7a Winter 3on3 Adult Basketballsx 95 ? 0 I'he aduh 3 o'~ 3 basketball teaSue sta~led Monday la~ ~.a~y 12 at thc (ha~I~ssenRec~'e~tkmCenter FhcIe~sue~nc~easedove~lIfl(mIast m~mbers and has a tot:at ()l' 14 teams, 'l'~e te~sue was spNt into 2 divisk:~ns and will play reSifla~ seaso'~ Bartles until P~d'xuary 23 A ?( st sc?~son tot rnament will be schednled with teams from both divisions ptayin8 each other toum ~ment and consolation dmmNon wilt recdve a reh~nn~t faom y6n-o }ea~r I h)(~k mwardto mo~t'le~ sd~,~esstut season