3. 2004 Adaptive Rec ContractCITYOF
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Char hasse'~ MN 55317
Phor>} 952 227 1100
Fax: 952 22/1110
Building Inspections
Ph i~ 95222/1180
Fax 952 2271190
P~one 952227 1160
Fax 9522271170
Ph( ne; 952227 1!40
Fax 952 2271110
Park & Recreation
Pi~,,)r ~: 952 227 1120
Fax: 952 227 1110
Recreation Center
2310 Oou!te~ Boulevard
Pho~le: 952227 1400
Fax 952 227 1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
PL,nr': 952 227! !30
Fax: 952 2271110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone 952227 1300
Fax: 952 227 1310
Senior Center
Phane 952227 1125
Fax 952 227
Web Site
wv,,w u~ cr'a'~r~assen r"m us
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director ,-/'~' !j ,}/F'",: ,
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
February 10, 2004
2004 Reach for Resources Adaptive Recreation Contract
On an annual basis, the City of Chanhassen reviews the contract with Reach
for Resources (formally West Hennepin Community Services) to provide
adaptive recreation services. The city has been contracting with Reach for
Resources since 1999 for these services.
Staff has started to see increased inquires and participation in the programs
offered. While enrollment numbers are not huge, we did have participation in
programs sponsored by Reach. Inclusion services were also arranged for
participants in pre-school basketball, pre-school t-ball, our Summer Discovery
Playground program and most recently children participated in teen girls club,
rainbow kids, sports sampler, youth karate, youth soccer, and dances.
Again this past summer, Reach staff trained our playground staff on how to
address or accommodate a person with disabilities, provided guidelines for
effectively working with families, techniques and tips to integrate all
participants, and much more. Reach staff did an awesome job and we
incorporate this training every year. I have had conversations with parents
who are thrilled that these special inclusion services are available for their
children and that they are able to participate in activities with their siblings
and friends. I predict our numbers will continue to increase as people
participate, and through word of mouth and constant advertising. We are
definitely picking up momentum and Chanhassen increased participation with
our children/teen programs to become one of the top 4 cities in participation
numbers for the summer and fall programs. This is out of 12 cities in the
consortium of Reach for Resources. I have seen first hand that we are making
a difference in these children's lives. They feel so good about themselves that
they are able to participate just like everyone else.
The 2004 contract amount reflects an increase of $1,200 from 2003. The
increase of the contract amount is a result of the increase in our percentage of
participation, which rose from 3% to 6%. The City of Chanhassen is charged
a base price of $2,000 for adaptive recreation services. The 6% increase in
our percentage of participation calculates to $2,662. This is added to the base
price of $2,000 for a total contract amount of $4,462 for 2004.
The City of Chanhassen · ,a oro'^ung community ,~'itl~ clean lakes quality schools, a charming (lownto'~n, ~l~ri~ing businesses w nding trails and beauti!ul parks A ,sreat place Io !ira work and pay
Center for Recreation
West Hennepin
Community Services
Counseling Health
Contract Agreement
The city of Chanhassen (hereinafter called the "city") is in
agreement for Reach For Resources, Inc. (hereinafter
called the "contractor") to provide adaptive recreation services for
children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Reach For Resources, Inc. and the four Western
Communities did contend that a part-time professional will coordinate
programs for persons who have developmental disabilities.
The city desires that Reach For Resources, Inc. provide
such a coordinator:
1. The contractor shall perforn~ all the services of this agreement,
as described in the proposal.
2. The payment shall be $4,562.00
3. The method of payment shall be:
$4,562.00 Annually Quarterly Other
__Semi-Annually Monthly
4. This agreement shall be in force and effect for a period of one-
year commencing on January 1, 2004.
Reach For Resources, Inc.
City of Chanhassen
1001 Highway 7 Room 217 Hopkins, MN 55305 952.988.4177 Fax: 952.988.4020
Center for Recreation
West Hennepin
Community Services
Counseling Health
Therapeutic Recreation Service Agreement
Reach For Resources, Inc. contracts with a consortium of Southwestern municipalities to
provide for the on-going development of therapeutic/adaptive recreation services for
people with developmental disabilities and their families. The services shall include the
provision of a Director of Therapeutic Recreation that will be responsible for:
· Planning and design of a series of community-based quarterly recreational
program offerings for children, teens, and adults with disabilities.
Implementation of all aspects of these programs including: activity development,
scheduling, hiring, training and supervision of program leaders, and on-going
monitoring and direction of programs.
· Follow-up and evaluation of programs with key stakeholders.
· Submission of quarterly reports to city personnel.
· Consultation, training, information and referral to parents, professional or other
community/public organizations.
· Collaborations with city, school, or other groups to provide joint program
· Participation and input into community committees.
· Individual leisure planning and development.
Individual cities may also purchase:
Community inclusion services into general park and recreation programs. These
services include individual assessment, adaptation recommendations,
consultation with recreation generalists and provision of aides including their
recruitment, training and supervision.
Program offerings shall include programs such as:
· Adult social clubs for various levels of disability.
· Adult athletic leagues.
· Teen activities.
· Children's socialclubs.
· Special events.
· Holiday parties/dances.
1001 Highway 7 Room 217 Hopkins, MN 55305 952.988.4177 Fax: 952.988,4020
Recreational programs shall have overall Reach support which includes consultation as
needed with other Reach professionals to assist in the development of individual
behavioral plans or support for other programming decisions or issues as they arise.
Service professionals currently available to assist the recreation director include:
· A licensed psychologist.
· A licensed social worker.
· A special education teacher.
A community skills trainer and client advocate.