Correspondence SectionADMINISTRATIVE SECTION News Release For Publication January 25, February 22, and March 14, 1996 The City of Chanhassen is seeking candidates for the Park & Recreation Commission. Three commission terms expire April 30, 1996. Current members may reapply if they desire. Commission members serve three year terms. The Park & Recreation Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council, reviewing all recreation, leisure and park-related issues. These issues include park development and implementation of the Recreation Section of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The commission meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Work sessions are conducted "as needed" and are typically held on the second Tuesday of the month when required. Anyone interested in serving on the commission is encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted through March 20, 1996. For an application or more information, contact Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director at 937-1900 ext. 121. CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE612)P9037B1090X01:7FAx~6H1A~ 1-~7SS5E73N~ MINNESOTA 55317 January4,1996 Mr. Gary Boyle Chanhassen Lions 7214 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Gary: Thank you for your update on potential additional fUnding for a community playground at the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary. A quality playground is one of the final components required to fulfill the master plan for this site. I am encouraged by the Lions' interest in this project. Please let me know if I can assist you or the Chanhassen Lions as you move forward in your decision making. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Director of Parks and Recreation TH:gmb pc: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager FLANAGAN SALES, INC. A LOCAL: 612-486-8866 FAX: 612-486-0285 4272 HIGHLAND DRIVE, SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 OTHER STATES 800-328-3557 January 8, 1996 To: Mr. Todd Hoffman From: Bill Johnson R.E. Lake Ann Park Playground Dear Todd, Enclosed please find the latest changes for Lake Ann Park. I have changed a few deck heights to provide more even elevation changes. Also, the double wide slide was added per your requested. The additional cost of the slide is $228.00. The Kid Tiles for the swing could easily be changed so they come straight offthe path and under the swings. The tiles would then be three wide by nine deep. This would eliminate the problem with pea gravel on the sidewalk. We can decide this when it is installed. I will need to know if you want the tiles to have straight edges or if you want bevels. The bevels are about 6"-12" wide. They come separately and will make the tiled areas a little larger. The only other items that we need to place the order is colors. I will need this by Thursday. Please call me if you have any other questions. I am also sending you a new copy of this drawing in the mail. Thank you. Sin~r~ely, ,,~/Q Suppliers of Park, Recreational Equipment & Site Amenities JAN 0 9 1996 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ? ? FLA~gA6AN SALES 6124E:6~285 ,I // ./ - "~ City of Chanhassen f,,..~4' 5} .,~c e. Don Ash~vonh 69O ~C~ ~ V' Coulter Drive C4'~ ~ Cha~assen, ~ 55317 JAN 0 ...... Linking People Resources through Communi Stewardship h,,llh,,Ihh,h,,I,h,l,,,llhh,II ..... hit Plants as Catalysts for Change Saturday, February 24, 1996 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota Important information for community organizers, garden stewards, volunteers, social service providers, and those concerned with the restoration of communities t/srough plants. Conference sportso~ include: MN State Horticultural Society - MN Oreen, MN Landscape Arboretum, University of Minnesota, MN Deparlment of Transportation, MN.Department of Natural Resources, MN Recreation and Parks Association, Hennepin T~hnical College, MN Shade Tree Advisory Committee Conference O,pportunities: REVIEW EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY AND THERAPELrrlc GARDENING STRATEGIES TAKE AN IN-DEPTH LOOK AT EXISTING COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAMS IN THE STATE LEARN DESIGN, SELECTION OF HARDY PLANTS, AND SPECIFIC HORTICULTURAL ACTIVITIES DISCOVER COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR TO YOUR PROGRAMS EXAMINE CURRENT TRENDS IN COMMUNITY GREENING PROJECTS BENEFIT FROM HANDS-ON LEARNING EXPERIENCES, INTERN'ET LINKS, AND AN ASSORTMENT OF DISPLAYS Special Conference Information A limited number of seats are available for the An of Specialty Gardens (ASG) lecture seminar entitled "Indoor and Outdoor Gardens" The ASG lectures are being held at the same place and time as the Plants as Catalysts... conference. If you are interested in attending the ASG lectures, please indicate on your registration form. Seats are limited. Registration deadline is Febrltarv I0, 1996 No refunds after FebrttarF 17, 1996 Featured keynote address by Shane Smith, ahthor, m~d fotmding director of the Cheye~me Botanic Garden. Smith, recogmized by Presidents Clinton, Bush and Reagan for his accomplislunents in volunteerism, is one of the nation's foremost authorities on corm,aunity-based greening programs. The topic of his address will be Empowering Communities towards Gardening Stewardship. Continuing Education Units (CEU's) are available from the following institutions: * University of Minnesota * Minnesota Recreation Parks Association * American Horticulture Therapy Association Sign up and pay for CEU's the day of the conference. You must attend the event all day to be eligible for CEU points. Consem'e Resources: Bring your own name tag and coffee mug to the conference! 'Z?