SUM 2004 01 27CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2004 Acting Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Stolar, Paula Atkins, Amy O'Shea, Susan Robinson, Tom Kelly and Jack Spizale STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent APPOINTMENT OF 2004 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR. Susan Robinson announced her resignation from the commission at the end of her term in April. Spizale moved, Kelly seconded to appoint Glenn Stolar as the 2004 Chairman for the Park and Recreation Commission. All voted in favor, except Stolar who abstained, and the motion carried. Kelly moved, Spizale seconded to appoint Amy O'Shea as the 2004 Vice Chair for the Park and Recreation Commission. All voted in favor, except O'Shea who opposed, and the motion carried. Glenn Stolar thanked Tom Kelly for his services as Vice Chair. Todd Hoffman outlined the process for filling commissioner vacancies. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Todd Hoffman asked to add an item 8(c). Discussion of the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Lake Susan delta dredging project. He also indicated that after the meeting the commission can look at design boards for the St. Hubert's Catholic Cemetery, City Hall lower level remodeling and the new Highway 212/312. Kelly moved, Spizale seconded to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. Park and Rec Summary - January 27, 2004 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Spizale moved, Robinson seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated December 16, 2003 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. CHANHASSEN FARMERS MARKET PROPOSAL. Todd Hoffman introduced Jim Bledsaw and David Boorsma from the Farmers Market Committee. Jim Bledsaw corrected the times proposed to 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and showed a layout for the booths at City Center Park. David Boorsma talked about his background and work on similar committees in other cities. Commissioner Spizale asked for clarification on the booth set-up. Commissioner O'Shea asked how vendors were recruited. Commissioner Robinson asked how the board will balance the types of vendors. Commissioner Atkins asked how the farmers market would deal with local farmers such as the Klingelhutz and Dimler's who have corn huts in town. She also asked what kind of items could be sold. Todd Hoffman stated staff had included condition number 4 which states that products shall be limited to produce and other food products, flowers and outdoor plant materials. No flea market or art sale items would be allowed, except perhaps on special occasions. He then presented the staff report. Commissioner Atkins asked who would make up the Farmers Market Board. Commissioner Robinson asked how the board was going to handle advertising and promotion. Commissioner O'Shea asked for clarification on parking. Chairman Stolar asked if there was adequate power, adequate parking available, if this would put a drain on city resources, and if vendors would need bonding along with liability insurance. He suggested that the farmers market be incorporated into the 4th of July celebration. O'Shea moved, Kelly seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Chanhassen Farmers Market proposal for City Center Park with the following conditions: 1. All vendors shall be restricted to the area depicted on the site map. 2. No vendor shall be allowed within that right-of-way of Market Boulevard. Each vendor shall comply with all state and local regulations and provide proof of appropriate liability insurance. These documents or copies thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous location at each booth. Products shall be limited to just produce and other food products, flowers and outdoor plant materials. A member of the farmers market board shall be on the premises during the weekly set-up, operation and take down of the market. The market shall provide it's own barricades to block off both the east and north access to the vending area parking lot. 2 Park and Rec Summary - January 27, 2004 7. The market shall provide it's own trash containers and pick up. 8. Access to the library shall be maintained at all times. The City of Chanhassen and the Chanhassen Library shall be permitted at various times to display and sell various items pertinent to their operations. 10. The Farmers Market Board shall submit an annual report to the City Council at the close of each season. 11. The City retains the right to close the market for any reason with one weeks notice. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPOINT 2004 PLAYGROUND SELECTION COMMITTEE. Todd Hoffman presented the staff report on this item asking the commission to select a committee to review playground structure replacements at Lake Ann Park and Meadow Green Park and a new structure at Bandimere Park for the 2 to 5 age group. He outlined the review process for selecting a manufacturer and equipment. Chairman Stolar asked for volunteers, excluding himself due to a conflict of interest. Tom Kelly, Jack Spizale and Amy O'Shea volunteered to be on the committee, along with Jim Manders, a former Park and Recreation Commissioner who was asked by staff to be on the committee. Commissioner O'Shea asked if staff will look for neighborhood input. Chairman Stolar suggested asking a volunteer from the homeowners association near Meadow Green Park to be on the selection committee. REVIEW 2004 LAKE ANN BEACH LIFEGUARD CONTRACT, MINNETONKA COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND SERVICES. Jerry Ruegemer provided background information on this contract and pointed out that the 2004 contract price remained the same as 2003. Chairman Stolar asked that staff provide information on the number of lifeguards and actual hours worked during the 2004 season when this item comes back for review next year. Spizale moved, Atkins seconded that the Park and Rec Commission recommend the City Council approve the 2004 Lifeguard Contract for Lake Ann Beach for services provided by Minnetonka Community Education and Services in the amount of $27,555. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE REPORT. Todd Hoffman provided background information on past efforts to build a community center in the city. He then informed the commission of two big news items. One being Park and Rec Summary - January 27, 2004 the purchase of the Charles Mattson property by School District 112 and the recreational opportunities that will bring. The other being the announcement by Lifetime Fitness that they will be building a new, large facility in either Chanhassen or Eden Prairie along Highway 5. Commissioner asked for specifics on a location for Lifetime. Mr. Hoffman stated they had not selected a specific site yet, and would announce it as soon as they had a purchase agreement signed. Chairman Stolar suggested inviting Lifetime Fitness to a future Park and Recreation Commission meeting. RECREATION PROGRAMS: 2004 FEBRUARY FESTIVAL. Jerry Ruegemer provided the update on the 2004 February Festival and passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers. Chairman Stolar asked for clarification on who needs fishing licenses and where to get them. SELF SUPPORTING PROGRAMS: WINTER 3 ON 3 ADULT BASKETBALL UPDATE. Jerry Ruegemer provided the update on the Winter 3 on 3 Adult Basketball program. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. 2004 SCHEDULE FOR COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT COUNCIL MEETINGS. B. 2003 COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE RECORD. CITY These items were FY! items for the commission. There were no questions or concerns raised. RILEY-PURGATORY-BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT, LAKE SUSAN DELTA DREDGING PROJECT. Todd Hoffman wanted to make the commission aware of the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek watershed district's plan to dredge the delta in Lake Susan. ST. HUBERT' S, CITY HALL LOWER LEVEL REMODELING AND HIGHWAY 312/212 PROJECT REVIEW. Todd Hoffman reviewed and showed plans for the St. Hubert's Cemetery, City Hall lower level remodeling and the trails associated with the Highway 312/212 construction. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. None. 4 Park and Rec Summary - January 27, 2004 ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Todd Hoffman noted the resignation of Kara Wickenhauser as coordinator for the Senior Center. Chairman Stolar asked if staff has considered combining this part time position with another part time position, such as at the Rec Center. Spizale moved, Atkins seconded to adjourn the Park and Recreation Commission meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim