1 Approval of MinutesPARK & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 23, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Andrews. Members present: Members absent: Director. Jim Manders, Jim Andrews, Jane Meger, Jan Lash and Frank Scott. Fred Berg and Ron Roeser. Staff present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Visitors: Don Chmiel, Mayor; Roberta Misslin, 8231 Lake Court West representing Chanhassen/Chaska Soccer Association. APPROVAL OFAGENDA PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS - None VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: The commission received a report from the Park & Recreation Director concerning the Mayor's interest in potentially reusing the Pauly's building. The proposal is for a youth center either on a temporary or permanent basis. Mayor Chmiel spoke to the commission regarding this concept and asked for the commission's input. Commission members were interested in the idea, but are hesitant due to the potential level of investment that would be necessary to make a youth center a reality. The commission directed staff to prepare a report including the following pieces of information: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discuss what the original intent was for the HRA purchasing the building; Discuss the success/failure of similar centers; Expose the terms of the present lease with Russ Pauly, specifically what agreements have been made over how the building's interior will look upon Mr. Pauly's departure; Prepare an estimate of monthly and annual basic operating costs for the building, i.e. electricity, gas, etc.; Prepare a report portraying an example of what the annual operating costs for such an operation could be; Explore further the concept of operating the center as a non-profit business. This report is to be presented to the commission at their February meeting. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS: Election of Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson: This election was postponed until May 21, q996, allowin, g April appointments to be completed prior to the eiection 6f 6qhcers. 1995 Attendance Report: All current commissioners met the city council's attendance policy of 75% of meetings. Park & Recreation Commission Minutes January 23, 1996 Page 2 1996 Meeting Schedule: The meeting schedule was adopted as presented with meeting times remaining the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Work session or special meetings shall, and unless otherwise noted, be held the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Schedule of Attendance, City Council Meetings: The commission accepted the schedule of attendance as presented. Commission members shall be called if their attendance is required. NEW BUSINESS APPROVAL OF SUMMARY MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1995: Commissioner moved, seconded by Manders to accept the summary minutes of December 12, 1995 as presented. All voted in favor. Motion unanimously approved. PROPOSED LAND SUBDIVISION, REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE OUTLOT A, OAKWOOD ESTATES (2.06 ACRES) INTO FIVE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON PROPERTY ZONED RSF AND LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 532 LYMAN BOULEVARD; EUGENE QUINN, FIRST ADDITION TO OAKWOOD ESTATES: Commissioner Andrews moved that the city council require the following condition of approval in regard to park and trail fees for the First Addition to Oakwood Estates: Full park and trail fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication and/or trail construction. Commissioner Scott seconded the motion. All voted in favor and it passed unanimously. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: Todd Hoffman gave an update concerning recent activity on the part of the Centennial Commission. Specifically, that the majority of the Centennial events will no longer be held on Sunday, May 5, 1996, but will be held in conjunction with the city's Fourth of July Celebration. OLD BUSINESS - None PROGRAM REPORTS: Chanhassen Recreation Center February Festival Fourth of July 1996: The Commission asked that the Hi-Tops again be retained for entertainment at the street dance and that the Fourth of July logo contest be offered again with a top prize of $250. .1997. Picnic~Eees: .Commissioner. Manders~mowed,, Commissioner,~Meger. seconded, t~ approve -theff'ees~a s~presented. -~ll:voted-irr faro r--and:them-rot ion~carried. Blockbuster Bowling Party Evaluation ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Park & Recreation Commission Minutes January 23, 1996 Page 3 Play Field Inventory 1996: The commission was presented with an inventory of ballfields available in the 1996 season. Roberta Misslin, 8231 Lake Court West, was present to discuss the need for additional soccer fields within the city. The commission is concerned over the shortage of play fields within the city and asked that staffrevisit the department's current field allocation policies. The commission called for further formalization of the policy and for the new policy to be presented for commission approval at their February meeting. The goal of the commission is to provide equity between all sports in the allocation of field space. Carver County's 1998 20/20 Comprehensive Planning Subcommittee; Park & Open Space: Commissioner Lash volunteered to serve on either the Parks & Open Space or Natural Resources/Environment Subcommittee. Additional information will be provided to Commissioner Lash when it becomes available. Director's Report Resignation of Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor: The commission was saddened to hear of Ms. Beitel's resignation, acknowledged her accomplishments as an employee of the Park & Recreation Department, and wished her well in her new endeavors. Commission Member Presentations ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Manders moved and Commissioner Meger seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the meeting was adjourned. Todd Hoffman Park & Recreation Director