lot tabulations for the project: Areas: Gross = 119,790 square feet or 2.75 acres BLOCK 1: Lot 1 = 1,812 square feet Lot 2 = 1,329 square feet Lot 3 = 1,465 square feet Lot 4 = 1,465 square feet Lot 5 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,812 square feet BLOCK 2: Lot 1 = 1,812 square feet Lot 2 = 1,329 square feet Lot 3 = 1,329 square feet Lot 4 = 1,329 square feet Lot 5 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,812 square feet BLOCK 3: Lot 1 = 1,812 square feet Lot 2 = 1,329 square feet Lot 3 = 1,329 square feet Lot 4 = 1,329 square feet Lot 5 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,812 square feet BLOCK 4: Lot 1 = 1,812 square feet Lot 2 = 1,329 square feet Lot 3 = 1,465 square feet Lot 4 = 1,465 square feet Lot 5 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,812 square feet BLOCK 5: Lot 1 = 1,812 square feet Lot 2 = 1,329 square feet Lot 3 = 1,329 square feet Lot 4 = 1,465 square feet Lot 5 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,812 square feet BLOCK 6: Lot 1 = 1,812 square feet Lot 2 = 1,329 square feet Lot 3 = 1,329 square feet Lot 4 = 1,465 square feet Lot 5 = 1,329 square feet Lot 6 = 1,329 square feet Lot 7 = 1,812 square feet OUTLOT A (parking areas and drive aisles) = 62,639 square feet or 1.438 acres SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 11 of 27 SUBDIVISION FINDINGS 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance. Finding: The subdivision meets the intent of the city code subject to the conditions of the staff report and the PUD. 2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans. 3. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this report. 4. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Finding: The proposed subdivision will be served by adequate urban infrastructure. 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; Findin : The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject to conditions of approval. 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Finding: The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. 7. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d. Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 12 of 27 SITE PLAN The site plan is for the construction of 38 townhomes. The applicant is proposing 4 six -unit and 2 seven -unit townhomes. They are to be located at the northeast intersection of Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard. Materials on the exterior of the homes include stone, HardiePlank and vinyl siding and asphalt shingles. The applicant is proposed a variation in the exterior design of the individual units while the overall buildings will utilize a variation of colored shakes and window shutters. Decks and window shutters are used to accent the buildings. Some of the units are recessed while others project forward. The roof line is accented by dormers. All the garage doors and parking will be hidden behind the buildings and the main focus from Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101 will be the architectural design of these townhomes. This type of urban housing is typically located closer to the right -of -way to provide an urban edge to the public realm. The city approved a reduced setback for this development as part of the Planned Unit Development Ordinance regulating the subject site to facilitate this. Landscaping islands have been added along the rear of the housing units to soften the appearance of the driveways. Since the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant submitted a revised landscaping plan that reflects landscape islands between the garage doors. This will help soften the continuous appearance of the asphalt driveways. SouthWest Village 2 °a Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 13 of 27 S i R �' RYIANDNCME3' r1 012, 0335 Dill 0115 0113 0224 0,14 0213 _ 022 mzs .� _ C22 O116 - N24 i F o4z3 "26. 0521 0512 OM O524 0525 0525 052' I' ..1052, 0612 0613 0614 0635 0516 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE OHANHASGEN. MN 0513 v ,r The applicant has done a commendable job on the sidewalks and pedestrian connections on this site. The added landscaping and boulevard trees will provide a calming effect to a busy area. With this project, there is an opportunity to create a gateway treatment at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Highway 101. The applicant submitted a design that frames this intersection with landscaping, decorative fencing and sidewalk. This design will be repeated as each corner of the intersection develops. This development must comply with the Development Design Standards for SouthWest Village (attached). Another element that the applicant is proposing is an outdoor seating area located at the northwest corner of the site. Wood pergolas are used as an accent and will provide an additional element of interest. These pergolas mimic the design used by the Park and Ride building. It is also used above the mailboxes for the complex which will be centrally located. SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 14 of 27 LIGHTING /SIGNAGE The applicant prepared a lighting plan that is in keeping with the approved standards. The applicant included a photometrics plan. Light levels for site lighting do not exceed 1/2 foot candle at the project perimeter property line as required by city code. This does not apply to street lighting. The applicant intends to utilize an existing sign for this project that is located at the entrance off of Highway 101. This sign was built by SouthWest Transit at the time the parking ramp was built. PARKING The residential parking standards require one visitor parking stall for every four units. The applicant is proposing 38 townhomes which translates to 9.5 visitor parking spaces. The applicant is providing 10 guest parking spaces. The applicant is also providing a two -stall garage with each unit which is in compliance with city code. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size, Portion and Placement Entries: All buildings have pronounced entrances. Articulation: The buildings incorporate adequate detail and have been very tastefully designed. The architectural style is unique to the buildings but will fit in with the surrounding area. The buildings will provide a variation in style through the use of dormers, shutters, glass and stone. The buildings utilize exterior materials that are durable and of high quality. Samples of the materials will be made available at the meeting. Signs: No new signs are proposed with this phase of the project. All signage must meet the sign criteria in the Planned Unit Development Design Standards for SouthWest Village. Material and Detail High quality materials are being used on all buildings. Color The colors chosen for the buildings are earth tones. The selection is unique, but blends in with the surrounding buildings. SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 15 of 27 Height and Roof Design The maximum building height in this Planned Unit Development for the residential use is 35 feet or three stories, whichever is less. All buildings meet the minimum standard set in the ordinance. The rooflines are staggered, adding articulation to the design of the buildings. All rooftop equipment must be screened from views. The ordinance requires a pitched element on buildings. There are staggered and pitched elements on these buildings. They comply with this requirement. Multi - Family Design Standards Sec. 20 -1088. Architectural style. Architectural style shall not be restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its design and in relationship to its surroundings, guided by the provisions of this section. Site characteristics to be evaluated for this purpose include building and landscaping, colors, textures, shapes, massing of rhythms of building components and detail, height of roof line, setback and orientation. Designs that are incompatible with their surroundings or intentionally bizarre or exotic are not acceptable. Monotony of design, both within projects and between adjacent projects and its surroundings, is prohibited. Variation in detail, form, and sighting shall provide visual interest. Site characteristics that may be used for this purpose include building and landscaping, colors, textures, shapes, massing of rhythms of building components and detail, height of roof line, setback and orientation. • All building shall have a minimum of 20 percent of accent material. Accent material may include brick, stone cut face block or shakes. The use of any EFIS shall not be on the first story of any building or one story in height. Findings: The proposed development is well situated within the site. It attempts to fit into the environment in which it is located including incorporating urban -style housing. The buildings offer much variety including colors, finishes, roof lines and materials. The buildings are oriented to the street to provide an urban edge. Sec. 20 -1089. Land use. All development shall create a unified design of internal order that provides desirable environments for site uses, visitors and the community. The following design elements shall be incorporated into a project: • The project shall create a unique neighborhood identity. • Creation of interconnecting neighborhoods in collaboration with adjoining landowners (street, walkways, preservation of natural features, parks and gathering places). SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 16 of 27 • Each neighborhood has a focal point or gathering place including parks, greens, squares, entrance monuments, historic structures (silos/barns) or public furniture (gazebos, benches, pergolas). Community features may include: landscaping, lighting, benches, tables. • Recreation facilities (playgrounds, tot lots, swimming pools and gardens). • Diversity of product type and design to accommodate different age groups and individuals in different socio- economic circumstances. • Broad variety of housing choices - -twin homes, row houses, town homes, flats above garages, apartments over shops, garden apartments, senior living opportunities and condominiums. Findings: This project creates its own little unique setting. It is an integral part of SouthWest Village, which is a transit- oriented development. The common areas include the entire development which offers a plaza, sidewalks, trails, and a gateway component. Sec. 20 -1090. Curb appeal. To encourage roadway image or curb appeal projects shall create a variety of building orientation along the roadways; attractive streetscape and architectural detail. All projects shall incorporate two or more of the following design elements: • Orientation to the street or access road: o Setbacks. o Spacing between buildings and view sheds. • Architectural detail /decorative features: o Windows. • Flower boxes. • Porches, balconies, private spaces. • Location and treatment of entryway. • Surface materials, finish and texture. • Roof pitch. • Building height and orientation. • Location of garages. • Landscaping including fencing and berming. • Street lighting. • Screening of parking, especially in apartment and condominium developments. • Variations /differentiations in units including, but not limited to, color, material, articulation etc. Findings: The proposed development has been well situated within the site. It attempts to fit into the environment in which it is located which is a transit- oriented development. The homes have elements such as shutters, entry stoops, landscaping, and screened parking. Garages have been located toward the interior of the development. SouthWest Village 2 °a Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 17 of 27 Sec. 20 -1091. Transportation diversity. All developments shall incorporate multi -modal transportation including two or more of the following elements: • Streets with trails incorporated. • Off -road trails and bike paths. • Provisions for mass transit with bus stops and shelters incorporated into the developments. • Sidewalk connecting internal developments: o Undulating sidewalks. Use of pavers or stamped concrete. • On- street parking and use of roundabouts. • Landscaped boulevards or medians. Findings: The project is a transit- oriented development with sidewalks, trails, public transportation, etc. Sec. 20 -1092. Integration of parks, open space, natural historic or cultural resources. • Integrate nature and wildlife with urban environment. • Trails and sidewalks. • Vistas. • Historic features. Preservation of natural features that support wildlife and native plants (slopes, trees, wetlands). Findings: The proposed development is integrated into the city's trail system. The development preserves a 100 -foot landscape buffer along the east edge of the site. COMPLIANCE TABLE SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; Setback 101 Setback Lyman Setback Interior Coverage Height Guest I ParkinLy PUD 20 ft. 10 ft. 0 ft. 50 % 35 ft. 10 stalls Proposed 47 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 50 % 31 ft. 10 stalls SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 18 of 27 (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development is consistent with the City's design requirements, the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, the design standards, and the site plan review requirements. The site design is compatible with the surrounding developments. It is functional and harmonious with the approved development for this area. Staff regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall design is sensitive to the City's image. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan with conditions outlined in the staff report. WETLANDS In conjunction with the Trunk Highway 212 project, this site was assessed by MnDOT's consultant, EnviroScience, for the presence of wetlands in October 2002 and April 2003. Two areas on this site were mapped by the NWI as wetlands. Upon examination of the hydrology, soils and vegetation in these two areas (165 and 166 in the August 14, 2003 EnviroScience SouthWest Village 2nd Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 19 of 27 report), it was determined that these two areas are not jurisdictional wetlands. Consequently, no wetland impacts are proposed for this site. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The erosion control plan shall be consistent with Chapter 19 of the Chanhassen City Code as well as with the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System ( NPDES) requirements that was issued August 1, 2013. A Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) was provided with the submittal. This SWPPP must include all elements as required by the aforementioned permit. Some missing elements of note include, but are not necessarily limited too: total disturbed area, pre- and post - development impervious surface area, soils map, chain of responsibility and training documentation, map of surface water and wetlands within one (1) radial mile of the site boundaries or arrows indicating the direction and distance to the feature. The SWPPP must also address Part II1. D. PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT of the NPDES permit, particularly that a water quality volume of one (1) inch from all new impervious surface must be retained on site. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FEES Surface Water Management trunk storm sewer fees are collected with each subdivision. The fee is based upon buildable land area and is intended to be scaled according to potential surface water runoff contribution. The fee for this development was calculated based upon the following characteristics. • That the site is 2.75 acres in area. That there is no on -site stormwater treatment provided. That there is no public right -of -way. OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ( NPDES BASE FEE ACRES TOTAL WATER QUANTITY $8,660 2.75 $23,815.00 WATER QUALITY $5,330 2.75 $14,657.50 SUBTOTAL $38,472.50 BASE CREDIT ACRES TREATED WATER QUALITY CREDIT $2,830(0.5) 0.00 ($0.00) TOTAL SWM trunk sewer fee $38,472.50 OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ( NPDES SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition/Townhomes Planning Case 2013 -19 September 3, 2006 Page 20 of 27 Phase II Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval. GRADING AND DRAINAGE A storm water management plan was not provided as part of the submittal although the SWPPP references this document on at least two occasions. The applicant is proposing to install a storm water conveyance system to direct runoff to the pond located in MnDOT right -of -way which was constructed as part of the TH 212 project. This pond was sized to accommodate drainage from this area. The city has requested the final stormwater management plan from the TH 212 design build project but has not yet received this document. The preliminary stormwater management plan was relied upon for this review. While it appears that the conveyance system is adequate, the applicant must provide the hydraulic design for the system. This design must look at downstream conveyance to evaluate the likelihood of any capacity issues. The original design was approved prior to the 2008 NPDES permit. The NPDES permit was reissued on August 1, 2013. This iteration requires that all projects in which the development replaces pervious surfaces such as vegetation with one (1) or more acres of cumulative impervious surface, the permittee must design the project to retain a water quality volume of one (1) inch from new impervious surface is retained on site through infiltration or other volume reducing measures. If infiltration is prohibited under III.D.1.j then the permittee must consider other methods of volume reduction as discussed in the permit. The existing site is built up with excess dirt from a nearby development. The stormwater runoff drains to the streets that surround the property and the catch manholes on the northeast and northwest corners of the site. The water enters the stormwater system and flows to the southeast stormwater pond of the TH 212 /County Road 101 interchange. The proposed grading plan will direct water to flow to the streets to be picked up by the catch basins and sent to the southeast stormwater pond of the TH 212 /County Road 101 interchange. The developer must submit a soils report with boring logs, indicating soil conditions, permeability. The survey benchmark and elevation must be indicated on the topography plan. The grading plan must show the proposed grades for all driveways. An erosion control escrow is required in the amount of $14,850 (110% of the estimated erosion control cost). Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 21 of 27 EASEMENTS The SouthWest Village 2nd Addition plat will delineate Outlot A as anything outside the individual lots. A drainage and utility easement will cover all of Outlot A. There is an existing gas line and fiber optic line owned by private utility companies. These lines run under proposed structures and must be relocated to lie within the drainage and utility easement. STREETS The developer proposes to construct 24 -foot wide private streets throughout the development. The private streets must be within a 40 -foot wide right of way provided by the drainage and utility easement over Outlot A. Streets 1 and 2 intersect SouthWest Village Drive at 90- degree angles. The intersections are spaced 202 feet apart, which does not meet the requirement for 300 -foot spacing between intersections. This exception will improve traffic flow because the 202 -foot spacing aligns the Street 1 and 2 intersections with the two commercial drive entrances to the SouthWest Transit ramp. Private roads often carry less traffic than local streets and, from a traffic perspective, act more like driveways. Therefore, a closer spacing to match the existing drive entrances is preferred. Street 3 connects Street 1 and Street 2. It has two dead ends to reach additional driveways. The east end is 65 feet, and the west end is 75 feet. A visitor parking area is provided at the center of Street 3. The parking aisle is 24 feet wide instead of 26 feet, so the space lengths have been extended from 18 feet to 20 feet to make up the difference in aisle width. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN The developer proposes to construct new 8 -inch DIP watermain that will connect to the existing 8 -inch watermain along County Road 101 to the west and SouthWest Village Drive to the north and east. The developer's engineer must revise the labels of the watermain lengths in the profile view so that they match the plan view. The developer proposes to construct new 8 -inch PVC sanitary sewer that will connect to the existing sanitary sewer along County Road 101 to the west. The developer's engineer must revise the watermain and sanitary sewer profile street name label to match the plan view. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 22 of 27 The developer's engineer must revise the service connection tables with the correct block and lot numbers. ASSESSMENTS Partial water and sewer hook -ups are due at the time of final plat. The partial hook -up fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. LANDSCAPING Minimum requirements for landscaping for the SouthWest Village development include trees for each home and bufferyard plantings along the south and west property lines. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for all landscape requirements is shown in the following table. The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings along Lyman Boulevard. The intent of the bufferyard ordinance is to provide screening for homes that abut a different use, such as a collector road. However, in this case the proposed homes seek to be connected to the street and installing the bufferyard plantings as required would interfere with the relationship between the homes and the public area. Staff recommends the minimum number of shrubs be included in the landscape plan, perhaps at the corners of the units to shield headlights from the lower levels, but the trees may remain as indicated on the submitted plans. Staff recommends that all of the trees located on Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard between the trail and the curb line be moved to the other side of the trail. The trees will be located within the county right -of -way. The applicant will be responsible for all long -term maintenance and irrigation of the landscaping within the tight -of -way. COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located within one -half mile of every residence in the city. The proposed SouthWest Village Townhomes is wholly located within the Riley Ridge Park neighborhood park service area and the Bandimere Park community park service area. Riley Ridge Park features the following amenities: playground, swings, picnic shelter, basketball court, open play field, sledding hill, trails and parking area. Required Proposed Highway 101 2 canopy trees 8 canopy bufferyard B — 260' S understory trees 13 understory 30' width 5 shrubs 7 shrubs Lyman Blvd. 8 canopy trees 14 canopy bufferyard B — 410' 16 understory trees 0 understory 15' width 24 shrubs 0 shrubs The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings along Lyman Boulevard. The intent of the bufferyard ordinance is to provide screening for homes that abut a different use, such as a collector road. However, in this case the proposed homes seek to be connected to the street and installing the bufferyard plantings as required would interfere with the relationship between the homes and the public area. Staff recommends the minimum number of shrubs be included in the landscape plan, perhaps at the corners of the units to shield headlights from the lower levels, but the trees may remain as indicated on the submitted plans. Staff recommends that all of the trees located on Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard between the trail and the curb line be moved to the other side of the trail. The trees will be located within the county right -of -way. The applicant will be responsible for all long -term maintenance and irrigation of the landscaping within the tight -of -way. COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located within one -half mile of every residence in the city. The proposed SouthWest Village Townhomes is wholly located within the Riley Ridge Park neighborhood park service area and the Bandimere Park community park service area. Riley Ridge Park features the following amenities: playground, swings, picnic shelter, basketball court, open play field, sledding hill, trails and parking area. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 23 of 27 COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN The city's comprehensive trail plan calls for public parks to be connected to neighborhoods through a combination of sidewalks and trails. The proposed SouthWest Village Townhomes is connected by sidewalk and trail to both Riley Ridge Park and Bandimere Community Park. The new residents of SouthWest Village Townhomes will also have access to the city's extensive pedestrian trail network to the north, south, east and west. Park fees shall be paid at the rate in effect at the time of final plat approval. At today's rate, the year 2013, these fees would total $144,400 (38 townhomes x $3,800 per unit). Staff recommends adoption of the following motions: A. SUBDIVISION "The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the preliminary plat for Planning Case 2013 -19 for SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition as shown in plans dated received August 2, 2013, subject to the following conditions: Park Conditions In lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction, full park dedication fees shall be collected at the rate in force at the time of final plat approval. At today's rate, 2013, these fees would total $144,400 (38 townhomes x $3,800 per unit). En inp eering Conditions The existing gas line and fiber optic line must be relocated to the drainage and utility easement. 2. The developer must submit a soils report with boring logs, indicating soil conditions, permeability. 3. The survey benchmark and elevation must be indicated on the topography plan. 4. The grading plan must show the proposed grades for all driveways. An erosion control escrow is required in the amount of $14,850 (110% of the estimated erosion control cost). 6. The developer's engineer must revise the labels of the watermain lengths in the profile view so that they match the plan view. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 24 of 27 7. The developer's engineer must revise the watermain and sanitary sewer profile street name label to match the plan view. 8. The developer's engineer must revise the service connection tables with the correct block and lot numbers. 9. Partial water and sewer hook -ups are due at the time of final plat. The hook -up fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. 10. The developer must submit written confirmation with the final plat application indicating that the MnDOT pond located in the south loop of the Highway 101 ramp has been sized to accommodate runoff from this development. 11. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals and must include storm sewer inlet capacity analysis to verify that 100% of the runoff from a 10 -year event can be captured and evaluate downstream conveyance for capacity. 12. The utility plan must be revised to show the following: a. Show the proposed water service to the bus station. b. Due to differential settlement, the three valves and the sanitary sewer manhole must not lie within the proposed paver -block circle at the intersection of the access road at the western private driveway intersection. The valves can be relocated outside of the paver - block circle. Sanitary sewer manhole 503 can be installed to the north of the paver -block circle and an additional manhole can be installed to the west of the paver -block circle. c. Sanitary sewer manhole 501 must not lie within the sidewalk. d. Eliminate the 90- degree bend in the watermain at the Highway 101 intersection and replace with two 45- degree bends. c. The final utility plan must show the sewer and water services to the townhome units. 13. MnDOT will be invoicing the City for a portion of the utility improvements for this development. The developer must pay for 100% of the invoices that the City receives for this work. 14. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. These fees are collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. 15. Encroachment agreements are required for the two drainage and utility easements due to the extensive landscaping and sidewalk proposed. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 25 of 27 Building Official Conditions 1. The developer must submit a list of proposed street name(s) and an addressing plan for review and approval prior to final platting of the property. 2. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. 3. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. Water Resources Conditions 1. The Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall include all elements as required under the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System Program MN R100001. This includes, but is not limited to: a. Impervious surface coverage pre- and post - development; b. Total disturbed area c. Soils Map d. Training Documentation e. Chain of responsibility f. Map indicating surface waters or acceptable alternative g. Narrative, design and calculations as to how part IILD of the permit will be met or written authorization from the MPCA exempting this site from the current permit rules. h. Other required elements as listed in the permit and /or Chapter 19 of Chanhassen City Code. 2. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as needed. 3. Surface Water Management trunk storm sewer fees due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $38,472.50. 4. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits, as necessary, from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley- Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase II Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval." B. SITE PLAN "The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the site plan for 38 town homes for Planning Case 2013 -19 for SouthWest Village Townhomes as shown in plans dated Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 26 of 27 received April 13, 2006, and amended landscape plan dated received August 2, 2013, subject to the following conditions: Landscaping Conditions 1. hicrease bufferyard plantings along Lyman Boulevard to include a minimum of 14 trees and 24 shrubs. 2. All of the trees located on Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard between the trail and the curbline shall be moved to the other side of the trail. The trees will be located within the County Right -of -Way. The applicant will be responsible for all long -term maintenance and irrigation of the landscaping within the Right -of -Way. Engineering Conditions 1. On- street parking is not permitted on the private streets. 