2 Settler's WestCITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 2-24-04 PC DATE: 2-17-04 CASE #: 04-05 BY: Todd Hoffman, Park & Rec Director STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to incorporate the property in the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA); a Rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to RSF, Single Family Residential District; Subdivision Approval to create 61 lots (48 in Chanhassen), 3 outlots (one in Chanhassen), and public right-Of-way with a variance for street width; and a Wetland Alteration Permit to fill and alter wetlands on site, on 55.6 acres (44.6 acres in Chanhassen), the Pemtom Land Company and Beatrice Zwiers, Settlers West. LOCATION: South of Pioneer Trail and east of the Hennepin County Regional Trail APPLICANT: The Pemtom Land Company 7597 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 937-0716 Beatrice Zwiers 11111 Duece Road Elko, MN 55020 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A2 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential- Low Density ADJACENT LAND USES: North: Hennepin County Regional Trail Corridor; South: Moon Valley Gravel Pits and Shooting Range; East: City of Eden Prairie, Single Family Residential and Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area (121 acres); West: Hennepin County Regional Trail Corridor SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to incorporate the property in the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA); a Rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to RSF, Single Family Residential District; Subdivision Approval to create 61 single family lots (48 in Chanhassen), 3 outlots (one in Chanhassen), and public right-of-way with a variance for street width; and a Wetland Alteration Permit to fill and alter wetlands on site. Settlers West February 24, 2004 Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The city's Comprehensive Park Plan and City Code requires that one acre of active recreational land be provided for every 75 residents. The 48 lots proposed for development in Chanhassen will result in approximately 144 new residents. Applying the open space standard requires that just under 2 acres of open space be provided for use by these new residents. The Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area, located in Eden Prairie, provides 121 acres of open space and 2.4 miles of grass surface hiking trails. The conservation area is accessible from the proposed Settlers West development. Appropriate access, including publicly owned land and/or easements for a trail or sidewalk connection, needs to be obtained. This connection can best be made in the vicinity of Lot 25. Other public parks within the service area of the proposed Settlers West development include Lake Riley Community Park and Crestwood Neighborhood Park. Both of these properties are owned and operated by the City of Eden Prairie. The community park offers a full complement of amenities, including a group reservation shelter, swimming beach, boat access, tennis courts, sand volleyball, extensive play structure, and athletic fields. The neighborhood park, accessible by trail to the proposed Settlers West, is 11 acres in size and was recently developed in 2002/03. The park offers a play structure, park building, ice skating, tennis, volleyball, soccer fields, and parking for 80 vehicles. Acquisition of additional public parklands in this area of Chanhassen is not called for in the Comprehensive Plan. Residential park dedication fees should be collected in lieu of land dedication. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The city's Comprehensive Trail Plan for southeastern Chanhassen identifies two trail systems, both of which are currently in place. One trail, owned and operated by the City, is located within the public right-of-way of Pioneer Trail (County Hwy 14). This trail currently extends from State Highway 101 east to the Eden Prairie border and the Hennepin County Regional Rail/Trail Corridor. At this point, the trail connects with the Three Rivers Park District Regional Trail that is situated in the Hennepin County Corridor. This trail connection occurs on the north side of Pioneer Trail. The City of Eden Prairie has plans to continue the Pioneer Trail pedestrian trail in the future to connect with their existing trail system. The second trail identified in our Comprehensive Plan is the Southwest Regional Light Rail Transit (LRT) Trail currently operated by Three Rivers Park District in the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Corridor. The proposed Settlers West development shares a common boundary with this corridor for approximately 2400 feet. An internal connection to this trail from the proposed Settlers West Road is currently being explored by the applicant. This type of connection, while certainly desirable, may not be feasible to construct. A neighborhood sidewalk along Settlers West Road and connecting to the Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area should be a condition of approval for Settlers West. Settlers West February 24, 2004 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council require the following conditions of approval conceming parks and trails for the proposed Settlers West: . An internal trail or sidewalk connection to the Southwest LRT Trail shall be investigated. In the event that the necessary permits can be obtained and that construction of such a connection is reasonably feasible, it shall be completed. . A sidewalk along Settlers West Road be constructed connecting the entire neighborhood to the Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area and that appropriate public easements or outlots be maintained to facilitate this connection. 3. Full park dedication fees ($134,000) shall be collected in lieu of parkland dedication. ATTACHMENTS 1. Development Plan and Commentary 2. Location Map 3. Map of Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area 4. Facility Inventory of Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area 5. Copy of Aerial Photo of project vicinity C~ Pemtom Land Company via fax at 952-937-8635 and mail Sathre Berquist, Inc. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Bruce DeJong, Finance Director Paul Oehme, City Engineer/Public Works Director .Location Map Settlers West City of Chanhassen Planning Case No. 04-05 Feb-6, 2004 2'33PM ep p&rks & rec No, 0253 P, 2 PARK FACILITIES INVENTORY RICHARD T. ANDERSON CONSERVATION AREA Location: 18700 Flying Cloud Drive Size (in acres): Developed-3.0; Undeveloped- 118.0; Total- I21.0 Classification: Conservation Area Character: Bluff area adjacent to Minnesota River containing native prairie to old growth maple, basswood and oak forest. Adjacent Land Uses: Single-family residential Physical Features: This area includes a mixture of big woods, oak savannah and upland prairie. Existing Facilities: · Upper parking lot for six cars 2.4 miles of grass surface hiking trails Lower parking lot for 20 cars - developed in 2003 Special Use Groups: Neighborhood and community-wide usage. Problematic Conditions: Several areas of this site are very steep and have experienced severe erosion in past years. Stabilization of those areas is a priority. In addition, removal of much of the invasive non-native plant material throughout the site will be necessary to reduce its impact on the desired native species. The single-family residential development along the north end provides access for two trailheads. Development of the soft surface trail system was completed during 1999-2002. A final management report for the entire site was completed in 1999. Notes and Comments: One Native American burial mound associated with the Fieldman Group exists within the Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area. This should be field verified by an archaeologist prior to trail development. This site has high value for interpretation of historical and environmental features. Future acquisition of the eastern valley would allow restoration of the trout ponds that were destroyed in the 1987 super storm. Eden Prairie Park System Plan SRF Consulting Group, Iuc 2-30 Paxk Facilities Inventory Fei,. 6. 20CJ4 2'33PM ep parks & rec No. 0253 P'. City of Eden Prairie Parks & Natural Resources Richard T. Anderson Coneervat~on Area 18700 Rylng Cloud Drive  _:. ...... PUBLIC BOAT ACCESS ..~ & CITY PARK -. LAKE RILEY ... Pholograpl~y and , . , " , ~ G~phi~ Display ~ , , ~ ~" ' " "' DETACHED VILLA ' ND ~RK2 ~ " NEIGHBORHOOD , ' ~ ' FUTURE SINGLE'F~iLY '1 NEIGHBOR;iOOD '. ~. ~.~. ........... THE ~" ..... ,' COMMONS SINGLE, FA~Y~ ~ ,,,:' p~ N~IGHBORHOOD FUTURE .L CONSERVATION AREA PARKS & TRAILS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 14 15 14 ,~.cONSERVATION AREA PARKS & TRAILS~ 12 · NEIGHBORHOOD