5 Approve CommunityCenterUpdateCITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Ohanhassen MN 55317 Phone 9522271100 Fax~ 952227 1110 Building Inspections Phone 9522271180 Fax; 952 227 1190 Engineering Finance Phor~e: 952 22~1140 Fax: 9522271110 Park & Recreation Pi,~one: 9522271120 Fax; 9522271110 Recreatio~n Oenler 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952 2271400 Fax: 9522271404 Planning & Nalural Resources P~one 9522271130 Fax 9522271110 Public Works 1591 Park Read Phone: 9522271300 Fax: 9522271310 Senior Center b~one: 9522271125 Fax 9522271110 Web Site ww,,,, ci chanhassen rnnus MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: January 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Approve Community Center Update Report Last fall, City Manager Gerhardt requested that I prepare an update report on the topic of a community center. A copy of my report is attached. The City Council will conduct a conversation on this topic during their upcoming February 23rd work session. Commissioner Spizale is scheduled to attend the meeting representing the Commission. Prior to submission of my report, I am requesting that the Commission review it and add any comments you may have. Obviously, the most exciting new development in the area of public building projects is the acquisition of 95 acres in Chanhassen by School District 112 for the purposes of building a future middle or high school. The construction of this school building lends itself to a variety of potential joint projects between the District and City. g:\park\th\cc update The City of Chanhassen · A gr©wlng conmunity with clean lakes, quality schools a cham-,inq, do,~,..'~tow'.~ thq~ii .q B~ Sl~esses wirlding trai',s and beautiful parks A ,3rear. ,,.5,,~,,. t,: live '~',.',~rk a~,:l ~)las CITYOF CHANHASSE 7700 Malket Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 5531,7 Administration ?hor~e: 952.227! 100 Fax: 9522271110 Building Inspections Fax: 9522271190 t:ngineering Phone 952 227 1160 Fax~ 952227 1170 Finance Fax: 9522271110 Park & Recrealion Phone 9522271120 Fax 9522271110 Recreation Qenter 2310 Oo,~Iter Boulevard Phgne 952 2271400 Fax: 9522271404 Planning & Natural Resources ?I~one: 952.2271130 Fax 9522271110 Public Works 1591 ?ark Road ?hone: 9522271300 Fax: 9522271310 Senior Center Phone: 952 2271125 Fax 952 2271110 Web Site Yvw¢, Cl ohap hasse~l r~ln L~S MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: November 28, 2003 SUBJECT: Community Center The construction of a community center in Chanhassen has been a topic of discussion for many years. Formalized efforts to build a center began in the mid-1980's. The site currently home to the Chanhassen Cinema was proposed as a location for a downtown community center. A special election to construct a center was coupled with four other bonding proposals in a February 24, 1988 referendum. The community center question was defeated by 161 votes-the primary objection being the location of the center next to a bar and restaurant. Hoping to find greater appeal in a new location, the council moved forward with a new plan to construct a center between City Hall and Chanhassen Elementary School. The components of the proposed center were expanded to include an ice arena and senior center. The vote held as a part of the 1990 general election failed by the significant margin of 1609 yes votes to 3745 no votes. Following the 1990 referendum, the topic of a community center fell silent for a number of years, only to be reawakened by a growing population of primarily young families seeking recreation services for their families. Many Chanhassen residents looking for aquatic and other recreation venues are attracted to recreation facilities outside of our borders. The need to leave their own community to fulfill desired needs has resulted in some renewed interest and efforts to lobby for a "Chanhassen" Community Center. Public opinion surveys conducted by the city in the 90's consistently indicated moderate to strong support for a community center. Just as important, however, is the finding that residents are generally opposed to raising taxes to accomplish this goal. In June of 2002, the City Council solicited requests for information from 17 organizations concerning their interest to partner with the City on a potential community center. In August of that same year the Council reviewed the responses to this solicitation and directed staff to prepare a charge statement for a Community Center Focus Group. A focus group comprised of 18 members was formed in September of last year. One month later a The City of Chanhassen ,, A gro,,~a~]g com~s~un~ty with ,slear~, lakes, quality schools, i charming dowr]tov, x'r~ thriv,:~(j !3L:sn]esses wirndi% trails, a[]d iaea~Jtilul p?,Fks A qreat D!ase t,:; ire ,,~,,'c'/k at-,el pa,~ Todd Gerhardt, City Manager October 28, 2003 Page 2 spokesperson for the group delivered their findings to the City Council. A copy of the written report prepared my Mr. Rob LaPrade, on behalf of the focus group, is attached. No formal action was taken by the City Council upon receiving the report. Staff continues to receive intermittent inquiries as to the status of a community center from residents and potential interested business partners. UPDATE JANUARY 16, 2004 School District 112 announced the pending acquisition of 95 acres of land in Chanhassen on January 9, 2004. This development opens a door to a myriad of potential future joint ventures with the district. Attachment: Chanhassen Community Center Focus Group Report g:\park\th\community center