6. City Code Chapter 20-Zoning CITYOF
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'~%,'w (i ,?~aqhasser~ qilu3
Planning Commission
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
February 17, 2004
Code Amendments, Chapter 20, Articles XXVI, XXVII,
Staff is proposing that we review proposed changes to the following:
Article XXVI
Article XXVII
Article XXVIII
Article XX1X
Article XXX
Article XXXI
Mineral Extraction
Bluff Protection
Highway Corridor
Towers & Antennas
Bluff Creek Overlay
No Changes
No Changes
Please bring your copies of the Zoning Ordinance. Enclosed is strike-through
and bold format showing changes to each article with an explanation of
proposed changes. The majority of Article XXIX is included as part of the
Article XXIII Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and
Office Institutional Development. If you have any questions or need
additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131 or
bgenerous (,¢ci.chanhassen.mn.us.
g:\plan\bg\city codekpc mcmo ch 20 art xxvi - xxxi.doc
The City of Chanhassen · A growl[Ig community with ciearl lakes qL~ality schools a c! arn~ing dr!wu!:!'v'~,'l/[iVivll (] [;, ~ i~l(:s ~,~: ,'~ ,~, nq qails ]rid
Article XXVI. Signs.
Sec. 20-1252. Permit and variance fees.
Fees for sign permit applications and variance requests shall be imposed in
accordance with the fee schedule established by city council msotmm~ in Chapter 4 of
the City Code. The intent of this section is to recover costs associated with
administering this article. Permit fees shall reflect the costs of reviewing and processing
permits, as well as costs associated with periodic enforcement activities and compliance
checks. The., ~.,~.. schedule '";".,.. ~'~u~ .-w-.o.~.-~'~"'°~'~ -~ ..... ~.,o,o*~ change or ..~o directed by city council
Sec. 20-1255. Signs allowed without permit.
Rummage (garage) sale signs. Rummage sale signs shall be removed within two
(2) days after the end of the sale and shall not exceed four (4) square feet.
Rummage sale signs shall not be located in any public rights-of-way. The city
shall have the right to remove and destroy signs not conforming to this paragraph.
The city may assess a fee in the amount established ~ in Chapter 4 of
the City Code for sign permits for each sign removed by the city.
Off premise sign for open house, house for sale or rent, parade of homes, etc.
Such signs shall be removed within two (2) days after the end of the event
and shall not exceed four (4) square feet. The property owner upon which a
sign is located shall provide their approval. The signs shall not be located in
any public rights-of-way. The city shall have the right to remove and destroy
signs not conforming to this paragraph. The city may assess a fee in the
amount established in Chapter 4 of the City Code for sign permits for each
sign removed by the city.
*We fees are established in Chapter 4. We have no regulationsJbr off-premise signs for
sale, open house or lease.
Sec. 20-1270. Uniform Sign Code.
The design and construction standards as set forth in Chapter 4 of the 4994 1997 edition
of the Uniform Sign Code as may be amended, are adopted.
*MCC recommendation.
Sec. 20-1302. Neighborhood business, fringe business, and office and institutional
Wall business signs. One (1) wall business sign shall be permitted on the street
frontage for each business occupant within a building. In multi-tenant buildings
where individual entrances face a parking lot rather than a street, a wall sign
shall be permitted above the entrance facing the parking lot. The sign may
contain the name and logo of the business only and shall have a sign display
area that is in compliance with the district standards. Wall business signs
shall not be mounted upon the wall of any building which faces any adjoining
residential district without an intervening public street. The total of all wall
mounted sign display areas for each business shall not exceed the square footage
established in the following table:
Sec. 20-1303. Highway, general business districts and central business districts.
Wall business signs. Wall business signs shall be permitted on street frontage for
each business occupant within a building only. In multi-tenant buildings where
individual entrances face a parking lot rather than a street, a wall sign shall
be permitted above the entrance. The sign may contain the name and logo of
the business only and shall have a sign display area that is in compliance with
the district standards.