£ 7x~ 09PS-£PP-ZI9 111 ~,~Otla.qcft/oo i~tl] a~ofaq $)li~ oat] llS11R] 111 Sll ~ff.t]Otl ~£111~]d 911ttiJOf i~]11tl.13]]11 ti11 tit. ]111. 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BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 Dear Bluff Creek Elementary Parents: Today I had the opportunity to talk with your child about my career as Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Chanhassen. The most satisfying part of my career is promoting the benefits of parks and recreation. Parks and recreation is an essential service; one that can positively impact health, crime prevention, the environment, the economy and the quality of life in our community. Please accept this complimentary pass to the neTM Chanhassen Recreation Center allowing you to sample the benefits of this wonderful facility. Sincerely, Todd Hoft'man, CLP Director of Parks and Recreation January 17, 1996 Dear Pride Group Students: Thank you for inviting ine to speak to you during your studies about careers. My name is Todd Hoffinan, and I am the Park & Recreation Director for the City of Chanhassen. \Vorking for a municipal (city) park and recreation department is a satisfying experience and can be a life long career. Each of us, as individuals, have a history. A life history is a chronology of where we have been and what we have done. Our individual histories contain a great deal of ir~fom-mtion pertaining to our career paths. To be successfill, each of tls also need career goals. Goals pertain to the fl~ture. Without goals, each of us has little control over our own destiny. By setting goals, we are able to gain some, but not all, control over our fi~ture. In order to answer the question, "How did I become the Director of Parks & Recreation for the City of Chanhasser~?," I would like to talk to you about my history as an individual. Education I have actively participated in education for twenty-three out of thirty-two years of my life. The following chronology tells you about my education history. 1969-1975: Attended Roosevelt Elementary School, Mankato, Minnesota. 1975-1977: Attended Lincoln Jr. High School, Mankato, Minnesota. 1977-1981: Attended Mankato West High School. 1981-1983: Attended B emidji State University. Studied limnology. 1983: Attended Mankato State University. Studied construction management. 1984: Attended the University of Minnesota. Studied mechanical engineering. 1984-1987: Attended Mankato State University. Studied recreation, parks and leisure services. 1991-1996: Attending Hamline University. Studying public administration. Careers My career, or work history, spans an even greater time than my education. All of us participate in a variety ofw,Srk functions from a very early age. The chronology of my work history follows: Late 1960's to 1977: Occupations included "picked" night crawlers, detassled corn, xvalked beans, pet shop assistant, construction assistant, paper cmTier (part-time). 1987-1981: Clerk at a pet shop, partner in a summertime painting business, construction laborer. 1981-1986: Manager ora pet shop in a variety store, senior laborer on a home construction crew. 1986-1987: Hennepin Parks Intern, Cleary Lake Park and Golf Course, Hennepin Parks. 1987: Part-time recreation supervisor, City of Chanhassen. 1988-1991: Full time recreation supervisor, City of Chanhassen. 1991-1996: Director of Parks & Recreation, City of Chanhassen. Like all individuals, I also participate in activities not directly associated with work and my career. As a child, I enjoyed summer vacations, celebrating holidays with family, fishing, camping, cub scouts, weeblos, and boy scouts, and tagging along with my father on hunting trips. As an adult, 1 still enjoy summer vacations, celebrating holidays with family, fishing, hunting, and camping. My wife Liz and I also enjoy raising our four children, Claire, age 7, who attends school here at Bluff Creek Elementary School in Mrs. Legaard's class; Hannah-4; Daniel-2; and our newest addition, Kyle - 7 months old. Our house in Victoria is also home to Red, our dog, Twinkle, our cat, and two fish tanks. To help you understand my present career, or work, I have made available to you a copy of my complete job description. I will spend a few minutes discussing each item on the description, leaving time to answer your questions. I would like you all to remember this point as you learn about myjob. There are skills required in my job which are common to any career you can dream about pursuing. I must be able to read, write, calculate, communicate, plan, coordinate, and manage every day. I work five days per week for 26 weeks each year. An 8 hour work day is typically divided into the following tasks: Organizing Planning Informal meetings Site or project inspections Management .5 hours .5 hours .5 hours .5 hours .5 hours Thinking .5 hours Formal meetings 1 hour Telephone conversations I hour Writing 3 hours These tasks or skills are common in all careers. All of you are capable of performing these tasks and all of you one day will have careers of your own. JOB DESCRIPTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN POSITION: Park and Recreation Director CLASSIFICATION: Exempt DEPARTMENT: Park and Recreation DATE: January 1996 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE Performs professional work related to park land acquisition and physical planning and development of parks, open space, and trails where a strong understanding of park planning concepts, principles and techniques is required. Administers policy and procedure as outlined in the City Comprehensive Plan and Park and Recreation Ordinances. Administers and oversees the development of leisure time, recreational, sports activities and programs, and special community events within the City. Provides primary staff support to the Park and Recreation Commission and appropriate Task Force Study groups, including coordinating work with consultants. Provides work direction to the Park Superintendent, Recreation Supervisors, Senior Citizen Coordinator. Works closely with the Planning and Engineering Departments in reviewing development plans so as to ensure development is in accordance with objectives and guidelines established by the City Council. RELATIONSHIPS Reports to: City Manager Supervises: Park Maintenance Division, Recreation Supervisors, Senior Citizen Coordinator and seasonal employees as required Coordinates with local Community Services Directors and neighboring Park and Recreation Directors to provide coordinated recreational programs, park facilities and connecting trail systems. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Plan and direct the general administration of the Park and Recreation Department. Provide advise/recommendations, with supportive data, to the Park and Recreation Commission and special study groups, i.e. Community Center Task Force, Tree 33 Preservation Board, Trails Task Force, etc., in the preparation of park plans, ordinances, reports and recommendations relative to community services objectives and goals. Review land development plans and make recommendations based on City park and trail plans, ordinances, and policies in the form of oral and written reports directed to the City Council and Park and Recreation Commission. o Oversee and evaluate the organization and coordination of programs to achieve objectives, including: all city athletic, recreational and leisure programs for all age groups; enrichment and educational programs for all ages; working with community services coordinators of the school districts as appropriate; hiring and supervising program instructors or assistants as necessary. o Oversee the coordination of scheduling and maintenance of all park and trail and public space facilities. Prepare recommendations for the purchase, utilization, and maintenance of necessary equipment, materials, and supplies. 7. Draft and administer an annual departmental operating budget. 8. Draft and administer an annual program and capital improvement budget. o Provide direct supervision to the Park Superintendent, Recreation Supervisors, Senior Citizen Coordinator and act as a liaison to consuhants. I0. Keep infom-~ed on all aspects of concern in the park and recreation field, so as to improve methods of administration, when possible, in Chanhassen. 11. Provides guidance to Senior Citizen Coordinator, assists in coordination of Senior Center activities. 12. Performs other duties as necessary to carry out city policy and to achieve goals and objectives of the city Parks and Recreation Department. REQUIREMENTS EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree in Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services or equivalent. Masters Degree in Public Administration, Parks & Recreation or related field preferred. EXPERIENCE: Minimum 5 years of responsible experience in park and recreation administration. Ability to establish an effective working relationship with city staff, athletic associations, civic organizations and the public. Ability to promote and express innovative thinking in providing park and recreational services at minimal costs while providing a good level of service. Knowledge of public administration, organizational methods and procedures. CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, SCOTT & FUCHS, P.A. Attorneys at Law Thom;ix J. C;impl,elI Ro~er N. Knutson Thom;is NI. Scott Gary G. Fuchs glliott B. Knetsch (612) 452-5000 Fax (612) 452-5550 December 27, 1995 Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. Don Ashworth City Manager City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: City of Chanhassen v. Heritage Development of Minnesota, Inc. Condemnation Proceedings Our File No. 12668/365 Dear Todd and Don: Enclosed please find a copy of the Order and Dismissal in the above referenced matter. The condemnation action is now at an end. Please call if you have any further questions regarding the above. Thank you. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, SCOTT & FUCHS, P.A. ~ / . ~ ) / ' ,,/, , /' ~-/ // Matthew K. Brokl MKB:kgm RECEIVED Y ~ ~1-- ~'~, ....... STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Chaska. MN Ca4e Number: 10-C0-95-001101 NOTICE Ca4e Title: CITY OF CHANHASSEN. A MINNESOTA CORPORATION vs. HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT OF MINNESOTA /NC GARY G FUCHS EAGANDALE OFFICE CENTER 1380 CORPORATE CENTER CURVE EAGAN MN 55121 DANIEL F. JAMBOR 2195 SILVER LAKE ROAD NEW BRIGHTON. MN 55112 MICHAEL A. FAHEY CARVER COUNTY ATTORNEY CHAN-LAND PARTNERS C/O JAMES A. BERNARD 7200 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA. MN 55435 ON YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT IN THE ABOUE ENTITLED MATTER THAT DECEMBER 19. 1995 AIN) XXX FINDINGS AND ORDER WAS DULY FILED. ORDER WAS DULY FILED. FINDINGS OF FACT. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT WAS DULY FILED. JUDGMENT WAS DULY ENTERED. JUDGMENT WAS DULY DOCKETED IN THE AMOUNT OF $ AGAINST OTHER COURT ADMINISTRATION CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 600 EAST FOURTH STREET BOX 4 CHASKA. MINN. 55~1B TELEPHONE - 361-1420 GREGORY ~ ESS DEPUTY / A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED BY MAIL UPON THE PARTIES HEREIN AT THE LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF EACH. PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. RIJLE 77.04 Dale~: 12/19/1995 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER DEC 1 c/1995' CARVEH ~uur~ I Y ~URTS DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: 2/Condemnation Court File No. C0-95-I101 City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, Petitioner, VS. ORDEP, OF DISMISSAl., Iteritage Development of Minnesota, Inc., a Minnesota corporation; Chan-Land Partners, a Minnesota limited partnership; John Doe and Mary Roe and County of Carver, Respondents. The above-entitled matter came before the Court, without hearing, upon the Notice of Dismissal and Dismissal of Petitioner. Pursuant to the Notice of Dismissal and Dismissal of Petitioner, the above-entitled proceeding is hereby dismissed, without prejudice. Dated' 31961 CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 January16,1996 Ms. Lori Carsik Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Drive P.O. Box 39 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Lori: February Festival is rapidly approaching. This prompts another organizational meeting with the February Festival Fun Ski team. There will be a Fun Ski meeting at Chanhassen City Hall, Monday, January 22 at 2:00 p.m. The following agenda will be discussed: - Course layout - Volunteers - Prize Drawings - Publicity - Fun Ski T-shins - Sponsorship If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126. Sincerely, Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k - OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 January 16, 1996 Prairie Cycle & Ski Attn: John & Wenda 8767 Columbine Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dear John & Wenda: February Festival is rapidly approaching. This prompts another organizational meeting with the February Festival Fun Ski team. There will be a Fun Ski meeting at Chanhassen City Hall, Monday, January 22 at 2:00 p.m. The following agenda will be discussed: - Course layout ~ Volunteers - Prize Drawings - Publicity - Fun Ski T-shirts - Sponsorship If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126. Sincerely, Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 January 16, 1996 Ridgeview Sports Medicine Attn: Ms. Trisha Rinzel 570 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Trisha: February Festival is rapidly approaching. This prompts another organizational meeting ~vith the February Festival Fun Ski team. There will be a Fun Ski meeting at Chanhassen City Hall, Monday, January 22 at 2:00 p.m. The following agenda will be discussed: - Course layout - Volunteers - Prize Drawings - Publicity - Fun Ski T-shirts - Sponsorship If you have any questions, please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126. Sincerely, Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department presents... Afton Alps Ski Trip Friday, January 26 Grades 6-8 and Adults (over age 18) Join us for the first downhill ski trip this winter. There will be two drop off/return loca- tions for this trip. Buses will leave Chaska Middle School at 3:00 p.m. and return at ap- proximately 11:30-11:45 p.m. Buses will also leave Minnetonka Middle School West at 3:45 p.m. and return at approximately 11:00-11:15 p.m. Dinner is on your own and a concession stand is available. A phone will not be available upon returning from the trip. Please have your transportation arranged prior to returning. Student Lift Ticket and Bus $27 Equipment Rental $10 Beginner Lesson $2' *Pay for ski lesson at Afton Alps. For more information, call Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900 ext. 126 Registration Form Head of Household' Adult $30 $11 $2* Address: City & Zip: Home Phone: Alternative Phone & Name: Participant's Name Birthdate Program Name q Pick Up Location Code No. Fee Afton Alps Mtka Chaska 1021.201 Alton Alps Mtka Chaska 1021.201 Afion Alps Mtka Chaska 1021.201 I, thc undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity(les); and I fi~rther agree to indemnify and hold ham~less from and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form to: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Parent's Signature Date The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department presents... Welch Village Ski Trip Friday, February 9 Grades 6-8 and Adults (over age 18) Join us for the second downhill ski trip this winter. There will be two drop off/return locations for this trip. Buses will leave Chaska Middle School at 3:00 p.m. and return at approximately 11:30-11:45 p.m. Buses will also leave Minnetonka Middle School West at 3:45 p.m. and return at approximately 11:00-11:15 p.m. Dinner is on your own and a concession stand is available. A phone will not be available upon returning from the trip. Please have your transportation arranged prior to returning. Lift Ticket and Bus Equipment Rental Beginner Lesson Student $3O $10 TBD Adult $35 $10 TBD For more information, call Jerry Ruegemer at 937-1900 ext. 126 Registration Form Head of Household' Address: City & Zip: Home Phone:, Alternative Phone & Name: Participant's Name Birthdate Program Name x] Pick U ~ Location Code No. Fee Welch Village Mtka Chaska 1021.202 ~elch Village Mtka Chaska 1021.202 Welch Village Mtka Chaska 1021.202 1, the undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity(ies); and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless fi'om and against any, and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. Return this form to: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department, 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317. Parent's Signature Date CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Tent. Banquet Tables, and Folding Chair Suppliers FROM: City of Chanhassen, Park and Recreation Department DATE: January 11, 1996 SUB J: Request lbr Bid - Tents, Banquet Tables. and Folding Chairs for Chanhassen's Special Events This letter contains specifications of items for which the City is seeking bids fi'om a number of area suppliers. The items which are needed for each special event are listed on the specification sheet. Bids w'ill be accepted through 12:00 p.m. Monday, January 22, 1996. There will not be a public bid opening. The vendor with the lowest combined bid for both special events will be selected. Bids should include all costs related to the bid specifications. Send or fax bids to: Mr. Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Fax: (612)-937-5739 Bid items are: FEBRUARY FESTIVAL - Februal~ 17, 1996 100 30 30'x 60' tent/lights/sidewall tent set-up on ice of Lake Susan folding chairs 8 foot banquet tables BID PRICE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION - JuN 3 and 4, 1996 1 40'x 120' tent/lights/sidewall 1 40' x 80' 4 10'x 10' tent/lights/sidewall tents/lights/sidewall 500 folding chairs 95 8 foot banquet tables TOTAL BID (TENTS & TABLES/CHAIRS} BID PRICE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17,1996 Celebrate winter at Chanhassen's 3rd Annual February Festival. Scheduled events include: ice fishing contest, Snowball Open golf tournament, cross-country fun ski, ice skating, dog sled demonstrations, door prizes, huge bon fire, and more. For details call Chanhassen Park & Rec at 937-1900, ext. 126. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE 1996 CHANHASSEN SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: Aagard West, Americana Community Bank, Berne Scale Company, Byerly's, Carlson Travel Network/Chanhassen Travel, Chanhassen Athletic Association, Chanhassen Bait & Tackle, The Chanhassen Bank, Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, Chanhasscn City Council, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, Chanhasscn Elementary School Student Council, Chanhassen Jaycees, Chanhassen Lawn & Sports, Chanhassen Lions Club, Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission, Chanhassen Rotary, Chanhassen Snowmobile Club, Colonial Church at Heritage Square, Country Suites by Carlson, Dayco Concrete Company, Debra Kind Design, Empak Inc., Festival Foods, Michael Leonard DDS, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, NordicTrack, Prairie Cycle & Ski, Ridgevicw Sports Medicine, The Riviera Lounge & Restaurant, Roberts Automatic Products, Rosemount, Southwest Metro Transit, Southwest Music & Audio, Target, Travel Agents International/Chanhassen. If you would like to participate in the Chanhassen Sponsorship Program please call Jerry at 937-1900 ext. I g6. CHANHASSEN BAIT 4,~o w.'zsth St'r;;. Highway 101 & 5 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 934-0789 Phil Gossard Guns -New & Used Large Selection of Archery and Hunting Eqbipment Chris Prately caught this 40" northern weighing 17 lbs. Photo courtesy of All Seasons Sports In Delano. Chanhassen Feb~-~ar¥ Festival ice fishermen cover the waters of Lake Ann each year for an exciting contest. A pair of contestants gander at a few of the many prizes won at The February Festival in Chanhassen last year. This year's event aims to be even bigger and bet- ter. ,~i~' Sponsored By: ~ Chanhassen Chamber of Com m erce F S q NG CONTEST ,SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 "Come Spend A Winter Day In A Charming & Friendly West Metro Community" For Information & Directions , -- CALL- (61 2)937-1 900 Ext.~2s ADVANCED TICKETS $5.00 For Adults $2.00 For Youths (17 & Under) If Purchased After February 9 $7.00 For Adults ~'"'"~ $4.00 For Youths (17 & Under) MN FF · 14 · JAN. '96 3rd Annual Chanhassen February Festival Cross Country Fun Ski Saturday, February 17, 1996 9.'00 a.m. start Ski a beautiful 4-mile course (or easier 1-mile course) through the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum's woodlands, prairies and marsh areas with several challenging hills. Classic double-tracked fun ski open to the entire family. (Ski skating is not possible.) Some ski rentals will be available that day for participants. Registered participants will receive a long-sleeved tee shirt and refreshments, and be eligible for many great prizes. Registration is limited to the first 1 O0 skiers. Sponsored by Minnesota Landscape Arboretum PA~K~ RECREATION and Prairie Cycle & Ski Ridgeview Sports Medicine Scott & Associates Fee: $11 per participant when received by February 9, 1996. $15 registration fee when received February 10 or after. Weather/ snow condition determination will be made by 5:00 pm on Friday, February 16, 1996--participants can call Chanhassen Park and Recreation's Leisure Line at 962-9002 for updated information. No refunds will be possible. In the event of fun ski cancellation, participants can pick up their tee shirts and still enjoy reffeslunents and prize drawing in the Arboretum's auditorium. For more information, call Lori at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretmn, (612) 443-2460, ext. 227. The Arboretum is located 9 miles west of 494 on Highway 5 in Chanhassen. REGISTRATION FORM One form per person. Make copies as needed Name Address Zip Day'Phone: ( ) Eve. Pfione: ( ) Enclose your check made out to the City of Chanhassen and mail with this form to: City of Chanhassen, Attn: Jerry R., 690 Coulter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ali participants must sign a release form on race day. Parent or guardian must sign for minor children. FEBRUARY FESTIVAL ICE FISHING CONTEST SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1996 3:00-5:00 P.M., LAKE SUSAN - TICKET OUTLETS - LOCATION Byerly's 800 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Bait & Tackle 440 West 79th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce 80 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen City Hall 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Festival Foods 7900 