690 COULTER DRIi~;)P;~. B1090X01~7F~x~6H¢~,7S, S5~ MINNESOTA 55317
February 13, 1996
Mr. Ted Hagen
Hans Hagen Homes
941 NE Hillwind Road, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55432
Dear Mr. Hagen:
It was with disbelief that I observed first hand the filling of the city's Stone Creek parkland this
afternoon. The city had this site graded to plan and was anticipating seeding the park by mid-May. I am
willing to cooperate with you in the development of your site; however, cooperation requires
communication and notification.
I will be forwarding a grading plan and specifications to you in the near future. It is imperative that you
have the parkland graded to plan and topsoil respread for seeding by May 1, 1996. In addition, forward
an as-built grading plan of the parkland to my attention by May 15, 1996. This documentation shall
include verification of soil compaction to city specifications.
Ted, you helped yourself to the use of city property without prior consent or a grading permit. This
luxury carries at a minimum the price tag described above. We will begin to inspect the site on April 1,
1996 to cnsure that work is progressing. If the site grading has not commenced by April 15, 1996, I will
hire an independent contractor to complete the xvork and draw against your letter of credit to pay for the
Please call me to discuss your time table for completion of this work.
Park & Recreation Director
Don Ashworth, City Manager
Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
Roger Knutson, City Attorney
Bruce Chamberlain, HKGI
JAH ?, ~ REC'D
Adopted by the Metropolitan Council on January 11, 1996
Metropolitan Council Publication No. 32-96-006
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Please call the Metropolitan Council Data Center at 291-8140 or TDD 291-0904.
The Metropolitan Council has revised the 1996-97 portion of its regional recreation open space
capital improvement program (CIP) for Calendar Years 1996-2005. This revision:
1. Proposes to finance reimbursements to regional park agencies for capital improvements solely
with Council bonds since State funds cannot be used for this purpose. But, State funds would still
be sought to finance 60% of the total CIP by financing some projects solely with State funds
while Council bonds would be used to solely finance reimbursement projects. The Council would
continue to only issue enough Council bonds to match State funds on a 60/40 basis.
2. Adds a development project, completing the last segment of the Great River Road in Central
Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board. The additional
project is proposed to be funded at 89% ($1.871 million) of its estimated total cost. Funds for
this additional project are proposed to come from $266,000 (7%) cuts from other Minneapolis
Park & Recreation Board projects and $1.605 million (7%) cuts to all the other projects in the
1996-97 portion of the CIP. Since the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board would receive
$1.605 million more in 1996-97 than had been originally proposed in the CIP adopted on June 22,
1995, this revision also contains a directive to the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space
Commission to consider reducing the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board's allocation the 1998-
99 CIP by $1.605 million when the 1998-99 CIP is prepared (See page 1 of spreadsheet at end of
this document).
Regional park agencies were allowed to reduce or eliminate the 7% project cuts by taking bigger
cuts in their other projects in the 1996-97 CIP. The 7% cuts and adjustments to those cuts are
illustrated along with the allocation for each project on the spreadsheets at the end of this
document. The spreadsheets also state the priority of the project within acquisition,
redevelopment, development and dam safety repair categories; the park agency and name of the
park or trail where the project is located; description of the project; and proposed funding sources
for each project.
Projects were prioritized based on Metropolitan Council funding priorities as well as the priorities
of the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission. Projects are prioritized under separate
categories so that similar projects are compared against each other.
The revised 1996-97 portion of the CIP proposes $26,643,000 for park capital improvements from
the following revenue sources:
$15,915,000 of 1996 State bonds
$10,749,300 of bonds proposed to be issued by the Metropolitan Council as a 40% match
to State funding.
The funds would be used as follows:
$2,a.~A,O00 of 1996 State bonds and $1,631,500 of 1996-97 Council bonds for land
acquisition (page 2 of spreadsheet).
$4,494,000 of 1996 State bonds and $2,994,800 of 1996-97 Council bonds for park
redevelopment projects. This also includes $48,000 of 1996 State bonds and $32,000 of
1996-97 Council bonds for heated park buildings. (page 3 of sp[eadsheet).
$8,605,000 of 1996 State bonds and $5,751,000 of 1996-97 Council bonds for park and trail
development projects. This also includes $735,000 of 1996 State bonds and $220,000 of
Council bonds for heated buildings (pages 4 and 5 of spreadsheet).
An additional $372,000 from the State and Metropolitan Council respectively is proposed to
repair the Lake Byllesby dam in Lake Byllesby Regional Park (page 6 of spreadsheet).
For the 1996 Legislative Session, the Metropolitan Council will request funds from the State of
Minnesota by project category--acquisition, redevelopment and development and the associated
heated buildings request for redevelopment and development projects. Dam safety repair funds
are requested by the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources.