2. Any landscaping or structures proposed to be located within the right -of -way must be approved by the regulating agency. Building Official Conditions 1. Accessibility must be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these requirements. 2. Buildings over 9250 square feet of floor area are required to be protected with an automatic sprinkler system. For the purposes of this requirement property lines do not constitute separate buildings and the areas of basements and garages are included in the floor area threshold. 3. The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined by the Building Official. 4. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. Application for such permits must include hazardous substances investigative and proposed mitigation reports. 5. Walls and projections within five feet of property lines are required to be of one -hour fire - resistive construction. 6. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 7. The developer and/or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Planning Commission Bluff Creek Cottages — Planning Case 2013 -8 July 16, 2013 Page 27 of 27 Fire Marshal Conditions 1. A three -foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants. 2. "No Parking Fire Lane" signs will be required as well as yellow painted curb. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs and curbing to be painted. Submit proposed street names to Chanhassen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Building Official for review and approval. 4. Prior to combustible construction, fire hydrants must be made serviceable. 5. Prior to combustible construction, fire apparatus access roads capable of supporting the weight of fire apparatus shall be made serviceable. 6. Temporary street signs shall be installed prior to and during time of construction." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact. 2. SouthWest Village PUD Development Design Standards. 3. Application and Narrative. 4. Plans dated "Received August 2, 2013." 5. Public Hearing Notice Affidavit of Mailing. g: \plan\2013 planning cases\2013 -19 southwest village townhomes\staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Ryland Homes for Preliminary Plat to subdivide 2.75 acres into 38 lots and 1 outlet — Southwest Village 2 "d Addition, and Site Plan Review for the construction of 4 six -unit and 2 seven -unit townhomes — Planning Case 2013 -19. On September 2, 2013, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Ryland Homes for the following: Preliminary Plat to subdivide 2.75 acres into 38 lots and 1 outlot, SouthWest Village 2 "d Addition. 2. Site Plan Review for the construction of 4 six -unit and 2 seven -unit townhomes. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development District. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Mixed Use. 3. The legal description of the property is Outlot C, SouthWest Village. 4. Section 20 -110 Site Plan: a. Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the City's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. Is consistent with this division; c. Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; d. Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e. Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and the general community; 2. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 5. Section 18 -39 Subdivision a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including, but not limited to, the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including, but not limited to, topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1. Lack of adequate stone water drainage. 2. Lack of dedicated and improved public streets. 3. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems and not ISTS (individual sewer treatment system). 2 4. Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. 6. The planning report 2013 -19 dated September 3, 2013, prepared by Sharmeen Al -Jaff, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for SouthWest Villager 2 "d Addition and the Site Plan for SouthWest Village Townhomes. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 3`d day of September, 2013. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MN Its Chairman Adopted June 28, 2004 Amended June 12, 2006 Amended March 8, 2010 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE PUD DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a Mixed Use PUD including a Transit Oriented Development, Neighborhood Commercial and Residential. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive development. Each structure proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below. The Neighborhood Business District regulations shall apply to Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, except as modified by this ordinance. The R -16 District regulations shall apply to Outlot C, except as modified by this ordinance. b. Permitted Uses • The permitted uses in this zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and service uses consistent with meeting the daily needs of the neighborhood and the transit facility users. The uses shall be limited to those as defined herein. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Community Development Director shall make that interpretation. The type of uses to be provided on these lots shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service establishments to meet daily needs of residents. Commercial and transit uses shall be limited to the area located north of the access point off of Highway 101. Residential uses shall be located south of the Highway 101 access. • Small to medium sized restaurant -not to exceed 8,000 square feet per building (no drive -thru windows) • Office • day care • neighborhood scale commercial up to 8,500 square feet per building footprint • convenience store without gas pumps • specialty retail (book store jewelry, Sporting Goods sale /rental, Retail Sales, Retail Shops, Apparel Sales, etc.) • personal services (an establishment or place of business primarily engaged in providing individual services generally related to personal needs, such as a tailor shop, Shoe Repair, Self- service Laundry, Laundry Pick -up Station, Dry Cleaning, dance studios, etc). • Park - and -Ride not to exceed 800 spaces. Southwest village Design Standards • Residential High Density (8 -16 units per acre). C. Prohibited Ancillary Uses • Drive thru Windows • Outdoor storage and display of merchandise d. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Boundary Building and Parking Setback Lyman Boulevard 10 feet Highway 101 20 feet Highway 212 excluding transit shelters and ramps 20 feet Easterly Project Property Line 100 Feet Internal Project property lines 0 Feet Hard Surface Coverage 50% Commercial and Transit Facility Hard Surface Coverage 70% Maximum Residential Building /Structure Height 35 feet or 3 stories, whichever is less Maximum Commercial Building /Structure Height 1 story Maximum Park- and -Ride Ramp excluding the elevator shaft and stair well 35 feet or 3 stories, I whichever is less e. Non Residential Building Materials and Design The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. The intent is to create a neighborhood and transit friendly development. 2. All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Major exterior surfaces of all walls shall be face brick, stone, glass, stucco, architecturally treated concrete, cast in place panels, decorative block, or cedar siding. Color shall be introduced through colored block or panels and not painted block or brick. Bright, long, continuous bands are prohibited. 3. Block shall have a weathered face or be polished, fluted, or broken face. Exposed cement ( "cinder ") blocks shall be prohibited. 4. Metal siding, gray concrete, curtain walls and similar materials will not be approved except as support material to one of the above materials, or as trim or as HVAC screen, and may not exceed more than 25 percent of a wall area. Southwest Village Design Standards 5. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 6. All roof mounted equipment shall be screened by walls of compatible appearing material. Wood screen fences are prohibited. All exterior process machinery, tanks, etc., are to be fully screened by compatible materials. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. 7. The buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. The use of large unadorned, concrete panels and concrete block, or a solid wall unrelieved by architectural detailing, such as change in materials, change in color, fenestrations, or other significant visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the size, mass, and scale of the wall and its views from public ways shall be prohibited. Acceptable materials will incorporate textured surfaces, exposed aggregate and/or other patterning. All walls shall be given added architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. There shall not be underdeveloped backsides of buildings. All elevations shall receive nearly equal treatment and visual qualities. The materials and colors used for each building shall be selected in context with the adjacent building and provide for a harmonious integration with them. Extreme variations between buildings in terms of overall appearance, bulk and height, setbacks and colors shall be prohibited. f. Residential Standards 1. Building exterior material shall be a combination of fiber - cement siding, vinyl siding, stucco, or brick with support materials such as cedar shakes, brick and stone or approved equivalent materials as determined by the city. 2. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as arched louvers, dormers, etc. 3. All units shall have access onto an interior private street. 4. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. 5. A design palette shall be approved for the entire project. The palette shall include colors for siding, shakes, shutters, shingles, brick and stone. 6. All foundation walls shall be screened by landscaping or retaining walls. Southwest Village Design Standards g. Site Landscaping and Screening The intent of this section is to improve the appearance of vehicular use areas and property abutting public rights -of -way; to require buffering between different land uses; and to protect, preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods; to promote public health and safety through the reduction of noise pollution, air pollution, visual pollution and glare. 1. The landscaping standards shall provide for screening for visual impacts associated with a given use, including but not limited to, truck loading areas, trash storage, parking lots, Large unadorned building massing, etc. 2. Each lot for development shall submit a separate landscaping plan as a part of the site plan review process. 3. All open spaces and non - parking lot surfaces, except for plaza areas, shall be landscaped, rockscaped, or covered with plantings and /or lawn material. Tree wells shall be included in pedestrian areas and plazas. 4. Undulating berms, north of Lyman Boulevard and east of Highway 101 shall be sodded or seeded at the conclusion of grading and utility construction. The required buffer landscaping may be installed where it is deemed necessary to screen any proposed development. All required boulevard landscaping shall be sodded. Loading areas shall be screened from public right -of -ways. Wing walls may be required where deemed appropriate. 6. Native species shall be incorporated into site landscaping, whenever possible. It. Street Furnishings Benches, kiosks, trash receptacles, planters and other street furnishings should be of design and materials consistent with the character of the area. Wherever possible, street furnishings should be consolidated to avoid visual clutter and facilitate pedestrian movement. Signage The intent of this section is to establish an effective means of communication in the development, maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and the business's ability to attract sources of economic development and growth, to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, to minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property, and to enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign regulations. It is the intent of this section, to promote the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and image of the community by Southwest Village Design Standards regulating signs that are intended to communicate to the public, and to use signs which meet the city's goals: (1) Establish standards which permit businesses a reasonable and equitable opportunity to advertise their name and service; (2) Preserve and promote civic beauty, and prohibit signs which detract from this objective because of size, shape, height, location, condition, cluttering or illumination; (3) Ensure that signs do not create safety hazards; (4) Ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does not adversely impact public safety or unduly distract motorists; (5) Preserve and protect property values; (6) Ensure signs that are in proportion to the scale of, and are architecturally compatible with, the principal structures; (7) Limit temporary commercial signs and advertising displays which provide an opportunity for grand opening and occasional sales events while restricting signs which create continuous visual clutter and hazards at public right -of -way intersections. Project Identification Sign: Two project identification signs shall be permitted for the development at the entrance off of Highway 101. The total area of both Project identification signs shall not exceed 80 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than eight feet in height. The sign shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. 2. Monument Sign: One monument sign shall be permitted at the entrance to the development off of Lyman Boulevard. This sign shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than five feet in height. The sign shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. 3. Wall Signs: a. The location of letters and logos shall be restricted to the approved building sign bands, the tops of which shall not extend greater than 20 feet above the ground. The letters and logos shall be restricted to a maximum of 30 inches in height. All individual letters and logos comprising each sign shall be constructed of wood, metal, or translucent facing. Southwest Village Design Standards b. Illuminated signs that can be viewed from neighborhoods outside the PUD site, are prohibited. C. Tenant signage shall consist of store identification only. Copy is restricted to the tenant's proper name and major product or service offered. Corporate logos, emblems and similar identifying devices are permitted provided they are confined within the signage band and do not occupy more than 15% of the sign area unless the logo is the sign. d. Signs along the sides of the retail buildings are prohibited unless the actual entrance into a tenant's space is located at the side of the building. e. Wall- mounted signs along Highway 101 shall be limited to either above the storefront windows when a shared entry configuration exists, and for an unshared configuration, the signage shall be located above the entry or above the tenant's specific storefront windows, but not both. f On the east elevation, signage shall be permitted above the storefront only as well as small -scale pedestrian level decorative signage, perpendicular to the wall (projecting signs). The size of the sign shall not exceed 9 square feet. g. A "SW" logo on the elevator shaft of the parking ramp building shall be permitted. The size of the logo shall not exceed a 4 foot diameter along the north elevation. This logo may be back lit. h. A "SouthWest Transit" with a "SW" logo not to exceed a 4- foot diameter along the west elevation shall be permitted. This sign may be back lit. A "SouthWest Transit" sign with letters 36 inches high shall be permitted along the south elevation. This sign may not be illuminated. 