6b Carver Co Parks/Open SpaceCARVER COUNTY Planning and Zoning Carver County Courthouse 600 East 4th Street, Box 16 Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2185 (612) 361-1820 (612) 442-4468, Ext. 1820 (612) 446-1722, Ext. 1820 December 22, 1995 Kate Aanenson Planning Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Kate, The purpose of this letter is to update you on Carver County's 1998-2020 comprehensive planning process and to request participation in formulating the plan. The County Board has recently approved a workplan which includes forming a series of committees. At this point, we are recruiting members for a Steering Corem/tree wh/ch would oversee the planning process from February 1996 to mid-1998. This group would include representatives from the county, townships, cities, and the public. Currently there are five openings for city representatives who are interested in county planning policies and goals on a wide range of issues. A balance will be sought to achieve diverse county representation (i.e. east/west and larger/smaller communities). ng Comrmttee, ther_e~wi!l~be fo~su_b_~ormmttecs dealing with the more s e ' ' mvar~s and _O~en ~on, Land , -o -ucucu oasis to .----:--.: ,,-,-vuonment. lhese cnrnm~r~7; ~ ~~-rnm~ch ';f these ~ pnng and __~~ ..... ,~'o-umttees Will-fi6 ' _ ~ ~uo-commlttees Meetings will usually be held in the evening and will likely take place on Wednesday or Thursday in the 3rd or 4th weeks of the month. The Steering Committee will meet quarterly, or as needed, for a period of 2-2/I2 years, while the sub committees w/Il meet bi-monthly for approximately a 9-16 month period. There is a $30 per diem for committee members. I encourage you or other representatives of your community to serve on these committees. Other representatives include city staff, planning commissioners, city council members, or mayors. Please contact other members whom you think could contribute to this process. I have also enclosed a news release which attempts to solicit five public/citizen-at.large members to serve on the Steering Committee (there will also be three openings on each sub-committee). If you could please post this in your city offices, and let me know if you have any good candidates, I would greatly appreciate it. If there are any questions, please call me at 361-1825. Than~5 ?You, ,/ Paul E. Moline County Planner ,'tJ?rm~li~.c A ch't)~dE',yttrd Opportum't~, Emplox'er CI]'Y OF CHAN hhb.bLN CARVER COUNTY Office of County Administration Carver County Government Center Human Services Building 600 East Fourth Street Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2183 Phone (612) 361-1510 Fax (612) 361-1581 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE ON CARVER COUNTY COMMITTEE, COMMISSION OR BOARD APPOINTMENT SOUGHT: (Enter name of the committee for which applicant seeks appointment) APPLICANT NAME: (First Name) (Last Name) STREET ADDRESS: CITY OR TOWNSHIP: ZIP CODE: DAY TIME PHONE: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION Please include a statement describing your qualifications and any other information that would be helpful to the Carver County Board of Commissioners. This may include employment, community service and education. (May continue on back) (Signature of Applicant) PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION BY / (Date) Affirmative Actiot'~,Tqual Opportutdty Employer Carver County will be preparing a comprehensive plan which guides growth and development for the next 25 years. The County is required through the 1995 Minnesota Land Planning Act to be responsible for examining the comprehensive plan and official controls, and determining the need for updates and revisions in order to set guidelines for planned, orderly growth. The County Board has authorized the formation of a Steering Committee to aid in the development of this plan. 1998-2020 Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee The purpose of the steering committee is to oversee the comprehensive planning process, to review recommendations from staff, sub-committees, and the public, and to forward recommendations to the County Planning Commission and the Board. The County is seeking applicants for FIVE CITIZEN-AT-LARGE OPENINGS. The appointments will be for the duration of the comprehensive plan process which will last approximately 2 1/2 to 3 years. The Committee will hold nightly meetings on a quarterly or as needed basis (most likely about 5 meetings a year). Committee members receive $30 per diem. The deadline for applications to the Steering Committee is January 26, 1996. For applications and more information, call Paul Moline, county planner, Carver County Government Center, Chaska, MN 55318. The phone number is 361-1825.