PC Staff Report 10-15-2013PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Preliminary Plat of 16.94 acres into One Lot and Two Outlets (Powers Pointe), Site Plan Approval for construction of a 140,000 square -foot office /warehouse building, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact " SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for Preliminary Plat Review of 16.94 acres of property zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) and located west of Powers Boulevard, south of the Twin Cities & Western Railroad tracks, and east and north of Riley Creek (Outlot F, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park) — POWERS POINTE; and Site Plan Review for a 140,800 square -foot office /warehouse building. LOCATION: 8100 Powers Boulevard APPLICANT: United Properties 3500 American Blvd., Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55431 Brandon Champeau 952 - 837 -8653 Brandon.champeau@upronerties.com Paul's Family Trust 7676 Highway 145 Telluride, CO 81435 -4100 Mark Steingas 952- 392 -1306 marks @copperwood - realestate.com PRESENT ZONING: Office Industrial Park (IOP) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial ACREAGE: 16.94 DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 2 of 20 PROPOSAL /SUMMARY The following is a summary of the requests: 1. Subdivision/Preliminary and Final Plat: The first request is to plat of 16.94 acres into one lot and two outlots — Powers Pointe. 2. Site Plan Review: The second request is for site plan approval for the construction of a 140,800 square -foot building. The property is zoned Industrial Office Park. The intended use of the site is office /warehouse which is a permitted use in the district. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office Instutional Developments The site is currently an outlot in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, which was platted in 1979. The site is bordered by the Twin Cities and Western Railroad and electrical transmission towers on the north, Powers Boulevard on the east, and Riley Creek on the west and south. Access to the site is limited to Powers Boulevard. All surrounding properties are zoned IOP Industrial Office Park. The property rises from Powers Boulevard 40 feet to the center of the site and 50 feet from Riley Creek to the center of the property. The site will be graded and the dirt balanced to accommodate a finished floor elevation of 946. Because of the change in elevation and the significant amount of trees on the property, there will be limited visibility of the building from the surrounding properties. CenterPoint Energy has an electrical transmission easement running north/south through the site. A parking lot is shown over this easement. There is also a gas transmission easement parallel to the railroad tracks. The proposal includes the platting of Outlot F, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park into three lots. Access to the site is via Powers Boulevard. A future city well is being considered for Outlot B. Outlot A is being created as a preservation area. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 3 of 20 Compliance Table I Use Lot 1 12.40 acres Office/ archouse Outlot A 4.20 acres Preservation area dedicated to the city Outlot B .34 acres Future well site •�- MIUW_A LOT I VI-M-1 P _,.,,_._ � BLOCK 1 s -sc,y �,d.� �� � � fig• e 4'm A -A.WA A'4 Y C301 Compliance Table Plat The property is proposed to be platted into one lot and two outlots. Outlot A will encompass the southern portion of the site that is heavily wooded and is intended to be a preservation area that will be deeded to the City. Outlot B is the site for a future city well and shall be deeded to the city upon recording of the final plat. Streets and Access The property lies west of Powers Boulevard and south of the railroad tracks. Full access to the site will be from the existing curb cut on Powers Boulevard. Due to the elevations of the site a 9.9% driveway is proposed at the full access. The existing landing area at the Powers Boulevard intersection will provide a relatively flat area for vehicles to enter and exit the site. The site is designed for tractor - trailer units to enter the site at the existing curb cut. For site circulation purposes the developer proposes a second access to Powers Boulevard, approximately Area Use Lot 1 12.40 acres Office/ archouse Outlot A 4.20 acres Preservation area dedicated to the city Outlot B .34 acres Future well site Plat The property is proposed to be platted into one lot and two outlots. Outlot A will encompass the southern portion of the site that is heavily wooded and is intended to be a preservation area that will be deeded to the City. Outlot B is the site for a future city well and shall be deeded to the city upon recording of the final plat. Streets and Access The property lies west of Powers Boulevard and south of the railroad tracks. Full access to the site will be from the existing curb cut on Powers Boulevard. Due to the elevations of the site a 9.9% driveway is proposed at the full access. The existing landing area at the Powers Boulevard intersection will provide a relatively flat area for vehicles to enter and exit the site. The site is designed for tractor - trailer units to enter the site at the existing curb cut. For site circulation purposes the developer proposes a second access to Powers Boulevard, approximately Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 4 of 20 400 feet north of the existing curb cut to allow for egress of tractor - trailer units. The developer has discussed the proposal with Carver County since the County has jurisdiction over Powers Boulevard. The sight line and turning movement information for each access must be submitted to Carver County for review and approval prior to final plat consideration at the City Council. The developer must obtain the necessary permits for the work within the Powers Boulevard right of way and submit any required security before work in the right of way can commence. There are public streetlights near each driveway location at Powers Boulevard. The developer shall work with City staff to determine if the current locations provide adequate lighting at the proposed driveway intersections. If it is determined that the current lighting is insufficient, the developer shall work with the City to relocate the streetlights and shall pay for all costs associated with the streetlight relocation(s). Utilities The developer proposes to extend 8 -inch private watermain from the existing trunk watermain within the west side of the Powers Boulevard right of way. The trunk watermain was installed with the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park improvements with Project 78 -3. This parcel was not assessed for the trunk watermain improvements; therefore, the City Water Access Charge (City WAC) shall be collected with the building permit at the rates in effect at that time. The developer's contractor must notify the Chanhassen Utility Department a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the wet tap. The private watermain will loop around the building, with hydrants located per the Fire Marshal's recommendation. Prior to installation of the private watermain the developer must obtain any necessary permission to install the hydrant within the gas and electrical easement on the site. The developer proposes to connect to the Met Council sanitary sewer to the southwest of the site, within a City -owned outlot. Prior to connection the developer shall acquire the necessary permits /permissions to connect to the Met Council sewer. The City Sewer Access Charge (City SAC) is waived because the property was assessed and paid the trunk sanitary sewer fee with City Project 78 -3. Gradine Site topography is such that it currently decreases rapidly in elevation to the south, east and west with as much as 68 feet of fall from the high point on the property to Riley Creek on the adjoining property to the south. Some parts of the property have grades as steep as 37% and are considered bluff under MN Rules chapter 6410 and Chanhassen City Code section 1 -2. Currently these areas of severe grade change are undeveloped and vegetated with a mature tree canopy which minimizes the risk for slope failure and sediment deposition into Riley Creek. 