update Chanhassen Community Center Focus Group Purpose: Focus Group established by Chanhassen City Council to answer the questions about whether Chanhassen should pursue building a Community Center, and if so, what kind should be built. The goals of the Focus Group were to (1) determine its preferred components and (2) its potential organizational structure (public private interaction). Background: Questions raised by Chanhassen Strategic Planning Event of 1/7/02 as to what people meant by a "Community Center" and the possible models as options (joint ventures, etc). Focus Group's Meeting~: 10/9/02 and 11/13/02 at Chanhassen Recreation Center; 18 city residents and other city officials were present representing a broad section of Chanhassen's interests and geographic area Findings: Meeting #1 (minutes attached): A consensus was reached that Chanhassen needed a true Community Center. Most in attendance expressed a view that a community focused, centrally based Community Center was desired by the majority of residents in Chanhassen. Multiple items were listed as desired components of an ideal Community Center with the majority of response at this meeting in favor of an outdoor water park, ice rink, and fitness center. Meeting #2: In this meeting, we focused on the main components that residents would desire in a Community Center as we recognized that all of the items listed in the first meeting would not be possible. We were unable to meet our goal of defining which areas should be public or private and agreed that a combination of public/private ventures would be necessary to achieve this Center. However, it was the view of the majority that it should maintain a "community" feel to the Center with special use rates for Chanhassen residents. Attendees ranked their top 5 choices for items in the Community Center. There was a clear defining line between the top 5 and the other 5 items listed: Top Five items listed: Outdoor Water park, Fitness Center, Indoor Pool, Performing Arts Center, Ice Arena Other Five Items listed: Field House, Multi-use gym (aerobics, dance, etc), BanqueUMeeting Rooms, Indoor Track, Teen Center Summary: The Chanhassen Community Center Focus group reports that Chanhassen needs a true community Center. The main components desired by members of the community are an outdoor water park, fitness center, indoor pool, performing arts center, and an ice arena. The majority also favored partnership with other groups (private or public) in different areas to make the Community Center financially feasible. Rob LaPrade Spokesperson for Community Center Focus Group 2351 Hunter Drive Chanhassen Chanhassen Community Center Focus Group Meeting 10/9/02 The first meeting of the Community Center Focus Group was on 10/9/02 at the Chanhassen Recreation Center from 7:00-8:42 PM. A wide group of citizens representing a broad cross section of the community was present. In general, the general consensus was that Chanhassen needed a true community center. Most in attendance agreed that most of our fellow citizens have expressed a need for a centrally based community center with a broad base of activities for all age groups available. While not defined yet, it was felt that a more YMCA-type environment was preferred compared to a Club-type facility. It was also agreed that a combination public/private enterprise would be preferred. We did not go into detail about this part of the organizational structure at this meeting. At this meeting, everyone present was asked to list the top three things they would want in a community center. In addition, discussion also centered around areas in which we could partner with other groups/school districts/etc to reduce costs, bring in more programs, etc. The items/amenities listed were: Indoor: -ice hockey arena -coffee shop/cafe/food area -weight room/fitness area/workout facility -indoor swimming pool/lap pooh toddler pool -multi use gymnasium -dance floor/aerobics/cardiovascular workout rooms -gathering spaces -programming space ('~MCA':type) -teen center/space -rental banquet space/hall -indoor skate park -therapeutic pool/rehabilitation pool -indoor track -bowling space -child care area -indoor tennis -physical therapy/rehabilitation center area -Performing Arts Center Outdoor: -swimming pool -water park -"dome area" like Eden Prairie While the most responses were obtained for the Ice hockey rink, fitness area, teen center, indoor track, and outdoor water park,. Several members of the focus group mentioned many of the above areas as important. One goal prior to the next meeting is to brainstorm about other items that may help to make this a true community center for Chanhassen. In addition, we agreed to try and rank the most important areas that would meet the needs of the citizens of Chanhassen and also areas that are not currently being met with current in-town or local facilities. Todd Hoffman will work on obtaining information for the group on sites available in the city and the possible location of the potential new high school. Other members were planning to tour other local community centers. The goals of the next meeting are to decide which items (preferred components) to present to the City Council as the items most desired by the citizens of Chanhassen for a potential community Center and its potential organization structure (public/private interaction). This is the scope of responsibility for which our Focus Group will prepare a report to the City Council. The next Focus Group Meeting is Wednesday November 13, 2002 at 7:00 PM at the Chanhassen Recreation Center.