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Target 851 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 CONTACT An Miller 474-1298 Guy Rustad 934-0789 PM Papenfuss 934-39035008 Jerry Ruegemer Todd Hoffman 937-1900 Dawn Beitel 474-0641 Bob Murray 934-1010 Kathy Guettler 470-0206 g \park',feb fest\ou~lets FEBRUARY FESTIVAL ICE FISHING SALES REPORT PLEASE FILL OUT WEEKLY (Friday-Thursday*) Please account for your weekly ticket sales on Friday mornings and enclose the weekly proceeds and the sales report in the envelope provided. Sales report will picked up on Friday afternoons. Beginning Cash: $ 50.00 Business: A. Adult Passes: First number sold to last number sold = total number sold. to Total number sold x $5.00 = $ (total cash) Bo * Passes sold after February 9 - Adults $7.00 Youth Passes: First number sold to last number sold = total number sold. Week #: to Total number sold x $2.00: $ TOTAL NO. OF PASSES SOLD: (total cash) * Passes sold after February 9 - Youth $4.00 TOTAL CASH A & B: $ Remove $50.00 starting change before counting. Total Coins: $ Total Bills: $ Total Checks: $ Grand Total: $ Over/Under: $ Reason: TOTAL NO. OF PASSES SOLD: x $ .25 = $ (Amount you earned this week.) Questions on February Festival can be directed to Chanhassen Park and Recreation at 937- 1900, ext. 126. CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 January 16, 1996 Mr. Tim Beduhn 850 Saddlebrook Pass Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Tim: Unfortunately the winter adult volleyball league was canceled due to low registration. Please find your registration check enclosed. Thank you again for your interest in Chanhassen Park & Recreation's adult volleyball league. Leagues will be offered again next fall. Please call if you have interest in playing. Sincerely, Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 January 16, 1996 Ms. Julie Dosdall 14952 Williston Lane Minnetonka, MN 55345 Unfortunately the winter adult volleyball league was canceled due to low registration. Please find your registration check enclosed. Thank you again for your interest in Chanhassen Park & Recreation's adult volleyball league. Leagues will be offered again next fall. Please call if you have interest in playing. Sincerely, , Je~Ty/Rueg~-mer Recreation Supervisor JR:k CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 January 16, 1996 Ms. Vicki Churchill 950 Butte Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Vicki: Unfortunately the winter adult volleyball league was canceled due to low registration. Please find your registration check enclosed. Thank you again for your interest in Chanhassen Park & Recreation's adult volleyball league. Leagues xvill be offered again next fall. Please call if you have interest in playing. Sincerely, Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Supervisor JR:k THINKING ABOUT EXERCISE FOR THE NEW YEAR? Make exercise and healthy eating a part of yOur lifestyle. LINDA M. MATTHIAS, PERSONAL TRAINER 443-3310 FREE INFORMATION More effective, less expensive than a health club 474-3388 esidnnli,l Lighting & Ceiling Fans HUGESELECTION · Wall and ceiling fixtures · Track and recessed lighting , · Outdoor lighting · Ceiling fans · For new construction and remodeling 7SOl Park Orivl · Chanhamn I~. 5 - Just Wid d' Pwe. Blvd. (17) s.: M-Th. I0 a.m.4 r.m., F, Sat., 9 a.m.-5 CAP Agency/Meals on Wheels Monday, Jan. 22 Cabbage rolls, mashed pota- toes, wax beans, cheesecake/ strawberries, bread Tuesday, Jan. 23, Liver and onions, fried pota- toes, stewed tomatoes, apricots Thursday, Jan. 25 Parmesan chicken, rice pilaL broccoli, coleslaw, lemon bar, bread Friday, Jan. 26 Fish, hash browns, I~ st beets, mandarin oranges, Totally awesome FrkJay These middle school students whooped it up during a dance last Friday at Chaska Middle school. The dance, as well as an open gymnasium, were part of "Totally Friday," an activity aimed at giving young teens something to do on Friday nights. The program is spon- sored by the Chaska and Chan- hassen park and recreation de- partments, and the District 112 Community Education Depart- ment. Cable Public Access TV 33 Program Schedule lan. 18 to Jan. 24 Thursday, Jan. 18 6:00 p.m. Hawk Talk w[b~ Bob Roepke 7:00 p.m. Replay CHS Boys Hockey game vs. Lakeville of 1/16/96 9:00 p.m. Inside Paragon 10:35 p.m. Minnesota Environmental Jour- nal Friday, Jan. 19 6:00 p.m.U.S. Air Force Television News 7:00 p.m. Replay CHS/EP Girls Hockey game vs. Bloomington 1/4/96 Monday, Jan. 22 3:00 p.m. Taking the Le- ~ -- The Manage- ment Revol~ 5:00 p.m. Hawk Talk wk., ,~ob Roepko 6:00 p.m. The Cabin Fever Show National Recreation and Park Association 2775 South Quincy Street · Suite 300 · Arlington, Virginia 22206-2204 · (703) 820-4940 · Fax: (703) 671-6772 Dear Recreation and Park Advocate: RECEIVED JAN 16 REC'D CITY OF CHf\NHASSr.-i',~ The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and the National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) invite you to join with us in participating in the seventh annual March for Parks-- the nation's largest walking event for parks. Organized by NPCA, March for Parks is set for April 19-22, 1996. Last year, NRPAjoined with NPCA to advance March for Parks in celebrating the 25th anniversapv, of Earth Da)'. An estimated one million individuals participated, generating significant funding and heightened awareness for public park and recreation projects nationwide. Hundreds of marches nationally will be organized by schools, environmental and conservation groups, service clubs, and other "friends of parks." The marches have a common goal: to help raise funds for local projects and to enhance awareness of the value of national, state, and local parks. One hundred percent of the net