If less funds are provided by the State of Minnesota in 1996 for a project category, a reduction
will be made only in that category by fully funding projects in priority order until all funds are
spent. Since reimbursement projects are proposed to be solely funded with Council bonds, the
Council will only issue enough bonds to maintain a 60% State fund/40% Council bond ratio based
on the amount of State funds appropriated for that category. For example, if $3.871 million of
State bonds are appropriated for development (which would fund projects 3 and 4 on page 4 of
spreadsheet) the Council would issue $2.58 million to maintain the 60% State fund/40% Council
bond ratio. This would only partially fund the reimbursement development project 1 on page 4 of
the spreadsheet.
Unfunded or partially funded non-reimbursement projects would be the basis for requests for
Minnesota Environmental Trust Fund appropriations for the 1997 Legislative session. Unfunded
or partially funded reimbursement projects would receive Council bonds as they matched State
appropriations. For example, if the Council only received $3.871 million of 1996 State bonds for
development, and thus issued $2.58 million of Council bonds, the unfunded development
reimbursements (part of project 1 and all of project 2) would be made when the Council received
additional State funds in 1997 for development projects 5, 6 and 7 on page 4 of the spreadsheet.
2 hc 60% State fund/40% Council bond ratio is proposed as a fair allocation of the debt service
on these bonds between the Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota. Under the 60/40 split,
approximately 76% of the debt service on State and Council bonds for regional recreation open
space capital improvements system-wide would be financed from taxes collected in the
Metropolitan Area, while 24% would come from Greater Minnesota. That's comparable to the
amount of benefit Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota residents receive from the regional
recreation open space system based on visitor origin data for the system.
The Recreation Open Space Development Guide/Policy Plan has specific policies on capital
investments for land acquisition of parks and park reserves (policy 3), land acquisition of
regional trails (policy 4), development of parks and trails (policy 6), reimbursement of funds
for acquisition and development projects (policy 19), and balancing investments in capital
improvements system-wide between acquisition and development (policy 9). These policies
were applied to the appropriate project to determine their eligibility and priority for funding in
the CIP.
Policy 3: Acquisition Priorities for Parks and Park Reserves
The priority rating for acquiring park and park reserve lands identified in an acceptable
master plan for the regional system through purchase with regional funds is as
Lands essential to protect the natural resources that define a park or park
reserve and make it usable to the public as planned. (It is particularly
important to acquire lands in this category that face the threat of being lost to
the system if timely action is not taken).
Lands considered essential for the park or park reserve to reach its full regional
service potential as defined in the Council's system plan.
Lands that do not meet criteria in I or 2 above that are currently on the market
at acceptable terms.
4. Other lands identified in approved master plans.
Policy 4: Acquisition Priorities for Recreational Trails
Trail corridors that go through some land in the metropolitan urban service area are
preferred over trails that have their entire route in the rural service area. Corridors to
be considered for trail acquisition must traverse substantial areas of high quality
natural resources or provide a critical link in a trail that meets this criterion. Once the
natural resource criterion is met, acquisition priorities are:
1. Provide access to or traverse regional parks or park reserves;
2. Intersect with existing or planned local trails;
3. Traverse interesting developed areas.
The priority rating for individual parcels of land within the trail corridor is as follows:'
Lands essential to protect the trail corridor and make it usable to the public as
planned. (It is particularly important to acquire lands in this category that face
the threat of being lost to the system if timely action is not taken).
Lands considered essential for the trail corridor to reach its full regional service
potential as defined in the Council's system plan.
Lands that do not meet criteria I or 2 above that are currently on the market at
acceptable terms.
4. Other lands identified in approved master plans.
Policy 6: Development and Redevelopment Priorities
Development in regional recreation open space should be based on the principle of
providing and maintaining quality public park areas and facilities primarily for citizens
of the Metropolitan Area. The following priorities area applicable for development and
redevelopment of regional park reserves, parks, trails and special use facilities.
Projects that provide new facilities, rehabilitate facilities or increase capacity
where there is documented existing or projected high use, and where there will
be no adverse effect on the natural resource base.
Projects continuing a phased high-priority project or one of relatively high
priority that is timed with other public improvement projects to achieve
significant economies in cost to construction.
Projects providing a specific facility that meets a documented need, is currently
not available or is significantly underrepresented in the system and where there
will be no adverse effect on the natural resource base.
Projects to serve planned future use in a location with no adverse effects on
the natural resource base.
Policy 9: System-wide Investment Priorities
Whenever possible, a balance should be struck between investing in acquisition and
investing in development. If a decision on fund allocations must be made, the
following priorities should be followed:
Acquire those lands essential to protect the natural resource that defines a
park, park reserve or trail and, to make it usable to the public as planned.
Develop new or rehabilitated facilities or increase the capacity of existing
facilities in places where there is a documented existing or projected high level
of use and where the natural resource base will be protected.
Acquire all other lands identified in approved master plans.
4. Develop all other facilities identified in approved master plans.
Policy 19: Reimbursement and Cost Sharing
19a. Reimbursement will be made for early acquisition if the acquisition is in full
agreement with a Council-approved master plan and the implementing agency
received Council approval prior to undertaking the acquisition.
