3. Appoint 04 Playground CommCITYOF
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Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
January 16, 2004
SUBJECT: Appoint 2004 Playground Selection Committee
The City's 2004 Capital Improvement Program includes $215,000 for the
purchase of two new playgrounds at Lake Ann and Meadow Green Parks and
an additional playground at Bandimere Community Park. All projects
exceeding $50,000 must be publicly bid. In order to specify a particular
playground manufacturer in our bid package, we need to "pre-select" that
company. Upon doing so, that company will prepare all three playground
plans. These plans, in addition to site work, concrete border and surfacing,
will then be combined into one bid package. Other playground manufactures
have the option of bidding their equipment as an "approved" equal to what is
I have contacted past Park and Recreation Commissioner Jim Manders. Mr.
Manders is willing to participate in the playground company interviews. It is
recommended that the commission appoint another four from our current
commissioners to attain a committee of five. These five representatives would
conduct interviews of four or five selected playground manufacturers,
complete site tours of playgrounds exhibiting each of their products, and make
a recommendation back to the full commission. I recommend the date of
Tuesday, March 2nd for the interviews.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission appoint a 2004
playground selection committee.
g:\park\th\playground selection committee
The City of Chanhassen ,, A grov'vlng oc, mr'qunity with clean lakes quality schools a charming downtown, ii, riving bLJsinesaes vvinding trails, and beauRfui parks A oreat place i,a 'ize ,,'york ap,d [}!ab