K. Park & Trail Report 101
CHAN 1ASSE11 TO: Todd Hoffman, Park& Recreation Director
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147 FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
Chanhassen,MN 55317
DATE: September 24, 2013
Phone:952.2271100 SUBJ: Park& Trail Report
Building Inspections Another busy summer has come to an end and most of our seasonal employees
Phone:9522271180 have gone back to high school or college. We still have six senior seasonal
Fax:952.2271190 workers keeping the parks and trails mowed and assisting with other duties until
Engineering they leave in October.
Fax:952.2271170 Soccer Fields
There are two soccer fields (one at City Center and one at Bandimere) and one
Finance ball field at Lake Ann that will not be used this fall so poor areas can be over-
Phone:952.2271140 seeded. Staff has laid out and striped 18 soccer fields and 10 ball fields for fall
Phone:952.2271120 Riley Ridge Playground
Fax:952.2271110 The installation of the playground and park shelter at Riley Ridge Park was a big
success. Thanks to the park staff who worked long hours on this project along
Recreation Center with the residents of Riley Ridge Addition who volunteered to help install the
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone:952.2271400 playground. It would not have happened without everyone working together.
Highway 41 Stairway Project
Planning& Work has started on the Highway 41 stairway. Clay is being hauled in and
Natural Resources packed for a base to hold the stairs. The subcontractor will start framing the steps
Fax:952.2271110 soon.
Public Works Rice Marsh Lake Trail
7901 Park Place Progress is being made on the Rice Marsh Lake Trail. Many of the trees and
Phone:952.2271300 bushes have been cut down, but not removed from the trail area. The trail has
Fax:952.2271310 been opened up all the way to the Eden Prairie border. They are currently
working on bringing in the crushed blacktop for the base.
Senior Center
Phone:952.2271125 Pioneer Pass Park
Work continues on Pioneer Pass Park. The storm sewer has been installed and
Web Site currently they are working on the basketball court and parking lot.
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