Sec. 20-1304. Industrial office park signs.
(3) Wall business signs. Wall business signs shall be permitted on street frontage for
each business occupant within a building only. In multi-tenant buildings where
individual entrances face a parking lot rather than a street, a wall sign shall
be permitted above the entrance. The sign may contain the name and logo of
the business only and shall have a sign display area that is in compliance with
the district standards. The total of all wall mounted sign display areas for each
business shall not exceed the square footage established in the following table:
Article XXVIII: Bluff Protection
Sec. 20-1402. Stairways, lifts, paths and landings.
Stairways, paths and lifts may be permitted in suitable sites where construction will not
redirect water flow direction and/or increase drainage velocity. Major topographic
alterations are prohibited. Stairways, paths and lifts must receive an earthwork permit
and must meet the following design requirements:
(1) Stairways, paths and lifts may not exceed four (4) feet in width on residential lots.
Wider stairways may be used for commercial properties, public open space recreational
properties, and planned unit developments.
(2) Reserved.
(3) Canopies or roofs are not allowed on stairways, lifts, or landings.
(4) Stairways, paths, lifts and landings may be either constructed above the ground on
posts or placed into the ground, provided they are designed and built in a manner that
ensures control of soil erosion.
(5) Stairways, paths, lifts and landings must be located in the most visually
inconspicuous portions of lots.
(6) Facilities such as ramps, lifts, or mobility paths for physically handicapped
persons are also allowed, provided that the dimensional and performance standards
complied with of subitems (1) to (5) are complied with.
* Staf{'is recommending that impervious paths be included as a permitted use within the
blurt'area. Do we want to include dirt paths?
Sec. 20-1403. Removal or alteration of vegetation
Removal or alteration of vegetation within a bluff impact zone is prohibited except for
limited clearing of trees and shrubs and cutting, pruning and trimming of trees to provide
a view from the principal dwelling site and to accommodate the placement of stairways
and landings and access paths.
Removal or alteration of vegetation must receive prior approval of the community
development~,.~......l~~~ director or designee. An on-site review will be made to determine
if the removal or alteration of vegetation will require new ground cover. In no case shall
clearcutting be permitted. City staff will work with the property owner to develop a
means of creating a view while minimizing disturbance to the bluff impact zone.
*Revisions clarify .~20-1403.
Article XXX. Towers and Antennas.
Sec. 20-1503 (b)
(c) [Maximum height]- Except as provided in the following section, maximum
heights for towers shall be as follows:
*MCC recommendation.
Sec. 20-1505.
Towers shall conform with each of the-[ following J-minimum setback requirements:
* MCC recommendation.
Sec. 20-1508 (1)
(1) All applicable provisions of this Code-[ shall be complied with ~-.
* MCC recommendation.
Article XXXI. Bluff Creek Overlay District
Sec. 20-1555. Boundary delineation.
(a) Generally. Primary and Secondary Zones shall be subject to the requirements
established herein, as well as restrictions and requirements established by other
applicable city ordinances and regulations. The Bluff Creek Overlay District Watershed
regulations shall not be construed to allow anything otherwise prohibited in the zoning
district where the overlay district applies.
(b) Boundaries; maps. The Primary and Secondary Zones include land that is generally
defined in this article and in the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management
Plan. Boundaries as established by officially adopted city maps shall be prima facie
evidence of the location and type of watershed zone. The official maps shall be
developed and maintained by the planning department. The applicant shall provide
appropriate technical information, including but not limited to, a topographical survey,
flora and fauna survey and soil data deemed necessary for the city to determine the exact
watershed zone boundary. The community development planning director shall make a
determination to maintain the officially designated watershed zone boundary or if the
boundaries need to be corrected on city plans and maps based upon the data that is
supplied. Data for watershed zone delineation shall be generated and provided by a
qualified professional specializing in watershed management, environmental science or
other related profession. The applicant may appeal the community development
,.~t~ ...... ~...;.,.,,,~, director's determination of the watershed zone boundary and type to the city
Revisions clari~ ,~20-1555.
Sec. 20-1558. Site views.
Through environmentally sensitive design such as "terrain adaptive architecture" (see
Figure 1), landscaping and site planning, site views both to and from the BCO~¢ district
shall be preserved and enhanced to the greatest extent possible so as to maintain views
that reflect and protect the natural beauty of the BCO District. Special attention should
be given to views that are highly accessible to the public such as scenic overlooks, ridges
and trails. Clustering of development away from natural overlooks is encouraged.
GRAPHIC LINK: Figure 1. "Published in APA PAS Report #466"
Revision clarified that the proper abbreviation is BCO, not BCW.
Sec. 20-1559. Density clustering.
Density clustering shall be allowed as a tool to facilitate cluster development within the
Bluff Creek Overlay District Ce~der. Density clustering may be used in areas where
portions of the site are unsuitable for development because of the location of the Primary
Zone Ce, md,or. Density clustering shall not be allowed for areas that are otherwise
considered unbuildable due to wetlands, lakes and other areas not suitable for building
In areas where density clustering is applicable, density may be transferred to
unconstrained parts of the site within land included in the Secondary Zone
subject to the restrictions of this article, and within land lying outside of identified zone
ce~der areas. Additionally, the following conditions may qualify for density clustering:
(a) Land slopes in the Secondary Zone that exceed twenty-five (25) percent on
(b) Land in the Secondary Zone containing stands of native trees.
(c) Land with suitable natural habitat to endangered or threatened species or a fragile
GRAPHIC LINK: Click here for graphic
GRAPHIC LINK: Click here for graphic
*Revisions chan~e .~20-1559 so that it uses the correct "zone" terminology.
Sec. 20-1561. Natural habitat preservation.
(a) Natural habitat areas within the primary zone shall be preserved as permanent open
space. Any development that occurs shall be directly related to the development of a
continuous greenway along the creek from the Minnesota River to Lake Minnewashta as
outlined in the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan.
(b) Where possible, any disturbances of natural habitat areas within the Secondary Zone
shall be avoided. Any alterations to the natural habitat within the Secondary Zone shall
adhere to the practices delineated in the Ceity's Best management Practices Handbook.
* Revision explains that development within the corridor is intended to assist in the
development of a continuous greenway along the creek. "City" is §20-1561(b) has been
Sec. 20-1564. Structure setbacks.
All structures shall be ~ set back a minimum of forty (40) feet from the Primary
Zone. No disturbances of the site shall occur with the first twenty (20) feet of such
*MCC recommendation.
ZONING § 20-1451
Sec. 20-1450. Purpose.
The Highway ~5~Corridor and the development within it will be major factors influencing
the visual and environn~ntal quality of the community as a whole. Due to the intensity of land
uses, the Highway 5 Cor~0r represents the heart of Chanhassen as well as its dominating
image of those passing throug~he community. Development in the corridor must be designed
with greater sensitivity to the e~.ronment and of generally higher quality than might have
occurred in the absence of specific ~dar.ds. The purpose of the district is to:
(1) Protect creek corridors, wetlands,~d significant stands of mature trees through use
of careful site design, protective eas~nts, sensitive alignment and design of road-
ways and utilities, incorporation of nat~ features, landscaping and massing of
trees that enhance existing natural features"~, d views, and the practices delineated
in the city's Best Management Practices Handbo~.
(2) Promote high-quality architectural and site design ~ugh improvement develop-
ment standards within the corridor. These standards gove~ite planning, placement
of building masses, use of materials, and the like enable th~ty to enhance what
otherwise might result in low quality strip development. ~
(3) Create a unified, harmonious, and high-quality visual environment ffr~ughout the
corridor, thereby identifying it as a special place with a unique identity ~J}.hin both
the city and the Twin Cities region as a whole.