1 Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 5 of 20 Bluff impact zones must be clearly demarcated on the drawings and grading and intensive vegetation removal should be avoided unless the project is dependent upon these activities. The proposed plan calls for significant grading within these potential bluff areas and will likely result in creation of bluff areas where they currently do not exist. The applicant must show that they cannot achieve the intended end use without grading as shown. It appears that a substantial amount of the grading along the most westerly property boundary can be avoided. This would minimize tree loss and provide better protection for Riley Creek. Further, even if this entire area must be graded, the plans show tree loss beyond the grading limits. Tree removal to the property boundaries for the purpose of grading is not allowed within shoreland and bluff impact zones. The developer proposes to grade all of Lot 1 and a portion of Outlot B; no grading is proposed within Outlot A. Tree removal, grading and retaining wall construction within Outlot B will be done when the well site is developed in the future. The developer has indicated that the excess material from the site will be trucked to a location outside of the Chanhassen city limits and has provided an acceptable haul route. Drainage The entire site is tributary to Riley Creek which drains to Lake Susan. Lake Susan is impaired for nutrients and Riley Creek, further downstream, is impaired for sediment. The applicant is proposing to use vaults under the parking lot to achieve storm water management requirements. The preliminary stormwater narrative does indicate that the design will meet minimum requirements for the removal of total suspended solids and total phosphorus. However, under the recently issued General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination, the applicant will be required to abstract one inch of runoff from impervious surfaces. In discussions with the developer's engineer, the idea of reusing stormwater to meet this requirement was discussed. The applicant will need to provide design information showing how this system will be constructed and utilized. Staff and the developer's engineer are working to modify the storm sewer design at the full access to improve runoff patterns and energy dissipation. Given the slope of the driveways Carver County is concerned that runoff may bypass the single catch basin shown on each driveway and enter Powers Boulevard. The developer must provide catch basin spacing calculations to Carver County for review and if necessary, provide additional catch basins prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. The proposed outfall into the rain garden will be in excess of seven (7) cubic feet per second. This will result in significant scour force and will likely result in damage to the rain garden if not render the rain garden ineffective as a stormwater management tool. Erosion Control This site has known drainage and erosion issues as sediment is frequently transported onto Powers Boulevard. It is also tenuous to begin grading operations so late in the season because weather conditions are so variable and unpredictable. For this reason, it is very important that Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 6 of 20 extraordinary efforts are made to assure that the site is maintained in a fashion that minimizes the likelihood of erosion and subsequent sediment deposition into Riley Creek. The plan proposes to grade 11.4 acres at one time. This area is all tributary to Riley Creek and Lake Susan. Lake Susan is an impaired water as defined under Section 303D of the federal Clean Water Act. Given that Lake Susan is less than one - quarter mile from the subject property, Appendix A of the NPDES Construction Permit will need to be incorporated into the grading plan, erosion prevention and sediment control plan and the permanent storm water management plan. Some specific elements that must be incorporated into the plans include: 1. The abstraction of one (1) inch of rainfall on -site from all new impervious surface. 2. Temporary sediment basins need to be used during mass grading and shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the storm event with a two -year return interval. 3. Dewatering of the temporary sediment basin(s) shall be performed with a floating skimmer type outlet. 4. Winter shut down will require all exposed soils to be stabilized. If soils are frozen, the site will need to be hydro mulched. If snow is present prior to stabilization, the site will need to be stabilized by frost seeding and blowing straw mulch on top of the snow. 5. Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case later than seven (7) days after construction activities have permanently or temporarily ceased in that area. Shoreland Overlay District Much of the westerly portion of this property lies within the Shoreland Overlay District for Riley Creek. Riley Creek is immediately tributary to Lake Susan. Lake Susan is impaired for excess nutrients as is Lake Riley which Lake Susan is tributary to. Currently, the reach of Riley Creek adjacent to this property is not impaired; however, Riley Creek is impaired for turbidity after it leaves Lake Riley. Land use decisions should be made with the idea of preventing the degradation of Riley Creek and improving Lakes Susan and Riley. Article VII, Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code as well as Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6120 regulates land use within this area. In general, the proposed land use and topographic alteration are consistent with these rules. An exception is in regard to the topographic and vegetative alterations within the bluff impact zone and the shoreland impact zone. Both code and state rule allow for "Vegetative alterations and WWI s �d degradation of Riley Creek and improving Lakes Susan and Riley. Article VII, Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code as well as Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6120 regulates land use within this area. In general, the proposed land use and topographic alteration are consistent with these rules. An exception is in regard to the topographic and vegetative alterations within the bluff impact zone and the shoreland impact zone. Both code and state rule allow for "Vegetative alterations and Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 7 of 20 excavations or grading and filling necessary for the construction of structures and sewage treatment system.... Alterations of vegetation and topography must be controlled by local government to prevent erosion into public waters, fix nutrients, preserve shoreland aesthetics, preserve historic values, prevent bank slumping and protect fish and wildlife." The proposed plan indicates significant grading to the west, within what appears to be both the shoreland impact zone and the bluff impact zone. These zones must be clearly demarcated on the plan set. It is apparent upon review of the plan that much of the proposed grading and tree removal westerly on the site is not necessary for the construction of the building or appurtenant infrastructure. Further, the plan is calling for the removal of trees where no grading, integral to the structure or not, is being proposed. The plans shall be modified to limit the grading and tree removal on steep slopes and bluff impact zones to only that which is integral to the proposed facilities. The drawings should clearly show Riley Creek, the 300 -foot shoreland overlay district, and all bluff areas. If there is any point where the 50 -foot setback from the center line of Riley Creek is coincidental to the subject property, this must be clearly shown on the plan set as well. Wetlands In preliminary discussions, staff informed the consulting engineer that a wetland was located adjacent to Powers Boulevard south of the proposed primary access. Staff indicated that a delineation would not need to be done provided the proposed work remained far enough away from the likely wetland location. In an email dated August 26, 2013 staff stated: "The likely wetland boundary shown on the attached is coincidental