proceeds from each march will stay in the local community, to be donated to a local park. NPCA's longstanding commitment to defending, promoting and improving the National Park System is well 'known. The growth of March for Parks is largely due to the support of local park and citizen groups that want to help state and local parks as well. NRPA and NPCA share a common belief that all parks are important and merit support. March for Parks is an ideal way to accomplish this. March for Parks also advances another mutual goal: to inform local, state and national policy makers and legislators of the importance of parks and recreation. Thus, we encourage you to invite elected representatives to see first-hand the wonders of our nation's public park systems and to understand the need for stewardship. Having public officials participate in March for Parks events is an ideal way to advance this goal. AMarchfor Parks registration form is enclosed. Please return it as soon as possible to receive a free March Parmer K/t, providing you with everything you need to knoxv about organizing a local event. We look forxvard to working, and marching, xvith you. R. Dean Tice Executive Director National Recreation and Park Association .f"'~--'~'"-, Sincerely, ritchard · / President National Parks and Conservation Association J · MARCH FOR PARKS CELEBRATES 26 ANNIVERSARY OF EARTH DAY Volunteers needed to organize events in national, state, and city parks--FREE materials available,t NPCA's SEVENTH ANNUAL March for Parks will be the nation's largest walking event for parks and open spaces. Held in conjunction with Earth Day, March for Parks raises awareness of park prob- lems and funds for park projects across the country. More than 1,000 marches are expected to be organized to help celebrate the 26th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 1996. NPCA encourages people with an interest in preserving or restoring a park in their community to organize a march sometime on Earth Day weekend, April 19-22, 1996. One hundred percent of the proceeds from each march will stay in the local community, to be donated to a national, state, or local park. To support each march, NPCA will provide, free of charge: · A comprehensive guidebook on how to organize a local march; · A Teacher's Guide for events focused on children; · A sample brochure/pledge form for walkers; · March for Parks posters and signs; · Sample press releases, PSAs, and logo sheets; · Certificates of Appreciation for walk- ers; · A toll-free number for advice and answers to your questions. For free March for Parks materials, fax a signed copy of this form to: 202-659-0650. Or mail to NPCA, March for Parks, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. For more information, call 1-800-NAT-PARK (x225). E-mail: mrchparks@aol.com. Letter of Agreement Name: Organization: Address: City/State/Zip:. E-mail address: UI Send Teacher's Guide Name of Park: $ Goal: Date of March: Member: Phone:( American Volkssport Assoc. Type: Funds will be used to · April 19 April 20 __April 21 April 22 NRPA UI National Tree Trust marchers planned: "I agree to hold a March for Parks on Earth Day weekend (April 19-22, 1996), using the official March for Parks logo and all national sponsor logos on all printed materials. I will accept local sponsorship only from companies that are not in conflict with national sponsors. I will donate all of the net proceeds from my march to the public park of my choice. I will send results, photos, and other information to NPCA after my event is completed." Signature: Date: NRPA CiPRINTED ON R} CYCLED PAP£R March for ParksWa r . The the Earth 'I'M Walk fo'r~'h~"Eiirth ~: ..... ". ............. '"Abbut the National Parks and ;' "~ .... - .... '~:~' :-J'"' "; ..... ~"~"~'~'~'~'~' CohservatiOn Association ' The National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) started March for Parks - Walk for the~ Earth in 1990 to encourage citizens to get ~: ~ involved with parks in their communities. March for Parks has since grown to become the largest annual walk for parks and open spaces and America's largest Earth Day event. In 1995, more than 900 communities conducted a March ~: for Parks, representing all 50 states plus the U.S. Virgin Islands. Approximately 1 million people participated, including marchers, volunteers, and contributors, raising more than $2.25 million for national, state, and local parks. :-. ~ , · March for Parks allows local organizers, called "March Partners," to "adopt" a national, state, or local public park or open space. One hundred percent of the net proceeds raised through March for Parks stays at the local level to benefit the identified park projects. Over the past six years the event has funded projects such as tree plantings, trail maintenance, land acquisition, habitat protection, recycling/clean-up efforts, and environmental education programs. March Partner Agreement As a March Partner, you agree to: · Hold your march on Earth Day weekend, April 19-22, 1996~ · Use the official March for Parks logo and corporate sponsor logos on all signs, ads, brochures, and other primed material (national sponsor logos distributed in December, 1995). · Call your event a "March for Parks." · Donate all net proceeds to your local park. · Accept local sponsorships only from companies that are not in conflict (i.e. competition) with national corporate sponsors. National sponsors will be announced in November, 1995. · Provide copies of press materials, news clips, photos, and other information, including complete results, to NPCA after your event. The National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) is America's only private nonprofit citizens organization dedicated solely to protecting, preserving, and