(4) Foster a distinctive and positive community image, for the city as a whole and espe-
cially for the Highway 5 Corridor, which functions as the city's main entrance.
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
Sec. 20-1451. Intent.
The city inten~t~ that all development within the district should strive toward the highest
level of quality in both de. sign and construction. The criteria by which new development in this
district shall be judged are. os follows:
(1) Consistency with all P~o~sions of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended from time to
time; the Surface Water ~rQtection Program; all provisions of the zoning ordinance
and subd~wsmn ordinance not ~p~ec~fically overridden by the prows~ons of th~s d~strmt;
and all other applicable land use~lations.
(2) Preservation of the natural conditions'~nd on each site to the greatest extent pos-
sible, through minimized removal of trees~d other vegetation and soil, minimi.zed
site ~grading, and application of the practice~x~.~und in the city's Best Management
Practices Handbook.
Supp. No. 7 1275
§ 20-1451
(3) Establishment throughout the district of harmonious physical and visual relation-
ships among existing, new, and proposed buildings, open spaces, natural terrain, and
"~ plant materials and placement with the intent of creating a unique and unified
aPPearance for the entire corridor.
(4) Use' of. appropriate materials, lighting, textures, colors, and architectural and land-
scape for, ms to create a unified, high-quality design concept for each site that is
compatib}e with adjacent and neighboring structures and functions, including but not
limited to n~ural areas, city-owned property, and vacant land subject to future de-
velopment in ~{cordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
(5) Creation. of unifi~] site designs, each with a sense of internal order, that provide
desirable environm~s for site users and visitors and the community as a whole and
that consider all site e~ments inclhding: the relationship of buildings to surrounding
landforms; grading; ar~i~ectural design; building, parking and loading dock orien-
tation; building height; use _~man-made materials, including paving; site furnishings
(lighting, outdoor seating, sig~ge, etc.); landscaping (retention of natural vegetation,
plant selection and placement,'~tention and incorporation of water features, etc.);
(6) Creation of a suitable balance betwee~the amount and arrangement of open space,
landscaping, and view protection and theXd..~sign and function of manmade features on
the other. Achieving this balance shall tal~into account screening, buffering, size
and orientation of open spaces, personal and~oper~y security, localized wind and
solar effects, and protection o~'mportan~ public '~ays.
(7) Provision of safe and adequate access to and from sit'giving ample consideration to
the location and number of access points from public s'tr.~ets, the safety and conve-
nience of merging and turning movements, and traffic ma~.gement and mitigation.
(8) Provision of onsite vehicular, bicycling, and pedestrian circulat~i~n by way of interior
drives, parking areas, pathways, and walkways adequate to hand,anticipated needs
and to safely buffer pedestrians and cyclists from motor vehicles. Am'g~.e consideration
shall be given to the width of interior drives, internal traffic movenhexnt and flow,
separation of pedestrian, cycling, automobile, and delivery traffic, and tbexsafe, con-
venient, and practical arrangement of parking spaces. ~
(9) Adequate separation and protection of each site from adjacent- properties, acces~ou-
levards, and Highway and vic versa, through rea visio_ns _for surge
water drainage, sound and sight buffers, view protection, privacy, and other aspect~
of design that may not be specifically covered by these or other regulations but are
found to have significant effect on any or all of the properties and roadways.
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
Sec. 20-1452. District application. ._~' -/~ ~: '~-
The "HC-1" District shall be ap~ed and superimposed (overlaid) upon all zoning di§tricts
as contained herein as existing or am6r~ded by the text and map 'of thi~ chapter. The regula-
Supp. No. 7 1276
ZONING § 20-1453
tions and ~equirements imposed by the "HC-I" District shall be in addition to those estab-
lished for districts which jointly apply. Under the joint application of the districts, the more
restrictive requirements shall apply.
