3. Erosion ControlCITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhasseo PaN 55317 Adminislralion Phone; 9522271100 Fax: 9522271110 Building Inspections PI/one: 9522271180 Fax 952 2271190 Engineerin~j Phone: 9522271160 Fax: 952 227 1170 Finance Phone; 952 2271140 Fax 9bz.2~, 1 ~lO Park & Recreation Phooe: 9522271120 Fax: 9522271110 Reoreatioo Cerler 2310 Csulter Boulevard Phone: 9522271400 Fax; 9522271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phooe: 9522271130 Fax: 952 2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phor,e: 952227 1300 Fax; 952 2271310 Senior Cenler Phone: 952 227 1125 Fax 952227 1!10 Web Sile www ci cilar~l asset] r'l~l us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Planning Commission Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director December 23, 2003 Erosion Control Erosion Control was discussed at our work session on December 16, 2003. explained, the city has contracted this task out to the Carver Soil & Water Conservation District. Developments are then billed for their service. As I Attached are the November Construction Site Monitoring reports that are coordinated with Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator. As you can see, all sites are visited weekly. G:\plan\ka\erosion control.doc CARVER 1946 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 CONSERVATION DISTRICT http://www.co.carver.mn.us/SWCD/SWCD main.html Mission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship o/the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced, cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. November 21,2003 Lori Haak, Water Resource Coordinator City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: November 20, 2003 Construction Site monitoring Dear Lori: I have completed the biweekly monitoring for Chanhassen construction sites on November 20, 2003. Enclosed are the monitoring reports. Please review the enclosed monitoring reports. There are currently three sites which need winter stabilization: Lake Minnewashta Service Area, Villages on the Ponds 7th and Lake Lucy (City of Chanhassen will be stabilizing the site with credit from site today -11/21/03). Lake Minnewashta Service Area reported they are going to be mulching and seeding today -11/21/03. Villages on the ponds have little exposed soils with positive slope to street or storm water pond. Paul Bodem, site Supervisor, said they can do silt fence around some areas and will try to get mulch. Silt fence may be OK due to the small acreage. Some exposed areas of the site have been blanketed around the pond and ditch. If you have any questions or need further explanation of the recommendations or observations please give me a call. Depending upon weather, this may be the last round of monitoring for 2003. Generally speaking, the sites in Chanhassen are relatively stabile and winterized. Sincerely, Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT Urban Conservation Technician AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~~i~~~~~~_~: ~~?~ ~. ~ 219 East Frontage Road ~~~¥~~4~ Waconia, ~ 55387 -:~:~~~-'~ ......... ~'~, ~ 1946 ~ ~ ~ ~ .............................. ~ ~ o~ Phone: 952-442-5101 ~~:: '~~ ~;,~:~ ~;~ Fax: 952-442-5497 ~~~: h~://~.co.ower.mn.us[~CD[~CD main.h~ M~sion St~ement: To provue leadersh¢ in conse~a~on and teach stm,ar~h¢ of the soil water, and related r~ources through a balanced coopera~ve pro~am that protec~, r~tor~, and improves those resource. CONSTRUCTION S1TE MONITORING REPORT ? Profoot Lotto.: //,~/¥//~. ~- ~ ~ ~ ~.,~ ~c:~r ~ ~p c~ O~cr: ~r~y ~ C~ Telephone: ~-/(~0 (~. Conmct0r/Develgp~; ~r~' ~. Tel~hone: ~~r"~ /d/Z- Cov~ed by Pe~t: ~CA ~DES ~ ~ C~er Co~W Prat N~ber: ~/~ Wat~shed ~ ~~~ ~~ The con~rncfion site w~ mo~tored for the fo~o~g. If: · Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; Structural practices require repair or clean-out; On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; 8. Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; 9. Street sweeping is required; and/or 10. Other erosion control practices are required. Corrective Actions Needed: (/~ ~o ~Q S~ ~ ". ~.~ 35. ~ .¢> £~c~ v-- ~,~,~__ oac /4-~oy IJate Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's 1. Sediment Basin(s) 2.' Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s). 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s). Comments: Monitored by Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT {)ate The intent of thc District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are~in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing cons~uction activities. The District assumes no responmq~qity for errors and omissions in .the implementation of erosion control practices. ,~ CARVER 946 '~ 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 ~jrS~l~~ ~1'~' http ://www.co.carver. mn. us/S~CD/SWCD_main.htm Mission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil, water, and related resources through a balancec~ cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING REPORT Project Name: VASSERMAN RIDGE (PHASE 1, 2 AND 3) Project Location: 78TM STREET AND HWY 5 City:.L;.HANHASSEN Owner: LUNDGREN BROS. Telephone: (MIKE BURTON) 249-3024 Contractor / Developer: NYE/N C/ON. Telephone: (TO4NY NYEN) 448-2824 Date/Time: ~2~¢$- ///2~//,-Y Weather: CC~.