4. Festive Flags/Banners a. Flags and banners shall be permitted on approved standards attached to the building facade and on standards attached to pedestrian area lighting. b. Flags and banners shall be constructed of fabric or vinyl. Southwest Village Design Standards C. Banners shall not contain advertising for individual users, businesses, services, or products. d. Flags and banners shall project from buildings a maximum of two feet. C. Flags and banners shall have a maximum area of 10 square feet. Flags and banners which are torn or excessively worn shall be removed at the request of the city. 5. Buildiniz Directory a. In multi -tenant buildings, one building directory sign may be permitted. The directory sign shall not exceed eight square feet. 6. Directional Signs a. On- premises signs shall not be larger than four (4) square feet. The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed five (5) feet from the ground. The placement of directional signs on the property shall be so located such that the sign does not adversely affect adjacent properties (including site lines or confusion of adjoining ingress or egress) or the general appearance of the site from public rights -of -way. No more than four (4) signs shall be allowed per lot. The city council may allow additional signs in situations where access is confusing or traffic safety could be jeopardized. b. Off - premises signs shall be allowed only in situations where access is confusing and traffic safety could be jeopardized or traffic could be inappropriately routed through residential streets. The size of the sign shall be no larger than what is needed to effectively view the sign from the roadway and shall be approved by the city council. c. Bench signs are prohibited except at transit stops as authorized by the local transit authority. d. Signs and Graphics. Wherever possible, traffic control, directional and other public signs should be consolidated and grouped with other street fixtures and furnishings to reduce visual clutter and to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian movement. A system of directional signs should also be Southwest Village Design Standards established to direct traffic within the commercial area and away from residential areas. Prohibited Signs: • Individual lots are not permitted low profile ground business sign. • Pylon signs are prohibited. • Back lit awnings are prohibited. • Window Signs are prohibited except for company logo /symbol and not the name. Such logo shall not exceed 10% of a window area • Menu Signs are prohibited. 8. Sign Design and permit requirements: a. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect the quality of the development. The signs should be consistent in color, size, and material and height throughout the development. A common theme will be introduced at the development's entrance monument and will be used throughout. b. All signs require a separate sign permit. C. Wall business signs shall comply with the city's sign ordinance for the Neighborhood business district for determination of maximum sign area. Wall signs may be permitted on the "street" front and primary parking lot front of each building. j. Lighting Lighting for the interior of the development shall be consistent throughout the development. High pressure sodium vapor lamps or LED with decorative natural colored pole shall be used throughout the development parking lot area for lighting. Decorative, pedestrian scale lighting shall be used in plaza and sidewalk areas and may be used in parking lot areas. Southwest Village Design Standards • �.xm.. etmi r....... TM. (`muW Pct satm Past Model a lvlac,vex 12 Pt Ht w reran e.m Rgure 36 - chw"n ndttlog unit Reign 41 2. Light fixtures should be kept to a pedestrian scale (12 to 18 feet). Street light fixtures should accommodate vertical banners for use in identifying the commercial area. The fixtures shall conform with (Figure 36 — Chanhassen Lighting Unit Design). 3. All light fixtures shall be shielded. Light level for site lighting shall be no more than 1/2 candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. 4. Lighting for parking areas shall minimize the use of lights on pole standards in the parking area. Rather, emphasis should be placed on building lights and poles located in close proximity to buildings. k. Non Residential Parking 1. Parking shall be provided based on the shared use of parking areas whenever possible. Cross access easements and the joint use of parking facilities shall be protected by a recorded instrument acceptable to the city. 2. The development shall be treated as an integrated shopping center and provide a minimum of one space per 200 square feet of commercial /retail area. The office /personal service component shall be treated as an integrated office building and provide 4.5 space per 1,000 square feet for the first 49,999 square feet, four per thousand square feet for the second 50,000 square feet, and 3.5 per thousand square feet thereafter. Residential Parking shall comply with city code requirements. G1PLAN\PUD Design Standards \SouthWest Village PUD Agreement.doe Southwest Village Design Standards PLEASE PRINT CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227 -1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION Planning Case Nocgd3 —19 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED AUG 0 2 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Applicant Name and Address: Property Owner Name and Address: 9N[ANd zi 75'99 0r2t✓a r Pner�ru.a, lli✓ ,5�3H4h �- S_ Contact:_ Contact: Len Smlt.h Cao Phone:ydZ•224.0007 Fax:9s2- 2?1C.6,.yAF Phone: Fax: Email: *tsip/y W_ 4, Email: l.5; J ch Ste-( -reLn NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non- conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment " Notification Sign – 200 (City to install and re e) / nTOTAL w for F1' Fees /Attorney Cost ** (`Pt�i. V Site Plan Review (SPR)* SOo t{5Xj , (�oj� U SP AC/VAR/WAP /Metes &Bounds $450 inor SUB , o o y tC+ iaCt Y Subdivision* fooc�l� X39) IBj E$�r 71n rfnat Gk i 2 ^ rQ4yzD� An additional fee of $3.00 p rlaLess within -tre public hearing notification area will t --- prior -to-O e- public- hearing. 1 � o % *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8'/:" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital coat/ in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ,SCANNED PROJECT NAME: ✓It1.ar&60- 2nn ADnrr%OV LOCATION: 44rCl ekirr Z61t A41hj&6 /Ol "o L.ceMSY� LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PIM fJ4(4d+f [� SOw(Nr��Sf ✓tJ.etdau' pin — Z5'-7680d5'a TOTAL ACREAGE: `L . 7,6" Are. WETLANDS PRESENT: YES ✓ NO PRESENTZONING: ply REQUESTEDZDNINQ`.- PKQ PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: A ills REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: &sfprwl7*L REASON FOR REQUEST: S A/INma /✓D�YLfllrfi vg. FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and.be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and.proced0ral requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made w4thin•16 buslness;days of application submittal. A written notice of applicatlon deficiencies shall be mailed to the 'applicant within 16 business days.of application, This is to cwtifythat I am making application for the described action by City and that I'am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed In my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee -owner has also signed this applicatlon. I will keep myself Informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc, with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents. andlhfonnation I have submitted are. true and correct to the best of my knowledge; ��+/I'�L.rvy QS ✓�[Q�i6✓ //�%1^7�ti'L 7�'�G�/3 Signature Rrf p Ilcant Date Signet f'Fee.Wrjor a— 99Pla fo' " sidevelopmeht YeWcwepplicali""doe SCANNED RYLAN D HOMES TWIN CITIES DIVISION 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952.229.6000 Tel 952.229.6024 Fax w .ryland.com August 2, 2013 Sharmeen Al -Jaff, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED AUG n 2 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Re: Southwest Village 2nd Addition - Preliminary and Final Plat Application Dear Ms. Al -Jaff: Ryland Homes is pleased to submit to the City of Chanhassen a subdivision application for the preliminary and final plat of Southwest Village 2 "d Addition. This application will complete the residential portion of Southwest Village PUD by adding thirty -eight (38) townhomes to the property. The proposed site plan is consistent with the PUD's original plans. Pergolas and benches have been added to the mail box areas to create smaller gathering spaces. Pillars with fencing and additional landscaping beds are also included to complement existing landscapes or planned landscape improvements located on neighboring properties. Additional street lights within the property are planned to be consistent with the current street lights. Ryland's proposed townhomes are a 2 -1/2 story row style townhome with 2 -car garages in the rear. Three floor plans are planned to be sold, each with three to four different front elevations. This variety of elevations will allow Ryland to build the six townhome buildings each with its own unique combination of elevations. The siding, trim and stone colors were selected to compliment the current SW Transit Station building. A variety of accent colored shakes, front doors and shutters are planned, giving each building a distinctive appearance. With the needed approvals, Ryland anticipates completing the majoring of the development work this year and opening a model home in January of 2014 to start sales. Ryland Homes appreciates City Staff's assistance with this application. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call Ryan Bluhm with Westwood P. S. at (952) 906 -7432 or myself at (952) 229 -6007. Sincerely, J� /e'er Mark Sonstegard Land Development Manager Ryland Homes, Twin Cities SCANNED Construction Plans for Grading, SWPPP, Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Streets and Landscape for SouthWest Village Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared (or: Ryland Homes 7599 Anagram Drive Bdan Prairie, NW, 55344 Contact Mark Sonstegard Phone: 952 - 229 -6000 Fax: 952 - 229 -6024 Prepared b, ". tuna�vre.wssr. � VOniv,00d Project number: 0001664.00 ColtrCt Rpn K al— ,.P., Construction Plans Grading, SWPPP, sanitary Sewer, Water Mein, Storm Sewer, Streets and Ia as pe mr SouthWest Village .1- R2 0MA) Nei t el lB r Ryland Homes .ea„R M, or colIa,,.cnm PBOJwr BIQUHdCRRi oa. aA aaK m..s Legend X A ni.m, a�wa® Q.m oemuBPo. Southwest " °° ° Q ` r Village Grading a H oe on Control Plan oExorts rnsmncnura�nannmx _. _��_._ X ni.m, a�wa® Q.m oemuBPo. Southwest " °° ° Q ` r Village Grading a H oe on Control Plan F APPETHE XTK WE TIL WATSRA. POLLR �E �x ♦ ES)PE Mm BY EM.EM i ON ME SIT ♦i SURWITTAL OF WE HI ca"unxxATw".1°TM Me sMOE EM DA PSEM..wnEN°�'PAMW m AND Dwlxc mmREmX - IX uumw.iia PvacTE Tw .1. AFTER cwsmYEmw PLAN (PUMP) Ew mn1P.EZi vu¢ x 11.1 ST LORATIEN A THE SIZE NAMES LPAT.D IN THE ACA AMR OF ME INTERNET. OF YxxEOUiA 'ENUMEN SOUTHWEST NW¢ IS ONNED BY R LMED xwq 7599 MnwM WAR. MODERN SEEMS. WE ssTH. OEREMI HnAnN RESPONSIBLE. WHERE :DESSEL"YEAUT BE n TwRw/WX SxOYTAL SEEM, A R IP .1 SAILAOST (A.) BE MER AN C nLL RCM PERMIT Ypd1LAU'ARN WATERS SO WIE7mx I Y�. PREETEST MINUTES w SITE PFwM[£.M AwfS s DI ARPxD 70 - „,I'M. PMwi CD.cx♦OS Ur -TO-w2 (MMSm/w ®IWw) (PABI I ON SHE IPMT R.C.) OPERATORS -RESPOND. MR SANTS BEE. 1 11 UNDRAFTERE AND NEW Ews PER wxn TIME AND IMCmcnT= Mo5 ion¢ 6 rePRU�xiEw MNE DMST AS NT” PLABOUNTIF xxRaEDC.0 MD MEMBERED (HUxm BODON ) IN ME BUFFER. MS AND WE PNSTANiMiRN, INVESTOR AND HARDWARES BE ME EP ®W PSIEISMIRW AM AND SEEM F HREEAU w.x.WIXINS DOCUMENTATION AM IxUpeRARw Mu US IN . M -Pre BANNER EARAEw. PROJECT BE WE BEEF IS APPfiowMATELY IRS ABRES BwzTarnw xS Ewps7 w, BUT IS NOT NOWT M MASS SPAR.A. INSTALLATION BY . m E ANDENE LTw. SxBl .. S, MUTY-PmLY ANR9. ANNE-D .1 SURE ONSENTHE ENTER E SAM EpRUN AR SS FUL BE ASUPT 10 SPREAD SAM MEMBER BEEMED AND BES WARO OPEENS TO METE xwWEAAR .-D MS. NET EENPTwB Wn R YANMmwI POST- L.DEHTT SITE CCxpTENSm SM UNDER � ALL M "AA ANAMA PETERS roYE ANS R E, IO A SEE T MEMBER STERM SUPPER M BF TE SM ERM EASE WIN RESSUP NO WE PERFORMED ONSUMME AREA "° PENT MORE INFORWATHER H M .rC= SOUTHWEST n�xAER YMAS'WRi BORDER WR WE CPMnS IN TEST MARESSE osl.A. Mw BEUPAS EWwpwS Is MANOMETER, SUPS Aaca .111B, WE AAEA WE AN, �S SIEMENS, WARES LLWE NEW IMPW.wE HEM ES WILL SWEET a SEEMS `�wNSES EYE MDEMOUR IRPOxm WAYLESS EYES m R (ENE) YIIE RP ME wDECr SHE PFwMU LRMRw(m As BY WE ISSUE AID IFX°iAABUMSNWEATON BBPpLIXMLAMCLETxSM REN EST TO .THOUOTER I. MERCURY IN FSH AwWpx A. MUTER C DE ME Ys AND REMRMIE... NR.. EYES. MA THE Pu RSCxI WATwsI (� M ES E ME . SAE ...BE LRUmx(E) M ML WERE .1 SHE SUSTAINED -1 ER mss WITH THE Uuxry OF to SPL IN ME w-x MR TONE pwmTCATw PROFESSOR R Tioww Y swuP" "HOPES FOR U-M ULA. eMY E wwEER w A'AS EASE. rn0.e0'U9 WE NAME ENABLE 51wp WWOMNN MEMBER RE T M Yprt DPoxSSTOSMOULPo�FME EpM10 DUMP W. ANTE• AND DRABS MENAIRI FEE SHE MR(— WATER . Ew ENSURE Bu BE cwzmuCED M MET E .Em LEM SEARS MD FEE REMwH ME OFONAE MwxT.. PREI u... MSD TS ESTAeuwm AmAmnwMwAL'TOiEDMr9f .1 a Assn °L IR1 FOR SATE ARNINISHE ... ro PF Dfl4MME Ta WAAEEPE�FMEA. MRNISWE ADEESTSTERNPnrtR.FEWENEWED. 1 W. DOWN THAT Is M SEEM A-RR DEFINER 90TH BXALL COUPON M TE MEANT PmRPATxxs FOR C °.M. w SETT M L YH/LOi sE®WL YARDµ ME, WON YxYtoi SFCMFATw BOB SivR°u T R, ESS TL uim WHEN POLLUTANTS cwsmurnw AND NEWS S MATH. THAT ME USED OR REiu�EM AT EE POE IM Y RiAW -UL1 EENIUBEO m AiiEaPTWEWTSRaMR ..