Reimbursement will be considered for development provided the project in question is
consistent in timing, scale, type and cost with an approved master plan, that all
information required for a development grant is submitted to the Council prior to the
agency undertaking the project and that the Council approves the project.
This analysis was used as a screen to determine whether or not the project should be funded
in 1996-97 or later, especially if a master plan or plan amendment was needed.
Analyzing each proposed project against the Council's policy priorities for funding implements
state law to fund only projects which are consistent with the Council's policy plan as
determined by reviewing and approving the master plan for that particular park/trail. (Minn.
Statutes Chapter 473.313 and 315). This is reiterated in policy 1 O:
Council-administered funds for [regional recreation open space] acquisition and
development go only to projects included and ranked by priority in an adopted capital
improvement program (ClP). Funding will be consistent with the established ClP
priorities. Projects are eligible for inclusion in a ClP only if they are included in master
plan that has been found to be consistent with the policy plan.
In some cases regional park implementing agencies, which receive the funds in the CIP, use
their own revenues to acquire land or develop recreational facilities in the regional recreation
open space system. These agencies then seek reimbursement from funds in the ClP.
The Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, a 9 person citizen advisory board to
the Metropolitan Council developed the following criteria for evaluating reimbursement
projects to measure the priority of acquisition and development projects. The objective of
these factors was to not penalize park implementing agencies for acquiring land or
developing facilities with their own funds, when there was insufficient State/Council funding at
a point in time. The factors listed in descending order where:
1. What is the historical ranking of the project in previous capital improvement programs? If
there was no ranking in the CIP, did the allocation plan that followed partially finance the
project which indicated higher priority than projects that were not funded.
2. What funds are leveraged or could be lost if the. land is not acquired or facility is not built?.
For example, are encumbered trail development grants at a risk of being turned back
because there is insufficient land acquisition funds to purchase the parcels so that
development can occur?.
3. What value to the regional park system did the land acquisition or recreation facility
provide compared to other projects in the CIP? For example, was a significant amount of
land acquired in a park that was expected to or has received high usage levels?
4. What value to the particular park did the land acquisition or recreation facility provide?
For example, was lakeshore acquired for a park that was sited to provide water-based
5. What priority does the park agency requesting the reimbursement place on that request
relative to other requests for the CIP?
Under state law, the Metropolitan Council can issue up to a maximum of $40 million in
general obligation bonds for regional-park system capital improvements. (Minn. Statutes
Chapter 473.325). Currently, the Council has issued $15 million and could issue another $25
million after March 1, 1994. On January 6, 1994, the Council adopted a position paper that
proposed the Council maximize its regional bonding authority for park capital improvements
to create a revolving capital fund. Based on the limitations of $25 million that could be
issued, and the cap on the levy limit on debt service for these bonds, the Council could issue
$6.5 million of 5-year bonds each year and not exceed the bonding authority or debt service
levy limit. Thus, the Council could generate about $13 million (after issuance costs) in bonds
for a two-year biennium as a match to any other revenue source for regional park capital
Since State bonds are not proposed for reimbursement projects, the Metropolitan Council's
bonds are proposed to solely finance reimbursements. BUt, State funds would still be sought
to finance 60% of the total ClP by financing some projects solely with State funds while
Council bonds would be used to solely finance reimbursement projects. The Council would
continue to only issue enough Council bonds to match State funds on a 60/40 basis.
The 60% State fund/40% Council bond ratio is proposed as a fair allocation of the debt
service on these bonds between the Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota. Under the
60/40 split, approximately 76% of the debt service on State and Council bonds for regional
recreation open space capital improvements system-wide would be financed from taxes
collected in the Metropolitan Area, while 24% would come from Greater Minnesota. That's
comparable to the amount of benefit Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota residents
receive from the regional recreation open space system based on visitor origin data for the
In one instance, Council bonds are proposed to match State bonds for a dam repair project
in a regional park on a 50/50 basis since the State bonds will only finance this type of project
at that level.
~j J ~
o o
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
January 25, 1996
Ms. Roberta Misslin
8231 Lake Court West
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Ms. Misslin:
Thank you for attending Tuesday evening's Park & Recreation Commission meeting. Public
testimony is the most valuable source of information that the commission receives. I admire your
commitment to your family's and association's activities. Keep up the good work!
I look forward to a follow up meeting with you and the other appropriate representatives of the
Chanhassen/Chaska Soccer Association. Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 121 to schedule a
convenient time.
Todd Hoffinan, CLP
Park & Recreation Director
c: '~ark & Recreation Commission
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
Youth Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 31, 1996
Jonathan Elementary School Teachers' Lounge
5:00 - 6:15 pm
FEB 0 5 1996
Present: Lisa Silkey, Paula Ashley, Christina Osborn, Kathy Wellens, Shannon
Siegfried, Cathryn Campbell, Pat Brown, Ryan Wardle, Mary Myllyla, & Jeanne Straus.
First of all, we welcomed the new Victoria adult representative, Mary Myllyla.
The meeting was brought to order by Chair Cathryn Campbell.