enhancing the U.S. National Park System. An association of "Citizens Protec.ting America's parks," NPCA was founded in: 191.9, and today has more than 450,000 members. March for Parks is one of many grassroots programs .NPCA employs to mobilize its members, volunteers, and friends around key park issues. There is no fee to participate in March for Parks or to receive the March Partner Kit, which contains organizing information and materials. NPCA and national corporate sponsors fund the program entirely, allowing March Partners to receive all organizing materials at no cost and retain all funds raised locally for their selected national, state, or local park. If you would like to become a member of NPCA, please send a check for $25 to: NPCA Membership/MFP 1776 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 NPCA members receive the award-winning bimonthly magazine National Parks, as well as the NPCA PARK-PAK, a members-only travel information kit that helps make park visits convenient and enjoyable. For more information, call 1-800-NAT-PARK March for Parks Event Info: ext. 225 March for Parks Sponsorship: ext. 134 or 143 PEINTED ON IECYCLED PAPER CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director Kara Willems, Senior Center Coordinator 2''~ DATE: December 21, 1995 SUB J: Senior Center Activities Update The month of November and December has seen a slight decrease in regular activities and trips. I have found that relocation for the winter, the weather, and the holidays inhibits a good portion of these people who are not attending. I am looking forward for the New Year and all the positive things it will bring. I have been busy planning activities and trips for next year, with the Senior Advisory Board as well as the Senior Commission. I have scheduled the months of January and February very scarce, due to the likelihood of extremely cold weather and snow. The Men's Club, Women's Club, Bridge Club, Woodcarving, Bingo, Card Club, CHAN-o-laires, Book Club, and Bowling Group continue to meet weekly. The only group who has taken the winter off is the Craft Class. Once again 1 have kept track of the weekly numbers we have for every activity and have averaged them out. These numbers include the month's of November and December. Regular Monthly Activities Bridge 12 people Men's Club 11 men Book Club 8 people Women's Club 7 women Craft Class 6 women Movie of the Month 6 people Bingo 16 people Soup Luncheon 19 people Woodcarving 9 people Senior Exercise 7 people Cards 18 people CHAN-o-laires 18 people Bowling 6 people Trips & Special Programs Saturday Night Special / Chicken Dinner 38 people Hinckley Grand Casino 60 people Ellingson Car Museum Canceled Holiday Party : 85 people Murphy's Landing Trip 10 people Defensive Driving 30 people Recorded Number of Visitors at the Center November 500 people December 475 people STARLAB SPACE CAMP Enjoy your SPRING BREAK by watching the night sky's stars, planets and constellations in the STARLAB. Examples of activities include making star charts, playing Space Jeopardy and even eating real astronaut food. Don't miss this exciting camp, it's BLAST!! BRING A BAG LUNCH EACH DAY. Who: 1 st- 6th grade Registration Deadline: March 4th ~~ FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 474-0641 When: March 12 ~ 13 from 9:00am - 2:00pm Where: Chanhassen Recreation Center Cost: $24.00 O Return To: Chanhassen Recreation Center. 2310 Coulter Blvd., Chanhassen. MN 55317 Head(sI or Household Addres~ CltT & ZIp Code Home Phone Alternative Phone Par'lJdpant's Name Sex Birthdate Program Name Fee Total Amount of Payment Enclosed I, t~e tmderslgred, pan. t, guardian or part~dpant, do hereby agree to allow the Indlddual(s) named here~n to pa~dpate In the above mentfoned activity(les) and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all liability for injur/which ma), be strffer~d by t~ aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way with, his/her partidpation in this activity. Parent, G_ua~an, or._Partldp~_a_n_t Signature Da~e Daddy/Daughter Date Nght Another special night has been planned for Dads (or Grandpas) and their daughters to celebrate Valentines Day. Together, you and your younger sweetheart willshare in a cateredsupper, games, special entertainment and dancing. Other surprises are in store for all who attend Preregistration is required Ca11937-1900 ext. 144for more Feburary 8, Thursday 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Chanhassen P~creation Center 4-9 year olds Minimum/Ma~mum: 10/25 couples $ 20/couple; $ 7/additional child information Address: City & Zip Code: Home Phone: Alternative Phone: Participant's NOme Sex Birthdate ~¥ogram 9~me Code NO. Fee Daddy/Daughter Date MIght 1020.201 Daddy/Daughter Date M.~ht 1020.201 I, the unders~ned parent, guardian or participa~t, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s)namedherein to participate in the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s)arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature: Date: Chanhassen Recreation Center Aerobics Schedule January 2 - March 4 MON. TUES. WEDS. THURS. FRI. SAT. STEP/ STEP/ STEI'/ 5:40-6:40 CIRCUIT CIRCUIT CII,ICUIT STEP STEP STEP 13_111 SltELLY SltELLY SI IELLY LOW LOW 6:20-7:20 IMPACT/ IMPACT/ STEP STEP alll SUSAN SUSAN INS 1R1'C1'- 7:45-8:45 OR'S am I Il(; I 8:45-9:45 IMPA('T am \VENDY STEP SIEP S1 EP 9:30-10:30 alii AMY AMY AMY I'ONING I ONING I 1:15-12:00 ill*Il ~pll] WENDY AMY 12:05-12:55 pm STEP STEP 3:45-4:45 pR1 JEAN JEAN LOW I.O~V 5:30-6:30 IMPACT IMPACT ptll BONNIE BONNIE IIIGIi/LOV¥ lilGII/I.O~V JAZZERCISE 6:40-7:40 IMPACT MARY MARY JANET S lEI' STEIV S'I'EI~ 7:45-8:45 CIRCUT SIEP DEB DEB SI1ELL1 Call the Chanhassen Recreation Center at 474-0641 for more inlbrmation