`RS.wlw"c RARE WEESTS T SUMMUNNESSE SWEET WATER BARBARA pEMICAIS AND WASTE MATERIALS MAR WELL BE USED OR s2WD AT THE 91L nxa BImSSE OF WOMEN CwMU SENSE MD IT IS N— RECOMMETUDED THAT SEDIMENT CONTROL WHAT E ON SEE AT ALLg LMRS FDA MODERATE USAGES IN THE SWEET BY M AwSUBTA, ATE DR MY SWIMS K xv♦ , x.ATI S RPwi ♦9E RUMBUTS CONTACT WE UPPEA STATE WTY P%£R RR 1- BRD -42E -0190 INSTALEYNES, THE SMASH PROFESSOR DRE BMYS WIAA BE E INSTALLED TO MINIMUM UPON. W w DEFENDED SUNBURNS AND CAPTURE MOMENT CENTRAL STS. c �Un DmNES me F.M. BE SHEREARFOR AND SEDIMENT ROMMUL uvvS IN 9EPxK.S EYES ED START OF CONSEEPUBMEN EN PIE`hTI. MD SpMW T LwTF0. xEAPIRES ARE SHOW IN ME Puxs AND EWll THE `IMUSSRETRN nva.I ED Bma49sro'. AS... BE WEE. °Iwi�MAND moi`"`w LaNTROU°1APIADMm .END Au RES WE Cmmx TAN.. wMMSZ AT nRD EMPMUZ m ME s2 AS . w ME INNERT FORESTRY 19 TO S INSTALLED AT ALL SI WnreS ENTER WXw WIRES ME ESSENTIAL HE PESIME S SRCPM WAREA RUNS' FROM ME CMSTELLRM PER wMW ASH NET OF USES S SM9TNSCT. E E EES RNS M SMEP SEDIMOD[wiureBY LawwiM OPERA, RE FURBELOW ARE ARE AM SET PER OF SET Es wwREEN TrvRWE PLAN. BEEN BEENEETTEREARDEN W NIPYNY EWPm W¢Wmw AND SEDIMENT CLAMS MEASURES ARE WHEN IN THE PVXE AND PALL Rx. LUaEawnw: 1. PHASE MEMBERS WEBB TO WMERE YE DRNAR HUNDREDS w PERMANENT WEAR CARE ORDERED 9pL MOM IF BEST HAW` PR OOBE, HAVE AND IF x NOT AT Rxu SUDS WIMx J OKAB DE azNMME Is smmP EsmawE TremEMPww..I E 0 xw. SE TEPEE HART MAY MEAN NxW wane OF A AN DRAW WMTH OWES AE EFFLUENT MA HNINndNBURN OFF RriMWC NXIA UNITE WITH mmL 5 BURUNDI BF MENATEREARY BE PERMANENT ... SEEN" WAR WERNEW RTES R THE cENSwR Ai¢ ERRw"TTHAT BACHi ASEEEE TOOAwaAES nEmCONNECTED E EM"iI MY RUSH MAN WE MEDIA 14 DAYS, E. ATUREMSED NUTHIN 24 HOURS WE INUMMAN MYTH SET INTEND ALL WHE ME HBO FLUOR MIKE SERUM I METALS EOWEITTITER wm MERRY pwMARw AT PIPE MMN CABLES NU E PLA® BEER ro PER W 7's RNEARYMTURABw7 PERMANENT S MPS MASON IS RETAIL nPRMP wAU BE mssY.m UMM Aww UP ... ED THE ESENTAND S. SUNNI E6wNEL ENPMRTU MS MATEREA S SAMUEL S xCBVEED MIXIN 04 HOURS S A WOMEN E CMExs REPRE4NTUME TD LHMAT 4vPECEE WPx AND METAL MASON., . PARR`xw Ev« Ix Ec SAFE L. AN .1.. E�Tm °� uwE�RUHw♦0 AT FROM UNDER ER OF SHE xmmw E ME DAY w Amw � INSURED OF US T ALL. PRE rnEN WEB IN DUSPSTRZ AND RIBET M. PARTY RELY DWMS R.PIEs FEW OF SUMMERS H. NREPWBT FOUNDER ORS YEAWAS AS SEWED WIMx PMT rvs E ME GENERAL MORE Ep ... Nm.... PRA.a wNSHUEEPR WHMES ♦w D. DM Ax AMEYT9. AS x¢SD AM AS . Ix ME 1.1 BUSA 1. RULE STRESSED AREAS WITHOUT PERMANENT EWIxD. ME EE w.AALiLLLBBE TABR® MM UE,WT SEEMED MEMBER m REFUSE AT IS LEBBANSEOAwxmE -I MUSLIM ANA ED AT 0 Sws /APE IN nwamME 0 %¢iAATAEil ALL R ANTAL B ADS x..w.. MY UNA N`�sao°E wAWN MEMBE SAPS whoA UMUN�WE UNEMM''FRESH STEM PATENT EARN WERNEE ... PIPE. A. PENES MTA ME M NDEARED BY TUD PTY w E.'HN�TW ATEExEDpr WITH THEIR STEM WATER YMAIRMM PLAN w¢ SOUTHWEST NWtE HAS A. SUSAN RAT AL. RESIDENT FROM ��A— AM FERNA BRANDS.' USES AS PEANAREAT WATER �AUUTY TEPEi 9m5 ME CLEAN BUT HARRY THAT L BE INHERENT 7� SERUM WE SAM TO _ BE WE reRMNAnTUR HOI AFTEN EEN DAYS AFTwEAm) NHER AAN WAL Pw.axu CLAPPI LHB LF ALL q 4T'W RE MIEB 0v WE51gT7 PRMCmwA EMx� nC Ys AHDD TREAT ENA—M BE MUSE ..IF S4 HOURS AFTER A ALTERNATE NALL SUNNI WE —FRIEND AS STERFER BY -A -- A11I ABLE MEADE MADRAS BY ME ATERSARTAM BY WE WERNME ADD MAY BANANA INENTEREMETTER PERSURN. OP OTHER SABERED DENSENESS 1. MERCER DATE SL ANNE BE sw(E) OFFIDUCnXC msrtDn�T IxwErnw WERE FEETTABS SEES MET E SHE MR EXPRESS BRUSSELS AND E DEFENSE ME 1. NEWS, THISUR AND AN III MEN. EINESPEN AM uW1. cwT EEN DExas HERBERT WENOTTURTHER S. PARPRECT THE ADJACENT NPEMHFNNEmAROBERTS AND LAD ANDOUi1M R �RERN. R1R. AND CONSTRUCTION HE NEEDED BERMUDA OF 1. REPORT SEA W. XmECTwENIM USED REWRMETDATDxs MY WRS4TVE ACROSS rsc IcN W ACMNS TANDY ONALUDxD ENDS. TEAM AND PARTY ENMESHES M NNE HANS EE 11 NEEDED MME ro ME EASE AS PRESSURES IN PMT RAN OF ME GENERAL PERAT MAINTENANCE UP MADMEN AND IDXYmi MA IL DRYNESS WEWn11M1 YreAXAORWRPINMwMIEWELLCEAS IILSd 9EDDMN MAINTENANCE P. AWO OF SNIN.wAPWXTMILPOMR FOP EERY. E TED ....1 AT ME WE WE R�SE uY XAEw1FNUDEJURES ALL BE pgPEA/E F... R ME A[®w AND ALONE. LwMa DMNC. 1. IF INEMINT ISRAEL EMENESTER RExCE, TILE CW mACTW 9NLL RMDMLE RILL S6Nwi xM'NDBroXWFB S ¢2C. M MTPGM1IIM PYFD TD 1/S CVMM1. w HARE STRARDWS MATER WE 4TELY IN DAAYiS BE DETESTER w M ERAY. MS THE ZMMEXi MD SHEAR AN RERACE ME 5' aENTENSSTPIRE : LowSS em ENTANNESES ME WELL II SEDIMENT OR MEMBER E ME UNHORSE PO ADD Immwn wAEL wMIN 9:R x.. E 15 IF PHYMENT MOM H TEEN .x _ MT. MF T slims, IN .R.t. MATURE E URER OR MRSTRAPON, wF°ET� EWEE RL m,� ILA IS DDUALS MEMORY WE VERE AND RacNAREE LDCAES roOF WE EMBER ME 6. (aHI�IMY evnDn. vne mtwPTUFF MOMENT NWAFNIB AT THOSE UP THREE Wei U.N. sneer) PUMPS EEgYPERRUYUST S BEEN EED PENN 7 DAR ROM SRBTALE WASTERS ENTER NSITWK REMATIPY NEED. TD LwwANCDIFE�w WERE TO uu WEENSWE 1. SE HERNMEARY ASSEEPARBETABON 41IDME ERMwi THAT wxx TN[ SEEN APPBRBEMDLE TIE EMSAR WMIX JS I�DMD IS TO 1 OETEAE=TYwEE AND. HM EAUS THE 19. F SAMURAI SUMMERS WE NEWS .1 ASEAN. AT WE EMED FIRS MURRAY awi A`L°EE E ums`ai.s E'`NE WESETHE DELAWARE BE T PROPERTY, WE mH.. ELAW T¢ YTSAD PERRY AT SOL 11 .1 HEREN WE PE Rs CER. T, ME IRI AN AS RMU ME SEE, MA .,A ALL Ex ORE. THE SAME .1 RZAMW. ME RATE E IPRKLMxs . THE STABILIZED NAPS MAY BE REDUCED N ONES A NOW P ARM WERE NO pMOTNCnax R nrnrc AM TV DENSITY EmnRw P .TnOYEIED. ,AMA I�� Ryland Homes .BM ®M SouthWest Village BAR AM HARS. W. NBI DHABI AIN- lebL ACWbR THAKHpgy. UPSOS IN slr. 9 ON IB NMMSUEI yNSEEL,. FORMILAMER —�nwACmR MENEYEARS, REAT .. SAY M p EMPURNMENE AHERTIN _ _v SESSAMYk _. ..ADARv ASNETERRY WASTE PERSUADE PwSpE W PlwceE.�= 1_MOxrM nxa BImSSE OF WOMEN CwMU SENSE MD IT IS N— RECOMMETUDED THAT SEDIMENT CONTROL WHAT E ON SEE AT ALLg LMRS FDA MODERATE USAGES IN THE SWEET BY M AwSUBTA, ATE DR MY SWIMS K xv♦ , x.ATI S RPwi ♦9E RUMBUTS CONTACT WE UPPEA STATE WTY P%£R RR 1- BRD -42E -0190 INSTALEYNES, THE SMASH PROFESSOR DRE BMYS WIAA BE E INSTALLED TO MINIMUM UPON. W w DEFENDED SUNBURNS AND CAPTURE MOMENT CENTRAL STS. c �Un DmNES me F.M. BE SHEREARFOR AND SEDIMENT ROMMUL uvvS IN 9EPxK.S EYES ED START OF CONSEEPUBMEN EN PIE`hTI. MD SpMW T LwTF0. xEAPIRES ARE SHOW IN ME Puxs AND EWll THE `IMUSSRETRN nva.I ED Bma49sro'. AS... BE WEE. °Iwi�MAND moi`"`w LaNTROU°1APIADMm .END Au RES WE Cmmx TAN.. wMMSZ AT nRD EMPMUZ m ME s2 AS . w ME INNERT FORESTRY 19 TO S INSTALLED AT ALL SI WnreS ENTER WXw WIRES ME ESSENTIAL HE PESIME S SRCPM WAREA RUNS' FROM ME CMSTELLRM PER wMW ASH NET OF USES S SM9TNSCT. E E EES RNS M SMEP SEDIMOD[wiureBY LawwiM OPERA, RE FURBELOW ARE ARE AM SET PER OF SET Es wwREEN TrvRWE PLAN. BEEN BEENEETTEREARDEN W NIPYNY EWPm W¢Wmw AND SEDIMENT CLAMS MEASURES ARE WHEN IN THE PVXE AND PALL Rx. LUaEawnw: 1. PHASE MEMBERS WEBB TO WMERE YE DRNAR HUNDREDS w PERMANENT WEAR CARE ORDERED 9pL MOM IF BEST HAW` PR OOBE, HAVE AND IF x NOT AT Rxu SUDS WIMx J OKAB DE azNMME Is smmP EsmawE TremEMPww..I E 0 xw. SE TEPEE HART MAY MEAN NxW wane OF A AN DRAW WMTH OWES AE EFFLUENT MA HNINndNBURN OFF RriMWC NXIA UNITE WITH mmL 5 BURUNDI BF MENATEREARY BE PERMANENT ... SEEN" WAR WERNEW RTES R THE cENSwR Ai¢ ERRw"TTHAT BACHi ASEEEE TOOAwaAES nEmCONNECTED E EM"iI MY RUSH MAN WE MEDIA 14 DAYS, E. ATUREMSED NUTHIN 24 HOURS WE INUMMAN MYTH SET INTEND ALL WHE ME HBO FLUOR MIKE SERUM I METALS EOWEITTITER wm MERRY pwMARw AT PIPE MMN CABLES NU E PLA® BEER ro PER W 7's RNEARYMTURABw7 PERMANENT S MPS MASON IS RETAIL nPRMP wAU BE mssY.m UMM Aww UP ... ED THE ESENTAND S. SUNNI E6wNEL ENPMRTU MS MATEREA S SAMUEL S xCBVEED MIXIN 04 HOURS S A WOMEN E CMExs REPRE4NTUME TD LHMAT 4vPECEE WPx AND METAL MASON., . PARR`xw Ev« Ix Ec SAFE L. AN .1.. E�Tm °� uwE�RUHw♦0 AT FROM UNDER ER OF SHE xmmw E ME DAY w Amw � INSURED OF US T ALL. PRE rnEN WEB IN DUSPSTRZ AND RIBET M. PARTY RELY DWMS R.PIEs FEW OF SUMMERS H. NREPWBT FOUNDER ORS YEAWAS AS SEWED WIMx PMT rvs E ME GENERAL MORE Ep ... Nm.... PRA.a wNSHUEEPR WHMES ♦w D. DM Ax AMEYT9. AS x¢SD AM AS . Ix ME 1.1 BUSA 1. RULE STRESSED AREAS WITHOUT PERMANENT EWIxD. ME EE w.AALiLLLBBE TABR® MM UE,WT SEEMED MEMBER m REFUSE AT IS LEBBANSEOAwxmE -I MUSLIM ANA ED AT 0 Sws /APE IN nwamME 0 %¢iAATAEil ALL R ANTAL B ADS x..w.. MY UNA N`�sao°E wAWN MEMBE SAPS whoA UMUN�WE UNEMM''FRESH STEM PATENT EARN WERNEE ... PIPE. A. PENES MTA ME M NDEARED BY TUD PTY w E.'HN�TW ATEExEDpr WITH THEIR STEM WATER YMAIRMM PLAN w¢ SOUTHWEST NWtE HAS A. SUSAN RAT AL. RESIDENT FROM ��A— AM FERNA BRANDS.' USES AS PEANAREAT WATER �AUUTY TEPEi 9m5 ME CLEAN BUT HARRY THAT L BE INHERENT 7� SERUM WE SAM TO _ BE WE reRMNAnTUR HOI AFTEN EEN DAYS AFTwEAm) NHER AAN WAL Pw.axu CLAPPI LHB LF ALL q 4T'W RE MIEB 0v WE51gT7 PRMCmwA EMx� nC Ys AHDD TREAT ENA—M BE MUSE ..IF S4 HOURS AFTER A ALTERNATE NALL SUNNI WE —FRIEND AS STERFER BY -A -- A11I ABLE MEADE MADRAS BY ME ATERSARTAM BY WE WERNME ADD MAY BANANA INENTEREMETTER PERSURN. OP OTHER SABERED DENSENESS 1. MERCER DATE SL ANNE BE sw(E) OFFIDUCnXC msrtDn�T IxwErnw WERE FEETTABS SEES MET E SHE MR EXPRESS BRUSSELS AND E DEFENSE ME 1. NEWS, THISUR AND AN III MEN. EINESPEN AM uW1. cwT EEN DExas HERBERT WENOTTURTHER S. PARPRECT THE ADJACENT NPEMHFNNEmAROBERTS AND LAD ANDOUi1M R �RERN. R1R. AND CONSTRUCTION HE NEEDED BERMUDA OF 1. REPORT SEA W. XmECTwENIM USED REWRMETDATDxs MY WRS4TVE ACROSS rsc IcN W ACMNS TANDY ONALUDxD ENDS. TEAM AND PARTY ENMESHES M NNE HANS EE 11 NEEDED MME ro ME EASE AS PRESSURES IN PMT RAN OF ME GENERAL PERAT MAINTENANCE UP MADMEN AND IDXYmi MA IL DRYNESS WEWn11M1 YreAXAORWRPINMwMIEWELLCEAS IILSd 9EDDMN MAINTENANCE P. AWO OF SNIN.wAPWXTMILPOMR FOP EERY. E TED ....1 AT ME WE WE R�SE uY XAEw1FNUDEJURES ALL BE pgPEA/E F... R ME A[®w AND ALONE. LwMa DMNC. 1. IF INEMINT ISRAEL EMENESTER RExCE, TILE CW mACTW 9NLL RMDMLE RILL S6Nwi xM'NDBroXWFB S ¢2C. M MTPGM1IIM PYFD TD 1/S CVMM1. w HARE STRARDWS MATER WE 4TELY IN DAAYiS BE DETESTER w M ERAY. MS THE ZMMEXi MD SHEAR AN RERACE ME 5' aENTENSSTPIRE : LowSS em ENTANNESES ME WELL II SEDIMENT OR MEMBER E ME UNHORSE PO ADD Immwn wAEL wMIN 9:R x.. E 15 IF PHYMENT MOM H TEEN .x _ MT. MF T slims, IN .R.t. MATURE E URER OR MRSTRAPON, wF°ET� EWEE RL m,� ILA IS DDUALS MEMORY WE VERE AND RacNAREE LDCAES roOF WE EMBER ME 6. (aHI�IMY evnDn. vne mtwPTUFF MOMENT NWAFNIB AT THOSE UP THREE Wei U.N. sneer) PUMPS EEgYPERRUYUST S BEEN EED PENN 7 DAR ROM SRBTALE WASTERS ENTER NSITWK REMATIPY NEED. TD LwwANCDIFE�w WERE TO uu WEENSWE 1. SE HERNMEARY ASSEEPARBETABON 41IDME ERMwi THAT wxx TN[ SEEN APPBRBEMDLE TIE EMSAR WMIX JS I�DMD IS TO 1 OETEAE=TYwEE AND. HM EAUS THE 19. F SAMURAI SUMMERS WE NEWS .1 ASEAN. AT WE EMED FIRS MURRAY awi A`L°EE E ums`ai.s E'`NE WESETHE DELAWARE BE T PROPERTY, WE mH.. ELAW T¢ YTSAD PERRY AT SOL 11 .1 HEREN WE PE Rs CER. T, ME IRI AN AS RMU ME SEE, MA .,A ALL Ex ORE. THE SAME .1 RZAMW. ME RATE E IPRKLMxs . THE STABILIZED NAPS MAY BE REDUCED N ONES A NOW P ARM WERE NO pMOTNCnax R nrnrc AM TV DENSITY EmnRw P .TnOYEIED. ,AMA I�� Ryland Homes .BM ®M SouthWest Village BAR AM HARS. W. NBI DHABI AIN- lebL ACWbR THAKHpgy. UPSOS IN slr. 9 ON IB NMMSUEI F GRANS, FAC E3 SNB EA cu a,,.DPm ammN, — AHEe LLIJ NB" a NASA uvl mq Al PANAMA aX � Mon IM °MY. SAM. iv M. MR, oP m�in RN I, xm een Be+v °°A SA EARS m•Y ee maM II 11 "HIXSfm E NAAA¢ F °ERN N BflAFF.v mf AS Al .AM STAT .1 ailaAHSFaS➢ ENFVdf (x¢ucN YET Ea .Amc) WlMMYRO1l. NATURAL LOSESTwS, AN i1 1.1 FALL LAGE FROGISHI 1111. PATH S 11- PONT SAMPOR CUT HE HE WE SAM REPAIR. (TEMPORARY THE A M ND4 aw100 DART FROM 1. ANUMN SPEEDS. MAND; AND AND DRAINAGE NAMED HE ESTER COMMONEST SUCAL AS CUT PENN WALL SE INSTALLED MGAND ALL SNTnaT .1 NO, 1. MAN FORMAG SHIFT TEENCS AN OWED NSIM,N, COADMIL N-PURFARY MR AM MUSUCH CH BE USLY TO STAGAUST ME AND ME EO M s o MAN AITE"ORA OW mmuL BEASTS SPIMAY D W SEOPt BE TO ME GRAMED CANNOT. F STROSSAY DIED AND SEEM CANNOT BE USED. MEN ME STUAKPING NMT1 ME 'ED GUY BLOCKHEAD � BE CONVEYANCE «EDDEAF)m.oEw.mv�ST..' TE 2HALL US Owr.L M ME CWA.Cr UNLESS PNMaLS..vPNmET By ME MAIN / ARDIS .. SWORAING ACESAYES ME PAYMENT LAMBERT maw. VERPPPNY ASDNAN cDN oL Dw+l� MINIMS ISO TTURNOUT CHm.ACTas METxW HM�CED MHELTM TH ANNE SHALL BE Na°ENML TO ME BRANDS ♦ TEMPAING SDUENT MAP FOR MAND SAUDIS wSHARSE PANDS RAISE A XNAµ BASED "awMxWpi ROwgpDV yw AS wmYN IN SEDIMENT I APPLY MADE ON A NEARBY SE SUCH CHERACT SO BRANCH INCIDENT. HU� HMro A USAGE LENr.nLE ASIA, TO . wH.TY MN M.nEn • owgrtNwioNUT NAMED OR DING°POLYGONS wu"rw CAUSE BANNER IN nEmxx° ALL EROSION DEMAND AN COMMENT MAPS ARRANGED EASE ARE CONEADERSED FOR REGARDING DMAlaxuL M ME CONSTRUCTION FIREMAN mD N SAM WHOM 1I. COM TRENT ENTRANCES WLHNTN SR D.1n01ECTANT mhu m. . A SIMMONS CRUSHED RON ON MASON MR PAID SNA� BE ltss TElncmfAA PEmT�eNE wPx:PaE . g PREVENT ASSASSIN SO MUD MGM UNDERLYING SEND INTO ME SCHATIMUCTEN ENTRANCE MEANT POST NAGRAD SYNN OF SED ON MIS THE MIS CRY "EENA NX .B M HAMM ADDING! MP WIRO CONTAINMENT /�9NNI NWNSMNT SAL .ALLEN. AM ANDEREASES, 1L T ME CGRANITANAME, —AM SHALL BE REMAINED ED WAS HAZARDOUS MOUNTAIN, END OF EACH AID SE ROFw SITES A. LW�L PEdnwl.iDryB.BwN AL JEAFTED UP COME s°NO ANNUMEDNlis /^.DSw °war M.rzmuwrrLo 2Wnmro ALL BE REFUSED TO PRESENT UNNAUSTANIZED ACCEPT AN MIAMI mxfuxE.g AND PROPERLY.1 .D OF EEINCHES m PRE'rtxi MAN SODIUM ME MASON AROUND ME 511E ON A HE.— SACHS NASA DUALSEAL LLXgxARMFMS WLL BE fW➢Wm RP ALL PxIO ARGUE, DISPOSAL SMALL RE CONS. NOSENTAL IS ME CONSTRUCTED CWTHASI III . UirE c,MAAEmn MALL ME AAvwlE, a DUST C.M. Ix... CONSTAUT . em VEGETABLE WATER AND MINE! w _ xsarawws MAY usD B A.7ERNMIS IN WE FORM BY ANDES, A11- FN E DasT c SMALL BExoOTT u m ME -N, OUGHM, AS IN GRESTROCAUDGM, SPRAP AT SHE ARGON WONDER HALL ME P-MER PON TO BUT FIT THAN 7 1 HAREARS. 19. GANDER S�IUZAPON AALL BE wsrALeAN HaN APNaR w =61TRUGHTED ENTREENCES ENTALL BE CAPECTED AT LEAST MAY 7 HAND AM MAINTAINED E COVER MURDER NOR ON OR ADDING ENO 1 ARS /H PNH m TRANSITION DE MARYANN TO WE SPNONN .1 ® ME 1 Maw rNES, SICAN GRALL ALE SMALL K PROFESSOR DATE ME DISYLLABIC ANDRAS THAT SCALL) IF TITANIUM HIM ASMWA BECOMES 1EEMOD PRONENESS, MOTHER °ma o.eEE �NFa XLNEI IN MEsE NE-AM°vTw� M NGMI HAS SAS R HAD GUAM I CONTROL B.MIEAA OR IS WE ST DY EXAGAL PE9IN I BE UR° WEN HM N U X A _ OMliq aT.TM AR E EaEOni n`ow"NSTRUCnw SEAT �."eo"o DFA AT ECE ME 11PUrncx�E� Al aCxMaS CRT MASS BE m a LXS.um a- w�3RLDEARMcwECMxPaxS ASSIGNED ERMVNNr BE NATO x PW AYSO BE "P9RNUS a[RLV WxmO YFi Ltl1PTMS i MIS FTNMENGN a STEEi MNI SHALL .. PERMANENT Satw"NARX BA9x5 ANN IF ME SIT MONTHS gRGARN. INUT CONTAGARLD TO .1 SCUMMED STARS-11. HE UESSUAL R.. IS MEMBER OWN 72 NO AN F MAGESSAL ON PRorzrnM MEN 13HANDED BLUE ED ... MAGESTARML ON wD 6KBNS 9WL ME MEANS N NIE 'H ME s m ME A IF MAN HAS GERMANS NEAR BY IN BURNHAM ED SEEN MRSTAN IT AREARM MATE, ITS, BUTTERE RAW MIT AWN TAINAL T MRS. TO HUMAN BAILOUT OF TOMMY MAIN DRUM BLED. BE PERFORMED IN THE M GREG STUALL ME MANAGED US PROTECT ACADEMY FLOODING ANN HUGE S A Pmm • CAERE M wLL BY CONSTRUCTED AND NAME SUMMIT iN LENT TEMPORARY FRAGMENT HAS TENS AM SYSTEMS EMERGENCY O LUT Px N AT PIPE MARCH COGUES HALL BE PLACED PROM OR THING! INSTALLATION AND MR ALL FRAUD AND � B CRISPEST GRATED Y AW xW3iALL BE CLEARLY WARNED SM SAW IMAGE MY ME UTUry A �C M EAW �m EOWIR HIMALL HE ASTANLITY UFFEEN M5 ARMS UP. MIND EN SKY MILITANTS SMALL HE USED EU H OISw.Aa RUNS A`LIE WNU1s SMSMILE MUPTAR A ANDREW A w FEET MGM HUMAN EAwM3.w xi —N NEAR H N BNANEE wTENS A METEOR AND AS INDICATED TN GROUND ADDLED MIn gwS p�CTE wAawLf AMAB WELL MAN AN IMRNMEWN USES HE P6.NNT CONCRETE TERM. NODDED BASIN 7� TEMPORARY SEDIMENT AND MANSHOLT GREEN FROM TXC p"'E" "E A SEES. PM ANY SEMBEAT Mw Of SISTDREED I& Hw. "I" SE UY° % "TERNARE .. T .•`NOL¢w. O AWPLT A 6 WE ARSTANDONAL MR, MA I1ANNMW,, S- 3.1HXOHNCS`"OOMM�xd EACH A[ TOMES TO MY BAANN. DAN, MLL AWARDS H°W WHO iP OF STORAGE TEN A— AM STRAPPER N MEAN SE AMEN MLMON FTN A ISM L NOTES AND ARRANGEMENTS AIM NAMED LH° ExWGM m SETTLE MAIL AT LEAST 75 ROUTINE Ux x.w N xl nx mu T GNASAUU ROOM IS BRING ASEAN FANNIE "' WE .1.1. WE MOSE SA, .1 MAY A, NECESSARY ENS D MILLER SUALIFF, W. BE CANNAL TO ED A THAN WE PAMPAS . WE UPPAPATEARY MASON AN, ANY CFAMAN! DOW WIN A PUMP TO Ne"HW LAMERLE MAND AD SHOULD BE AMMEN, IF ANDSHING 15 WASHING SUIT BE END AN PROPERTY DA NAMED AREA PR MUST BE DAMAGED ADD BF RICHMOND "nion M�nw AGAIN SSNAu e1�`c 0DENTAL CONTRACTURE M ARAUAL ' ME"MUTATIEP'RTMAT BE"�°:.:i°Hf`ANA Lim SIMMONS ARNETT PECEAREARt FORMERLY CRUSHED - N"•XTNY -EXIT "1%"/"H¢ WNaECT THE PCOULLAHMEN�E frc.vATEN m MAINTAIN ME rcNSSnsr smwExi SILL Ma10D'EOMd:Pm iD AND CONTAIMENT.A JT 3. 1 PRESET a9FS•L a IT HIM ME /�j=�1� CAPACITY Xo TEOiDEW ^iw AT A M AwENT ANSI SMALL. ME HNa°wT& m ME siw SEA? c. tovsWF®) n aws An ALL N COMMUNIST ro CAPTORS RS NNNwT MPM IT wURN, WEPRADv u°.55 wr. THE SEGMENT, NYTIME MY ME 6NMASHER ro DETERMNE M - MY FUEL TASK EM TRANS SMSED GAS THE EMBASSY STE SMARE. BE MONSOON BY A GmT(Hewro m iu'm "xi R ��aS - �E121'M MJ • oEAN GO SEGMENT STAINING A ME TEAPaIANY CAEN REAwm I PULL wxwEre NAHWi ua (ti (M ER nHAN vauxaNlDME SHALL wwNr °SRN N TXIB m.H1D GwsE INSULT E (ASSUMED ii "°`Nam"s rc ND SNOBBERY E im As sow SEAMLESS Av w`"`x asmwE, NPR ART El mn GRANDS mmmE CLEAN-UP PsmsN IN'THURE OF xnx MEN T N ATAHL° E SHROHNTAL M Mc BE INCIDENTAL M E CHSTBUCnw RAPTI • CONTEND o °ivo.n°H: BASIN anlEAD ww °wcr omrvLw APR ENERGY LL 0 L m SO PFN.ALNT vALHwEw OR �EEP MIMES AFTER ANG ATY / DEN HE M. MAN OR A SENEGAL TYPE OR PLANCEN THANST I., FmwAR, srxre AND —I SEOUL .1. MANDATE -HER, OF ME TAIGHPATER ME IF GRANT IS 0. � N � Nc -A Aµ '..A.. .1 BE NL..A YMUTE eATESKM1AIGS ANOPc1 ANT PENTAGON SPENT BE MINIGNO M ME STUART S G N . FEET a AN Edmm WM x ME BE HE nOR ooN mu° mss wi` s°DO TEAE° T w O S ON WE MR ASIT IN . 