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
Sec. 20-1453. Building and parking orientation. ~¢~ · ~ C:
(a) For the purpose of determining front, rear, and side yards, the following shall control:
(1) In any lot that abuts Highway 5 directly, other than a single-family residential lot,
the lot line abutting the highway shall be considered the front lot line.
(2) In any lot that abuts either of the access boulevards parallel to Highway 5, including
any existing single family residential lot, but excluding any new single family resi-
dential lot, the lot line abutting the boulevard shall be considered the front lot line.
(3) In any lot that abuts Highway 5 and one of the access boulevards, other than a single
family residential lot, the lot shall be regarded as having two front lot lines. The lot
line abutting the boulevard, shall take design precedence. Such a lot shall be regarded
as having no rear lot line or yard.
(4) No new single family residential lot may have a front yard that faces Highway 5, nor
a front yard that faces either of the access boulevards. No new or existing single
family residential lot shall provide driveway access directly from.. Highway 5, nor
shall any new single family residential lot provide driveway access directly from
Highway 5 or either of the access boulevards.
Supp. No. 7 1277
§ 20-1453
(b) 'Parking areas shall not be located within the required minimum front (primary or
secondary) yard setback of any lot.
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
Sec. 20-1454. Architectural design standards.
Standards governing architectural design shall apply to all new and renovated buildings
within the district with the exception of single-family residences on individual lots.
(1) Architectural style shall not be restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project
shall be based on the quality of its design and on its relationship to its surroundings,
guided by the provisions of this section. Site characteristics to be evaluated for this
purpose include building and plant materials, colors, textures, shapes, massing,
rhythms of building components and details, height, roof-line and setback. Designs
that are incompatible with their surroundings or intentionally bizarre or exotic are
(2) Monotony of design, both within projects and between any project and its surround-
ings, is prohibited. Variation in detail, form, and siting shall provide visual interest.
Supp. No. 7 1278
ZONING § 20-1454
Site characteristics that may be used for this purpose include building and plant
materials, sizes, colors, textures, shapes, massing, rhythms of building components
and details, height, roof-line, and setback.
(3) Within the district, particular attention shall be paid to architectural compatibility
with the existing environment.
a. Each building shall contain one (1) or more pitched roof elements.
b. All new construction and redevelopment shall conform to the established building
scale, range of building materials, pedestrian orientation, and relationship be-
tween buildings and the streetscape.
Building heights shall be limited to three (3) stories or forty (40) feet. Measurement
of the highest point shall exclude antennas for television and radio reception, but
shall include architectural details (e.g., parapet walls), transmission antennas, sat-
ellite dishes and transmission equipment, microwave-transmission equipment, and
other nonstructural building elements.
All manmade architectural, landscape, and paving materials shall reflect the highest
quality possible and should be used in a manner suitable to the nature of the material,
its role in the design, general durability, expected level of use or abusel Weathering
characteristics, and ease and frequency of maintenance. Major exterior surfaces of all
walls shall be face brick, stone, glass, stucco, architecturally treated concrete, last in
Supp. No. 7 1279
§ 20-1454
place or pre-cast panels, decorative block, or approved equivalent, as determined by
the city. The following may not be used in any visible exterior application except
when specifically permitted by the city in areas with limited public view:
· Exposed Cement ("cinder") blocks.
· Fabricate metal or pole construction structures, including mobile homes, sheds,
warehouses, and industrial buildings constructed either on or off-site of corrugated
metal panels.
*Exterior brick that is painted over.
*Experimental materials with no proven record of durability or ease of maintenance
in the intended application.
*A solid wall unrelieved by architectural detailing, such as a change in materials,
change in color, fenestrations, 0r other significant visual relief provided in a manner
or at intervals in keeping with the size, mass, and scale of the wall and its views from
publi~ ways. A change in texture along is not sufficient to meet this requirement.