Motion Brown/Second Wardle to adopt the agenda as amended. Motion carried.
Cathryn explained the fact that our By-Laws state 'q'he Commission may remove a
member who is absent without excuse from three consecutive commission meetings or
50% or more of total Commission meetings during a twelve month period. Removal of
a member requires a majority vote of the total Commission members of record." She
encouraged members to attend or RSVP to her or to Jeanne with reason for not
Cathryn informed the group that she had taken on the responsibility of sending out
Thank You's to the businesses which donated to the Spaghetti Dinner. The Youth
Commission expressed their gratitude.
In order to hold a "well-informed" discussion about the results and possible Youth
Commission goals which may result from the work done at the Spaghetti Dinner,
members were asked to review the summary of the ideas offered at the Spaghetti
Dinner. That discussion topic will placed on the February agenda.
Because of Rachel's absence, her proposal for unsold bakery goods was tabled.
Kathy W gave an update on the Loaves & Fishes Program. The last one was cancelled
due to last minute decisions by participants to stay home. The sites were called and
notified and transportation arrangements cancelled. One of the problems associated
with recruiting participants is that students sign other people's names to the posters in
the high school hallway. Kathy has to call everyone on the list to make certain that
they themselves signed up. We need to take a look at how we recruit. Perhaps we
could talk to other organizations at CHS and CMS. (Perhaps we require a monetary
deposit to be returned if they actually volunteer.) We need to think of something which
will ensu~e._tbaLtb, e.~c~uth~Commi -ssion,wilFstar~d-behfnCit-'~tmerlrto-snow up
and help out when we say we will. The church sites are counting on us.
Pat & Ryan passed around a copy of the letter they wrote to Paisley Park asking for
their involvement in a Battle of the Bands event. Paula agreed to help edit the letter.
Pat will call Jeanne for the name of the contact at Paisley Park. The letter will go out
as soon as possible. Several bands have indicated an interest in participating. Pat &
Ryan will follow-up.
Thank you to Christina for getting a "Letter to the Editor" into our local newspapers
thanking the businesses & individuals who donated prizes to the New Student
Mentorship Program. Mary Myllyla happened to have the newspaper clipping and
shared it with us.
There was a discussion about the future of the Volunteer Service Directory. At this
point, we need a chair or two chairpeople to get this project off the ground. Further
discussion on this was tabled until the next meeting.
There was a brief discussion about the fact that most students in District 112 do NOT
know what the Youth Commission is all about. Christina volunteered to work on a
"Guest Column" for the local newspapers. She will ask Steve to help with that. The
article will explain the mission and purposes of YC.
There was a brief discussion about representation on the Youth Commission.
Lisa and Kathy volunteered to chair a committee to look into how elementary school
students could be involved or connected to the Youth Commission.
Jeanne announced that there is a meeting scheduled for Friday, Feb. 2 at 7:00 am at
Oak Ridge Conference Center for groups interested in participating in Christmas In
April. Motion Wellens/Second Osbom for YC to participate in this project. Motion
Motion Osborn/Second Wardle to have YC participate in Family Fun Day at Bluff Creek
on Sunday, Feb. 18 between 1:30 - 4 pm. Ryan agreed to chair the project and recruit
a minimum of 8 youth volunteers.
Motion Osborn/Second Ashley to adjourn. Motion passed.
Next meeting:
February 19, 1996
6:30 pm -8:00 pm
Jonathan Elementary School - Teachers' Lounge
Executive Board Meeting will be held Feb. 7 during the first hour option block at CHS.
Summary of ideas brainstormed by adult and youth community leaders at the
October 23, 1995 Spaghetti Dinner held at Chaska VFW. Sponsored by the Youth
Commission, Purpose of this gathering was to begin the community
dialogue about what we as a community are currently doing which builds assets
and what needs improvment in order to build assets in youth,
Group 1
1. Curfew is a good idea. Gives some guidance. Gives parents an idea of limitations.
2. Suggest offering in writing the generally accepted, basic guidelines of behavior to
new families. Include information about parties, use of alcohol, weeknight
curfews, weekend curfews, etc. (Handbook for Parents.)
3. Parent Communication Network. Keep it up. Potluck is a great idea.
4. Tell parents that it is normal to know where their children are. Let parents know it is
okay to have some house rules, especially when kids get their drivers license.
5. Need to teach parents new systems for developing family controls.
6. Offer more youth/adult activities.
7, Church programs are very important.
8. Have smaller groups in school.
9. Expand new student program to include parents of those new students.
10. Encourage neighborhoods to get involved.
11. Recognize positive behavior in society.
12. Improve communications at CMS. Get offices on first floor. Change scheduling.
13. Positive peer influence. Parents need to talk to sons and daughters when their
friends behave irresponsibly.
14. Need to do more to recognize excellent behavior by our students.
Group 2
1. Adjust requirements under block scheduling at CHS.
2. Rental program for renting musical instruments is good.
3. Require service learning at the elementary school level.
4. Need to expand intramurals. Encourage more participation for more youth.
5. Schools should work with/make connections with churches regarding service
Group 3
1. Currently recognize youth accomplishment through deans' lists. Good.
2. FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is a good organization which promotes asset
3. Youth groups at churches are good,
4. Sports with good coaches are good,
5. Teachers should have higher expectations,.be mo[e, more.
~'6.-Encourage intramurats and co-ed sports.
7. Make study hai,s more worthwhile. Have tutors available.
8. Prioritize! Spend time with family. Have no meetings between 4-6 pm everyday.
Have entire community make that commitment.
9. Make the atmosphere in the high school commons friendlier.
10. Have gyms open at all the schools after school.
11. Encourage technical training for students.
12. Offer enrichment classes after school.
13. Have more speakers etc. who aren't college educated.
14. Provide more personal mentorships
Group 4
1. Communicate, listen, praise.
2. Question about time element. Need to do more together.
3. Have open minds.
4. Encourage mutual respect.
5. Reshape/re-focus existing variables and programs.
6. Build life skills
7. Address issues of wants vs needs.
8. Use handbook on parental support.
9. Youth and adults can learn from each other.
I0. More job shadowing.
1 I. Encourage school shadowing. (Community members come into the schools.)
12. Father is important in the family. Encourage involvement
13. Family Values
14. Balance economics, is it worthwhile for both parents to work? Daycare costs, etc.
15. Families are fragmented.
16. Parents must be available to listen to children. Is there trust?
17. More positive interaction in the home
On behalf of the Youth Commission and all of the Community Leaders who attended, I
encourage you to use this collection of ideas as part of your "information base" when
you are planning "to build assets". J. Straus
A thankful customer wrote a letter to SMTC praising
National School Bus driver Charlie Heimark:
"1 want to comment on a driver who picked me up
the early part of this week. Not only was he the
most considerate in taking me directly to my
residence in Chanhassen but he waited for me
to get into the locked door at the front. Charlie
was a total stranger and I felt very comfortable
with him."
Thank you Charlie for your fine effort!
For the third straight year SMTC will provide bus service
from parking lots around Lake Susan to the February
Festival at Lake Susan Park. Last year we transported
over 1,000 peoplel
Events at the festival include an ice fishing contest, 9-
hole golf tournament, cross-country fun ski, winter
driving demonstration, and much, much more.
Each month National School Bus honors an employee
for outstanding pedormance. Every employee starts out
with 100 points; they lose points for poor pedormance
and are given points for exemplary work. Also, each
employee votes for their peers. The winner receives a
certificate, $10 for lunch "on National", and a designated
parking spot closest to the bus garage.
The winners for November and December were Larry
Selly, Trainer/Back-up Bus Driver; and Scott Potter,
Mechanic. Congratulations Larry and Scott!
The Urban Trans_Dortation Monitor reports that cities have
been able to meet the requirements of 1990 ADA act to
provide transportation for all riders, regardless of
impairment; however, door-to-door service is extensive
and it is severely testing their budgets. The article cited a
few city's costs for providing transit for disabled
Denver $26.69 per trip
Charlotte $26.00 per trip
Columbus $20.40 per trip
Twin Cities (Metro Mo.) $15.50 per trip
The Regional Transportation District (RTD) in Denver is
looking at ways to reduce the cost of service including
integrating some present users of "Access-A-Ride" into
the regular bus service.
(Urban Transportalion Monitor, January 19, 1996)
The 1996 "Destination Jobs", job fair is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 30 at Eden Prairie Center. The goal of the -
event is to connect job seekers with employers in
Chanhassen, Chaska, Eden Prairie, and Edina. Specific
attention is given to link residents of Minneapolis and
adjacent suburban areas to jobs in the SMTC service
Commissioner Patricia Pidcock, a member of the
Chamber Reverse Commute Committee, has extended
and invitation to Mayor Jean Harris of Eden Prairie, and
Mary Hill Smith, Chair, Transportation Committee of
Metropolitan Council, to participate in the opening
ceremonies. Approximately 50 businesses are
expected to participate in this year's event.
'~Part of our service at Southwest Metro is to provide
community based group trips for our citizens. Day care
centers use our service to take children to Game World
and the Outdoor Center and senior citizens book trips to
the Ordway and Orchestra Hall. A class of students
studying architecture ~.t Chaska High School use SMTC
service for field trips to study local buildings. Would you
like to book a group ride? Give us a call at 934-7928.
Sou~west Meiro Transit Commission is a J~'nt Powers Agreement between ~e cities of Chanhassen, Chaska, ~ Eden Praide
Ride Southwest Metro~
If you have any questions about what you have
read, please call Kate Garwood or John Kragness
at 934-7928.
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
January 29, 1996
Eden Prairie Party Rental
Attn: Kate Kenny-Schwartz
12450 Plaza Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Dear Kate:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for submitting a bid for tents,
banquet tables, and folding chairs for our special events. The following table illustrates the bids
for February Festival and the 4th of July.
Company February Festival 4th of July Total Bid
Skyway Tent Rental $1,086.30 $2,926.09 $4,012.39
Apre's Tent Rental $1,040.00 $3,557.00 $4,597.00
Eden Prairie Party Rental $ 1,227.80 $4,935.03 $6,162.83
TEe vendor with the lowest combined bid for both 1996 special events for the City of
Chanhassen was Skyway Tent Rental.
Thank you again for submitting a bid.
Jerry Ruegemer
'~Recreat~on Supervisor
690 COULTER DRIiE612)P~)O3L/B1(~0X01e47FAX~¢~I~7S, S57E~I~ MINNESOTA 55317
January 29, 1996
Skyway Tent Rental
Attn: Mr. Wade Ewing
P.O. Box 29154
Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
Dear Wade:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for submitting a bid for tents,
banquet tables, and folding chairs for our special events. The following table illustrates the bids
for February Festival and the 4th of July.
Company February Festival 4th of July Total Bid
'Skyway Tent Rental $1,086.30 $2,926.09 $4,012.39
Apre's Tent Rental $1,040.00 $3,557.00 $4,597.00
Eden Prairie Party Rental $1,227.80 [ $4,935.03 $6,162.83
Covgratulations on being the low bidder and I will contact you soon with specific details for our
upcoming events.
Thanks again!
Jerry Rueg~er
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
January 29, 1996
Apre's Tent Rental
Attn: Mr. Jim Bach
7625 Cahill Road
Edina, MN 55439
Dear Jim:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for submitting a bid for tents,
banquet tables, and folding chairs for our special events. The following table illustrates the bids
for February Festival and the 4th of July.
Company February Festival 4th of July Total Bid
Skyxvay Tent Rental $1,086.30 $2,926.09 $4,012.39
Apre's Tent Rental $1,040.00 $3,557.00 $4,597.00
Eden Prairie Party Rental $1,227.80 $4,935.03 $6,162.83
Tke vendor with the lowest combined bid for both 1996 special events for the City of
Chanhassen was Skyway Tent Rental.
Thank you again for submitting a bid.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
January 29, 1996
Metro Tent Rental
Attn: Stewart
6330 Northwest 191st Lane
Anoka, MN 55303
Dear Stewart:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for submitting a bid for the tents,
tables and chairs for our special events.
Unfortunately, your bid for the 4th of July could not be accepted because the bid letter
specifically stated that the vendor with the lowest combined bid for both special events will be
selected. Not having a bid for February Festival automatically disqualified you.
Your bid for the 4th of July Celebration was lower than the bid accepted. If Metro looks to
adding tents with material that will withstand the elements, I anticipate you would be one of the
lower bids.
I hope you will continue to submit bids to the City of Chanhassen. I have personally enjoyed
working with you and Cheryl. Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you have any questions.
Jerry Ruegemer
,'Reereatimr:Supervi soi
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Lyman Lumber/Automated Building Components
Mr. John Waldron
300 Morse Avenue
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear John:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board tbr the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Recreation Supervisor
January 30, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Mr. Art Miller
800 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Art:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the 3'ear is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer xvith the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Ccmest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Rue~hmer
690 COULTER DR,~ 1;)P~O3~B109~01e47F:x~6H1A~ H9~7S.S5~ MINNESOTA 55317
February 5, 1996
Pro Staff Personnel Services
Attn: Ms. Pam Dehkes
16540 West 78th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
Dear Pam:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
/ Cfi "O ....
Jerry Ruegemer '
"Recreation' Supervisor
February 5, 1996
Richfield Bank and Trust Co.
Attn: Sandy Menning
6625 Lyndale Ave. So.
Richfield, MN 55423
Dear Sandy:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor l'br our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer '
January 30, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Dr. Michael J. Leonard, DDS
Dr. Michael Leonard
80 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mike:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events show-s your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Ccntest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
/ ,/'),f ~,,
Jerry Ru~gemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 30, 1996
Debra Kind Design
Ms. Deb Kind
261 Hidden Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Deb:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
C:mtest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 93%1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
,' t.Ti.:,)
Jerry Ruegemer
.Rec~;eation Superviser
Brown's Amoco
Mr. Gary Brown
7905 Great Plains Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Gary:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Ccr, lest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Betty Boop Embroidery
Ms. Beth Kuder
6831 Galpin Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Beth:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supe~iscr
690 COULTER DR,~ ;~;~¢~IJi:7F:~¢~ ~}~7~ MINNESOTA 55317
January 29, 1996
Anh Le Oriental Cuisine
Mr. Chin Van Nguyen
566 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Chin:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Americana Community Bank
Mr. Randy Schultz
600 West 79th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Randy:
On behalf of the City ofChanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community,
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
ccuntry fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contcst; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
~Jerry-Ruggeme~ -
Recreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Carlson Travel Network
Ms. Shirley Seeley
586 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Shirley:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Centest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Chanhassen Snowmobile Club
Mr. LeRoy Biteler
P.O. Box 28
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear LeRoy:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Ctmtcst; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
-Recreation Supervisor
· · B1090X01 MINNESOTA 55317
12 7
January 29, 1996
Chanhassen Bank
Mr. Kevin McShane
600 West ?Sth Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Kevin:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Conlest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Rue~'4'~er
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937ol 900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Chanhassen Child Development
Ms. Beverly Frasch
820 Lake Drive East
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Beverly:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or 3'our employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
.Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
DayCo Concrete
Ms. Karolyn Knox
1340 Park Road
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Karolyn:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Sinc/~cL~, ./'N
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
Festival Foods
Mr. Bob Murray
7900 Market Boulevard
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Bob:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or 3'our employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales tile day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
ceun~ry fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemcr
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Hair for Guys and Dolls
Ms. Rosanne Gregory
551 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Rosanne:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Instant Web Companies
Ms. Merilee Welch
1000 Park Road
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Merilee:
On behalf of the City ofChanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community,
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Rueg~ner
,Recreation Superviscr
January 29, 1996
J & R Radiator
Ms. Becky Hoops
1300 Park Road
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Becky:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Recreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Lotus Lawn & Garden
Mr. Jay Kronick
78 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Jay:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
January 29, 1996
Lundgren Bros. Inc.