~(~; Covered by Permit: MPCA NPDES ID# C00009071, C00009433 Watershed Ar6a: RPB The construction site was monitored for the following. If: 1. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; 2. Exposed areas reqUire temporary seeding or mulching; 3. Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; 4. SiFt fence is properly installed and maintained; 5. Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; 6. Structural practices require repair or clean-out; 7. On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; 8. Storm sewer in/ets are adequately protected; 9. Street sweeping is required; and/or Other erosion control practices are required. Corrective Actions Needed: Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: __ ~/~"~- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control B1VIP's 1. Sediment Basin(s) 2. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s) 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap. 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s) · Comments: (Contact: Roger Fladeboe, 612-919-4565, for home construction issues) Monitored by(Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT / l~ate The intent of the District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities. The District assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the implementation of erosion control practices. ~q¥.og co.% 219, East Frontage Road CJ~RVER ~ ,1946 - Waconia. MN .55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 '~ °%~s~*°* Fax: 952-442,5497 rO~~T~ ~~ h~://w~.~.~er.mn.us/~CD/sWCD main.hm M~sion Statement: To provide leadership in conse~ation ~d teach st~ar~hip of the soil, wate& and related r~ourc~ through a balanced, cooper~ive program that protects, restores, and impr~es those resource. CONS-FRUCI~ON SITE MONITORING REPORT Project Name: BOYER LAKE MINNEWASHTA ADDITION Project Location: HWY 7, WEST OF HWY 41 City: CHANHASSEN.,~ Owner: BOYER BUILDING CORP. Telephone: JOHN BOYER (952-475-2097 Contractor / Developer:,NORD EXCAVATING ,~ Tolephone: DALE NORD (763-263-0501) Date/Time: //_/~oA~ ~ /~.-Jo Weather: ___~./'o,,,~',-/ Covered by Permit: MPCA NPDES ID//C00009767 - Watershed Area: RPB The construction site was monitored for the following. If: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Corrective Actions Needed: Denuded areas or slopes requ/re stabilization; Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; Structural practices require repair or clean-out; On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; Street sweeping is required; and/or Other erosion control practices are required. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's 1. Sediment Basin(s) 2. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s) 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap_ 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting_ 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s). Comments: Monitored by: Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT Date The intent oflhe District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are in place and reducing the amount ofsedimeut leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities. The District assumes no responsibility fbr errors and omissions in the implementation of~erosion control practices. 946 " 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 ~'O~R ~J ~ JJJ~il~l' http://www.co.carver.mn.us/SwCD/$WCD_main.htm Mission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewarc~hip of the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced, cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING REPORT' Project Name: HIDDEN CREEK ESTATES Project Location: HWY 7, WEST OF MINNEWASHTA BLVD .~ City: CHANI-IASSEN Owner: MATRIX DEVELOPMENT, LLC Telephone: 612-242-913 6 Contractor / Deve[ope;: RYAN ENGINEERING., / TAlephone: 952-947-9100 Date/Time: ///2~/~,$ [Z~J~ Weather: ~'-.o,~d2 Covered by Per/nit: I~IPCA NPDES ID# C00010239 Watershed Area: Minnehaha Creek The construction site was monitored for the following. If: 1. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; 4. Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; 5. Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; 6. Structural practices require repair or clean-out; 7. On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; 8.Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; Street sweeping is required; and/or 10. Other erosion control practices are required. /~0.' [e--[.~Corrective Actions Neg0ed:4__ ~ Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BM]P's 1. Sediment Basin(s) __ 2.. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s). 