with the 892' contour. You will need a minimum of 45' from the presumed wetland boundary to the edge of bit/back of curb on the ingress /egress (30' buffer and 15' for the secondary structure setback). If this is not possible, we may then need to look at an actual field delineation." The current proposal shows a rain garden being constructed within the area delineated by the 892' contour. It is acceptable to have the rain garden within the wetland buffer. However, this proposed location is well within the possible wetland extent and it will need to be determined that this placement will not constitute a wetland impact. For this reason, a wetland delineation will be necessary prior to making any decision about the proposed rain garden design. As an alternative, depending upon field conditions, it may be possible to have the proposed improvements staked in the field by the applicant or their representative and staff can use these locates to determine if these improvements constitute no loss in wetland as defined by the MN Wetland Conservation Act. In addition to this wetland area along Powers Boulevard, the City Wetland Inventory shows floodplain wetland adjacent to Riley Creek. This wetland extends almost the entire length from the Twin Cities & Western Railroad to Powers Boulevard. This is a high quality wetland with a Preserve Management classification. Preserve Wetlands have a 40 -foot buffer with a 40 -foot primary structure setback. At a glance, based upon aerial photography and the provided plan set, Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 8 of 20 it appears that there is adequate buffer for the floodplain wetland provided the tree preservation along the western property limits is maximized as discussed in the grading section of this report. RetaininE Walls The developer proposes to construct four retaining walls on the site: Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 9 of 20 Wall 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Approximate Length 170 feet 175 feet 190 feet 370 feet Maximum Height 7 feet 5 feet 8 feet 12.7 feet A portion of Wall 1 lies within the existing gas and electric easements and a portion of Wall 4 lies within an electric easement. Before these retaining wall can be constructed the developer must obtain the necessary approvals (if any) to install the wall within the easements. Walls over four feet high require a building permit and must be designed by an Engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. Wall 2 shall be moved easterly to only encompass that area integral to the construction of the proposed infrastructure and site grading shall be minimized accordingly. Fees The Engineering and Water Resources fees for the Powers Pointe final plat are calculated as follows: GIS Fee: Surface Water Management Fee, -Water Quality -Water Quantity -SWMP Credit PARKS $25 (plat) + (3 parcels c $10 /parcel) $55.00 $240,879.40 12.4 acres($16,440 /acre)= $203,856.00 12.4 acres($8,110 /acre)— $100,564.00 7.73acres (0.5 *$16,440 /acre)= -$63,540.60 A sidewalk shall be placed along the entrance drive at Lake Drive West that connects to City trails. Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. SUBDIVISION FINDINGS 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance. Finding: The subdivision meets the intent of the city code subject to the conditions of the staff report. 2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 10 of 20 3. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this report. 4. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Finding: The proposed subdivision will be served by adequate urban infrastructure. 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; Finding: The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject to conditions of approval. 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Finding: The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. 7. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d. Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE HIGHWAY 5 OVERLAY DISTRICT The proposed building is 140,800 square feet and will be used for office and warehousing. There is limited visibility to the building because of the changes in grade. The city owns Outlet E (8.8 acres) which provides and even greater buffer to the surrounding uses on the west and south sides of the building. The building will be visible from the industrial building to the north. Additional landscaping will be required. Because of the location of the gas and transmission lines, the location of the landscaping is limited. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 11 of 20 _y J7 - T = i 3 i t �'�° � ter:_-- •-",.� - w Al COMPLIANCE TABLE LOT 1 Setback Required Minimum Proposed From Street 30 feet 150 feet From Side Lot Lines 30 feet 145+ feet Rear Yard 30 feet 130 feet Hard Surface 70% 64.28% Height 50 feet 28 feet Creek Setback 50 feet 230 feet Size. Portion and Placement Entries: The building has a pronounced entrance with the office portion. This area has the most glass and is the most visible from Powers Boulevard. Articulation: The building incorporates adequate detail. The architectural style will fit in with the surrounding area. The building will provide a variation in style through the use of rock face block, cement board panel, glass, and canopies. Lighting: A parking lot light plan has been provided. Seven, 20 -foot high light fixtures with downcast shield will be located along the main entrance drive. In addition, there will be wall pack lighting along all sides of the building. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 12 of 20 Signs: A monument sign is proposed at the entry from Powers Boulevard. A development sign will be attached to the retaining wall entering the site. All signs including future business wall signs are required to obtain permits and meet city standards. Material and Detail High quality materials — accent material may occupy up to 15 percent of the buildings fagade. The building will use precast panels "Red Rock" and rock face block "red dust" as the primary elements. Cement board panel "Dune" is an accent material above the entrances and the window cladding will be clear with the metal canopy a "colonial red ". Color The colors chosen for the building are earth tones. The selection blends in with the surrounding buildings. Height and Roof Design The building falls within the Highway 5 Corridor District which limits the height of the buildings to three stories or 40 feet. The building height is 28 feet. The mechanical equipment will be on the roof. The size and location has yet to be determined and will be tenant specific. The equipment should be located 20 -30 feet from the parapet edge to minimize its view. The parapet will vary from 12 to 24 inches. Because the building is so high above the road, it is not anticipated that any equipment will be seen. City code requires a pitched element on buildings. This can be achieved through roof design or awnings. The building complies with this requirement. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013-20 October 15, 2013 Page 13 of 20 d � 41 / i y S� J_LJ_ LJ_LLl 4 Facade Transparency All facades viewed by the public contain more than 50 percent windows and/or doors. Site Furnishin¢ The applicant has provided an outdoor seating area for the retail space as well as benches and a planter for the office space. Loading Areas, Refuse Areas, etc. The applicant is proposing 18 loading docks along the north side of the building. The trash enclosures are located along the north side of the building. Recycling space should be contained within the same enclosure. Lot Frontage and Parking Location The office portion of the building faces Powers Boulevard. Parking will be located between Powers and the east side of the building. The remaining parking is located along the southern side of the building. The city's parking ordinance requires the following: • Office: 5 stalls per 1000 square feet • Warehouse: 1 stall for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area up to 10,000 square feet and one additional space for each additional 2,000 square feet Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 14 of 20 Based upon the above - listed requirements, the office portion will require 176 spaces while the warehouse will require 53 stalls for a total of 229 parking spaces. The applicant has provided 229 spaces. Landscapine Powers Pointe site plan meets the minimum requirements for landscaping which includes 16,511 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, landscape islands or peninsulas, and 66 trees for the parking lot. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. The plan does not meet minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. Additional trees shall be planted around the perimeter of the parking lots and drive areas. Landscaping should also be provided on the southeastern slope by the entry drive. Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 16,511 s . ft. >16,511 s . ft. Trees/ parking lot 66 trees 23 trees Islands or peninsulas/ parking lot 11 islands/ peninsulas 9 islands/ eninsulas The plan does not meet minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. Additional trees shall be planted around the perimeter of the parking lots and drive areas. Landscaping should also be provided on the southeastern slope by the entry drive. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 15 of 20 Staff recommends that the applicant install a more columnar form of evergreen in the landscape peninsula on the northeast corner of the building. Bufferyards are required along Powers Boulevard and the north property line. The north property is installed at 75% of the total required, as directed by ordinance. Bufferyard Requirements Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B — north prop. line, 1080' - 24 Understory trees 0 Overstory trees *all trees required to be understory due 32 Shrubs 0 Understory trees to overhead lines 0 Shrubs Bufferyard C — east prop. Line, 600' 12 Overstory trees 3 Overstory trees 30 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 30 Shrubs 0 Shrubs Buildin¢ Official 1. The buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss property line issues as well as plan review and permit procedures. SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 16 of 20 (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development is consistent with the City's Highway 5 corridor design requirements, the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, the design standards, and the site plan review requirements. The site design is compatible with the surrounding developments. It is functional and harmonious with the approved development for this area. Staff regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall design is sensitive to the Highway 5 corridor's image. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan with conditions outlined in the staff report. Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Preliminary Plat of 16.94 acres into one lot and two outlots (Powers Pointe); Site Plan Approval for construction of a 140,000 square -foot office /warehouse building as shown in plans dated received September 20, 2013 subject to the following conditions, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 17 of 20 Planning 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement. 2. The architecture shall be revised to match the plan dated October 4, 2013. 3. Recycling space shall be contained within the trash enclosure located on the north side of the building. 4. All signs including future business wall signs are required to obtain permits and meet city standards. Landscaping 1. The applicant shall install a total of 11 islands /peninsulas in the parking lot and 66 trees. 2. The applicant shall specify a columnar evergreen species for the northeast landscape peninsula. 3. The applicant shall install the required bufferyard plantings along the north and east property lines. 4. The applicant shall correct the botanical name for Imperial honey locust in the plant schedule. Park 1. A sidewalk shall be placed along the entrance drive at Lake Drive West that connects to City trails. 2. Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval (2013 rate at $12,500 per acre). 12.40 x 12,500 = $155,500 Building 1. The buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss property line issues as well as plan review and permit procedures. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 18 of 20 Enaneerin¢ 1. Outlots A and B shall be deeded to the City by Warranty Deed upon recording of the final plat. 2. The sight line and turning movement information for each access must be submitted to Carver County for review and approval prior to final plat consideration by the City Council. 3. The developer must obtain the necessary permits for the work within the Powers Boulevard right of way and submit any required security before work in the right of way can commence. 4. The developer shall work with City staff to determine if the current streetlight locations provide adequate lighting at the proposed driveway intersections. If it is determined that the current lighting is insufficient, the developer shall work with the City to relocate the streetlights and shall pay for all costs associated with the streetlight relocation(s). 5. This parcel was not assessed for the trunk watermain improvements; therefore, the City Water Access Charge (City WAC) shall be collected with the building permit at the rates in effect at that time. 6. The City Sewer Access Charge (City SAC) is waived because the property was assessed and paid the trunk sanitary sewer fee with City Project 78 -3. 7. The developer's contractor must notify the Chanhassen Utility Department a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the wet tap. 8. Prior to installation of the private watermain the developer must obtain any necessary permissions to install the hydrant within the gas and electrical easement on the sits. 9. Prior to connection the developer shall acquire the necessary permits /permissions to connect to the Met Council sewer. 10. Staff and the developer's engineer are working to modify the storm sewer design at the full access to improve runoff patterns and energy dissipation. These design changes must be completed prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 11. The developer must provide catch basin spacing calculations to Carver County for review and, if necessary, provide additional catch basins prior to City Council consideration of the final plat. 12. Before the retaining wall can be constructed the developer must obtain the necessary approvals (if any) to install the wall within the gas and electrical easements. 13. Walls over four feet high require a building permit and must be designed by an Engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. 14. Temporary sediment basin(s) will be required during mass site grading. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 19 of 20 15. Dewatering of temporary sediment basin(s) will require the use of a floating skimmer methodology. 16. Winter shutdown will require all exposed soils to be stabilized. If soils are frozen, the site shall be hydro mulched. If the site is snow covered the area will need to be frost seeded and have straw mulch blown atop the snow. This shall be included as a note in the erosion prevention and sediment control plan and within the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP). 17. The S WPPP and all pertinent plans shall be updated to reflect that Lake Susan is within one mile of the site, receives drainage from the site and is impaired for excess nutrients. 18. Appendix A of the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity under the NPDES shall be incorporated into the Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan, the Grading Plan, the SWPPP and the storm water management plan as well as anywhere else it applies. 19. Calculations shall be provided showing that one inch of runoff from the new impervious surface is retained on site either through infiltration and/or reuse from the underground storm sewer vaults. 20. Construction of the rain garden shall not occur until after the majority of the site is stabilized and at least the base course is installed in the paved areas. 21. The proposed rain garden area shall be protected from construction- related activities until such a time as it is ready to be constructed. This shall be indicated on the plans where appropriate. 22. Best Management Practices such as j- hooked silt fence or properly sized and staked biorolls or wattles shall be installed to break up the run on the slopes located in the southeast and southwest corners of Lot 1. 23. The plans shall include all pertinent setbacks and buffers including: a. Shoreland Overlay District (300' from centerline of Bluff Creek) b. Fifty (50) foot setback from Riley Creek. c. All bluff impact zones. d. All wetland boundaries and buffers from those boundaries. 24. Given the proximity to the wetland along Powers Boulevard, the applicant shall make available the necessary evidence to determine that no loss of jurisdictional wetland will result from the proposed activities. This will either require a wetland delineation or the staking of proposed improvements in the field for staff verification. 25. Vegetative and topographic alterations shall only occur as necessary for the construction of the facility and appurtenant infrastructure. The wall located southwesterly on the site labeled "Wall 2" in the staff report, shall be relocated easterly to minimize aforementioned alterations. Powers Pointe Planning Case No. 2013 -20 October 15, 2013 Page 20 of 20 26. Tree preservation shall occur in those areas where grading is not integral to the intended purpose or construction of the site. Tree protection fencing shall be shown on the plan and installed concurrently with the initial erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs. 27. Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case later than seven (7) days after construction activities have permanently or temporarily ceased in that area." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application 3. Project Narrative. 4. Powers Pointe Preliminary Plat. 5. Site Plan Sheet Al dated Received September 16, 2013. 6. Partial Floor Plan Sheets A2.1 and A2.2 dated Received September 16, 2013. 7. Building Elevations Sheet A3 dated Received October 4, 2013. 8. Building Rendering of Partial South Elevation dated Received October 4, 2013. 9. Landscaping Plan Sheet Ll dated Received September 16, 2013. 10. Site Lighting Plan Sheet L2 dated Received September 16, 2013. 11. Civil Plans dated Received September 16, 2013 (12 sheets). 12. Public Hearing Notice Affidavit of Mailing. g: \plan\2013 planning cases\2013 -20 powers pointe\staff report pc.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of United Properties for the following: 1. Preliminary Plat to subdivide 16.9 acres into one lot and two outlots — Powers Pointe. 2. Site Plan Review for the construction of a 140,800 square -foot office /warehouse building on Lot 1, Block 1, Powers Pointe. On October 15, 2013, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of United Properties requesting a Preliminary Plat and Site Plan review (Planning Case 2013 -20). The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned IOP, Industrial Office Park. 2. The property is guided Office Industrial. 3. The legal description of the property is shown on the attached Exhibit A. 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: A. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance. Finding: The subdivision meets the intent of the city code subject to the conditions of the staff report. B. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans. C. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this report. D. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Findine: The proposed subdivision will be served by adequate urban infrastructure. E. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; Findine: The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject to conditions of approval. F. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Findine: The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. G. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d. Lack of adequate off -site public improvements or support systems. Findine: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. 5. In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 2 a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development is consistent with the City's Highway 5 corridor design requirements, the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, the design standards, and the site plan review requirements. The site design is compatible with the surrounding developments. It is functional and harmonious with the approved development for this area. Staff regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall design is sensitive to the Highway 5 corridor's image. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan with conditions outlined in the staff report. 6. The planning report #2013 -20, dated October 15, 2013, prepared by Kate Aanenson, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Preliminary Plat for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park and Site Plan for Powers Pointe. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 15d' day of October, 2013. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION M. Its Chairman Planning Case No. d` O! 3 ---AO CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen,MN 55317 - (952)227 -1100 RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SEP 1'6 2013 PLEASE PRINT " ^ "n "JJtN HLANNING DEPT Applicant Name and Address: Property Owner Name and Address: United Properties Paul's Family Trust 3500 American Blvd, Suite 200 7676 Highway 145 Minneapolis, MN 55431 ,Telluride; CO 81435 -4900 Contact: Brandon Chamceau Contact: Mark Steingas Phone: 952- 837x8653 •Fax: 952 -893 -3620 Phone: 952- 392 - 1306 Fax: Email: brandon .Chamoeaune.uoronerties.com Email: Me Sfa7c000erwood- realestate.com NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development - plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) C% Interim IJAPermit (IUP) (Grading) Non-conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Perks Sign Plan Review 190` Ctog IVo.a) -74FW Site Plan Review (SPR)' G)D 1 IL4 e 300 Subdivision'inca{ Ala IaSC� Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additiceai recording fees may. apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment 200 Notification Sign —$200 (City to install and remove) ` 45� Escrgw for F ing Fees /Attorney Cost'" $50'CUP SPRJJNACNARNVAP1Metes &Bounds 50 Minor u8 TOTAL FEE $tNss c �i = 357 An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the ppubile.hearing notification area will-be theappiteaft - - priortothevubHeivearing, .3 3 3 = ? *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an flVa" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital co pv in TIFF -Group 4 { *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME: Powers Plaee- LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Outlot F - Chanhassen Lake Business Park PID 251900370 TOTAL ACREAGE: 16.94 WETLANDS PRESENT, X YES NO PRESENT ZONING:. IOP - Industrial Office Park REQUESTED ZONING: Same PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: Office Industrial REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: Same REASON FOR REQUEST; Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Site Plan Review and- gradiog- Pertei €to construct 140,800 square foot office- warehouse building. FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed In full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information, And plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions, Before filing this application, you should confer with .the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and,pror.,edural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made Within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify, that f am making application for the described action by the City and that l am responsible for complying with all City requirements Withh fpgard to this request.. This appliosticr should beprocessed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact, regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership' (either copy of OwneYS DGplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Idle or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission, of material and the progress of this appliiccation. I further understand that addikonat:fees may be charged: for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of Signature of Fee Owner #:W4n%fbm*N&velopmentmiew wpliwtion.da �2 �J Data 9l /z (/� Date SCANNED tF I E IV, S�l ENGINEERING I SURVEYING I ENVIRONMENTAL I PLANNING Project Narrative CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PANNING DEPT United Properties intends to close and begin immediate development of a 140,000 square foot, 24' clear industrial building upon approval of the development plan and plat by the City of Chanhassen. The project will be named Powers Place, and is expected to attract significant interest from office /warehouse and tech companies looking to expand or relocate to the Chanhassen market. The developer's team consists of Lampert Architects, EVS, Inc.and RJ Ryan Construction. The project will be designed and built in a first -class nature, similar to United Properties' other office /warehouse buildings around the Twin Cities. I,J N I T E 0 Brandon Champeau Assistant Vice President I Development United Properties SCANNED Evs 110250 Valley View Rd., Suke 1231 Eden Prairie, MN 55344-35311 Phone: 952.646.02361 Fax: 952.646.02901 www.evs- eng.com POWERS POINTE —T ,w I I waiwnRRwRU.,xEUnrzsEx,9. �. wwwYawxxm Po.wa, =m,...IMihwgRa:�wo �m:wwn rommRae.Mr. wiwRR�.rw.,ii' w,wn »ow %re•uei.�i w.w.w°w uemwaw��eeUkY�uisyRneM rymxensleRnm R4w ��wexwwrswweowi Na 4rxmm. LLC..xniwurMhYVlb bzy.w4nywr.Rwrnr_ean Rhw', UMw RaRiw YrixFRAt LLO.ArhrwlYhRh Mxbmxpm a BvIfRTYRw. ihYYYMINxPwYm Ru9Earmxrc9mR wzxnox _..Y� mw www rr YueeyR was mr u M....,. Xa a MBhlhtlnnORW wYw WprWR, iUnlxi RiYY9eaw.. UY.e,MiwYhtli,rW wrrl.bmwYW Mmwp NM' F W y � (aNwYnwnlw Mm. M Oammwn E W wr. Wewy EI, �, 19snw x xiwR i hw9 ww w h. w Yx wmYh w i mw AM1 dRtl w.YYrrt w I w. wr uwYm w 9ww tl w w a RwYmLL' MM w Y.wq w�YMtl Nwrw.ewr:w i YrRimfY w, W WYwtawEM9NtlnbMwwinaAnReleK4RIm YR w IinYwn sit bmwQr wtlw wE V, MYrirrbnlrAxw.i �.i Yei vlWwmNw.wiPAaTaxiieww°iY] mMa: a.Rn oPwxxEamR muxna,iwaRn w.mRin9mEOrh.mYlro _ wa .619.alYwlRMw. wq'PW.wRYRi Mim,l.Mm� PAMIWee ,,m panMxli E0M YnwR 91, q_. n4nM�iw.MNMwY�ilYpuhNiMgMr�9y �m.�w a . XrwW.MrnMnmrvnnsmY iwimarMMewM1 Wnm bnxw,inwipwwu MtiiMxniw wro`�roorw°xw�xmnA.M.,`a:m° m°mwM�o wiuea N�.�i sows. e,on. em.m, hww� z. iRyRrIRRERVFERRPMM. itlmr WUrm, Mlmup Ilwps'YRwwRMwi9X _ eMMn'Mlmwnnph Wtl ewr9mEiw4w4Ew_ama ,90_. MNluMwrt[alaRiy h wW RWprtRwui s4xrtro4�x� w_M..x i�xwi hww i xww wix v.h. ixw „weA w x. w ewe wA'xe inx in E hxmw. G.w x.rRx R�IR1MxorrnLLaci.«aomm.xrro,w IMeawRl/M,iMwTU M1w PoMM MWmI[�ooMNf m�nnnncn�M om w, w.w s, n9lwrr of nw. nxxlYGM� LE ERY,ET �eaXee'ED u ". .mrsw'gONieXO " Ua.. �I o® eAimwmetloRrmrtwrur`ihnme9 r, -EE cw- � am iwvwrmwo SCANNED E�U,S CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED �. SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT r— —1 4 ao AVc pw u, iDB �OZ•maa.D / _ - I T t' DdII1La16IL" I if --I��i "�i1 TIRO. DN05�EY` _ ``\ �`,``1 8$ II (A . �1 I 1 11• IMF I „� � -- 1YfC i .i •RCNIiEti3 li 0 li J jl I' � r N I � K �I W d AD I CA ^Kf 9LLRYR NwY- yw.o.e� m°�wc0°�.wi w�wv�pYp - �nfw ✓ i�i/o. uw n� � T41i M� YORM SCAN U o Q C C C f W O� CL. n+M � 511E PLAN SM1wI Nwnher Al Ralfcl Ne. 1]])]R -� NED CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT aC aC aC u LNk 1. J L_1 I i i l i l l l i l I l i l i l i l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p @R PA f,?a¢ LAL l- PLAN ma -a- , rL L,A LA Y I FM} ♦IICXIiF C iaa9 ixkIlFtEp ea ¢Am[ w ; KIT" W . u o Q y J 2 a� W 3= o� PARTNL ROpt RAN .-t Xu . A2.1 R.Iw Xa. WN -1 q B Y I CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT (aw". ROOK PLMI C61JW .I.0 0 IAY VCRT C SC HI T EC TTSaS v; a� i V d W � Ot a� stir PARIUL ROOF PLAN Awl Hum O✓ A2.2 R.,t N., IX121 -1 P - xteopwie�c�Wiss a[LLau 1 PARi1Pe SO oiH ELEVATION R.C. . wee a�vmp n AL R. ...—I. �MA,, we SOUTH ELEVATION ^ -a EAST ELEVA ➢ON i1WE5T ELEVATION VyARTi§ NO RTN ELEVATION /5 \. __ _ __ _ _PART�AQ NOR➢ ELEVALONNORT ELEVA ➢0N CCTV OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED OCI U 4 ?01.3 Ct1AN.HASSEN PLANNING DEPT lu AXc x, 7`[P ,s ARC" CT �FFCIT� it ` � * t R pN -- W z.R Z O — a Qcc ag U Lu L L c C) au an :e BINLOING ELEVATIONS A3 Pralecl N. 1]0)]. -1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECFIVED OCI J q r6"13 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Nzt r� msin erw�art u uw I r'_i�m�ap'E��i _.ter - /'S' "' °p�J.w• �� I\ verso ww CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT m L'J PRC D WlR G +s is s)X •. �$� `twee eim wv ro / XaM • � \ \ vL�AN05CA�8PLAN X W 377.2e m N K 3 O A. ua i -r ,art W .A, J � aF �we W 31 ou CL 6 � ��; n ®gym on�c�®v� L 1 )ME,E LAN)INC�DETAIL DO�� ®vim ov�S.,Ii�om� mof•- ='sti��om� Nzt r� msin erw�art u uw I r'_i�m�ap'E��i _.ter - /'S' "' °p�J.w• �� I\ verso ww CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT m L'J PRC D WlR G +s is s)X •. �$� `twee eim wv ro / XaM • � \ \ vL�AN05CA�8PLAN X W 377.2e m N K 3 O A. ua i -r ,art W .A, J � aF �we W 31 ou CL 6 � ��; n Apl NumEx L 1 )ME,E LAN)INC�DETAIL - -A. AT AT CITY RECEIVED SSEN SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT FJ PRV`MO WIMINc 0 C1 N K 3 0 6 up �kp_ X m X151 LIOHnNNG PLM1 0 XuID6e Xuw..nam aaraw..`"i "'pAO1ac:�a;a Homo imarta uaisfi ortRpo uu AC a� :�..� P CAPAtl W , U q Q e J � a� N W 2 L 0" a� RIE IKHING RNi nl Wmpn L2 aka xe. wn. -i CIVIL PLANS FOR POWERS PLACE Chanhassen, MN Presented By: United Properties AREA MAP ¢wa. u.m.nmow�tlwm.w..� Iv CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 16 2013 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT SHEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION C100 TITLE SHEET C101 EXSTING CONDITIONS AND TREE REMOVALS L102 ALTA SURVEY(GRONBERG &ASSOCIATES) C201 CIVIL SITE PLAN 0301 PRELIMINARY PLAT C401 GRADING PLAN _02 EROSION CONTROL PLAN G03 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL DETAILS C601 UTILITYPIAN 0601 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C602 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C603 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C604 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS I.I L'IL' ENGINEERING SURVEYING ENNROMMENTAL PLANNING Civil Plana JPRER .PROP OP ERPIES as Powers Place Chanhassen, MN vs— Title Sheet ---assass.—� City Submittal DM91GMJ SUN ry — even- 9.13.9113 es'..' C100 SCANNED LO �� N09IVPN J88i15 N NuOxIPUO'J BUJISIX3 Nq'uvavvyuvyp xra M rwaswB . ..r..ea IMIwyOS H1O W...y aaq PUP NuOxIPUO'J BUJISIX3 Nq'uvavvyuvyp -qd--d ..r..ea ows 531183 d 8d 0311N O IW wuryd IW3 ^� aunaxiewua or.+awe DNINNMd 1Y1N3NNOW. ONI�x8 w�'amw�m'e�iam¢avnwmwnovmo 0_ N xouaxxm ir�3e . ^IN33�31,N19w1ON.31��`�w ^1■rv/ Y Yii �w min. ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR UNITED PROPERTIES INVESTMENT, LLC, PAULS FAMILY TRUST, AND FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OUTLOT F, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA -- LEGAL CESCRIKM CF PREMISES: Gmlot E CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK To LOW PmpIM Ima mmm. LLC, Pauly FmnM TmM AM RIM Amedzn 70e mwnrce Cni,.eny: Tnw hbwrllSryy PM W[mapd 0MeM In. wrrey an .0 KIa aKKKI e ma'la Ina ®rdama WM M'dlll M1.0t. SRMaN M.. Bmtlmnume M ALTNACSM La' TMa SUrveYi.InMlveadMM lane WOplvi by ALTAII NSPS, MW IngW,m Iipne 1, 0, B aM 111aL d Tads A the�BM. The IINe Aa uangMMOn$ep4lipc 10, 2013. GMe of WN w Ma0:5pmmEa 10, 2013 Wn mWmamnna BeWnq e14xn BreaeaW Lpan an aawmW NNm NOTES: 1.ASNTadeAIbm<.IMQOMI amak T3T,9 n arelual. Tltle Lwomrem Endr�INn NC 5621 IftwI InR Amama2&2019 mam 3 Fa ®meMldmmmaak 1 ry — .NoMxMletn WI T�IpIKK9CCmpeny px IXre Na. SM.. W. aM �pMan=01 [. NA. 13158;Ipw�M Wq emceDa!m B[[. No. SBTB30as wul71d. g eo 1zo `240 SOALE IN PEET NN ww G e= g AA rl 0E1A _" i•IIII p�r U ------------ --------- maza m.m�mras,�.m�aw�A,�.�.�•1,1 i I.r T �1 ;I 1 N it li 8 Q ;1 '. Sir l'. v V ljl 1/ R 7p��E Oy� ON zl� L102 INNN4n8 F11] veld N!S I!M� Nq'u .... 4usy3 aWld --d uclova S311N3d NN dn� N311 NN -URld IIN!O . r .NN0,N138N5 / -� N 113K kfael f0 fW915XU ONINNV14 a�ox3sixn oavnxnx�m aenmaewua.3mwanr . 1 3WNOU"3 INNN4n8 F11] veld N!S I!M� Nq'u .... 4usy3 aWld --d uclova S311N3d NN dn� N311 NN -URld IIN!O . r ONINNV14 a�ox3sixn oavnxnx�m aenmaewua.3mwanr . 1 3WNOU"3 ONV Amns ONIN33NION3 _ _ _ �az5vm a.3mwavnXOaa uum3aa �m3iu�a.a 3.