JANUARY 26, 2004
Chairman Furlong called the meeting to order at 8:55 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Furlong, Steve Labatt, Brian Lundquist, Bob Ayotte, and
Craig Peterson
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller and Roger Knutson
John D. Rice
Clayton T. Johnson
Dan Engelsma
Glenn & Liz Baird
Mike Korsh
Janet & Jerry Paulsen
Debbie Lloyd
525 West 78th Street
Bloomberg Companies Inc.
Kraus Anderson
Chanhassen Cinema
Kraus Anderson
7305 Laredo Drive
7302 Laredo Drive
Miller: Two weeks ago we gave an update on the status of the bowling alley
negotiations. At that time there were some concerns because it appeared that talks had
kind of hit a wall. ! think the tone from the meeting 2 weeks ago was that there needed to
be some work done. Needed to see some concrete evidence of some negotiations
between the parties involved. Since that time there has been quite a few negotiations
between mainly Market Street Station and the Chanhassen Cinema. We have invited
representatives from those entities to be here tonight. The main issues that were keeping
the negotiations from proceeding were a release of the parking easement. ! believe that
those issues have been resolved. Those were questions that the participating entities
could probably answer better than ! but we are confident that things have proceeded fairly
well from the last time we met and we'd be happy to answer any questions.
Furlong: Thank you. Questions for staff.
Labatt: I'm curious to hear from the representatives.
Furlong: ! think we all are. Okay, very good. Good evening.
Dan Engelsma: Good evening. My name is Dan Engelsma with Kraus Anderson and !
think the staff report is pretty succinct. We're working towards a close for towards the
end of December of last year. We ran into an issue on the parking easement and that put
us into a little bit of a tailspin. We hit some roadblocks. Those have subsequently been
Economic Development Authority - January 26, 2004
worked out really over the last week now and our problem at this point is we're in
agreement, all of the parties are in agreement but we have a new party at the table with
the cinema and we have a new lawyer now that we're trying to get up to speed. And we
have gotten copies of all of the documents in their hands within the last couple of days
and we think we need probably 2 to 4 weeks to get the lawyers up to speed. Make sure
that all of those documents are in correct form. ! suspect because we have a new lawyer
at the table there will be some tweaking of documents that we have to make so, and we're
terribly embarrassed that we didn't get this closed last fall like we told you but we don't
want to come here again after this without a closing schedule. But we really, we did
think we had it and we sort of fell out of bed a little bit but it's now back on track so
we're comfortable. We've had a meeting of the minds. We've got the theater here
tonight. Glenn can certainly talk to you and Glenn and ! have had a number of
conversations over the last several days and ! think we have an understanding so we can
move forward at this point.
Furlong: Questions?
Peterson: ! guess I'll wait until the other parties speak.
Furlong: Okay, very good. Thank you.
Glenn Baird: Good evening. I'm Glenn Baird with the Cinema. ! guess I'm in the hot
seat. ! guess ! would just have to agree with everything that Dan just said. We're in
agreement. We seem to have sorted out many of the details regarding the parking issue
and we literally hired our own attorney last week and we're trying to get him up to speed
like Dan mentioned and he's working full speed on it and we have a couple of words that
have to clarified in the documents but in principle ! think we are in agreement. So ! don't
see anything stopping the process at this point in time and to go along with what Dan
said, we're somewhat embarrassed by this but we're trying to get it done and we
appreciate your patience in allowing us to get this completed hopefully within the next 30
days so we don't have to do this again. So ! don't have any other statements to make, but
I'll be happy to answer questions.
Furlong: Okay.
Peterson: ! guess the only question that ! would have is, does it take 30 days really to,
can we set a close date and move towards that close date and keep things moving along.