~Materials or construction methods used for one aspect or portion of a project that are
significantly lower in quality than tho~ used for the balance of that project, such
that this one aspect or portion is or rapic~ly becomes an eyesore or detriment to the
project as a whole. ,
*A distinct and different material or combinat{~n of materials for each exposed ex-
terior wall. No more than two (2) principal materials or two (2) principal combina-
tions of materials should be used to construct anY.one building. Addition of other
materials for accent use is permissible.
eAs building element, combination of elements, or anoth~ site structure that acts as
a conspicuous building emblem or signature. Examples ~clude single garish ele-
ments (e.g., orange roofs); use of bricks, blocks, or tiles to turh.a wall into an outsized
sign or logo; and other attempts to use a building or wall as}g} advertisement.
Site designs and configurations that tend to catch and accumulateXt,rash, leaves, and
dirt shall be avoided. In addition, provisions for washing and clea~ng buildings,
other structures, and building grounds shall be considered and included t~the design.
All building components, such as windows, doors, eaves, soffits, and parai)e~.ts, shall
have good proportions that relate to the facade of the building and shall relate well
with one another.
Supp. No. 7 1280
ZONING § 20-1454
(8) Co~r,s shall be harmonious. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting colors
may ~e used only for accent purposes.
(9) Mechanical equipment, satelli~t~eXd~shes, and other utility hardware, whether located
on the roof or exterior of the buildi .n~g~r on the ground adjacent to it, shall be screened
from the public view and with ma'te _ri~identical to or strongly similar to building
materials or by heavy landscaping that ~ be effective in winter or they shall be
located so as not to be visible from any public ~. Use of parapet walls or pitched roof
elements to screen equipment is encouraged. In ri'hq.ase shall wooden fencing be used
as a rooftop equipment screen. ~
Screening of service yards, refuse, and waste-removal a~as, loading docks, truck
parking areas and other areas which tend to be unsightly sh~l be accomplished by
use of walls, fencing, dense planting, or any combination of these~ements. Screening
shall block views from public right-of-way and shall be equally effective in winter and
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
Supp. No. 7 1281
§ 20-1454
Supp. No. 7 1282
ZONING § 20-1455
Sec. 20-1455. Landscape design and site furnishings.
The~following standards governing design and placement of landscaping and site furnish-
ings shali apply to all new and renovated buildings within the district, with the exception of
single-family residences on individual lots.
(1) Where natural or existing topographic patterns contribute to the beauty or utility of
a development, they shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible. Modification to
topography will be permitted where and to the extent that it contributes to good
design. All topographic modifications shall adhere to the practices delineated in the
city's Best Management Practices Handbook.
fpo--/0 'I'Z
o' %
] ",~i I I ! ! I I 1
The grades of all walks, parking spaces, terraces, a~ other paved a~eas shall conform
with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In addition, they shall
provide an ~nv~t~ng and stable appearance for walkin~×xStmrs and ramps may be
substituted for slanted pavement when necessary.
All landscape shall preserve and enhance natural features (su~t~ as wetlands, drain.
ageways, mature stands of trees, and the like), enhance architectural features,
strengthen vistas and important axes, and provide shade. . .~ _
Landscaping shall emphasize massing of plant materials over isolate~ or sca, ttered
placement of individual specimens. Reforestation as prescribed by th~city s tree
preservation and reforestation ordinance is encouraged.
Supp. No. 7 1283
§ 20-1455
(5) l_~nlty of design shall be achieved by repetition of certain plant varieties and other
materials, and by correlatiOn with natural existing materials and adjacent develop-
ments Where appropriate.
(6) Plant material shall be selected ~o~ interest in its structure, texture and color, and for
its ultimate growth size. Plants th~are indigenous to the area and others that will
be hardy, harmOnious to the design or'good appearance, and of relatively easy main-
tenance shall be used.
