4c EasterEggHunt/ColorContest CITYOF
7700 Market Boulevard
PO B(x 14/'
Chanhassep, MN 553~7
Phone 952 227 1100
Fax 95222? l! 10
Building Inspections
Pnoue: 952 227 1180
Fax 952 227 1190
Phor e: 952227 1160
Fax: 9522271
Fax 952 22'71110
Park & Recreation
Phone 9522271120
Fax~ 952 22711!0
Recreation Center
2310 Ooulter Boulevard
?bone: 952227 1400
Fax: 952 227 1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
?hone: 952227 ]130
Fax 952 227' 1110
Public Works
1591 Pa:k Road
?noqe: 962 227 1300
fa× 952 2271310
Senior Center
Phone 9522271125
Fax 952 227 I!10
Web Site
WW~ (N c!ias!lasser~ rTir/uS
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
Corey Hoen, Recreation Supervisor
February 17, 2004
Easter Egg Hunt and Coloring Contest
As you know, the Easter Egg Candy Hunt will be held Saturday, April 10 at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center. "The Splatter Sisters" will serve as the
entertainment again for this year's performance. The performance will be
exciting with songs and dance.
In early April, I will go to Target and purchase the candy and prizes for the
coloring contest. I will separate the candy and prizes and deliver them to the
Recreation Center by Friday, April 09.
I have reserved the ball field area north of the warming house, which will be used
for the candy hunt for all age groups.
I am in the process of preparing the flyer, which will be distributed to all area
schools in early March.
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