Obviously if you can do it faster than 30 days you're going to save lawyer costs and !
guess it's in everybody's best interest to save cost but ! think it seems as though that
would be reasonable to, if he has basically 5 weeks. It seems like an onerous amount of
time to review and do some wordsmithing but ! think everybody at this table wants to
keep things moving fast so you're going to probably hear that from everybody saying can
we do it sooner. What will it take to do it sooner if possible?
Glenn Baird: Truthfully as soon as we can get the, we have documents in our possession
from Market Street Station and those are the similar documents we had last December.
Economic Development Authority - January 26, 2004
Our attorney just has to go through them. He got them last Friday and I've gone through
in detail with him word for word on many of the points that were at issue and have those
straighten out so it's just a matter of him reviewing those documents. Making sure that, !
think the only one that might be hanging out right now, and we're working to resolve
that, there's really no negotiations, it's just a matter of getting the documents in order and
that's with Southwest Metro. But John Rice has indicated that that may already be
further along than we thought so ! don't see why we can't get it done sooner, but ! don't
think ! can stand here and say ! can have it done by Friday. ! just don't, ! can't say that
with 100 percent confidence but ! think within the next 2 weeks ! can be much more
confident to say that. And ! don't see why we couldn't get it done by that time, but to
stand here and say ! can absolutely guarantee it, ! can't do that and ! wouldn't want to say
that. But 4 weeks would be ! think ample time. And it shouldn't take that long.
Dan Engelsma: We can, and we can and will and have as we have in the past work with
staff and really keep staff informed and give them a weekly update, but as we talk about
this, this is really more than one document. If it was the one document that put us
behind, a parking agreement. Parking cross easement agreement. But this lawyer has to
review all of the Southwest Metro. There's an easement that Southwest Metro has on the
cinema. There's cross easement agreements for ingress and egress, so there's quite a
number of documents and we're trying to get this individual up to speed on so it's, !
would agree if it was wordsmithing on one document, we certainly don't need a month
but we have probably 6 or 7 documents that all interplay with each other. So it is quite a
bit of work. Quite a bit of reading and probably quite a bit of searching to make sure that
everything is correct. There's a lot of history here and you people know the history better
than even we know the history but we've been spending a lot of time trying to unlock
things too so it just takes time and we will do everything in our power to move that
schedule up. What we're trying to do is not have to come back again.
Peterson: So is your assumption that you'll set a close date in 4 weeks or that you close
in 4 weeks?
Dan Engelsma: We can set a close date as soon as the lawyers have signed off on
everything because we've already had ! think one or two close dates set up. And we're
prepared to go to closing as soon as all the documentation is complete so if we get that
documentation complete, we can go to a close probably within a week after completing
that documentation. But we're asking for a month just to, we're asking for a month
before we commit to the close just to make sure everything is done this time so we don't
have to go back again but ! think each week we can work with staff and keep everybody
informed as to what we're doing and I'm sure they can then keep you informed so that,
we had an aggressive schedule going in. We did everything we could do to make it. We
almost made it and so.
Peterson: Okay, thank you.
Glenn Baird: Other questions?
Economic Development Authority - January 26, 2004
Furlong: Questions?
Labatt: Not right now.
Furlong: No.
Gerhardt: Glenn, I just had one question. Is Ray planning on being back in town in the
near future?
Glenn Baird: Yes. He is, last we talked with him he is on his way back to Minneapolis
today. So he's just not available and he has agreed to sign all the documents based on
what we have worked out so that should not be an issue.
Gerhardt: Great, appreciate it. Thank you.
Furlong: So we're looking at, I guess from the timing standpoint, just to clarify, 2 to 3
weeks to finalize the documents. Get agreements on all the documents from the attorney
and then a closing.
Dan Engelsma: As quickly thereafter as possible.
Furlong: Within a week thereafter.
Dan Engelsma: Since I'm not a lawyer and ! don't know how long it took the lawyers to
set up the last closing, I'm thinking it could be done within a week because everything
should be ready. ! mean would you agree with that?
John Rice: Plus the, John Rice, I'm the attorney for Bloomberg. Once the documents are
basically agreed upon, then it's approximately a week because it's a matter of gathering
people in the title company and what time of the month. End of the month the title
company when they're busy, whether they can do it but.
Clayton Johnson: The financing's in place.
Furlong: So the only, there's no contingencies here. The only thing is just getting the
new attorney up to speed. Getting an agreement on the language and getting it done.
Dan Engelsma: Getting agreement on the language and then getting all of the documents
signed by Bloomberg, Kraus Anderson and the theater.
John Rice: There are a lot of documents and to handle all the easements and create the
necessary replacement documents. There's just a lot of documents. I've got half a
dozen. I think Mr. Kelly did like 10 agreements. And Mr. Schmekpepper with Kraus
Anderson did, he did more than I did so he's at like about 8.
Furlong: Okay.
Economic Development Authority - January 26, 2004
John Rice: Besides the deeds and the other things that go into a normal closing. So
there's a lot of documents.
Furlong: There's volume, thank you.
John Rice: ...we're lawyers, we love documents. You just got to keep jabbing us.
Dan Engelsma: And we will.
Furlong: Good. Any other questions then? Gentlemen, thank you.
Ayotte: Thank you.
Furlong: Appreciate your being here this evening. I'll bring it back to the EDA to the
commissioners for discussion. Comments. Thoughts.
Labatt: I'm encouraged to see the vast majority of the players here. ! realize Ray's gone.
Thank you for coming and updating us. ! think that their 30 day window here of
opportunity is a valid request and as long as we can keep it in that 30 days and if they can
continue to update Justin weekly on the progress and then he can shoot out an e-mail to
us once the documents are agreed upon. Once they're signed and when they pick a
closing date. I'm fine. We're too close to shove them out the door and poke their
attorney so, I'll leave it at that.
Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Other comments.
Lundquist: ! just find it incredibly ironic that had the parties done what they agreed to do
back on the 29th of May, that we wouldn't be here today. Two weeks ago it was give us 2
more weeks. Now it's give us 4 more weeks. Now we have another party in the process
that we've heard that they've agreed to but as we have learned through this process, it
ain't over til it's over so my position from 2 weeks ago stands that ! still believe our only
recourse is to force the 30 day cancellation because you know billable hours are billable
hours. You can put them in, a lot at once or you know spread them over a 3 or 4 week
process and we've just seen too many times through this process that it's taken a lot
longer and there's always something that comes up, so my position remains the same as it
was 2 weeks ago. I'm incredibly disappointed through this process that we've continued
to drag it out and anyway, it is what it is ! guess and at this point there probably isn't a lot
we can do so.
Furlong: Okay, thank you. Other comments?
Ayotte: The last time ! spoke ! did voice a concern about not having enough information.
! do understand now the reason for the change on some of the things that occurred, but at
the 30 day mark ! will probably side more with Councilman Lundquist's view. We really
have to, have to get it done. So I'm taking a moderation. Moderate position between
Economic Development Authority - January 26, 2004
Steve and Brian but I'd be very, very concerned if at the end of 30 days ! found out that
there was another reason why we didn't get it done. Thank you.
Furlong: Comments?
Peterson: I'll echo Bob's comments exactly so.
Furlong: As will I. As will I. I mean we got more information tonight than we did 2
weeks ago. That's helpful. And we can understand the situation. Whether or not we like
it, we can understand it but ! agree with Mr. Ayotte and Mr. Peterson and others, it's time
to get it done so. Very good. Is there any other discussion or actions being desired?
Gerhardt: No action's needed on this item.
Furlong: Alright.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Peterson moved, Lundquist seconded to approve the
Minutes of the Economic Development Authority meeting dated January 12, 2004 as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5
to 0.
Lundquist moved, Furlong seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. The Economic Development Authority meeting was adjourned
at 9:15 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
Executive Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim