6 Slather Addn Grt Plains BlvdCITY OF PRC DATE: PC DATE: CC DATE: HOFFMAN:k 2-27-96 STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 1.22 acres into 3 single family lots; 8508 Great Plains Boulevard, 'Ted Slather LOCATION: 8508 Great Plains Boulevard APPLICANT: Ted Slather 8508 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single Family ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - Lake Susan S - Great Plains Boulevard E- RSF W - RSF COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: 'TheC~mprehe-nsive~PlarrMenfifies-'this~te~as qy/r~gamr theffringe~'o f the"park~service'arewof Chanhassen Hills Park. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: The Comprehensive Trail Plan identifies a trail along Highway 101 south. It is not known if this trail will be constructed on the new Highway 101 alignment, the existing Highway 101 alignment, or both. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission require the following condition of approval regarding parks and trails for Slather Addition: - The acceptance of full park and trail fees for 2 lots (the existing dwelling is exempt) per city ordinance in lieu of land dedication or trail construction. Note: The Planning Commission tabled this item on February 21, 1996. The applicant is requesting 3 lots and staff is recommending only 2 lots. HI PAt~K LA KK SUSAN I-MISSION HI DRIVE 2-FRISco COL~RT ~ S~NNEN LE , t~ IC~' ~ MA t~$H ~ LAK~' ~ WAY ' / 1