� OXZ P P C GH G AC O 96'44 i 155 06 3Y6_36 E IAOSTWESTERLYLINE OUROTF I I EXOTING LEGAL DENGRIPT ION 09fOLWIw4N11411aP}JIE'ENPkLR oun ...r I I ' i �l� nPix.u.mw.aNa.aux.cmer TPAN9MASON EASEMENT PER aX ' ' I MGINEEMXO , 1�y ' SUFORI / EWFON MEMAL P W NIXG aRNG Ivry F `I - - `l� —� �mWOm iW0 576'44�4..W — / - P AG`F I NSW91'E .4BW 104 1,a pna iAVL ° v 565�p599 / As.xa mom' LOT SIZE w +�whed.al.pw 0- aN a, DEEW.PG @nT',L. Nn.9eTJ, 1. MWIPE. eY 00G NO. E. IPUNwL S.a — p N 150 E. LwEOEM Va -' --J SEC.14 T 1101N R. 9W �� II 0 G D °eV6515� V EIECTRINTPER DOC, NO EOS . PER . X0.5599]. MOOIFlEOOY OLW. N0. I I]&B IPYnLLLPELEASFJ LOT 1 A = 16.94 AC o BLOCK 1 J�\ D.,•Watl II Y NNxA.. 7 / 7 / 7 ti9 66 0 cpxry N. eroIMAPPOw....o.—S.—IL o J]].24 ENE --- 50 y T / ----- _L— - - - -_ _ /1 / N90'00'06 "£ / / N Civil Plana �uR ITER PRRPERTIESS exnlnR Pawara Place Chanhassen, MN P.11.1n., PIM City Submlftl oMaemi WIN wre o� 9.N3%J 201JL51.1 6Na6i C301 TPAN9MASON EASEMENT PER aX e, OEME. PG ELOIOCC. NO 9691x) AND 1 e,..., POLL (Cl. NO assaL , 1�y BY DOG NO. Sal(P.WTlAL EDIREI R Ivry F 111 I I I NSW91'E E.E1 TPAXNAL- IE0.9EMENTPON 0- aN a, DEEW.PG @nT',L. Nn.9eTJ, 1. MWIPE. eY 00G NO. E. IPUNwL II NOBE VPOATEOI / Op �T`^ / BLOCK 1 J�\ D.,•Watl II Y NNxA.. 7 / 7 / 7 ti9 66 0 cpxry N. eroIMAPPOw....o.—S.—IL o J]].24 ENE --- 50 y T / ----- _L— - - - -_ _ /1 / N90'00'06 "£ / / N Civil Plana �uR ITER PRRPERTIESS exnlnR Pawara Place Chanhassen, MN P.11.1n., PIM City Submlftl oMaemi WIN wre o� 9.N3%J 201JL51.1 6Na6i C301 /------/ Iexxu4uq Alo ueld Bulpe q NW'U"-"ue40 aae�d awxod uarsto.a 5311X3 d I Id � vn.�enom.ssre "mo.�+ossrn "mows "m �s •ualdIINND .................. s "no "s. "iwn.ossr. ssm "�.on +wss. "romps. s oNINNMd o"iomaasaiu3.nawno�:vou wxmax. 1r1N3wNow"3 oNU ne /oNIwa3NION3 N�ww�w,.�x 'mgag MxµNnx rawrn � xre rwerswe /------/ Iexxu4uq Alo ueld Bulpe q NW'U"-"ue40 aae�d awxod uarsto.a 5311X3 d I Id � vn.�enom.ssre "mo.�+ossrn "mows "m �s •ualdIINND .................. s "no "s. "iwn.ossr. ssm "�.on +wss. "romps. s oNINNMd o"iomaasaiu3.nawno�:vou wxmax. 1r1N3wNow"3 oNU ne /oNIwa3NION3 z0vo �=% N XIV fWB5N0 IXlti ue r 3]raaww�oval3iui O^ ❑n nassnmm a.suou�ns �.�� �� �isvea smnimnosmeanw wmrvmwvlsari IaX!wgnS 40 Neld lel 31tl'no»winmola3mno3e3nsmn XW'u X Equ o x —ld wwwd a]arrna avma S3I MO0dl on. :.m�sn mx,.n.no�ox. x a 031INnIW ...x. o.nnn.oa..�., 9Xeld IINO -� anim3nnwn x�.�nwpq� M'NL]IItlaS�M]303]N311035 ONINW4 WIN3WNOi M DNIA .R S O K, I N 8 .3.31 , N. I Ow, v N N a ,��r�^ 1 ■ry uoa]rel�ro]o131aw THERELEFFEEI m �u re m CDOMI Mac / / � �wn O O— REHEMERE E.EmT L ��° � a o SILT RNQ HE PIIV �1 x ELETITER lamwn I : Jexas�aM SILT wwnoDrc �r .NS OC' ON ® ENTRANCE '.-DM-NT riR' M � �Q CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT TRAP EHSwEmMC IIEPAMNarr 5302A E � L � SWER DIIN CILT FENCE / .1 \ PCCKCOX.TROCTION ENTRONCE / a , LPTLH BPSIN SEDIMENTiR4P C403 MfmEWE C403 N— C403 0403 Fre ..�.o.x. N.E E,NxD MR FLARED ENO SEDIMENT TRAP RDCK YkIR /VIATRE ROLL .1As.ONi 1-- 53021 .1 1 z .1v 11 N HE i MIR IWEEPER DITCH CHECK/ DITCH CHECK MTH WATTLE EN(:IIEEAINC DDEATCH ENT ~ 5301H MOCIE1.1. CHEERY DITCH w'EFTEEIF De.rowuE t LEI EMECOI TEN,.,EOO,.En Lo THERSTEDE �1 zam x ECNTOe.—LED1.11arss . LIGHT DU- BITUMINOUS —On C403 xorrO SCUE C`403 L— NDOr xanl EN LOS RRE-1.1—ORUELF. AMOTERTEMETELEURRAME ffECnoxroxEH E DOIV BITHR NGxG PPVING ETTER r.E,EO R E. .,.m,..a IFFE LLxx�... �»« ,a eF,a r,c rrmr,��a..aTOTHExlX �B1 C403 MET TO scuE ENGINEERING SURVENNG ENVIRONMENTAL mp PI-ANNING --,"E""RETTEETERE—I Civil lITROTED PROPERTIES MOIaR Powers Place Clwnle eesn, MN even GreEing and Erasion Control Details Cly cvuua DM MH LJ DI ��M wexm —m F— OCTR l a13.n13 xO1JL5].t wocwr�EOwau¢ E/ T wEREEFuELLIT— nmerwvmau[u MITER C403 NOT roSCALE C403 MR FLARED ENO SEDIMENT TRAP RDCK YkIR /VIATRE ROLL .1As.ONi 1-- 53021 .1 1 z .1v 11 N HE i MIR IWEEPER DITCH CHECK/ DITCH CHECK MTH WATTLE EN(:IIEEAINC DDEATCH ENT ~ 5301H MOCIE1.1. CHEERY DITCH w'EFTEEIF De.rowuE t LEI EMECOI TEN,.,EOO,.En Lo THERSTEDE �1 zam x ECNTOe.—LED1.11arss . LIGHT DU- BITUMINOUS —On C403 xorrO SCUE C`403 L— NDOr xanl EN LOS RRE-1.1—ORUELF. AMOTERTEMETELEURRAME ffECnoxroxEH E DOIV BITHR NGxG PPVING ETTER r.E,EO R E. .,.m,..a IFFE LLxx�... �»« ,a eF,a r,c rrmr,��a..aTOTHExlX �B1 C403 MET TO scuE ENGINEERING SURVENNG ENVIRONMENTAL mp PI-ANNING --,"E""RETTEETERE—I Civil lITROTED PROPERTIES MOIaR Powers Place Clwnle eesn, MN even GreEing and Erasion Control Details Cly cvuua DM MH LJ DI ��M wexm —m F— OCTR l a13.n13 xO1JL5].t wocwr�EOwau¢ E/ T wEREEFuELLIT— nmerwvmau[u MITER C403 NOT roSCALE C403 C`403 L— NDOr xanl EN LOS RRE-1.1—ORUELF. AMOTERTEMETELEURRAME ffECnoxroxEH E DOIV BITHR NGxG PPVING ETTER r.E,EO R E. .,.m,..a IFFE LLxx�... �»« ,a eF,a r,c rrmr,��a..aTOTHExlX �B1 C403 MET TO scuE ENGINEERING SURVENNG ENVIRONMENTAL mp PI-ANNING --,"E""RETTEETERE—I Civil lITROTED PROPERTIES MOIaR Powers Place Clwnle eesn, MN even GreEing and Erasion Control Details Cly cvuua DM MH LJ DI ��M wexm —m F— OCTR l a13.n13 xO1JL5].t wocwr�EOwau¢ E/ T wEREEFuELLIT— nmerwvmau[u MITER C403 NOT roSCALE C403 LOGO xmrc3..ma3wmee — I- ,x..a.xmww.e p N 4'[GPCLOL [40LY4'8 J, wuaroue aava IV' NI'O fY1wSWO a„ex�a.,x .mx3ao.3,.x N "mw�.,n.o aaeNluuod _ do --l-do a e 9RVn tlo vwrvxr.way.amw. m.m rmwm.mue Lx �x1 r�woi. 5311s3dONd m �o,sxoxo�oxaa3x.....3x,.w..00n. . Nonuea aLV xmrc3..ma3wmee — I- ,x..a.xmww.e p 3n...x..xa.ww.e IeWwVnB RII] eara�a.r�x�wnwum I ax ueld Amin a„ex�a.,x .mx3ao.3,.x NW'usece4ue4p "mw�.,n.o aaeNluuod v.x....w>b.w..w..arwn.wvm . v..wn. .�.ou m.oxinmrvw 5311s3dONd m �o,sxoxo�oxaa3x.....3x,.w..00n. . 03 LINO /------- — Gueld l!nM '......... w�wc...o.nasw.savaammaxoixwxwau s ' w ONINN"d 1V1N3WNONNN3 ONN ns ONwwIL33NIO��N3 oy o N­11 3HI 11 saou unun �s, _r.M 4. CMOF CGNCREIE LHR09T B NG n:E n.ic -nys : EX3HEEPoHG IX➢N[Iassn YEX! 1­1002 _E R rn -mi xcx.nv nwT U,. nuv m�.+ TWICAL HYDRANT INBTALLAIION EXsas. G GFPA4IYEM � IW4 }ICI *2 } c¢E 9 ... ZU w ®Ti I "In I ILL Y;. , TYPICAL MEGALUG LOCATION 'u xrr.caa Xasn oEV1mxETrt — 1009 "'Is. 2 (@ o s VALVsBOX INSTUwTION g @ wTrosms C601 11 I n rm.�m,° rl �11 � law._'^ f -2 Is is Is I III Q}T� MICAL GALE VALVE Is wy AND IN6TALLATON ENGN 1. .1ARI1.ENt � 1006 }ICI *2 } c¢E 9 ... ZU w ®Ti I "In I ILL Y;. , TYPICAL MEGALUG LOCATION 'u xrr.caa Xasn oEV1mxETrt — 1009 "'Is. 2 (@ o s VALVsBOX INSTUwTION g @ wTrosms C601 L+ o c F OR MANHOLE 6w am 7. TW SLAB ..meam).annw- -_ _ nExi 2108 I Is 1117 rm.�m,° sill law._'^ r� Is Is wy L rIIsn.. L QIIi STANDARD ® MANHOLE E11aN.P.. a.Is MENT "" ' 2101 L+ o c F OR MANHOLE 6w am 7. TW SLAB ..meam).annw- -_ _ nExi 2108 I Is 1117 rm.�m,° sill Is wy L kl BARRIER EHEIXEEPoNG OED..nT — 2109 svI "t —_ t IntraFlow - Inside Drop System Sb� Mawm)4 L+ o c F OR MANHOLE 6w am 7. TW SLAB ..meam).annw- -_ _ nExi 2108 / n � INSlosoxoP �i� GIe TO>slsa / n ` IuaOwnrvrlvanTlaa enaalEv C601 .mT +m.u<.e C601 C601 E� xuRVEYIxO ENVIRONMENTAL PIAXXIXG Civil Plans �O UNITED YX PROP va E_ ewtec[ Powers Place Chanhassen, MN Construction Details — City s�� ap OM&'BM nAxe .ass,r. 9.11.1013 Mta06T.1 C601 I Is 1117 Is wy kl BARRIER EHEIXEEPoNG OED..nT — 2109 / n � INSlosoxoP �i� GIe TO>slsa / n ` IuaOwnrvrlvanTlaa enaalEv C601 .mT +m.u<.e C601 C601 E� xuRVEYIxO ENVIRONMENTAL PIAXXIXG Civil Plans �O UNITED YX PROP va E_ ewtec[ Powers Place Chanhassen, MN Construction Details — City s�� ap OM&'BM nAxe .ass,r. 9.11.1013 Mta06T.1 C601 COFQ PIPE BEDDIN F� IN POOR SOILS PIPE BEDDING IN GOOD saLs RCP k DIP INGwfEMxc Dtm . — — 2202 I I I b& (MOF vIPE Bm9wc ikf FOR P.V.C. PIPE 2203 s� I WAIEFMAIN/STORM SEWER ROSSING mcmtrNlxc NrPA¢l.nrt 220. 1 2 Pqe aas2_Glrva / J \ / a \ wn.[xrwiwsronuc C6W wT.osu.e C602 xevA MPS NOT— C602 Cfi02 aiFB I INSULATION DETAIL WONDERING OEPAaWDG -- 2205 MFR STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN 2' X 3' RECTANGULAR ENgNEEPING CEPPmNFNi '�" b }101 4d (ffrw I T IICAL a DIAMETER CATCH BASIN MANHOLE EXtlXEERWC.1 ... T 6 ATOP. MP-DCA ] �61 wTrosuu Cfi02 N-T.— C602 C602 QFFW I TYPICAL 27r DIAMETER Run CATCH BASIN E DRMIING DE WINT " 3103 4w ENGINEERING SUNVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL Pu�xxING /----- —./ Civil Plans ---------- UNIi ER ..ia..e.R OwP E�RiI ES ewsen Pos em Place CCanhassan, MN Construction Details City Submittal / GM"W GJN ®em Peae e ,. 