(7) In locations where plants will be susceptible~.o injury by pedestrian or motor traffic,
they shall be protected by appropriate curbs, t~i~,e guards, or similar devices.
(8) Where building sites limit planting, the placement of trees in parkways,~ardens, or
paved areas is enCouraged. Trees should be clustered whenever possible, a~consid-
eration shall be given to the special needs of plants surrounded by imperious s~ces.
In areas where general planting will not prosper, other solutions-such as fences,
walls, rock gardens, raised planters, or pavings of wood, brick, stone, gravel, or cobbles-
shall be used. Carefully selected plants shall be included.
Supp. No. 7 1284
§ 20-1460
(10) Exterior l~ '_t~g shall enhance the building design and adjoining landscape. Lighting
standards an~ix~xtures shall be of a design and size compatible with the building and
adjacent areas. Lighting shall be arranged and focused so that minimal light falls on
adjacent property~a~d no light Shines directly at or into any adjacent building.
Excessive brightness ~ glare shall be avoided.
(11) Site furnishings located on private shall be designed as part of the site's
architectural concept and landscape, colors shall be in harmony with
buildings, surroundings, and other furnishings; shall be appropriate to the site
and the design; and proportions shall be attractive.
(12) Site furnishings and landscaping located in any public )r on other public property
shall be harmonious with the design of adjacent buildin the appearance of the
highway in the vicinity, and with the general character of the
(13) Lighting in connection with site furnishings (e.g., to highlight a sign) shall
meet the criteria applicable to site, landscape, buildings, and signs.
(14) All provisions of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance, to the extent that t]~q, directly
affect the appearance, design and utility of a particular site, and to the extent th~they
do not conflict directly with the standards delineated here, shall be a part of~e
criteria of this subsection.
Secs. 20-1456--20-1459. Reserved.
Sec. 20-1460. Purpose and intent.
The purpose and intent of the "HC-2" District is the sam~a~ ~ "11C-I" Di~ict~
~s to t ' s reflecti,q~that the area within the "HC-2" District is not
part of the city's central business district.
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
Supp. No. 9 1285
Se,c. ~trict application. . ·
HC-I" District sh'~a~applied to and super imposed (overlaid) upon all zoning districts as
contained herein as existin'g-~amended by the text and map of this chapter. The regulations
and reqUirements imposed by th~C~ District shah be in addition to these established for
districts which jointly apply. Under' '"'~the-jai..nt application of districts, the more restrictive
requirements shall apply. .................
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94) "~~
Sec. 20-1462. Building and parking orientation.
T~and:p/t~kihg~'6i~i-e~/~l-0'n~t~-d-~l~-f-0~e "HC- 1" District shal~y,:~t~
with the following additional requirements:
(1) On building lots that abut Highway 5 directly, the minimum building setback from the
highway right-of-way shall be seventy (70) feet. The maximum building setback from
the highway right-of-way for all buildings except single family residences shall be one
hundred fifty (150) feet. No maximum building setback shall apply to single family
(2) On building lots that abut either of the access boulevards parallel to Highway 5, the
minimum building setback from the boulevard right-of-way shall be fifty (50) feet. The
maximum building setback from the boulevard right-of-way shall be one hundred (100)
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94)
---~'~-i-~63~ 'Architectural design standards.
The architectural design standards for the "H~C-~rict shall apply, with the exception of
section 20-1456(c) which shall not apply. ~
Sec. 20-1~;~ls.c~pe design and site furnishings.
The landscape design and sit~~s standards for the "HC-i" District shall apply.
(Ord. No. 212, § 8, 7-11-94) ~--~-~~
Secs. 20-1465--20-1499. Reserved.
Sec. 20-1500. Purpose and intent.
The purpose of this article is to accommodate and provide a reasonable opportunity for the
establishment of wireless telecommunications in the city. The city finds it necessary to adopt
Supp. No. 9 1286