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s) Comments.. Monitored by: Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT Date The intent of the District's construction site monitor~g is to determine if the required /proper erosion and sediment con~rol practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate gl land disturbing consh-uction activities. The District assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the implementation 9ferosion control practices. CARVER ~o~.~ 219 East Frontage Road to tg46 " Wac°~a, ~ 55387  ~ o* Phone: 952-442-5101 ~n~ ~ F~: 952-442-5497 ~~~ ~R~ h~p:/ /~.co.~er.mn. us/SWCD/SWCD& main.h~ M~Mon Statement: To provide leadership in co~e~ation and teach st~&hip of the soil, water, and related r~o~cex through a balanced coopera~e pro, am that protects, restore, ~d improv~ thOse resources. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING REPORT Project Name: ECKANKAR SPIRITUAL CENTER Project Location: 78th Street (1200 78~ Street) City: CHANHASSEN~ Owner: ECKANKAR · Telephone: (Peter Skelskey) 952-474-0700 Contractor / Developer: KR4kUS, ANDERSON CON/ Telephone: (Brad Harvey) 612-721-7581 or 612- 868-2651 Date / Time'....[ ~o /(?(/z /~ o~ Weather'. ~'[~//,~ . CoVered by Permlt: MPCA NPDES ID# C00009916 Watershed Area: RPB The construction site was monitored for the following, If: 1. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; 3. Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; 4. Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; 5. Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; 6. Structural practices require repair or clean-out; 7. On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; 8. Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; 9. Street sweeping is required; and/or 10. Other erosion control practices are required. ( Corrective Actions Needed: Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical IssUes /Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's 1. Sediment Basin(s) 2. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s). 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap 6. Temporary / Permanent Vbgetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s) Monitored by: Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT Date The intent of the District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment conlxol practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities. The District assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the implementation of erosion control practices. 219 East Frontage Road Wac0nia, MN 55387 Phone' 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 tJOIISERVA TIOtl DISTRI~, ? http://www.co.carver, mn.u$/SWCD/SWCD_main.htm Mission ~gtatement: To provide leadership in co, nservation and teach stewa'rdship o/'the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced cooperative l~rogram that protect& restores, and improves those resource& CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING REPORT Project Name: LAKE LUCY RIDGE Project Location: LAKE LUCY ROAD, WEST OF POWERS BLVD .,~ City: CHANHASSEN . Owner: RANDY NOECKER Telephone: 612-741-2662 Contractor / Developer: NOECKER DEV. , Telephone: 763-786-6387 Date/Time: //~ /~_?,~_~-? Weather: C[~'-'~(',D Covered by permit: MPCA NPDEs ID# C00009008 --WaterShed Area: RPB The construction site was monitored for the following. If: 1. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; 2. Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; 3. Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; 4. Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; 5. Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; 6. Structural practices require repair or clean-out; 7. On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; 8. Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; 9. Street sweeping is required; and/or 10. Other erosion control practices are required. Corrective Actions Needed: Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's 1. Sediment Basin(s). ' 2. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s)_ 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap. 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod InstallatiSn 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s) Monitored by: ~aron Mlynek, CPESC-IT The intent of the Districfs construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development o?tland disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities. The District assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the implementation o£erosion control practices. CARVER 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 http ://www.co.carver.mn.u$/SWCD/SWCD main.htm ?ffission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil, ware/; and related resources through a balanced, cooperative program that protect& restores, and improves those resources. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING REPORT Project Name: ASHLING MEADOWS Project Location: GALPIN BLVD AND TOPAZ DR. ,~ City: CHANHASSEN Owner: LUNDGREN BROS. Telephone: (DAVID HINNERS) 249-3024 Contractor / Developer: / / Telephone.