Correspondence Section Feb~'}aa~y 11, 2004 7700 Market Boulevard P0 Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 9522271 Fps{: 95222ZJ tld Phone: 952,227.118@ Fac 952.227,119(} Phone: 952 227X 16O F~: 952,;'27,1170 Phone: 952227~1 '~ 4(} Phons 952.~'7.112(} Fa: ~22271t10 Phone: 952227,1404 Fax: 952 227J4(}4 ?hone: 95222FJ130 Fax.: 952227~'1110 Mn Ross Rogney La,ce Minnetonka TriathIon 780 Pleasant Street Excelsior~ MN 55331 Dear Mn Ro~ey: Thank you for your letter of Febmay 4~ 2004 concerning the Lake Minnetonka Tfiathlon~ l (~scussed your inquiE~ regaFang any necessa-y pe~7~dts with our law enfbrcemenh engineering, and adn~nistradon departments. The City of Chashassen will not require a pemsk for this event; howeve~ the issue of public sagety Oas ~b~emost in ~ og our (8scussions~ We are ~ased to see that you working with the South Lake Police and Carver C~ for tm~ic control I encourage you to make stye 8mt ~1 issues of are adckessed in yom~ We would ~ong tho ~ owners are being that to my Good luck with 1591 Bark Read Phone: 952,22733(}0 Todd HofYman Fa{: 9522271319 Park and Phora ~227J125 Fa: %2,227.I 11 O Paul Lake Minne~onka Tda~ha~on B©u~e ~h~ough Ohanhassen 004 ~oo late in the se~sen ~m proceed ~fficiais ssi I. ~i me SL875 m~ien e~pansion moved ahead the ;emmun sq lare t~t The ex~t~a s~ xce weu~d secor~d level add ea ness" t~/~er uP ~'he e;xpand~ fi~1eSS egu~nen Councilors expressed ~ pe e seh~parable {o ~ Ftvale i~tlless cmos, "Th! s ~ },ede of the p.celec'~ 3oun :11{ '- ~a} iohe Oe~s:~r~g a WOrk sessie-~ para dem~rrme~t emp~oyee~ ted Direc'~eF POrn Redman h~Jbrmed had a ~os~ c robie& to S, ~2 mem~ oers; ~mce ZPS Th s emplo~ ecs a~sc argued that :.he ~; xmnmmty were almes't filled to es paclt sn a re~ar basis Citi¢ A~ninistra~/or David Po aorne y Rr( posed payma frn the prejecl adth f~dnas c8 nkx g xn)m MO ~ RealteF Provided Free Office - 952 55~;~1733 I"ell ~ 952~221, ~f15 new reven'qe 98}~ ;rog ~ron1 the }xl~ and~ cemrn'unlty cent sli The potentm: oIa LifeTime Fitness sen'~e~: azong fqighwa~ 5 in _;harlha ssen is one }i '~he mss;e~- and cai~ be se disu~act~ ~2~at ~t can lead ~e lit se mae>em dent th.( agn~ a. na ;he ~ e et poe:~ tht ~ople the} se~qce' ilhe ~bnne~ s¢ unky ad~amists~a ~;o:c who was 8eF~tllia.at~ wlhen the liew ~'e~t~i¢ beard o~ eon{z: I1SSiK he~ m ~se :encenm~ with the ct so ~ga'riz~3 seven.eOn'ts1 e~ repiesen~tJves z._ ~a~y level ~ of ~ ~.d s'cs ;e go~erniqlent psaty bickerina -' Stolz said said he "s slieves ma t ;hq aJJ when i~ced ~¢ith tw ;;Ppesm2 vieweoillts sor~e ier~- profnlse ts ua ~ ' necessaI v accomplish a p}xsm~se ia d~C'bltt b~t {iCeS nc or the hzgbway" a'~tude of cass wh ale s~:~M 9Lqfnes ate coil> norm, and r~xtremely bUS;~lless ~ either done at {he ramute w'ifheu'~ enOu~q mougn~ oF noi. dehe ar all, %his ~ ne{ the ~ay ~ success/ d aevernmen 6~euld operate ' Stall said "Educ ~l:ie1 rand pefEatlen eceneml, e develenmen~ healtk 1nsurance~ housing, en and {l~e ~'apid changes occt~yrir~g in the abrinultura sectsr are critical to Mt of us/' ~tot~ said 'I bellev ~ in malntai~ m.g this recess higi~ quMity of life. ant w~l wobk hard {e addz~ess 6hess to the }es~__.~n{ of ,~. teas: nE we sherle aggressivei bersnl£ ~s a "vel y price, Compare us to ieNprefits such as North sresl of~ LifeTime prices-,Pekornep sale you going tp ge~ a v~lter ~3 ~cg ou~ in Chaska~ 3c uncnef 8a, p R,olhe asKe{I Uarver 3eun~ and bel~¢¢es he pie and its iss~ ~s 8t{S~ Kr~ ~, HE in Ye .