11 ANN IF ME SIT MONTHS mAL ..ED w mlwu rcmTEi1... UUSw. sraw. Nlmmm rzS ��' I. .. L_ X �HAPPE. Ryland Homes P FACT FARM WE BACH TO BE INSTALLED MET FATA AM PERATERNAGARLY EST FILM SAGRAFT MEN N '"I .. ATmS' SouthWest Village NE OPm1ro Se.e MB/MB/Li 1m Nm H Notre HALL UNAME SouthWest Village NE OPm1ro Se.e MB/MB/Li 1m Nm H Notre L 7w II -% ,; �r alir � ! 000° 4,t 11 l o � 'v —— Ryland Homes I I I I I ,I L SouthWest Village BH a eallBtt.com Gmmm lame Nbnw rN r Ryland Homes SouthWest Village 811 or <aII811som d Lbt 6eWtlov De1e uNW 0• .. ®/OIN fw �66arY18 P-. Developm D .i..p Am m... F 2 4 II 'LL L6 III — — — — — — — — — — w ..... ;;-- I � L 5 4— 2 2 L I 2 4 4 1 5 5 tr 5 CM T 0 1 LL' Z�3 MZ4 jL - - --- - - - - - 2 5 4 5 a 7 all or ealen.mm STORM SCW R CASING SCHEDUI MM11 Me LM S. SouffiWes, Ryland Homes Village oveau Uel" Street 3 925 ... _. _ _... 920 .. ... vs'c sw x • ow. M xeo N A. ' 9>Y1 E Q) M33 1��w,ry B�FRR M 11.10 (W) � MIeR M, IE NNI Ryland Homes Rxr ndn.m uW.. �•"•• a.. M eau . w III B ..D.5 AMA AN, MMND, En c v AAT AT PN SEWS SEANCE INERADI A. .1 , or mui w rc sarv•" cwWM NI r Wire :w Ie lw X .n.. WygnW 811•w ccIIBl i.wm mwNa a w ,m .m wsf8/pi/ll . 6 m IB $O11t11We8t Village Maury AD w,e,r Main Covelrvcfion ur,r�, ema,�s Plan Al 9-1 I AN X .n.. WygnW 811•w ccIIBl i.wm mwNa a w ,m .m wsf8/pi/ll . 6 m IB $O11t11We8t Village Maury AD w,e,r Main Covelrvcfion ur,r�, ema,�s Plan F- L STREET 1 oR u avaaal•aB•'>3'�O °aavo� :o °ate w Ip STREET 2 III Ryland Homes 811 a ed1811.0em c��avoo avaaal•aB•'>3'�O °aavo� °ate _oo_me °aav�� °email MUM". a °as�� °aaa a© om SouthWest Village AK V'paMttO P. Au.PlEIlls A DMO yM XY sx NMCE -E B OEN016 SYIIfNY 3MCE xISFA c DENO 'BwwYYimi.'ni" A.B. MMM w AeA All OA .�`5� °:Yw` as `s'I t 1f ur v..ee,.: nimm arl@/O1N re 9 wR1B0. sa..im.y & wares Main Cons&u< lion Pi... L Street 1 L STREET 2 �I� Ryland Homes SoutltWest Village B11 a wII8A, — f.FNFRAI N07S M m) 8. x.:nic10wuss Al vAnw CASMNG NOM .Bx91W. 9JYPW 615 R£i�µD uµMGE C.15AI�pM 9�TwE .0 w.t ,o w & Sro Sew ,.a+o.. PI.. L Street 3 A::: "' oE�mRn e,. I _ �.� N ..eN.: . N.. eo- __.. _... ._ _ _f.R, awl - - - - -- 1 >n BRI s,A „e ;, a RE-6 Nm f � (gj - ez,..o p eio.xe Ryland Homes .. wmro „r am - me, R..xW xu, svu m BI 811 or eeII811.eem GENERA, NO=' RABBI TO veem CkR. mxwx,a' xmzoN� , ixwxsxcmxsxx o[v�nax A CACnNC NOM ANN ONN ,m R- wAyo m.oeiolnR n oa u� SouthWest Village saes k sm:al L CmwhucHun Plan ..ja ad-gp—I X a$BIIIA 4saMq4noS eaiuOH PUBIAH t e"wa sue] ,Ma QPV "e 4u"la luau e mpa Ak ... 3WOMNX01 ]YJIMI J a,aro 00 IH -PI - T1 . . 11.5 IR QPV "e 4u"la luau e mpa Ak ... 3WOMNX01 ]YJIMI J F Taeiwl 6 Unit TO.W. Planunc Dehl Typioei 7 Unit Tew b. Planting DaO Final Pleet Schedule (Per 6 Uni) cwE m.. COM— nQ—ICAc..Me am meexe o.e -- rPo�c "i of Final Plant Schedule (Per 7 UvU .E .1 c..... .... x. me v. Nx ac. Ryland Homes SouthWest Village 811 or .0811.. X r.mx x.aw® wa: umun�. lendecepe Detel pl.. Planting Now F. ONAWREPT, RANT, A..� .LL ..o.x.,�x��FEE OR,' °.n.,u,� "'«,'8 ou:ff - "m4�'„�",:'.a .. "x.. R "rs MENTS TO CAT AROW WITSUCT REGARD, — .'ED 'I' FOR PERFER THE GGETERGIV .. ORD EFFECTIVE, STRONG FEE MATCH E�I —MEANS INTER PANDABI A ALL RATERVENCON G-I BE ARPROARD TRY THE WEIREENTRE AVI PREENT IS GVEREACTRA OF I, — W.E. A. 1. .1 SEVERE, GVEMS OMMAD, NEWS ME I. I, ATM— III AN' IT ANI .1 TAG LAAAANVWE� REGRAGEAND REARDY GREAT RED REAL V ANN —OR ALL TWICE AFFING TC BE —TO IT A.«o y .EE... PLAN, WREw.0 MANU "AK..E.EAR aM. "E cwxwvAv AG E MB G _ A. � =P,da ...E SPAR. .1 TP SEAT 15 CAT FERNIFTED BE WE .. ".m.,..,.0 ,„ ."EOU....." A' mn c,m . L WE X.K.xnWEEMNEn "IN LE.�"...EI", T.."""."ff . ". ",m. x.�TM...,. ��uaat��.., ".e.., �.c xm . ",.. ME.Ih .�.�a.„c W. .. � I.RE.w `FEW as WE -Warm. 0 "9,".I - ".. ON— a.,E.. .. REC.. x. DAMAGE ,o.asE",.,x ER STAGA,". STAGRAGENTHE AT NO CONS, "o..rn. 1. & —M TO BE MARIETTA SO PER LNI J, ANN STANDERES PLANCENTRE FT, OFFER I WARTH GOAL I WE IS GOT THE .1 SOL STALL V RIVERS WHIP TO WE MET GACLAA ARE CHN THE CALLECT FACE, HE REARI C—,— 11 WENT NOR OF GREW M WE 'ANSI "I— ACT ON P-1 —I.; SELFT AND WASTE. APSW IS . I 11 .1 ION CAPPETHARD -MITI PRACTIEFFE AND M WEST MEN MET AM G BE C49MG TRG OFF FMI OR FREE OF GREW THERS CAREER WAR ME WAR. ATTE ED. GREW MISS AND 12- DEITH .E. �R.: PERENNIALS 17 WER NO BE 7 ALL ME, vwa .wr"x1 AND .-" AV WAGE HURT TO BE USED ARMED AF. PLANTS ARTHE DOW AREAS PEFORGAL TV OFFIRSHENTA. DRAW DROPS CRAL HANE DR GREW �D "LOT IJLAH RE BE FREE OF -MWDW FORGES . .. 0 Aar oEIAH eux PICI DIII GRADEFERI Ryland Homes EM Lw. ° I won N..Exood " aw ANIM1, �_ tli9 Ys nWb Eal.� L I ss I PERENNIAL cuxnxc �— y SouthWest Village 4bt aeWJm 04ta abVVY .nIB /01/q sm.e 145m iB Details and alolJ wn,.wa wendme ssaxn Inc ul b Xwn bA- I", 811 w C011811.CM G a ra 1ry — H ...H J Jk OUR CJ�HEPVStE MNG �A XMggNI INSiALLAPON �a Wp R SEANCE �� YP CAL GATE VALVE AND BO% INSTAW ¶p �W 1MICAL MEGALVL ON �a TYPICAL SANITARY $EM{R SEANCE IOOi IWG ,009 ]COl f q all.. ,., . nom.•. .r ... r.. ,:. %/ �I �.. ' L ,_ ....P _ i i,.. /t I I , < /1 : I IT I QIIOI ON MAXNOIE EMU ..Z.E cgSXT ANO �� PIOE BEOOINC OiIOP IMIGW� SOrLS QIII PIPE BECOING MANHOLE i0P OJISTXE DETAIL N ..,S C111011MI FOR P.V.C. PIPE 4lest RevWOn DYC nrvuu SouthWeat °°°°" —;p. _ Ryland Homes Village Details Oebessf .,i. L r nP011 WMwM P.elMmtl S.MR Inc BMW. 9„ x <011811.cOm Ii14 n. �w P MAIN SidiM SEWER mT(I �� 510RY SEVER CPiCX BA9N QIIB TWICAL 1' OIAMEi Q�IIIY WRB MNSI Ul11pN ORR a 3' RELiAxfuLAR CP]CX BARN Y i aM AT CATCH =A a P.ESIVENTAL SiREEi SEM. :° ru.urtrm.v. nrrmnnn LOa ROX .r v.:.. .�. "... r. c °, -' mr'+c,mn: rvr.nMm, w`o• )30, ... u:.. ..,r S a'@r -'v nu}uRmm.IXannnfuE "'°° 3101 .i .. �......w am." MgXYAW OEPnRNM wr ]103 °• -n [uou[[dxc oEntanExi M °' ]106 1O0a' -m wva ENGINMNO [dxerREW $300 :....: u.... j� .. ..... '!(X F 1.61,` ` N - v MIGAL OJRB ANI GViIER a�� T➢ICAL CVRB NAINVS Mir �TMMI µOAWTIXWi NOES �� SID H t ��^ GEOEST IIAN CVRB RPMP C 1I 11AYLL WAHNINC SWV TiVNCP1E0 OWES ACL °1 SEO] '� $301 5303 a 5116 ^5315 N. DEP�M 5215A Gbet Hevltlw [k� ®AIN SouthWest R e w Ryland Homes Village DemuB L �w�4 L FENCE w S'�tl LL A .. mrr SHO � wasxoUT A aRSA xes ;pCr Ryland Homes �R SouthWest Village 811 a ec11811.com h N n Rt10P sN. eo. -U-SH mM Stet Revltlov Wk u/0Vu l0 /OIA9 L' m IB0.p Dent. 1 S 5 ITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN I Luminai[e Location Swvnae Lefelktlon5urnvy CMCiry6 Vnik MO Mee 1.Xn PpAYn M1YaM L I4m Label _ %2 12 CekPV Ilminaze 01] 8B 0.0 N.P S�TMeI IMninexe 009 J1 01 J3.W 3 3 %2 I} ]2 SuWeet Iluminaxe OW JA Ot 9N < H X] ]3 0]B J5 l5W SWNy< 000 011 J.] ].l0 ]I.W 88W 5 FS 6 FS 4 9 I W - ° 4 I I - I � Ryland Homes I ° ^, ^— 1 4l� ��r MINO ®�e� „ ���i� nit :� 1 S 5 ITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN n -Site Lig thth ing SouthWest Village 811 w ca11811x. x lebt RevWw Oat¢ feNW w: ®/01/13 o.m U m IB •a L4hftg M" Luminai[e Location Swvnae Lefelktlon5urnvy CMCiry6 Vnik MO Mee 1.Xn PpAYn M1YaM L I4m Label _ %2 12 CekPV Ilminaze 01] 8B 0.0 N.P S�TMeI IMninexe 009 J1 01 J3.W 3 3 %2 I} ]2 SuWeet Iluminaxe OW JA Ot 9N < H X] ]3 0]B J5 l5W SWNy< 000 011 J.] ].l0 ]I.W 88W 5 FS 6 FS 4 9 I W - ° 4 I I - I � Ryland Homes I ° ^, ^— n -Site Lig thth ing SouthWest Village 811 w ca11811x. x lebt RevWw Oat¢ feNW w: ®/01/13 o.m U m IB •a L4hftg M" l w L I I I II I % I I II I IIII I I I I I 2 � I Ryland Homes �� hng9 �l mr�z deanm� acme mvn. Ie Me fad X Chanhassen Townhomes e7.t Bfl or ccII0lLCOm ave(opm t am .gin m� »ev `aabg wM Zo �a ¢v cmn FOW b ZS' m.'rv�m eyve0 w0 Swbn d+aw9e SRf (y➢IX'O ar cr M�roe B. ohm m [pm AIM) d - ebtl ✓m�l (IO �� hng9 �l mr�z deanm� acme mvn. Ie Me fad X Chanhassen Townhomes e7.t F SOUTHWEST VILLAGE 2ND ADDITION NNOY� mM'y1y BY )Ir�Mfvlrs mv�e xynelow.a m.'. ° uwNme mm>vltn v.v.. yr rn. akmv >nvAM rw�'rr Wllel 4 .CUMMESI W[nLyE.�pwubvp le M. mweM pvl mvm( Cmn Cxn l% vw..vvm p�bk br puNk un Mam r°Wi. lrv:ne5v �eIIM `w 50lMIlESi M(A6E AD IAIMN w<Mn n.reer e-e' ere mC hAVVIe b Iln • Fpwe Pwm. dr.'.. v NmNaW «rywlM, nx awxe mw pwanly le e. xyn.e ey ne pqn a /Pma mreeeye A� FE FMM �*� SIC�Rr61VIAAIAI M Iwaym.g n.tvm a „ay.e e.MVm. rMV ev el Ps F}enJ Paw. Ivv. fiv uwMe eeynvrM w ay pay NC ° _ Mn pM w, wwe/.e er m. n wex my eewl mpnwm.: Mel l w, a ewy Ikewm was vy� �e �r "ono- oroe I per ne» eee� n .. a �x r r °i wrnnr °w:.°.w: Nvm an° klvlq m ruv pv4 ane 6I aWk wp vxw°in n°r�v�Mrp°tM SnmtleA 5a4o�. .4M. ; °a a/ Me fer° al rniv wlifimh m Peg w wwap I6uxf /u' OM/ /Y w�mM.h.M e</w. me m q Paq Y uvv. wy CUNk L PIY PMM9. PT'Y PIAW45YM. WNFSa�I A pvr° /.WINIIE4I 1![I¢SW .IM'1XM wva �.ee vne °m e u�uwnvm b Sluhb L flm SPS P3 0. 1.Y M� v"fa � pel %peysvmgimveMU rIe pauMmv py cw..u. Ply el gwws»., uavxery LO'w�'A"""'OI .res bra mw""na er/ r9.1, m¢ yvr nw eem erywne Mk _ e.r v/ ' r �.. .. p.n . /vmn nax ew p✓ /v bM Cex.Oee m ma ewr. 0ene Mra fauM Gp/n. cwry nMttn/Fwawn ry MPmlta. mN � %.9.VIM.09 W.16 Ta I6Y11P: wa w.e mn eeY °I 10� °� Nw4 Lmgvx. nvw Culy FanWw Westwood rr locals MM Im. q.xr I el z mwn L J PLAT FILE NO. SOUTHWEST VILLAGE 2ND ADDITION C.R. DOC. C. NO. � I °}iDD, ;•m �m unua %8 NBB °SB'6 A0.l mm • e. - "' '�•L. � tl' m ate" R % aiT m•R u•Pro aPwm 8 48 4 p 4 °sJrmu I Ywm 8 .ir°'unew � ^ `&^ rte a y.i my Z$V u'iewu c] M8'x�uysam^ V ^ !)uieFxm.C," e a4 B i 8r'y �6 4 wnndv .i _ �4 aev x IN n� .. %j fG _ 8 {g ^aye m 4 ^ 8 ^aveew r p 5e°' n g �u as'nrmo 44 d6d 3 M1 ws re'v y5d d °d { a tl 8 8 8 v r °aewe K 4 Jm l ,62 51T - Ate` _/. $ t�nQ aG ue eaa $ „ee a�evma rrm awvmre my r • new g� W 01` A wmx 1 wrnnx a = •sn•w m rxneva. NbB °I7WV 41]IJu ® t ......., d.....£.�RD .,.w. R:::' ....• ..... .o —•_ wu¢r, a.a..e ra ewe rorors w mr tine m�mvee m.. xa � Westwood TMealmul %M"ce Inc. J 1 f III t ' I 0 2 Z y g U LYMAN BOULEVARD .`�.. - .. �" Rw+N�HOMes SOUTHWEST VILLAGE o~ ^a --d CHANHASSEN, MN +111111 1111111111111111111111111 1111111;. ENTRANCE MONUMENT DETAIL SCALE 114 " =1' RYLAND HOMES' SEATING AREA DETAIL SCALE 114 =1' PERGOLA DETAIL SCALE 114 " =1' SOUTHWEST VILLAGE CHANHASSEN, MN LN r�� _ -- pp w2 i I __ _ :_� I - -- , - - -- i 1_. w – 111 II _W °�1�I— ■�II�I I ■I ■I� ICI ICI =ICI =ICI —III _ _- = I�IIIII =_,Ill �I..'�L�JI''.e ■� lllllla n��.,-..At�111- 1,,=111111 iG....ri�z 1-111�-1'Illl = 111111111 ■ i.np..'i' ■,�IL.Ih�',■ " °•,..• =I��I __ - MEMO■ _111111 el�_Is�i���laal ■IEIa.II .�l♦�_� v all 0 NNON a ONE MINE s� �� 'tt .Iii_ __ }� ❑�L .��L-_ M1E���� 1����� _JIIII11- � _ �J ■J�� _ Jam' 111 m_���� = 111.1111 ■����� 1111111 ■- III – =11 =111 MI = ���II ■�� _����1 ���� ��I�il ���� == -- �������° 11 - 111111 �_IIIIII- 111111 c� EMU- 11 mIn _mn 11 1_II__s_a���•.. ..���i�3s,,1 x, I �_IIIIIIII_c I I o�nl -• K 11 1,11 �1�.. 111:; -; I n� ='" . =5��r:° , _111111111 . <.�_ _ - • - -.mm' . I I "= •:,,1 1 .' �� . -_ I I - -1 1 • °mm • _,min I I r.,r.:,.,. -. �� 1 1 ...�� -. .. •. - - -- tea: _. act .. 1611111} UIIIIIjjj LLJ IIIIIIIIIIIIIV ��� �. �� �� u�IIIIIIIIUIIIIU N �IIII FeF��Tr� mox 0 LEFT CONTROL ELEVATION W/ OPT. STONE END 0-111113. � - • 1 f REAR ELEVATION 06-, .. -. TRIM DETAIL ��0.e Fl141 ak au I �L ROOF PLAN •p i oo ROOF PLAN •B• I a. .° 0veca E. .,.:.m Ow SIDE ELEVATTION G�c L Y II II ` / - - --- - - - - - - - - u - - - - - - - - -7 ' W..E 01 E. ' 02 ALL SIDING �, - - - - -- 12SIDE ELEVATION ak au I �L ROOF PLAN •p i oo ROOF PLAN •B• I a. .° 0veca E. .,.:.m Ow SIDE ELEVATTION G�c L Y II II To bau u al yN A tl: I 9I \\ dl / I E ROOF PLAN •C' —� x 58F m° e�a 9 I EaF ro n° anz I yy m: ggma� �Pk Pg93nE5$_ 16� 'BIRD-BOX' TRIM DETAIL W C7 J J A W LEIIT -VIEW �5 _ I--------------- 03 FRONT ELEV. 0 Z Q (L LL z 0 J ` / - - --- - - - - - - - - u - - - - - - - - -7 ' W..E 01 E. ' 02 - - - - -- _- . To bau u al yN A tl: I 9I \\ dl / I E ROOF PLAN •C' —� x 58F m° e�a 9 I EaF ro n° anz I yy m: ggma� �Pk Pg93nE5$_ 16� 'BIRD-BOX' TRIM DETAIL W C7 J J A W LEIIT -VIEW �5 _ I--------------- 03 FRONT ELEV. 0 Z Q (L LL z 0 J GENERAL PLAN NOTES. I. ALL IM RIOR WALLS AR@ 3 -N' WLE00 N D OTVERIIIBE. ALL MOtE�IOR LLW,LO TO NAPE In•.1. B AM ALL CEIL.i `R 9J6• FIMOCOU OT BOArA. ALL ANGLED U ALLS .IS DEGREES WLEM NOTED OTIERNOE 9. ALL EX FLOR WALLS AI 6.1 UNLESS NOTED OTIE MW 3. CChMLW WN.L'ST ALWAYS HAYS s ' TTPE "X' GYP BOARD ON WN SIDES C ENTI� WALL. A SHADED WALL5 MD CAR IMEPoOR EEdRR IYKL6'IVJXi M.. I, OG YV W ISLE TOP F .. ALL NTEIO R LOAD .ARML Wd.LO (OHdYi NdiCHED) TO W VE S/6" ttFE "/[• TPdl10OAFD EACH 610E. 5. ALL WINOOW 1 OO'1[ AIE AN IN BEdRRC° WALLO TO EE 'N ]Xb WN' NOT,,. f W AM (N]Xb JACK BTD EAG! 6. Oro pOINi LOP. WPPORIB /". BNDB) TO BE .1,,0 RONON EACH FL -B L AND HAYS °ALID IXLCKMG IN FLOOR gTe MOLL eLL lATHRC4Y'I FANS TO M YENTED TO EXTERIOR . ALL CLOSETS NAM rlJ ROD A'0 ", SNELF M1 E. NOTED OTHERYIN 4 SEE CA -9MET 911CP ORdWMG6 FOR CdBA•ET SIZES AF0 ATP i. 11 ATTIC d(/ESB TO EE ]]'X30' WL@SB NOTED OTNEFUSE IL "PUNT.A MGNTED 54' AP AND TOILET PAPEFIpLOERO MO.NTED SAL' A4 l ". BTPoP ALL fAMRd. JOINTS N CONCRETE BLAB, d0 ALL- EO. D. LLKVD IN CWidCT .1l4 CO.JC�IE TO BE FRp9%JRE I.A. WJOD. PLAN NOTES KEY. WALL. CONTAIN PoLT. ROCI( µD MW ]. HATCHED AREA IIAI.." IXIENT W 'ONANCAL DIGT . 3. X6 STUN KNEE WALL W/ FTB.I TI F?NOATION WALT A ONE LATER OF G P BOAI®. 9.9TAM MEAGER E%1EN.9 dCR 5 ENT RNL' OF CQ'1'IW WKL S. F. CALCUI OPTION " I BABE UNFINISHED & T, 361 SF FINI9HEO ENMI 5] BF F1WFLWR 97I EF BEGDND FLODR 914 9F GARAGE a93 5 TOTAL FINISHED 1931 5 f i A EI 1n• 5. 6'• ELEVATION 'C' 05 PLAN .CASE. '•m ELEVATION 'A' AND 'B' PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION 3 1 1141 1 p4' -m 314' ¢�l4' 3 In' 3• -1' s s• -a 3 /a' s•.G• s 1n^ g._1. � ng O Mr �).1GWJ0 t OE NR' IIEC`A�wcF4 �~�Q I• f.Amni.FLµ Q§ .1. 'Po9' —,9L4. AND- ONge w yyyy 9�VF SS �, � esew wni -T 4' -B' 3 -01n I omn•I°o 3 I' 5 In' 5' -4 3/d' S' b. 5 19' g, -r PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION 3 1 1141 1 p4' -m 314' ¢�l4' 3 In' STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN 0 6CALE: I/4• - I• -0' 9 ,OL s W e J 7 N N Q J J LL 1� N I(4)Im "JK1. WI —y E�.e ng n'n l'ONO �).1GWJ0 t OE NR' IIEC`A�wcF4 �~�Q PAIEL f.Amni.FLµ Q§ .1. —,9L4. AND- ONge w yyyy 9�VF SS I I NBOFrt I omn•I°o 3 I' 5 In' 5' -4 3/d' S' b. 5 19' g, -r o. O IITILI DO RJM('z,'F J Fl.lo. e nws XlDeu m � F Y Y_ � r LviO aw Aev. wx+/ CC ,yry� t Tw%a)be 5 v[" �� NAron. m. ED. TO xuF w11 b9 3 ve wR n$ m3i 6LIDM I I I WL Y aIe.ENEw Pa T.i L6w�re voc<diwFlol�r 9rro6 wLT ED R— OOlme/ rt:�r 6N9�TFDR w,R. 16' -A I.` b" 51n° b' 91n" STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN 0 6CALE: I/4• - I• -0' 9 ,OL s W e J 7 N N Q J J LL 1� N S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION' I "I. N FINISHED B T. 3.l I3. FIN16HRD B:MT 51 9F 365 °.F FIR5T FLOOR f-I ^E 990 SF W/ BAY EM FLWR 91451 9335FW /BAY GARAGE 453 5F 493 SF TOTAL FINISHED 1931 5E 3]. 5F I Vd'•IL LIVING .A—T 11 IE�T OOM 14' -1" FIRST FLOOR PLAN .GALE: ri°u C mI T NFwA.,NGFOw ,.,, OPTIONAL � a _ _ 6'- B I /1' -TT9R DREG PENT •e.ea ,° - uaK.r am z°e�uw,m. O FRMPE�B i ' c . HBASL BATH Hasl i ILI ILI O CEWi D naie B 0 PLAN A 6 6 � ELEVATION ICI, ^ SHELF OWY OPTION SHELF/ FULL SURROUND OPTION - OPTION M1 m Fl R ^FIREPLACE OP m6 �@EIL.e L4 .0 B60 O w 5.H � O Y 14'.1• I. I O M BAATH. 31m a s' -m 3/4 3 i4 _ . B° 3 v1" _ M. BATH wow 1 .L �.w o r, Ili g u 0.VTnD �- MASTER BEDROOM q MASTER BEDROOM 0� R4E fYuu S BEDCROIOM w3 = kSlMNRPJ2Itl_OP_T. S cmcEr 0 FLUSH BATHROOM PLANS H v 9' -41/4" IR 1' -4" E 9'," .IENT _ IALI- l c 6 — m m - __ _ III(✓�� 4 I IR n _W_ _ ' -e" a¢s a 3 '�" p I +Y I9 C �_ C- — _TIT — � -- " _____________________ I�caz o o - HALLC oe6m .m I.E. ccEC Jp LL.Ie BATH `�.\ WALL BAT .0 / iwBS LL 11. 3..1" L 5. 4 1 V. 4ii e a, QI 6 O <� p� 0 6 L FwN46ruD Q o o �w - W I.CU Far wesm \ _ MASTER BEDROOM M1 4 r bMi weri INLY J WIb� _ �\ m = ma+wv cpu 3 51TTCbKa� ARE APE ' A 11 �___� \�m w ^°a lL� eNBa Tcv.. °•nom I aEmw_a 1' s m \ �E W co c r —A'11 � . a IFyI o °� m 415 ALL J. �r a: 4'_0" / I'^ a CPT uv /,viLAIFa Ervo ° s 0 °lei LLEra.' F,unE sv »m.�}LEm i, -1. a I/� g y MASTER BEDROOn �o w �?Wi ciuniiwiv`R` '.¢Al— ` - - -- - -- � v' L cn �Ly AAIE / sIT 15TALL AREA L--- "�- - -T- - -- - - - -J! W z , TEE § - MASTER BATH OPTION t— Q W m„ � 4LL I mT . - 04 E 6 0 z aw.l �s_ /• E P I: AT 1—I AT a . ^ E �. BE =I° � T z ° ��,ne IT u.c °J '11 N 6 fib. 51/1" al 33' -I I/4' 6" Ol 511 "� Ay Y FdJ II /4" 14'- 03/4" 1 8LL N 6Q 02 SECOND FLOOR P a ' ONLY ELEVATION 'C' ONLY LAN PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1,4' 03 SCALE. LAI °�� x, L '_____ __ _________ eh � e4 ' •� ° uL x GL J� ----------- , L _ w vv // imp vv a rover � I «m LL / n� umg. ws. r a/a m,j o O p 9 LI Tu i O ° qe LMOC°nR ,Wm N , �nM�aoe 8 ( L gQO V5 `n �0� 0 a _____ ___________________________ ______ ___________________ T____p _ __ N 0 N REAR ELEVATION 0 kQa J may m BO s oP�o s IT uoRlzmrTAL sash BEra+o 06 RROOF�PLAN 'A' 3 eBe 07 ROOF PLAN EXTERIOR TRIM KEY 0 o ROOF PLAN W SIDE ELEV. AT v IA ' IO 0 n FRONT PORCH ROOF �7 ,n � -° SIDE ELEV. AT 1 ®2Y.STORY BOX-BAY ] -BIRD-BOX' a.m•E kuw,uee, a.evwaaLVEw�.ucu TRIM DETAIL a wrtm�enw YAICE 1� 4 ^FacE iwn$TACKED o Toro a ^FaceTMM 6" F4GE TRIM i& (I -STORY SIMILAR] eloFC . -m 2axwmn¢, n TRIM DETAIL G E BI .BO%'rRIM W/ W4LL FNFSACE FWOM hill III rr..� C C„ °a,reenxv exlrGLe..,,P.� G,I�� rP `en rd� 'aiomy �u.rsnral naen 4 `..rsmw *rve r luxes ,6w 3 R °x°r cm Iy 3 v _ J u 9 y lS�Fa ? € i Q y Tl m A�_rsPrs ��e w r£r eenx »p. ��e e � H fn O z a �r esraw WWI — o } �n ram; Q ° — I- TN Lo�C°c1Tlwrc,EeR I•'e q°I _____�?�, s� ova,., mLrs� m`°4wc RRtlo Iwo F RIBVe I..a �NIn E. w -.mI s�slu� I___ r Yom x[LEY. tl� W a r eaR �W xa..0 a �,.. -C' I`° i Iw.l."�rsl'4,°.L..d•°me><m. y i FRONT ELEV. 'A° yi r /� FONT ELEV. y I i /% FsRONT ELEV. y Iy •0' r �� 1 5 ¢ p r L_ _ _J L_ _� _J 1. L_ - J L FONT GENERAL PLAN NOTES) G L - - -- — xa' -m^ 4l G L L ALL INTMM WALLS ARE 3 -IR" W MILD OTIERYSE. ALL I/4' x3' -91R" I/4" NT RM JALL6 TO WvE IR" GYF5W1 B7AIA, ALL CLILMyS TO Yc 5/0" FIRECC E GYMIJ I BOA ALL N M WALLS TILE IN A. 45 ... LLVI.. NOIEO OMEALL. 3 y ]. ALL EXrE WALL. AM 6' WLEW NDIED OTNEALEM. ]3' -] IR" 31n' 3. W'RiW JALL MI61 AL." LAVE 52" IM I-OTP&RI BOARD IN Mr1161v56 6 ENTIM MLL. 4. WADED YYLLB MDICATE MTERIM WARM w 1-8 wnm BiW)B. W'OG. W/DWBLE I PLATE ALL .T BM LOAD BEARRG WALL. 1. NATCLED) TO AVE Pd�N mAM EACL 6IVE 5. ALL WNDgJ AVD DMR LEdDERH M BEARN6 WdLL9 i0 BE (W)IDxkb W/Ix' PLYW.'V' D RATE Am (11 x%6 JACK 9P)U EACH WLE54 MIEO OTFEM.E. IT, ALL POMr LOAD dhF.F^ IB (JAM 6TY00) TO BE CAI IEO iIIPPJCaN EACH R-WK LEVEL MlD NAY@. WBLOCWM IN p ALLB 6Y6TEM CELDW . W.L BAfiIMOIy FANG TO BE YENTEO TO EMERbR B. ALL CLWETB LAVE N RCD AND (D BLELP WLE66 MTED s OTIERIAGE. 4 SEE .11,1ET .4BP RPWM'A FIX@ CABII&I BIS6 AYD IYW} m. mnc Acme s. TO BE a °wm• JNLE99 Norm orrBRwue s MOWED RE fTOLLVRV Ed• A4 6Vp iOILEi PAF£WCipER9 -S' 8 IL 1�1 Q. SIP BTRIP ALL f TML JOINiB N cMGMTE &JO. 45 C B' 13.AAi.°11JO VONranm .1114 cove 1.1BeE �eaJra= PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN ® mEA2v EeoD. /� AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION 9 m o g g UJ vd••r -m` r. 9 gt R PLAN NOTES KEY. F a mo a I. WdLL9 CWTAN PoLY. MO( AM INSYLATIQI C 3' -I' 5 1n' 5' -4 3/4•' 5 -6 v I�a u ]. LdTOIED AREA IFDIC TBB M%. MI. ppGp iOR �Ip�� a �IlP q )T'4 srmlcOUGi WJIM �Ay e - VA. U y 3 WA-L PE TREArEO RATE, M I I/,,�` I Pr fG.YIOATILIJ JILL. - V �� p 61 i 4. ME LITER OP GTF&fl BOARD. S..TAIR NE4 REMEND.I 56 B, 71M T)P BILL TO IIEVE T I _ FACE W CdMW WN.L B O JL S. CALCULATIONS - OPTION • Ber^E merlon _ /__ _ �g _ N IINFINI.NEp 361 °..F 43 FMISHED BSMi. .I 6F 351 EF 5 J ImYN Rp [ q' -B /4" 3' 6Vl FIgT FLOOR S. 9° 9l9 EP W/ SIFT 6 TP C 6ECOND FLOOR °,p3 °.F 91B 9F W/ BAY Fm 5 GARAGE 4Bl 6F 4B1 BF 0 AT.— TOTAL FNIBNED 516 BF 2250 M R£ u�TZAiTILN tl C A D°M �mtt WlrPaL `i -011.10 BI w EnA�1M Ni uO .ImrvaiaEA, ne DerAIL. aR/Am J '• �+ .ICE Cw a S LL __ _ W 1111 w tuRR m B � eTME PIC- eoy i € m z a. O A BATHROOM OPTION =_ - _6Emw D rt.LB. `'F 65ALE. v4° . r_O £ 6 e 6 ¢ v O6 y ERA E.DEi.� y bv~C� � 3' -81 /4• II' -1 ln• fiWa�D.fdIL B' -53/q' W 9 In" 5 In" C 3• -I" 3• I" S i'_I" 9' -I" /q' x3' s in- I/4" z m m" Q e O J .• °' a °'°°`° o _ J. PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN = (_ AT FINISHED REC. ROOM OPTION III `t'N B w6Rea III ° arxs m. 02 •wr lw 9 Fl °L m.PCer uv .cA'= Iva" ]3' -s In" Iva° d"dM•6oITl�E.de _ __ I . xA' -m` O LL zlln• ra vx 'a Irz slm m X511n• ]' -31n aw sln`(�� AT 01 STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN 2jQ }J/pLu L 6' LrL $z N .dx deere xALE. vs ^.v -m" m s' -i• T. v -v ELEVATION 'C' ELEVATION 'A' AND 'B' 3 2 05 PLAN DETAIL AT ENTRY CANOPY $ m. 3'I" 51 5' -43/4• y._i• 51R• B'- 01/4•' C 4 O Mr � Tlilli I C 10 dLldl wl�� I iii u6 rrW.. ea �Aev. uq __ I Ra�� i �o�i ex� en da ry MlasL� I Pr. LD. I De°Rr ���omlRUl ��5 I MTV x &§ ST�!�E I 5n � ILRG CC yy9 I it�. I %5' £ 3'l^ 51n�" -43/d" FRE6G IR Rrtde Pi. LO O�a��el �? �TILI 1____ 4' -a I/4' ___v +Aare R B�Ly_y -) Pr. LIP N __ GENERAL PLAN NOTES) G L - - -- — xa' -m^ 4l G L L ALL INTMM WALLS ARE 3 -IR" W MILD OTIERYSE. ALL I/4' x3' -91R" I/4" NT RM JALL6 TO WvE IR" GYF5W1 B7AIA, ALL CLILMyS TO Yc 5/0" FIRECC E GYMIJ I BOA ALL N M WALLS TILE IN A. 45 ... LLVI.. NOIEO OMEALL. 3 y ]. ALL EXrE WALL. AM 6' WLEW NDIED OTNEALEM. ]3' -] IR" 31n' 3. W'RiW JALL MI61 AL." LAVE 52" IM I-OTP&RI BOARD IN Mr1161v56 6 ENTIM MLL. 4. WADED YYLLB MDICATE MTERIM WARM w 1-8 wnm BiW)B. W'OG. W/DWBLE I PLATE ALL .T BM LOAD BEARRG WALL. 1. NATCLED) TO AVE Pd�N mAM EACL 6IVE 5. ALL WNDgJ AVD DMR LEdDERH M BEARN6 WdLL9 i0 BE (W)IDxkb W/Ix' PLYW.'V' D RATE Am (11 x%6 JACK 9P)U EACH WLE54 MIEO OTFEM.E. IT, ALL POMr LOAD dhF.F^ IB (JAM 6TY00) TO BE CAI IEO iIIPPJCaN EACH R-WK LEVEL MlD NAY@. WBLOCWM IN p ALLB 6Y6TEM CELDW . W.L BAfiIMOIy FANG TO BE YENTEO TO EMERbR B. ALL CLWETB LAVE N RCD AND (D BLELP WLE66 MTED s OTIERIAGE. 4 SEE .11,1ET .4BP RPWM'A FIX@ CABII&I BIS6 AYD IYW} m. mnc Acme s. TO BE a °wm• JNLE99 Norm orrBRwue s MOWED RE fTOLLVRV Ed• A4 6Vp iOILEi PAF£WCipER9 -S' 8 IL 1�1 Q. SIP BTRIP ALL f TML JOINiB N cMGMTE &JO. 45 C B' 13.AAi.°11JO VONranm .1114 cove 1.1BeE �eaJra= PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN ® mEA2v EeoD. /� AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION 9 m o g g UJ vd••r -m` r. 9 gt R PLAN NOTES KEY. F a mo a I. WdLL9 CWTAN PoLY. MO( AM INSYLATIQI C 3' -I' 5 1n' 5' -4 3/4•' 5 -6 v I�a u ]. LdTOIED AREA IFDIC TBB M%. MI. ppGp iOR �Ip�� a �IlP q )T'4 srmlcOUGi WJIM �Ay e - VA. U y 3 WA-L PE TREArEO RATE, M I I/,,�` I Pr fG.YIOATILIJ JILL. - V �� p 61 i 4. ME LITER OP GTF&fl BOARD. S..TAIR NE4 REMEND.I 56 B, 71M T)P BILL TO IIEVE T I _ FACE W CdMW WN.L B O JL S. CALCULATIONS - OPTION • Ber^E merlon _ /__ _ �g _ N IINFINI.NEp 361 °..F 43 FMISHED BSMi. .I 6F 351 EF 5 J ImYN Rp [ q' -B /4" 3' 6Vl FIgT FLOOR S. 9° 9l9 EP W/ SIFT 6 TP C 6ECOND FLOOR °,p3 °.F 91B 9F W/ BAY Fm 5 GARAGE 4Bl 6F 4B1 BF 0 AT.— TOTAL FNIBNED 516 BF 2250 M R£ u�TZAiTILN tl C A D°M �mtt WlrPaL `i -011.10 BI w EnA�1M Ni uO .ImrvaiaEA, ne DerAIL. aR/Am J '• �+ .ICE Cw a S LL __ _ W 1111 w tuRR m B � eTME PIC- eoy i € m z a. O A BATHROOM OPTION =_ - _6Emw D rt.LB. `'F 65ALE. v4° . r_O £ 6 e 6 ¢ v O6 y ERA E.DEi.� y bv~C� � 3' -81 /4• II' -1 ln• fiWa�D.fdIL B' -53/q' W 9 In" 5 In" C 3• -I" 3• I" S i'_I" 9' -I" /q' x3' s in- I/4" z m m" Q e O J .• °' a °'°°`° o _ J. PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN = (_ AT FINISHED REC. ROOM OPTION III `t'N B w6Rea III ° arxs m. 02 •wr lw 9 Fl °L m.PCer uv .cA'= Iva" ]3' -s In" Iva° d"dM•6oITl�E.de _ __ I . xA' -m` O LL zlln• ra vx 'a Irz slm m X511n• ]' -31n aw sln`(�� AT 01 STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN 2jQ }J/pLu L 6' LrL $z N .dx deere xALE. vs ^.v -m" m s' -i• T. v -v ELEVATION 'C' ELEVATION 'A' AND 'B' 3 2 05 PLAN DETAIL AT ENTRY CANOPY $ m. 3'I" 51 5' -43/4• y._i• 51R• B'- 01/4•' C 4 O Mr � Tlilli I C 10 dLldl wl�� I iii u6 rrW.. ea �Aev. uq __ I Ra�� i �o�i ex� en da ry MlasL� I Pr. LD. I De°Rr ���omlRUl ��5 I MTV x &§ ST�!�E I 5n � ILRG CC yy9 I it�. I %5' £ 3'l^ 51n�" -43/d" FRE6G IR Rrtde Pi. LO O�a��el �? �TILI +Aare R B�Ly_y -) Pr. LIP BTD f))L10 3' -I? 3' -I" RiLLL'YDTM6 BIIR))�{ B ln° a�MU�DPTD nbedNALLa 3'Yy - E4 io uAIF WdLL 5 m�OR ' I I e� I moB wW6R —_ rLeLrfR�d.a: %d*cuoR6d nL o. ILA__ ILA___ evrRr 3 In M'.3 I Ia^ e' sIn^ fp ° FE m" FE R €NLARGED DECO 1. 24' -0• 's'IRA B' -m• v.b IR" u ]4' -m^ uur sp. uF H' m" T auzu auD e 11/ ]3' -91R" II /d" O 'I I/4" 33' -91R" II /A" OLR CUdSE e 5'- IR" H' -6 3 /d' 9' -5 LA. A4D RW� 3`.°i°° 0 S O IO A UI E .\ RAISE BOX TO CEILING _ PLAN D IA w oa wY .sm u �go�m °FoE _ ELEVATION vu °mb "vUk wa %F r .a- - SHELF ONLY OPTION SHELF/ Y - F LL BUNAOUND OPTION C BT'a mega �v� 5� U14 0 G FIREPLACE OPTION p BILL B a u 9 N. Y SCALE. I/4 I 0 � 44r �9 F C� w,ow°MAf o� l .. uec A le p 0 B c� J Do e y W W a a awmD�BL. 3 KITCHEN ELEVATIONS m c 0 7 ACE ,4 . m o A e g y s Irz• s m Lu I lu^ N II /e' ]3' -91R" II /4 34' 0^ � O O f � °� B � Q SECOND FLOOR PLAN A, B, & C habm ° 0 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A O3 5�A 0 a 01 en54TH E T O s s Ft/ 0 e �M1i / J AIL LL ED WALL IL LL 113m5 iTVE X G X G / 4L N 0 iHIS WALL ALL TP a / \ � w Y 5 5IR ]" R 11/4 H I'1ASTERBED OOYI _ PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN B, C, D PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN D MASTER BATH OPTION 2 A 0 &SALE -- 04 SSIE. 05 � 1'.m• = P I � wcER n/ pia I FATED IID WA 3 Immmlrcv.3' -Im" LA E 59 • EA I E 6'S IR" a' -3 L6" SIR II' -B 316" /a" z3' -9 In, 31/ �B�z 31R" 113mtidlu \ 1 %143 irm C u 9Qpg_ /4 ^i LIVING i DO ECart� /ILL A m -m•' a "o I T H N �a 06 � � IIA 1R F`A W WA �Q BEDROOM BEDR� 9 �R A DP' •e�� Iva• 3• -I` a V] B VP" V ] -4" 0" u <L�.waLL UU ° 'm uao mP mm� eu, zmbB e� -wdw L2' B' -n IR" a• -B� HALL BATH ALL Ob n O ..m o°sLR Oj DNING --- /1 cdF M GRECA�T 001'1 Qi d F 3' r' 3'.I• /I J 6' -s IR�R IB' -3I � 31R^ pe M MASTER EDROCM \ \ \ tli Lb WR tl�lw upR @a 06 IIA 1R F`A W WA �Q BEDROOM BEDR� 9 �R Iva• ]4,m• ] -4" 0" pe M MASTER EDROCM \ \ \ tli Lb WR tl�lw upR @a 06 IIA 1R F`A W WA �Q BEDROOM BEDR� 9 �R -3 IR' � ] -4" 0" u <L�.waLL UU ° 'm uao mP - amts el -ea".a zmbB e� -wdw L2' B' -n IR" a• -B� HALL BATH ALL Ob n O f�b' /1 M Qi d F J 9'.11R° vdtt, �® a 9CL690c1 4' -m" 9' -I IR.' r¢a1s�La�E 9� MASTER BEDROOM ? o Q SITTC �FAREA lncwo -v wn y° �A ,<11s m4LL wc. -FUis w.L�s«LT pe M MASTER EDROCM \ \ \ I 1 10 06 IIA 1R F`A W WA n�ba !aM o) I S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION ° BASE DPnoN IINFMISUED BSMT. 361 ^„F 63 SF FINISUED B°Jti. BI BF 35l 5F FIRfii FL COR 96m L-F 9l5 S W/ BAT SECOND FL WR 903 BF 918 5F W/ BAT GgRKE 48l 5F d0ld iOigL FINIBHEO 1910 sF R390 Y I�i 5 / 4 .mwe,ye o 05 REAR ELEVATION J SLO EP 17 0C ROOF PLAN •A• & •B• 07 ROOF PLAN •C• uMZl TAL sash V BEYaD EXTERIOR iRIH KEY x .BIRD-BOX' e.a,r.�eaw 11 TRIM DETAIL _ vMTL °"^tl _ SSE eu•. n . � -e e,rea I 'BI -BOX' iRIH FLWU e � Kemorz wrv, a. W/ WALL 611lSAGE I I I I CIyL CIL C {L .� n.��.w�.- ..e.,...� CIL I I I I `rn r I �rm r M n, l7'/ rn,!.LeV16�RIM Its /I b I �XP�,.°^,,•�1 x un.0 I a � 3Im ROOF PLAN 'D• 0 O R4 v SIDE EIEV. AT o9 FRONT PORCH ROOF SIDE ELEV. AT ..77 10 2 -STORY BOX -BAY 4^ FACE TRIn sTAr D o > it -STORY BIMILARI cw To e FxF TRm B'FAGE iRIH 1 TRIM DETAIL II II 2— CL �`mPwmw wmrae..,,P.� C�L C�L � wmownw wrr.Fn.Tm. �- G/II BFI- U' - -_– 4 _ 4 b a w, a - o - - - ., ^Rem �.I�II ��'I �a =. -,� g FRONT ELEV. •A• x FRONT ELEVyB• µ FROM ELEV IC• nw x FRONT CLCV. •0. 3 a t == ___ = ,'01_... _;'02 t = = == __ = 03 t = = = == _�- 04 g- kk ,� I ,BOe�as�a �eg m;; m$y w J Z Q J N O r J GENERAL PLAN NOTES I. ALL MIERIOR WELLS ME 3 -V]" IMLESO NOTED OTERYIM ALL MTERR3 WILE TO NAVE V]" GYPoLM BOARD ALL CEILIN - TO NAYS 59' FlAECOOE GYIINI I WI ALL ANGLED WALLS A l 45 DEGREES WILE% NOTED OII EDEAEE. ]. A!7 LE%TERIOR UIIL0.1T� 6'.1. NoIED C.... 3. CRT}PI WALL. ALWAYS NAYS EPo' I "X' GYANT1 W BOTH SIBS OF EMRE WALL. a. MADED WILE AAIGTE NICI REARING AI 16 LI M.A K -OC. LVD EI T4 RATE, ALL INIEMOR LOAD MMMO WILO ISIgIN NATO NED)1C NAVE ErB' TYPE "a C' TPSNt EOARD EdCN BIOE. 5. ALL WMD. AND DOOR HEADEINE W PEA¢Ka WILLS TO PF (]) ]XB AI RTWT'A RATE AND lV ].1. END EACH ETD .. NOTED OINERINEE. ALL MIW LOAD 3RPORTS (JACK STUDS) TO EE C IEM TNWTGH EADN BOOR LEI AND NAVE SOLID ELOCKINO IN ROCK 111 111 B. ALL EANRD01 i. TO BE YENNED TO III . ALL CLOSETS HAVE N) TI AND (1) I NEF UNLEEB NOTED EWU10E. • BEE CA.. ATOP DRAWN+O — CABINET 0I. AND L.T. AP . ATTIC ACCESS TO BE 3] "%30" AI NOTED OTNEWISE I. T.L EA2-i MOWTED 54' AR AND 101LEi 1A I11 LDEPb M.TED ]A- Ni. I]. Z E1.1 ALL CCM-1 JOMTE M CONCI£TE TAB, AS R WIRED. 13 ALL . IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE I EE HEN. PEATED LLOCV. PLAN NOTES KEY. I. WALLS CONTAIN P0. WGG AND M ULATION. ]. MATCNED AREA INDICATES II W 0' CEILW Dp P FCR N ECNANICAL =T Lb18< 3. M SNJ Y EE WALL IW PREb'JRE TICATED PLATE, ON 3' N. N WALL A ONE LAVER OL G1. EOA Dp 9. III LEADER E%TETbB ACROBG ENTIRE IT D WALL TO M CNE FACE 6 CQR1ON' LLMLL. YAM9T S. F. CAL%�BA6 IONS OPTION TION JM1NII 6 .. RECQNITETIIXJ '�a EF FMIAILC EI K "s FLOOR EF W/ BAY EECOND RJR s w/ BAY GAREC E £ E sE TOTAL PUSHED a, I PF 0 A BATHROOM OPTION `4 SCALE. ...I' -0" FIN 41. IA, 5 V]' 8' IE UJ mz)s.xe*os w.3, 1A' -3 VJ "31/3'• mi ii• -O•' PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN 0 AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION 3 GA�AG€ 3pip&fi01 Id�at' �®f=wxAL yb`y R� F to ��I �ILIID lO YaN��I WJFINISHED -STD ��ggg. B�pp pp SEm a�E 6 bagaa e� F In i' -3 V1 -3 I!] 5 V1' 5' 1 ' }' -3 Ill }' -3 IlJ 5 I/i" 10' -BI /A• _ ]}.._ 7. -y.. II /a" ELEVATION 'A' AND 'B' A.EO ELEVATION 'C' AND 'D' m PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN o5PLAN DETAIL AT ENTRY CANOPY AT FINISHED REC. ROOM OPTION ACA Vi' - I' -¢' 02 SCALE - I' -C' �J Ifni 11"c I u Y ''' m' RECQNITETIIXJ '�a Y LEOXBAY £ E a, " T be ETUD ULLLA LE `�� LL.�rw 4S ATEI BHT ' _. H RAREWALLW,.DCAPe C EI ON�wt E S e�NTlir cAr ce AILI4' N OND II, BM1 m 1r AE, �n).L5.3A a LY -.L. In "4 vAN rzW Z n)h w NA tut wG 51/t" b'- Irz. -31R' 31/J" f� Q sDiA •• O J uaa 3 ON.AxsE L y g I Va" ]I'- IYfu 9 a_ as m' >B �. L T— i__ � ,+ STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN ..P.' X 01 xALE: LL In i' -3 V1 -3 I!] 5 V1' 5' 1 ' }' -3 Ill }' -3 IlJ 5 I/i" 10' -BI /A• _ ]}.._ 7. -y.. II /a" ELEVATION 'A' AND 'B' A.EO ELEVATION 'C' AND 'D' m PARTIAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN o5PLAN DETAIL AT ENTRY CANOPY AT FINISHED REC. ROOM OPTION ACA Vi' - I' -¢' 02 SCALE - I' -C' �J Ifni 11"c I U1- 0 0 c �o o& I/4" /al hn we ina xDa � V � s I , HALL cervESra gry�4 a `° �n'.Im. DROEOH •3 B I-T ^1 [v LEV 1 HOI1R l Xa 5r qA 4i� G E'- 1m�x•m LATER IR' 6' -i I /}'• 3' d" 6' 8" 6" 3 EI IRiD 9• 9 IR" I L 0 0 c �o o& I/4" /al hn we ina xDa � V o s I , HALL gry�4 DROEOH •3 B I-T ^1 qA 4i� G iV see aev x <L..u'aL I3 w aA..r ILLI M1 LAUND I I a� RESIL. p e Lam*' e � u -ie m�.Enwi b0 _ rR�HAL 5 BATH 10 MBA'- 71ER O a r C v6Ee e Ov 3'.b" A I Irz 0 n PIASTER BEDROOM _ - I' -41rz✓ icces� rtq+o�va�i.iiva cvr.i � e —aE. E < o:`=', / / „1. ID, ED UALL 1136 WA ( YF GYP D41G mci 1R• E Ia' 4” II /4 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN B, C, D t SURROUND / FACE DIMENSIONS FRAMING DIMENSIONS �I FIREPLACE OPTION 0 6 SC4LE.1 /4 a _ _ - 70 li�amgl �qbpF �cm D M U d0p0 RFI¢.. n00= :nao q vv "ouu� m LY, A; uJ KITCHEN ELEVATIONS o s I , HALL S. F. CALCULATIONS oRnory • k` —° 1a +a^ s Irz• =E 1'.b l;b• 9- Im3 /a" ,' -s• " "' °x`D """. • "` xa'e MASTER BATH -11;4" ® OPTION 5C4LE: 114 - O 3 3CALE. a` GENERAL PLAN NOTESI p MAW R 0 D OOM oiuEwuse as _ 9 of =\ P. ILILle I— 'I NNLEee a `n)N,ti uwe� < • a �`•\ `E DvATE— (1)-J Sno El EN _ II INLE55 uw ni/Gao�s ob ALL AGII0 IN IIGNT�T W CGIDIIITE TO ,RI moo 0 30so i� , �+ MEi cLEarz o.=Er'RYa u¢raui roi LESZ ivary i4 M'D xEi 4Enc 1 WAL Ia" 1/4" U Q I� C N IQ a S � � �• °I (ca � ,'° r c,L (uL i .,,><x..w,rw.: I cn (uL r vas r ( ---- , - - - -- -- - - -- - , m;m _ 41 A. A•m r r , r r 0' �� � ' 4' 0' 6' 73, - ! , '.' n' Pov. ¢• a v' N. m Pov. ' ji o o w -- - --- °°°. ' " __ _ r , 0 C REAR ELEVATION ROOF PLAN 'A' ROOF PLAN 'B' ROOF PLAN 'C' ROOF PLAN 'D's J sLD�D Ir 06 e, w.i.m 07 ,cA�. 08... �..r.� 09 ,c.�. ve .r DETWD uoPoZaxTAI sorrlr EXTERIOR TRIM KEY BEYOND a °vacE rrxln mrancEO SIDE ELEV. SIDE ELEV. 'BIRD-BOX; oN roF of m= FACE rrem x 1 .,...> AT FRONT AT 2 -STORY e� TRIM DETAIL m" FADE mm vlNn m 13 TRIM DETAIL ELEV.NAR& CF 11 BOX-BAY wars ,m.. .". 61DIWa r' n @ 10 _ ne. » . i m It -STORY SINLARI Dlrso -eox° tPon FwsN W/ WµL- �IIBACE I I I I I I CIL � G {L GILL '- CIL. CIL - ��,.�I,,,N wlw�l.m, �GIL G {L °mw.im a wro>ov :s.. x I i_1ll , I FRONT ELEV. 'A' 1 YI.1 1 -1,'03 FRONT I "I_I I 'D' gs4 °al J L z Q I. I!! J GENERAL PLAN NOTES, I. ALL I... WALL" ARE 3 -V)" ITLESS NOTED OTIERNSE. ALL MTERAI WALLS TO XAK III GTSIT BOARD, dLL CEILNMN TO N 512' FINECODE GTFYY) BOARD, ALL d . WALLS ARE 45 DEdREEB WILE44 IO,ED O'M NLISE. 1. ALL EXTERIOR @ L5 ARE b• WLEfi6 NOTED OTIERYI- 3. EOARD W D M1Bi ALWAYS HARE 52' TYPE EIADE W BOTH SIDES I EMIRS WALL 6.I N. W-O INDICATE DD NTE LALLE TEMORL MEARJ a'2" OD. W1 pW NA iW qTO W ALL TNT' I LOAD GEARING WALLS (bHdJM IIATCMEDI TO NAVE 92' TPE TP°.YH NOtRD EAGN $IBS. 5, ILL WA ..' 1 DOER HEADERS W 11.1 WALLS TO E EE III . "'L NOTWJJ'J RATE AND (U 3Y6 JA!K STIp EACN NOTED oTNERWSE. N, ALL POMr LOAD JRFWfb (JAND ETUDE) TO EE L NO NRII' XaN E/LN 0.0.'R LEVEL AND RAVE SOLID ELQ'KItG M FLOOR SYSTEM BELOY D ALL BAOINET" IIi0 BE •.EKED i0 F UNLE R & L LLOBETB HAVE (I) WD AVD (V BMELF UNLESS NOTED }11ERUISE. A BEE CABMEf &IOP DRALLIN'a'. FOR CASKET SIZES AND a *OJT. 10 L ACCESS t0 ED NA' AFF MEETS NOTED OT.! -.E II. iCUEL BARS MOWTEp 54' N£ AND TOILET PAPERbLOEpS 1gMTED 16" A¢. Z7 I'TFIF, D. WINEO� MFL�q- JOmmS M fLNLREiE %AB. 69 RE B. ALL UIDOD IN CONTACT WITI DONDRiM TO EE FRESIANE TREATED UbW. PLAN NOTES KEY, I. WALLS CCNTAN Po T. ROCK AND NEEL ICM ). NATCNED A. MDIE1F9 DOEIt OF T' GEIL. DRDP FOR MEENANIGAL=I UbRC 3.1X6 STW KNEE WALL UV F#ffiIJRP TREATED RATE, ON E H. .AI'DM WALL, f ONE LATER D, GYF&YI BOAED P� S. F. CALCULATIONS . 5 3• -9• 3 in OPTION b BABE I OPTION WFINIE41ED 9WIT. 3386E 36Y FWI9XED BSYIT 69 w 3TI SF F6RET FLOOR SI4 OF WE OF W/ BAY SECOND FLOOR T5t W 713 SF W/ BAY GARKE 45EW 45E' TOTAL PINIONED W40 FF IBT3 SF W %? " � ,ilnµ•µl �— N 3• -9' 51R• 4'_l• 3• -m'• n4 BATHROOM OPTION 9'IR 3' -3IR 3 1/$ SIR' rvm , Fpy yy ELEVATION 'A' AND 'C' ELEVATION 'B' 0 PLAN DETAIL AT ENTRY CANOPY 5SCALE: I/4' - 1' C 03 AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION SCALE. Im'.I' -0• 3• -I° �I . 5 3• -9• 3 in }1' -1 IR" Dk'xlb "Pik AFlN 1iR MIME 16) A T'On �RRi.�Irtb diFrf I � I O wvc5 waar4�b'. bMKR � R l Irl1 am �,aLL g a aE.3'L. II..' N adp IE. I kPt r1°AIN L1� N EBa an�m agga gg °P I I Yea � °l I OL%RIi61e" / jT R�E'ETALL �. ru BN,l® —ALL AT 11. N-AN 3 ' -I" 6' -5 Irs• Z'_9" 4 Irz' t' 101R" uR MrAeE �: pREbu Y aC�O�L° il +VJU Hlcxea D $6 N c g 0 u _ 3' -I° 3'- RECIFE5 IATIgJ o IDBWE-f _ y AE NDtr _ a'aa Ta'. roILLLV. W DrO" p g TO Uy Wr n1 e. 3 NtJA a C 71 Iw� TAITiP. mReRE SW 6 I PI. AIL: my LO. ' 3 3 I� � 6 k'° rWB x Ue$ ) ubT Nma o �F w41 s.E,aEER rxe rare L!ml6Lr/AC TO I L__— °vo = kb JAO`A T —R N ae.' D- w eR —Qj L - -_ -_ B s Irz• (' s IR^ E `d�EiE, w IR' 31rz" 1 -B 3/4" D t' -b IR" "- 114" 31 -910- I/4" IR" 13' -m" /d' 10 -0 3/4'I _ " 03 AT FINISHED BEDROOM, DEN OPTION SCALE. Im'.I' -0• 3• -I° �I AT FINISHED 02 SCALE: GL� 3]•_m" I I/4" j IRE' I I/4 . 5 3• -9• 3 in }1' -1 IR" Dk'xlb "Pik iev.W 16) A T'On I � I O wvc5 waar4�b'. 4ARA,R 6M l Irl1 am �,aLL g a aE.3'L. II..' adp IE. ro kPt r1°AIN L1� N EBa an�m agga gg °P I I SgS 9 I OL%RIi61e" R�E'ETALL �. —ALL AT 11. N-AN 3 ' -I" 6' -5 Irs• Z'_9" 4 Irz' t' 101R" uR MrAeE �: pREbu aC�O�L° D g 0 a _ _ RECIFE5 IATIgJ o IDBWE-f _ a'aa Ta'. roILLLV. W DrO" p g 3i_I" 3'_ n1 e. 3 NtJA a C . SW 6 I PI. AIL: my LO. ' 3 3 I� � 6 ) rt 5 Gta Nma o �F w41 C� rxe IFR L__— °vo kb JAO`A T eR —Qj L - -_ -_ _ _ _ A. ELE�- IE... TOE 1 _- 3IR' b'5IR "- nl 14'- 5IR'3IId, IR" 4d /d' 10 -0 3/4'I _ " 10' -8 3/4" II/4° 33'_m" '-0• PA EM LEVEL PLAN I AT FINISHED 02 SCALE: GL� 3]•_m" I I/4" j IRE' I I/4 01 STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN 9EALE: VY .I' -0" 30- v4' _ f pp 0 g83Em _. co N Q IL (L lY 0 LL IL t 3 in }1' -1 IR" Dk'xlb "Pik iev.W 16) A T'On I � I O wvc5 waar4�b'. l Irl1 am �,aLL g a aE.3'L. II..' adp IE. ;L-L kPt r1°AIN N EBa an�m agga gg °P I I SgS 9 I OL%RIi61e" R�E'ETALL �. —ALL AT 11. N-AN 3 ' -I" 6' -5 Irs• Z'_9" 4 Irz' t' 101R" uR MrAeE �: pREbu aC�O�L° D uNC g ? 3 NtJA a C I„ WPINISHCHEEDD - STD A Y ' 3 3 I� Ig4g ()iRWPG1 to lFC aE�rt1m� ) rt 5 Gta Nma o �F w41 C� rxe kb JAO`A IE... TOE IR" 4d b' -9 " 10' -8 3/4" 31'.5 Irz" 33'_m" 01 STANDARD LOWER LEVEL PLAN 9EALE: VY .I' -0" 30- v4' _ f pp 0 g83Em _. co N Q IL (L lY 0 LL IL t �r - - - -- In 1 3' l 3/4" 6' -0" a' -0' -d 114 C L aa' G. G L C L C L PGRE LINE II /d" BOU.BN PoUC4 1-a /a" II/4" a $I' -912" 11'4" ]' -9 /a' II/4" 1 4 9 3 al- IR' 8 Ell /4 "- 31R" Il' 6" 3 IR" I6' 0" I. 4'.II" 3 IR'• ¢ IT l o o n A DECK `�i F i a �2U - < r : 8 r d 9 ^ FAY ISOQ`1 rocs G H - ¢ - RR, - • eLE m 0 IT C TI n C IT __ zI- a m�cm c4T a`N TO 3 Qag =m �6` Ft EACH m m a mU. }'-0" `C m � U T M -. ry 1 ➢ ➢E c S DI ING a oa ;, „� -5 -- a ®� MASTER BATH OPTION 11 sc3 8 3• 1' i R•' -I• C GALE I' 0 -------- s GENERAL PLAN NOTE& IALF ALL ' `� _ I. ALL INTERIOR WALL5 ARE 3 -IR" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ALL INTERIOR _e O M 3 WALLS TO HI I2" GYPSUM BOARD ALL CEILINGS TO HAVE S/8" PRECEDE GTFELWI BOARD. ALL ANGLED WALLS ARE 45 DEGREES UNLESS NOTED IN I" IA 9 OTHER,LIBE. O R ` N • .�_`� ]. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE 6 UNLESS NOTED OTHER RE. 3. COMMON WALL MUST gLWAYS HAVE S /8' TYPE "%" GTPBUM BOARD ON 50TH LL a KIT RENT a SIDES Ci ENTIRE NW4LL. _ 4. SHADED WALLS INDICATE INTERIOR BEARING WALLS WR %b STUDS • 16" On W/ = a� B ^�� ° Od SLE TOP PLATE. ALL INTERIOR LOAD BEARING WALLS STUDS N MATCHED) -P)i Xw TO HAVE 5 /B" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD EACH SIDE. 5. ALL WINDOW AND PLYWOOD PLATE ANO RV 2X6 JACK STUD BAC WANDD6LNO BE NO ED WN" LEADERS IN NOTED 2 II 0 OTHERWISE. A V V 6. ALL POINT LOAD HAVE SOLID BLOCKING IN BE CARRIED .11. EACH C �' ¢ _ _i sL.wd _ m - L� FLOOR LEVEL AND B TO SOLID TED TO EXTERIOR IN FLOOR 5T5TE1 BELOW. W 4' 0 /i" �6N T. ALL BATHROOM FANS i0 BE VENTED TO EXTERIOR. () S11- INILL q 0 i�YiH m } B. ALL CLOSETS HAre !U RC p dNp !N SHELF IMLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE. 6 9 SEE CABINET SHOP DR LIN65 FOR CABINET SIZES AND LAYOUT. P ... y ;p 10. ATTIC ACCESS i0 BE 3}'%3m" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. J FIT II, TOWEL BARS MOUNTED S4" OFF AND TOILET PAPE9iOLDERS MOUNTED ad" ' !f, sm.m fNLLmI 12. ZIP STRIP IN CONTROL WITH CO IN CONCRETE SLAB, U E TREATS ^' F m� 13. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED UP 3 va^ a -s J2^ � Ia' -s IR" 3 I2^ �lwl� n l' -6 IR' _ I I/4 ]I' -9 In.. /a II /d" 21' 9 1/ ' II /4" A F O Za' o pi y ®� FIRST FLOOR PLAN A ®� SECOND FLOOR PLAN A & B a �_ H ALE. C Q III TIL MIA a a ELEVATION a °�n Zl= 2 O 2) 2.0 DRIPPED W SHELF ONLY OPTION SHELF/ FULL SURROUX e FIREPLACE OPTION a`m' Z dL D WALL'DIOS D WALL 0303. ®� SCALE. /." , 1' -0' Gp-cN 6PaCE , r; ; S ILL Ill .1 LW,!) rr W /!I) oK F R g w D TYPE %GYp pE %GT b A ED THIS WALL HS WALL Z b S I2 31 In 00 4 if'ri� d— d(J DlfffCi VE T i� 6Q FeLACE — JA L d" II/ 4.i TO CEILING 6 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN B, C, D PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN C D PLA" a `@ ® � SCALE ® SALE. 'y �m - - KI�TGUEEN �a � � I I iJ4w es o�ma 0 10. n, scrim Bmr�LLe 10 "6 33u0URR TE WALL 3'- 3 3' -d IR" S" 3i 5' SIR" }r -9 Irz. II/ RASTER BEDROOM a 8'-31RLG PT 3' -101R" O B Q C M P�Ai_N m ~ R II 3/B' e' T 5' p0 3/0 ' .. AL O `� �• Si€sL • 6. vc.OD. m .a°.. m D\ smbeo se04 10' -4 8Ur BED OE: OM ri, 0 °_ BEDROOM .3 3 IR' 10' -a^ 10' l• o / �° „ BEDRbJI'I 2 a. ra, PLEVs � BEDROOM In •D kre 03 i acr,o,sses s I HOUR iE �IXE__ �E� �<rST� va 4 -61/B" S' -0l /8" 3' 10 3' -10" ER EA 51D R 10 -I I /i" 3' -S" 3 d' -3 B- 1. n`,zie��� n e�® - nasTER�BEORCDM Wo v4ULT�GORr cLA � Q e' -s IR ^� 3' -9 va^ �� O TE� , e� a �\ NB4L S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION • BABE OPTION UNFMISNED BSMT. 3]B SF ib BF FINISHED BSMi. 695E }118F FIRST FLOOR 814 SF e}9 SF IOU BAT 6EC JO FLOOR l5l 8F ll} 8F W/ BAT GARAGE 453 EF 453 6F TOTAL FMISHED 164m 6F IBl} SF RASTER BEDROOM a 8'-31RLG PT 3' -101R" O B Q C M P�Ai_N m ~ R II 3/B' e' T 5' p0 3/0 ' .. AL O `� �• Si€sL • 6. vc.OD. m .a°.. m D\ smbeo se04 10' -4 8Ur BED OE: OM ri, 0 °_ BEDROOM .3 3 IR' 10' -a^ 10' l• o / �° „ BEDRbJI'I 2 a. ra, PLEVs � BEDROOM In •D kre 03 i acr,o,sses s I HOUR iE �IXE__ �E� �<rST� va 4 -61/B" S' -0l /8" 3' 10 3' -10" ER EA 51D R 10 -I I /i" 3' -S" 3 d' -3 B- 1. n`,zie��� n e�® - nasTER�BEORCDM Wo v4ULT�GORr cLA � Q e' -s IR ^� 3' -9 va^ �� O TE� , e� a �\ NB4L S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION • BABE OPTION UNFMISNED BSMT. 3]B SF ib BF FINISHED BSMi. 695E }118F FIRST FLOOR 814 SF e}9 SF IOU BAT 6EC JO FLOOR l5l 8F ll} 8F W/ BAT GARAGE 453 EF 453 6F TOTAL FMISHED 164m 6F IBl} SF o / �° „ BEDRbJI'I 2 a. ra, PLEVs � BEDROOM In •D kre 03 i acr,o,sses s I HOUR iE �IXE__ �E� �<rST� va 4 -61/B" S' -0l /8" 3' 10 3' -10" ER EA 51D R 10 -I I /i" 3' -S" 3 d' -3 B- 1. n`,zie��� n e�® - nasTER�BEORCDM Wo v4ULT�GORr cLA � Q e' -s IR ^� 3' -9 va^ �� O TE� , e� a �\ NB4L S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION • BABE OPTION UNFMISNED BSMT. 3]B SF ib BF FINISHED BSMi. 695E }118F FIRST FLOOR 814 SF e}9 SF IOU BAT 6EC JO FLOOR l5l 8F ll} 8F W/ BAT GARAGE 453 EF 453 6F TOTAL FMISHED 164m 6F IBl} SF d' -3 B- 1. n`,zie��� n e�® - nasTER�BEORCDM Wo v4ULT�GORr cLA � Q e' -s IR ^� 3' -9 va^ �� O TE� , e� a �\ NB4L S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION • BABE OPTION UNFMISNED BSMT. 3]B SF ib BF FINISHED BSMi. 695E }118F FIRST FLOOR 814 SF e}9 SF IOU BAT 6EC JO FLOOR l5l 8F ll} 8F W/ BAT GARAGE 453 EF 453 6F TOTAL FMISHED 164m 6F IBl} SF S. F. CALCULATIONS OPTION • BABE OPTION UNFMISNED BSMT. 3]B SF ib BF FINISHED BSMi. 695E }118F FIRST FLOOR 814 SF e}9 SF IOU BAT 6EC JO FLOOR l5l 8F ll} 8F W/ BAT GARAGE 453 EF 453 6F TOTAL FMISHED 164m 6F IBl} SF CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on August 22, 2013, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for SouthWest Village 2 "a Addition/Townhomes — Planning Case 2013 -19 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. K J. tge dt, e uty Clerk and sworn to before me ty of AtAA it 2r.L 2013. Notary Pu lic a^ KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary Public- Minnesota MY Commission Expires Jan 31, 2015 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not ' start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Subdivision Review of 2.75 acres of property zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD)- SouthWest Village 2nd Proposal: Addition; and Site Plan Review with Variances for 38 townhomes - SouthWest Village Townhomes Applicant: Ryland Homes Property Northeast corner of Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens W W 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -19. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen AI -Jaff by email at saliaff(Mci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952 - Questions & 227-1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested parry is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. Al the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an Item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have somethin to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Subdivision Review of 2.75 acres of property zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD)- SouthWest Village 2nd Proposal: Addition; and Site Plan Review with Variances for 38 townhomes - SouthWest Village Townhomes Applicant: Ryland Homes Property Northeast corner of Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens W 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. at the Meeting: 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -19. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen AI -Jaff by email at saliaff((Dci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952 - Questions & 227-1134. If you choose to submit written comments, it is Comments: helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. ANDREW & LAURIE AMBROSE CONVENIENCE STORE COREY BERGMAN 8990 QUINN RD INVESTMENTS 628 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7623 PO BOX 2107 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 LACROSSE WI 54602 -2107 CRAIG L & PATRICIA A MULLEN 611 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 GARY A & NINA M SKALBERG 510 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7622 JEFFREY J & JILL HAHN 622 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 KEITH E & LISA L SCHWEGLER 619 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 KRAUS- ANDERSON INC 4210 WEST OLD SHAKOPEE RD BLOOMINGTON MN 55437 -2951 MATTHEW W & KELLI M BROWER 8955 QUINN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7623 PETER MATHISEN 603 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 LEM SIMICH SOUTHWEST METRO TRANSIT COMM 13500 TECHNOLOGY DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 -2283 DONALD J SINNIGER 600 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9126 GIANETTI PROPERTIES LLC 2899 HUDSON BLVD ST PAUL MN 55128 -7100 JOHN T JENSEN II 8925 QUINN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7623 KEVIN W & QI LI LINDERMAN 610 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 LEISL FATEMA AU VANTE- JOHNSON 595 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7645 PAUL C SCHNETTLER 599 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7645 SCOTT W & BERNADETTE M PAULSON 634 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 SPRINGFIELD HOMEOWNERS ASSN 7100 MADISON AVE GOLDEN VALLEY MN 55427 -3602 ERIC S & JULIE A OYEN 615 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 JEFFREY A & MICHELLE M REITAN 8900 QUINN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7623 JOHN W AHO 625 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 KHANH & KHIEM LE 631 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 MARK A & ANNMARIE T SCHULTZ 598 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7645 PAUL E & GRETCHEN M HILL 616 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 SHANNON G & MICHELLE A KERN 607 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DNR 500 LAFAYETTE RD ST PAUL MN 55155 -4030 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT THOR BENSON U S HOME CORP (DBA/LENNAR) 395 JOHN IRELAND BLVD MAILSTOP 604 SUMMERFIELD DR 16305 36TH AVE N STE 600 ST PAUL MN 55155 -1899 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7644 PLYMOUTH MN 55446 -4270 MARK SONSTEGARD RYLAND HOMES 7599 ANAGRAM DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344