~/~ Date / Time: / ~"0 ///2~//o 5' Weather: C[o~,~ CoVered by permit: MPCA lX(PDES ID# C00007-~ -/Watershed Area: RPB The construction site was monitored for the following, If: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; Structural practices caIled for in plan are properly installed; Structural practices require repair or clean-out; On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; Street sweeping is required; and/or Other erosion control practices are required. Corrective Actions Needed: Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's 1. Sediment Basin(s)~ ,. 2. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s) 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats Blankets Other(s). Comments: Monitored b~.' Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT The intent of[he District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities_ The District assumes no responsibility tbr errors and omissions in the implementation of erosion control practices. CARVER ~ '1946 "~ 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 O~i~l~ltlllOtl BI~t1~I~T http://www.co.carver.mn.us/SWCD/$WCD_main.htm Mission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING REPORT Project Name: VILLAGES ON THE PONDS 7TH Project Location: MAIN ST. AND LAKE DR~ City: CHANHASSEN~ Owner: PRESBYTERIAN HOMES Telephone: (Ron King) 952-292-2724 Contractor / Dev~oper: SIJNDE ENGINEERING Telephone: 952-881-3344 Date / Time: Z,' ~-o., ///~;/~ Weather: C/o cr,,~f~ Covered by P~-rmiti MPdA ~rPDES,ID# C00009308 Watershed A~e~: RPB The construction site was monitored for the following. If: 5. 6. 7. 10. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; Structural practices require repair or clean-out; On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; Street sweeping is required; and/or Other erosion control practices are required. Corrective Actions Needed: Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: ~'~,~ --_ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues /Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BNIP's 1. Sediment Basin(s) 2. inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s). / 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s). Comments: Monitored by: Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT Date The intent of the District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site daring land development or land disturbing construction activities. Site ~ monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities. The District assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions in thc implementation of erosion control practices. CARVER '1946 ~ 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, ~MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 rOtISERI~it~IOil DISTRICT hLtp://www, co.carver, mn.us/swCD/sWCD main.hbrl Mission Ntaternent: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stmvatdship of the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. CONSTRUCT]ON SITE MON~OFUNG REPORT Project Name: ARBORETUM VILLAGE Project Location: HWY 41 AND 78TM STREET .~ City: CHANHASSEN Owner: PULTE HOMES Telephone: JIM BARUTH, 651-4425200 Contractor / Developer: I4rEDJ, UND Telephone: 405-6600 Date/Time: 7~o ~t/zo/~ 3 Weather: Covered by Permit: MPCA NPDES ID# C00007717~ Watershed Area: RPB The Construction site was monitored for the following. If: 1. Denuded areas or slopes require stabilization; 2. Exposed areas require temporary seeding or mulching; 3. Sediment is leaving the site and impacting adjacent waters / property; 4. Silt fence is properly installed and maintained; 5. Structural practices called for in plan are properly installed; 6. Structural practices require repair or clean-out; 7. On-site drainage channels and outlets are stabilized; 8. Storm sewer inlets are adequately protected; Street sweeping is required; and/or 10. Other erosion control practices are required. Corrective Actions Needed: ~ t~ F- i Date Corrective Actions Need to be Completed by: ~__~,~.~.,.a~./~/~7- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Technical Issues / Recommendations: Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's · 1.Sediment Basin(s) 2. Inlet / Storm Drain Filter(s) 3. Check Dams 4. Silt Fences 5. Riprap. 6. Temporary / Permanent Vegetation Planting_ 7. Mulching / Hydroseed 8. Sod Installation 9. Netting / Mats / Blankets Other(s) · Monitored by: Aaron Mlynek, CPESC-IT Date The intent of the District's construction site monitoring is to determine if the required / proper erosion and sediment control practices are in place and reducing the amount of sediment leaving the construction site during land development or land disturbing construction activitiesl Site monitoring is conducted to evaluate all land disturbing construction activities. The District assnmes no responsibility for errors and omissions in the implementation of erosion conlxol practices.