9.13.2013 .9.13.2013 20134 waos.t sew C602 /i L � . \V _ ] n.. , W, •EfQ X CATCH BASIN MANHOLE WITH HOME ...R. CEPARMEVr 3104 �,!• -'1!w ACrnCATCH BASIN E iN¢Rlnc pEV/aTUEHT M° 3105 ®rte RIP RAP DEruL k roxm'.Nmwn_ f..e.Pmt LfPARTvnel ;r— 3107 06 y 11IAET, zS ._ FLARED Eno sECngJ t�M wa otv ---T ""' ° 3106 1 / 2 \ CDRSCDNaTRNOrIONArC eA$INArc 9ASlu 3 Pm Ppv G[rA0. T 9 � f'REO-aPEGTbN-aso- C603 wnosum C603 Rormmae C603 C603 li ' I, 1 ea. � u4ti —ER DeTaLA ..emm ACrnCATCH BASIN E iN¢Rlnc pEV/aTUEHT M° 3105 ®rte RIP RAP DEruL k roxm'.Nmwn_ f..e.Pmt LfPARTvnel ;r— 3107 06 y 11IAET, zS ._ FLARED Eno sECngJ t�M wa otv ---T ""' ° 3106 1 / 2 \ CDRSCDNaTRNOrIONArC eA$INArc 9ASlu 3 Pm Ppv G[rA0. T 9 � f'REO-aPEGTbN-aso- C603 wnosum C603 Rormmae C603 C603 �� I a5AFL9PFFLE STROCTIRE vrlf li ' I, 1 ea. � u4ti —ER DeTaLA , '11rI� II rw,P NA UPTethnolo ie's�sDE o �� I a5AFL9PFFLE STROCTIRE vrlf P1� 2 11 f�QR! STREET iIRTERSECTON t� CONCRETE VALIET GUTTER canal ..'evown 5208 li ' I, 1 J M idi , YAM 4IIB TYPICAL CURB Ti AND CUTTER FW.iNEEPN4 DEPPR111Drt .0 P1� 2 11 f�QR! STREET iIRTERSECTON t� CONCRETE VALIET GUTTER canal ..'evown 5208 I, 1 J M idi , x \ CONMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CONCRETE DRIYEWAT APRON wpN¢Rxc [n 520] P1� 2 11 f�QR! STREET iIRTERSECTON t� CONCRETE VALIET GUTTER canal ..'evown 5208 t b 1 GURSANDGVRER / �� .°,.°s�•= C603 rrorros<u. C603 CfiO3 ENVIRONMENTAL Civil Plans UN IT EA a,E..w.A OaPRi I ESID rR°IxT Powers Place CNanNace... MN 1. Construction Details /—sesses--/ City DMMMJ We wm vno C . &tAAt] TOi] -0E].t 91�Y'NVMaPa C603 CTS'_ M idi -- C e- e x � IiRR CONMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CONCRETE DRIYEWAT APRON wpN¢Rxc [n 520] t b 1 GURSANDGVRER / �� .°,.°s�•= C603 rrorros<u. C603 CfiO3 ENVIRONMENTAL Civil Plans UN IT EA a,E..w.A OaPRi I ESID rR°IxT Powers Place CNanNace... MN 1. Construction Details /—sesses--/ City DMMMJ We wm vno C . &tAAt] TOi] -0E].t 91�Y'NVMaPa C603 ILL uN _ g II�IJI ....a-.r.Ea v. a._Iar Off CONCRETE SIDEWALK mass rs, NEGta1NEM aA[ T 11 111 i. Nv m!e i'(5 'Ili •a ,k ,",:, cola., -v... +r.. '. r STRT EEE AIG N MET SIG INSTALLATON D.... DMARINEM -- 5217 1 ( 2 p PEDESTRIAN CUPS It / .f FAUCIRWCATEDOW ES 4 IN— _.AIION C600 cau wr,o.� C6W CfiO4 CfiO4 E iE "EP Ni PC C' n 0 E.i ^E i OR E FI -IRE �RRE, a.. LET :q­ I RE IL ­11 �W FlRE LANE S NAG, ENGNEEPIHL RPMnAp1! W- 526 I IT 11 1 sn, 11 11 IT 4--T, ILL El LEIT IT ur LO v 1., 11. 1 4. Sue- SURFACE DRAINTILE Incas IH6 CEPMI 1 5232 Jai • "I v 4, 0 BSUflFACE ORPINTLE / / S1MM tl,0E WEIR WALL " tl 1 PoWEIR WNA wr,oau,E C604 xar roecue C604 wrra wu CfiO4 .or.o- >.E _ra T,N.,EVELER� ore III o. L7 EN:fL'J ENGMEEMNG suRVEnxG ENNNLINMENTAL ,vnnMw..w, aN.Nm _— es-I Civil Plans UNITED PROP ERTI ES ne, Powers Place Clvnhesssn, MN Construction Details Clty�/ OMa'BM�� Hera W. 9.1]911] En aPT.i C604 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on October 3, 2013, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Powers Pointe — Planning Case 2013 -20 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. K,dren J. tg hardt, Oputy Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this day o 1' 2013. II-L f rt l d -,.- Notary P lii ' ,, KIM T. MEUWISSEN ? Notary Public-Minnesota �°` +' �.. +" �� My Commission Expires Jan 31 , 2015 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evenin , depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Preliminary Plat Review of 16.94 acres of property Proposal: zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) — POWERS POINTE; and Site Plan Review for a 140,800 square -foot office /warehouse. Applicant: United Properties West of Powers Boulevard, south of the Twin Cities & Western Property railroad tracks, and east and north of Riley Creek Location: (Outlot F, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park) A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -20. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Kate Aanenson by Questions & email at kaanenson ()ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Comments: 952- 227 -1139. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public headng, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Preliminary Plat Review of 16.94 acres of property Proposal: zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) — POWERS POINTE; and Site Plan Review for a 140,800 square -foot office /warehouse. Applicant United Properties West of Powers Boulevard, south of the Twin Cities & Western Property railroad tracks, and east and north of Riley Creek Location: (Outlot F, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park) A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /2013 -20. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Kate Aanenson by Questions & email at kaanenson(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Comments: 952- 227 -1139. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council, The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vole of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercialfindustrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. BRIAN K OLSON CARL E JACOBSEN HUSEBY CARROLL W & GLADYS A HANNA 1321 LAKE DR W #112 1321 LAKE DR W #322 1321 LAKE DR W #116 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3501 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3514 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3502 CARVER COUNTY CHARLES A & SANDRA A BERG CONNIE L PETERSON 602 4TH ST E 1321 LAKE DR W # 214 1321 LAKE DR W #326 CHASKA MN 55318 -2102 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3507 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3514 CORE MPLS INDUST PORTF ETAL CSM PROPERTIES INC DANIEL P MCGROARTY 1600 DAVE ST #450 500 WASHINGTON AVE S #3000 1321 LAKE DR W NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 -2447 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55415 -1151 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3508 DIXIE L KOOPMAN ERIC M & PATRICIA E BURDON FRIEDRICH BAAZ 1321 LAKE DR W # 130 6690 BRENDEN CT 1321 LAKE DR W #328 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3504 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7560 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3514 GARY R & LAURIE J KASSEN HFC REAL ESTATE CO LLC HURSH FAMILY TRUST 4 N OLD MILL LN 5201 DOMINICK DR 1321 LAKE DR W # 318 BURR RIDGE IL 60527 -5786 HOPKINS MN 55343 -8985 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3513 ISTAR MINNESOTA LLC JAIME W & LISA H LAUGHLIN JAIME W LAUGHLIN PO BOX 4900 376 SUMMERFIELD DR 376 SUMMERFIELD DR SCOTTSDALE AZ 85261 -4900 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7628 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -7628 JAMES P CARLSON KEITH A & MARTHA E THOMPSON L38 LLP 1321 LAKE DR W # 320 2625 SHINOAK DR 8110 MALLORY CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3513 ORLANDO FL 32837 -5353 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -8586 LURENE HOBZA (DILLE) MARK V JORGENSEN MATTHEW F EISENHAUER 1321 LAKE DR W # 221 1533 SOMERSET DR 1321 LAKE DR W #126 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3508 ABERDEEN SD 57401 -1558 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3503 PATTY JO KOVAR BERENJ IAN PAUL B ROSEN PAULS FAMILY TRUST 8192 KATIE CIR 5136 HIAWATHA AVE # 201 7676 HIGHWAY 145 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 -1098 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55417- TELLURIDE CO 81435 -4100 POWERS RIDGE CONDOMINIUM POWERS RIDGE DEVELOPMENT INC PRCM ACQUISITIONS XII LLC HOMES 6600 SALLY LN 5151 EDINA INDUSTRIAL BLVD # 2 1371 LAKE DR W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -8524 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55439 -1043 EDINA MN 55439 -3016 RAYMOND OBERLEITNER SCOTT J & DEDE L MONTGOMERY TRADEN LLC 1321 LAKE DR W # 219 8260 WEST LAKE CT 8156 MALLORY CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -3507 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -8511 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -8586 UNITED MAILING INC UNITED PROPERTIES 7951 POWERS BLVD ATTN: BRANDON CHAMPEAU CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9502 3500 AMERICAN BLVD STE 200 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55431