Mr. Terry Forbord
935 E. Wayzata Blvd.
Wayzata, MN 55391
Dear Terry:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your ~villingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Sincerely~ ?
Jerry Ruegemer'
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
McDonald's Restaurant
Mr. Gene Borg
90 East Lake Drive
Chanhassen, N~xi' 55317
Dear Gene:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chm~mssen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the >'ear is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Cm,.test; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
~.Recreation Supervi,scr
January 29, 1996
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Ms. Lori Carsik
3675 Arboretum Drive, P.O. Box 39
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Lori:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Pillsbury Bakeries & Food Service
Mr. Ric Moore
8000 Audubon Road
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Ric:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
C,,niest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
'" '"t""; i,'o
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation, Supervisor
Ridgeview Business Health Services
Ms. Carol Samarzia
500 So. Maple Street
Waconia, MN 55387
Dear Carol:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
RMera Lounge & Restaurant
Tom and Lou Krueger
560 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Tom and Lou:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I xvould like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Cemest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
,,Reoreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Scott & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Joe Scott
80 West 78th Street, Suite 285C
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Joe:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I xvould like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
Ms. Kathy Guettler
851 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Kathy:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer xvith the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Centest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
· ,Recreation ~S-uperviso~
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Travel Agents International
Earl & Carol Milbrath
840 West 78th Street, P.O. Box 576
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Earl & Carol:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry' Rue~-&~er
Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Waiter Thompson & Company
Mr. Walter Thompson
8000 Dakota Avenue
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Walter:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
C,,nicst; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jer Ruege gr
Recreation Sm~ervisor
January 29, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Century Bank
Mr. Peter Bridston
900 West 78th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Peter:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Ruegemer
.~Recreation Supervisor
January 29, 1996
Chanhassen Lions Club
Mr. Roman Roos
P.O. Box 484
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Roman:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Cc, ntest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 93%1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
Jerry Rueg~-mer
Recreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Hour Glass Cleaners
Mr. Brian Burdick
426 Lake Street
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear Brian:
On behalf of the City of Chanhassen, I would like to thank you for becoming a sponsor for our
1996 Sponsorship Program. Your continued dedication and commitment to Chanhassen's
special events shows your willingness to support your community.
Chanhassen's first special event of the year is February Festival. Enclosed is a schedule of
events for February Festival.
If you or your employees would like to volunteer with the Festival, the following areas still need
volunteers: fishing ticket sales the day of the event, parking marshals, bon fire supervisors, cross
country fun ski at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the prize board for the Ice Fishing
Contest; and drilling fishing holes for the ice fishing contest.
Please call me at 937-1900 ext. 126 if you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions
about February Festival. Thank you again for your support.
si ,
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
It is the belief of the staff of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department that
the practicum experience for each student should be comprehensive, including all
aspects of parks and recreation, and to gear to each individual student's needs and
areas of interest, i.e. prograrmning, park maintenance facilities. We believe this
type of approach will not only benefit the student in terms of practical education, but
also aid our department by continuing to provide the necessary services to the
Possible topics/projects through which internship objective might be obtained:
Facility Management/Recreation Center
Youth Programs/Sports
Adult Programs/Sports
Special Events
Health/Fitness Programs
Park Operations
Senior Citizens
Council/Commission Meetings
Corporate Sponsorship/Grants
Under the supervision of the Park and Recreation staff, the student will assist with the
administration, supervision and leadership of all recreation and leisure-oriented activities.
A. Qualifications:
1. Must be at least a senior in Parks and Recreation studies.
2. Have completed the necessary requirements with their respective college or
3. Possess strong communication and organizational skills.
B. Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To follow the regulations and policies of the City of Chanhassen.
2. To perform all given work assignments.
3. To be a good example and positive representative of the Chanhassen Park and
Recreation Department.
4. Perform any other duties related to the practicum experience as required by the
agency supervisor.