~ ~ amerl~ smd attenae~ 2enkai Sene ~z Dis ;rict t08 He won{ ~c at ,~m. Mu ~ite & Sons m ts mm ~. g [heav~ equl. praent el; 8ralorj lo P~laxnce 'his college }ducatio~x He has a double ma Stat 2 UnPcex s~ty at to ~ mmz~, aBA ~-~_ m me St %~omaa H ~ e~flisted in me ~i e}~ectee o~ioer iE, gion Peal 160, ~<acenia tewal- ~/n ed~d s~onka School Ois:~rxc~ xer~s, d~&tJng which tix~e be was cie cte{l ~or SLX yeaFs c].erk }f La,stews Stall then sar' sc as Car~ef Count ~, auditor ~er toF ier 17 chert} reside ust south of me ell of Vfaconi~ ~ Lax. e/eq~l.~ 5illp. where t}my;tmve ~e zest 8( ears~ They have two jrown aa'u~hters :~ephaxtie 3basks and Sk~nher Young amen, ca ~'f~fY exF erlenoe m loon I ge-v.. 8.n~ {~e t&se o~ ne.q} in se~¢s g and represent~ ~al~ 8to lz~ [ ~¢ 's~t of th ~ ~ ay the I~¢m.neso~ of R ~Pl~sentatlves [Lake Sampling Conducted: May ~, September~ 2003] Prepared for: City of Ohanhassen Prepared by: Steve MeO©maa B~ue Water Science (651) 690~9602 Prepared January 2004 Lucy, ~ce MarSh, and Susan in 2003 Lake locations for lakes monitored twice a month frora May through September in 20@3 are shown above~ Sa'naples were collected by Steve MeComas, Blue Water Science, St~ Pa'/~, Minnesota and analyzed by MVTL, Inc, New Ulm, Minnesota~ Feu:i~' lakes were saw, pled for tlhr:ee water qualky pa~ameter~s {wice a lllo~th f~oI~ May through September~ 2003~ Results am shown in Table 1~ The Metropolita~ Council a governmental unit that plais fbr metropolitan gi~owth, has sebup gra~ng crite~a ff~r me~opolitan takes, The grading criteria a;e based a range of data collected ~com metropolitan lakes~ Three pac,.meters are g~aded and include: total phosphorus and chlerophyll ~ concentratiens~ and secchi &sc transparenciea } <23 <10 >100 23~32 t0-20 725~I0~0 32~68 20~48 4,OW 25 6&152 48W7 >152 >77 SeccBi Bisc Wa er O er ew Secchi disc transparency was fair to excellent for the four ~akes~ C~arity for Ann and Rice Mamh remained good throughout the summer, Lucy had periodic algae blooms and Susan had good c~arity until baooms in late August and Septemben ~otaa Dhos Phosphorus concentrations in the four ~akes were bw to moderate~ Lake Ann had the lowest summer average and Susan the highest~ Lucy and Rice Marsh had fairly/ow growing season phosphorus averages~ eoneentraSon~ Chlorophyll concentrations in early summer were relatively ~ow for a~a four lakes~ Somewhat surprisingly, Race Marsh maintained clear water and Iow chaorophy~ a/~ summer aong. ~t's abundant plant gro~h was probably a key factor, Lice Ann was monitored 10 times b~tween mi&May to late September, 2003 The water quality data and related graphs are presented on the inlS.>rmation sheet on the fk)llowing pageo The summet~me (May~Septembe0 mean total phosphorus concentrations of 18/~l (m~n~mum of 9 ~'1 and m~Jmum of 33 jl~l) corresponded to a lake water quality grade of an A~ The lake's 2G)3 Secchi ~sc transparency mean of 11~0 fi (minimtlm of 7~1 feet and maximum of 13~8 f~t) was equal to a grade of A mean as was the chlorophyll ~ mean of 4 ppb (minknum of 2 ~&4i and maximum of 11 gl~;1) which also ikI1 within the A grading ~mge~ The overall l~e quality fbr l~e An:a, detem~ined from the throe individual grades, was A~ Lake Aaa ~a Ja~e, L e ~ake sudace area: 1 16 acres 6,16 5~29 6~12 6.27 7~16 7~30 &14 827 916 9.29 ©ate 5~15 5~29 6.,12 6,.27 7~16 7,30 9,15 9429 Avg Lake Water QuaBty Grades Baaed SummeAime Averages (Met C©uB¢i~ Secchi disc Total phosphorus Ch~orophy~ a O¥®raal 35 12 10 529 6~I2 6,27 7~16 7~30 814 8,27 9~t5 5,15 5,29 6,12 627 716 7~30 814 8,27 9,15 9~29 / ke Lucy Lucy was monitored lO times between mid-May to late 8eptembe,', 