6d Resignation of Dawn BeitelOF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: January 12, 1996 SUB J: Resignation of Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor I This is a.good news/bad news memorandum. As you are aware, Dawn Beitel has resigned effective Friday, March 15, 1996. Dawn's a~mouncelnent is good news for her and her family. I admire her courage in setting aside the security of a "paying" job in order to assume the position of full time mom. Obviously the bad news is that we are losing an exemplary employee. This vacant position has been advertised, it is my goal to fill the position prior to Dawn's departure. 7 OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor e-~.~ DATE: January 11, 1996 SUB J: Resignation After much thought and careful consideration, 1 have decided to change careers and go back into the "stay at home mom" field. There are several things I would like to accomplish prior to my last day, which will be Friday, March 15. Those items to be finished or at least underway include: - Spring Newsletter - Establishing drop-in child care at the Recreation Center - Spring programming - Summer intern My time at Chanhassen has been a wonderful experience and I feel fortunate to have been employed by the Park & Recreation Department. I will be available to assist in any way I can prior to and after my retirement. Please don't hesitate to keep me in mind. The City of Chanhassen is accepting applications for the permanent full time position of Recreation Supervisor I. POSITION: Recreation Supervisor I CLASSIFICATION: Exempt* DEPARTMENT: Park and Recreation SALARY: $32,000 - $36,000 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE: Coordinate all aspects of the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Develop and implement a variety of youth, parent/child, and adult activities including special events. Recruit, train and supervise seasonal employees, program instructors/facility supervisors. Coordinate publishing the city's quarterly newsletter, and perform necessary public relations. Administer the Department's Internship Program. RELATIONSHIPS: Reports to Park and Recreation Director. Coordinates departmental programming objectives with Recreation Supervisor I. Work with community service organizations towards the betterment of the community and with various city commissions and boards such as CAA, Park and Recreation Commission, etc. Attend Park and Recreation Commission and City Council meetings as necessary. Oversees hiring and supervision of part time and seasonal employees as required. Coordinates with Districts 276 and 112 Community Service Departments and neighboring recreation departments to provide recreational programs. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: Recreation Program Coordinator, Youth and Families: Recruit and hire staff; Keep detailed program files; - Evaluate new programs from both a budgetary and programming standpoint; Purchase necessary supplies associated with these programs. - Create new programs. Supervise the City's Sumlner Playground Program: - Hire and train staff. Publicity of program. Purchase supplies. Monitor and evaluate program throughout its entirety. Expansion of program sites as needed. Responsible for the operation of the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Supervise maintenance of the Recreation Center. Recruit, hire, train and supervise staff. Facility scheduling. Promotion/publicity for Recreation Center. Establish rental fees and rates. Design new programs to operate out of center. * "Exempt Employee" means employees who are exempt from receiving overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Maintain and evaluate programs currently being offered. Work with various community and social groups as well as the school district. Assist in purchasing supplies and keep up with inventory. Develop operations manual for all rooms and gymnasium equipment. Establish policies and procedures for Center operations. 4. Coordinate Community Special Events with Recreation Supervisor. Coordinate the quarterly newsletter and prepare publicity material for Park and Recreation Department programs: Submit weekly press releases to local newspapers; Prepare flyers for distribution in the community and School Districts 276 and 112; Distribute publicity materials as needed. Coordinate the continued development and implementation of a comprehensive park and recreation registration system. Coordinate computer registration systems with office staff and consultants. Educate the public in regard to city registration procedures and policies. o Arrange for publicizing and promotion of programs as appropriate. Prepare or coordina~e the preparation of announcements, schedules, etc. Prepare recommendations for purchase, utilization and maintenance of necessary equipment, materials and supplies. 9. Prepare an annual program budget recommendations to the Park and Recreation Director. 10. Perlbrm other duties as necessary to achieve the city's recreational and community services objectives as assigned. 11. Act as programming advisor and staff representative for the Park & Recreation Commission in the preparation of reports and recommendations relative to community services objectives and goals. REQUIREMENTS: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Education: Bachelor's degree in Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services or equivalent. Experience: Minimum 2 years of responsible experience in municipal recreation or equivalent. Knowledge in programming of recreation and leisure activities for all ages. Must possess effective oral and written communication skills. Must have leadership skills as well as organizational skills. Must be skilled in public relations and dealing with city and school officials and employees. Previous recreation facility management experience preferable. Send resume and application letter to the City of Chanhassen, Park & Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Phone: (612) 937-1900 ext. 121/Fax: (612) 937-5739. Applications will be accepted through February 15, 1996. Recreation Supervisor I City of Chanhassen Salary Range $32,000 - $36,000 Develop and implement a variety of youth, parent/child and adult activities including special events. Recruit, train and supervise part time and seasonal employees and program instructors. Coordinate the operation of the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Minimum requirements: · Bachelor's degree in Recreation, Park and Leisure Services or equivalent. · Two years experience. · Previous facility management experience preferable. · Send resume and application letter to the City of Chanhassen, Park & Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Phone: (612) 937-1900 ext. 121/Fax: (612) 937- 5739. Applications will be accepted through February 15, 1996.