CC Minutes 08-26-2013Chanhassen City Council – August 26, 2013 David Hodell: Yep. Mayor Furlong: Ali Muffenbier. Bailey Muffenbier. Nick Olson. Laura Price. Jake Smith. Sam Smith. Let’s give them a round of applause. (A picture was taken of all the volunteers with Mayor Furlong.) Mayor Furlong: Thanks so much. We really appreciate your help. Just a quick follow-up for those watching. Mitch or Mr. Hoffman, for people that might be interested in participating next year, the information was out in the Connection I assume or on the website, is that correct? Mitch Johnson: In the summer Connection we’ll post that. Mayor Furlong: In the summer Connection next year? Okay, very good. Thank you. Let’s move on now with our agenda items. The first set will be on the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Furlong: I know Mr. McDonald you had an item that you wanted to remove from the consent agenda for separate discussion. Councilman McDonald: Yes Mr. Mayor. I would like to remove item number 6 which is the approval of the resolution of support for Southwest Transit for discussion among council. Mayor Furlong: Are you looking for a long discussion? Should we bring that up after the law enforcement presentations or under new business? Councilman McDonald: Wherever you want to put it, I’m fine with that. Mayor Furlong: Why don’t we just bring it up under, we’ll add new business after G after H, if that’s okay. Councilman McDonald: That’s okay with me. Mayor Furlong: Alright, thank you. Any other items? Items 1 through 7 excluding 6 under E. Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated August 12, 2013. 2. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated July 23, 2013. th 3. Approve Amendment to Pages SP-2 and SP-3 of The Preserve at Bluff Creek 5 Addition Development Contract. 4. Bluff Creek Woods, 7331 Hazeltine Boulevard, Applicant: Martin Schutrop: a. Final Plat Approval. b. Approval of Development Contract. 2 Chanhassen City Council – August 26, 2013 th 5. Fretham 15 Addition, 6300 Chaska Road, Applicant: Curt Fretham: a. Final Plat Approval. b. Approval of Development Contract. 7. Surface Water Management Plan Update: Award of Contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Lt. Jeff Enevold: Good evening Mr. Mayor, council. I got a short power point for you here and I also have our School Resource Officer, Bob Zydowsky who’s going to give an update on the 2013/2014 school year. Just wanted to update you on National Night Out. Before we got to National Night Out Beth came into my office a couple weeks before and said what can we do to kind of make things new and make things a little bit more exciting on National Night Out. So I thought about it and I said to Beth, why don’t we implement some of the programs that we’ve done in our Citizens Academy and bring them out to the neighborhoods and see what they think about it so one of the things we did here is we purchased a mat that goes with the DWI goggles that you have to walk down and this was really a big hit in some of the neighborhoods. Some of the kids got involved. You’ll see some of the, and some of the kids just goofed around and played on it. Some other things that we implemented were, we talked about let’s bring the taser out there so we got a cardboard target. We brought the tasers out and we let some of the folks shoot some training rounds and we also brought out our preliminary breath test which gives you an alcohol reading and we showed them how to use that and we brought some Bianca in case anybody didn’t have any beers at their party so brought some Bianca and kind of showed them how that worked and it was pretty successful. I mean I think they really enjoyed it and it kind of gives them a feel of some of the things that we do and changes things up a little bit so. And then we also showed off the squad cars that we have. We’ve got some great equipment in there and hopefully that’s a recruit we got sitting behind the wheel there so. And then you can see some more, Sergeant Bromwell was at this neighborhood and I think Todd and Laurie were with John so great, great event. Then you can see how National Night Out ended there. The Chanhassen storm rolled in and kind of put a damper on things so we had to call it quits early. And I’ll ask Bob to come up here and kind of give his update on the upcoming school year in the Chanhassen High School. Bob Zydowsky: Thank you Mayor. Mayor Furlong: Good evening. Bob Zydowsky: City Council for having me. I guess I’m just going to kind of go through some of the things I do to get ready for school. You know there was a buzz today at school, the teachers are back. They’re getting their bulletin boards ready and it’s alive and well at Chanhassen High School but you know some of the things I’ve done this past year in January, the 3 of us always attend a conference in Duluth. Minnesota Juvenile Officers Association. There’s about 250 officers that attend that so it’s a great conference to network with other SRO’s from different communities. Kind of talk about how they’re doing different types of things. This year in January if we’re approved to go there so I can do some live exercises with lockdowns and those sorts of things. This past February I attended a Prepare class, kind of a crisis prevention and a preparedness with school safety planning. That was sponsored through the school district. And in early June Mental Health for Teens was sponsored by the Carver 3