2003. The data and related graphs are pl~esented on the infbnriation sheet on the following page. The summetime (May-September) mean total phosphorus concentrations of 32 ~**l (minimum of 19 t~/1 and ma, imum of I~3 ~S/l) coPresponded to a t~,e water qaaiity grade of a B mean. The ISlets 2003 Secchi ~sc ~anspaency mean of 6~9 ft (minimum of 4.4 feet and maximam of 12S f~et) was equal to a g<ade of B~ The chlorophyll ~ mean of 11 ~/I (minimum of 1 ~l a:nd m~imum of 24 ~/1) fell within the B grading range. The overall ta~e quality ~ade for i~ke Ann, detem~ined fRlm the thi~e individaat !~ides, was B. Lake La~¥ i~ Saly~ 2~}3. -6* Lake Lucy Lake su~ace area: '135 ac ~ 4 14 5,15 5,29 6.12 627 7A6 7,30 &14 8,,27 9,15 9.29 2003 Data Dote 5~t5 5.29 6~12 627 7~16 7~3© 8~14 8~27 9~15 929 Avg Lake Water @ua~ity Grades Based oH SummeAime Averages (Met CouneB criteria) Secchi disc Tota~ phosphorus Ch~orophyt~ a OYeral~ 6O ~ 5O ¢~ 40 © ~ 3O © ~ 2O 24 2O 515 5~29 6~12 627 716 7.30 8.14 827 9~t5 9~29 5~15 529 6,12 627 7~16 7~30 8,14 827 9.15 929 R *e U0 00 of Ch h sse Rice Mm~h Lake was monkored 9 times between mid-May to late September~ 2003~ The data and related graphs are presented on the i;nformation sheet on t, he following page. The summetime (May~September) mean total phosphorus concen~'atiens of 33 ~g/1 (minimum of 15 ~/1 and maximum of 68 ~&/'t) corresponded to a ~.ake water qualky grade of C as did the Secchi ~sc transpa, ency with a mean of T0 fl (mir~imum of 6~0+ iket and m~imum of 8.0 f. ee0~ However, on 8 out of 9 sample dates, ihe Secchi disc was visible oa lhe t~<e botmmo ~52emfom, the actual summer rranspa~ency is som. ewha misleading. Afler a momh of elevaed phosphorus ccmcenrraions in early summer, phosphorus levels a~d cMorophyll levels were iow The chlorophyll g mea~ of 3 ppb (minimm'n of <1 F~F't and maximum of 5 ~q) fell wirbi~ the A gra~ng rangm The overall IM<.e qualky glade for Rice Marsh l~<e, detenmirmd from the three individual grades, was B~ Rke Ma~l Lake ~a May~ 2®3. Lake suvaco area: 79 ac 2003 Data Date 5~15 5~,29 6,12 6~27 7~16 7,30 9~15 9529 Ava Lake Water @ua~ity Gradee Based eB Summe~ime Averagea (Met Oeu~aB criteria) Secchi disc Total phosphorus Chlorophyll a ©vera~ 7O ~ 60 O 38 ~ 20 © 10 5,,29 612 827 7~16 7~30 &14 &27 9.15 9~29 5~29 6,12 6,27 716 7~30 8,14 &27 9,15 9~29 Lake Susan was no~onitored 10 times between mid-May to late Septe,nber, 2003. The data and related graphs are presented on the informatior, sheet or, the f,>llowing page. The sun,metime (May*Septerriber) mca:r, total phosphorus concent,74~ions of 45 #.&/1 (n-,inin,mm of 26 #,&/1 ar, d maximum of 72 ~g/1} cor~=esponded to a la&e water quality grade of C ,x, ea~ as well as the Secchi disc trmnsp~ency n**em** of 58 f} (minirr, um of 3.8 l~bet and ~**c,;ir, ium of 10.0 was g~aded as C. The chlorophyll .~ ,nean of 20 ppb (mininltim of <1. ~&**l a~d m, aximu,n of 48 ~1} ~so fkll within the B .~*ading r,s~ge. The overall lake q~ality grade Sbt L;4<e Ann, determined from the three indivi~dual g1,ades, was C. Lake Susan Lake su~ace a~ea~ 93 ac 10 5,15 529 6,12 6,27 7.16 7,9~ 8~14 8,27 9.15 9~29 2003 Bata Ba~e 5~15 6~12 6,27 7t6 7~30 8~14 8~27 9,15 9~29 Avg 6.0 30 7~1 32 5~2 26 &6 35 5,4 49 10~0 30 5~6 29 &3 73 3~8 72 3~9 69 5;8 OM a 12 11 8 <1 26 4 13 48 33 39 45 20 Lake Water @ua~ity Grades Baaed Su~e~i~e Averages (Met CouBoB Secchi disc C Tota~ phosphorus C Chlorophyl~ a B ¢ 8O ~ 50 © ~ 40 © ~ 30 ~ 20 5O ~ 20 © I0 5,15 5,29 612 6.27 7~16 7.30 8.14 827 9~15 9~2g 5~15 5,29 6,,12 6,27 7~16 7~30 &t4 8~27 9,15 9,29