PRC SUM 2013 09 24 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Cole Kelly, Steve Scharfenberg, Brent Carron, Jim Boettcher, Rick Echternacht, Luke Thunberg, and Ryan Lynch MEMBERS ABSENT: Elise Ryan and Jacob Stolar STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; Mitch Johnson, Recreation Supervisor; Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator; and Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent PUBLIC PRESENT: Chris Johnson 6970 Nez Perce APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chairman Kelly approved the agenda with the addition of Item 2 under Old Business, Update on Rice Marsh Lake Trail Construction. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Todd Hoffman announced that it was Dale Gregory’s last week of employment with the City of Chanhassen as Park Superintendent and that his picnic is noon on Friday at Lake Ann Park. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Echternacht moved, Carron seconded to approve the Verbatim and Summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated August 27, 2013 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. ESTABLISH 2013/14 ICE SKATING RINK LOCATIONS. Mitch Johnson presented the staff report for this item. Carron moved, Thunberg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends approval of flooding 8 ice skating rinks and maintaining 4 warming houses at the following locations for the 2013/14 season: Rec Center 1 Pleasure Rink, 2 Hockey Rinks North Lotus Park 1 Pleasure Rink, 1 Hockey Rink City Center Park 1 Pleasure Rink, 1 Hockey Rink Roundhouse Park 1 Pleasure Rink All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Park and Recreation Commission Summary – September 24, 2013 CONTINUANCE OF 2014-2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DISCUSSION, BALL FIELD LIGHTING. Todd Hoffman discussed the ballfield lighting estimates submitted by Jason Amberg with WSB for Lake Susan Park and Bandimere Park. After discussion and comments by commission members regarding lighting at either park, the following motion was made. Carron moved, Boettcher seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve the 2014-2018 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program CIP amended to add $175,000 for ballfield lights at Lake Susan Park into the 2014 CIP, taking the place of the current $250,000 for athletic field lighting, with the understanding that the City of Chanhassen would pay 75% of the cost and the CAA would enter into a separate agreement for 25% with the vendor that is awarded the contract.All voted in favor, except for Scharfenberg who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. RICE MARSH LAKE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE. Todd Hoffman provided an update on the trail construction. RECREATION PROGRAMS: 2013 HALLOWEEN PARTY PREVIEW. Mitch Johnson provided an update on the activities thth involved with the 29 Annual Halloween Party being held on Saturday, October 26 from 5:30 to 7:30. EVALUATION – 2013 LAKE ANN PARK CONCESSIONS/BOAT RENTALS. Jerry Ruegemer reviewed the revenue and expenses associated with the 2013 Lake Ann park concession and boat rental operations. Commissioner Boettcher asked about rental numbers. Chairman Kelly asked about hourly charges for paddleboards. EVALUATION – 2013 SUMMER DISCOVERY PLAYGROUND/LAKE ANN ADVENTURE CAMP. Mitch Johnson reviewed highlights from the 2013 Summer Discovery Play and Lake Ann Adventure Camp. SENIOR CENTER REPORT. Susan Bill reviewed highlights from the summer programs offered through the Senior Center. PARK & TRAIL MAINTENANCE REPORT. Dale Gregory gave his final park and trail maintenance report before his retirement. RECREATION CENTER REPORT. Due to illness Jodi Sarles was not present to provide the report. Chair Kelly asked that any questions be directed to Todd Hoffman. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Chairman Kelly commented on the camp and picnic evaluations. 2 Park and Recreation Commission Summary – September 24, 2013 Carron moved, Boettcher seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director Submitted by Nann Opheim 3