Hours and Wage:
1. As an intern with the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department, you will be
considered to be on duty during regular office hours and/or scheduled and
approved by your agency supervisor.
2. Compensation is based upon individual university requirements and strengths and
weaknesses of the practicum student. A salary of approximately $200 per week
can be offered.
3. Weekend and/or evening hours may be required of the intern.
The primary mission of the Park and Recreation Commission is to provide quality recreational
opportunities for all citizens of Chanhassen in a financially responsible manner while preserving
natural amenities.
Formed in 1977
Fran Callahan -- First Park and Recreation Coordinator-- April 1, 1977
1977 Park and Recreation Budget
Park and Recreation Commission
Recreation Administration
Park Maintenance
Recreation Programs
1996 Park and Recreation Budget
Park and Recreation Commission
Recreation Administration
Park Maintenance
Recreation Programs
Senior Center
Self-Supporting Programs
Recreation Center
Lake Ann Park Operations
Jim Andrews, Chairperson
Jan Lash, Vice-Chairperson
Fred Berg
Jim Manders
Ron Roeser
Jane Meger
Frank Scott
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
Dean Schmieg, Park Foreman
Charlie Eiler, Park Equipment Operator/Downtown
Keith McKinley, Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator
Bradley Morse, Park Equipment Operator
Jim Theis, Heavy Equipment Operator
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
Dawn Lemme, Recreation Supervisor
Kara Willems, Senior Citizen Coordinator
The Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission prepared recommendations for the
1996 Park Acquisition and Development CIP in August of 1995. The CIP was then
presented to the city council for approval as a part of the 1996 Budget. The 1996 CIP
contains $250,000 fund park improvements and park acquisition.
All monies accumulated in this fund are derived from park and trail dedication
fees assessed against new construction. At present, no general tax dollars are
invested in "hard" capital for improving the city's park and trail systems.
The City of Chanhassen is unique in that it has two school districts within its city
boundaries. Having Chaska School District 112 and Minnetonka School District
276 located in Chanhassen creates unique opportunities for social programming
and also for bringing residents together from both school districts.
C~4ms Snm4
Court decisions
A conditional use
permit may be denied if
it is incompatible with
comprehensive land use
SuperAmerica applied for a condi-
tional use permit to construct a facility
in a commercial district. Under a city
ordinance regulating vehicular access
points and traffic movement, the
proposed use required a conditional
use permit. Following a public bearing
where nmnerous residents and business
owners testified against the issuance of
a permit, the city council denied the
Decision and analysis
A city council may deny a conditional
use permit only for reasons relating to
public beahh, safety and general
welfare, or for incompatibility with a
city's land use plan. SuperAmerica
argued that the city arbitrarily rejected
the conclusion of experts in favor of
neighbor's opposition. The Minnesota
Court of Appeals disagreed. While a
city may not reject expert testimony
without adequate supporting reasons,
those reasons do not need to be based
on expert testi~nony. A city may
consider neighborhood opposition if
based on coucrete information. The
city's comprehensive plan called for
restrictions on commercial develop-
merit at street intersections, and
prevention of overcrowding and over-
intensification of land use. In this case,
numerous business owners and
residents spoke about current traffic
problems and expressed more than a
vague concern about future neighbor-
hood problems. Therefore, the court
held that the city did not act arbitrarily
or capriciously in denying Super-
America's application. The prot)osed
use was inconsistent with definite and
objective require~nents in the city's
comprehensive land use plan and
would adversely affect the general
welfare. Accordingly, the court af-
firmed the city council's decision to
deny the conditional use permit.
SuperAmerica Group, Inc. v. City of Little
Canada, 539 N.W.2d 264 (Minn. App.
City immune from
liability for park
employee's negligent
The plaintiff rented a paddle boat at
a city park. When a park employee
jumped onto one of the boat pontoons
in an attempt to disengage the boat
from the dock, the boat flipped over
and injured the plaintiff.
Decision and analysis
Minn. Stat. § 466.03, subd. 6(e)
provides that a city is im~nune from tort
liability for any claim based on the
operation or maintenance of any
property used as a park or for recre-
ational purposes. Because the em-
ployee in this case was engaged in the
operation of a municipal park at the
time he was negligent, the Minnesota
Court of Appeals held that the city is
im~nune from liability. The fac~. that
the city was acting in a proprietary
capacity by charging a boat rental fee
does not change the result. Lloyd v. City
of St. Paul, 538 N.W.2d 921 (Minn. App.
Nov. 7, 1995).
Bondholders may sue
when actions trigger a
mandatory bond
The county issued tax-exempt, long-
term revenue bonds to finance a
recycling facility. The bonds were
secured by a letter of credit. The
indenture agreement gave the county
the right to redeem the bonds before
maturity upon the payment of a
premimn. Mandatory redemption was
required upon certain triggering
events, including the expiration, o£ the
letter of credit. Due to a large decline
in interest rates, the county decided to
refinance its obligations by permitting
the letter of credit to expire and then
issue new, lower interest-rate bonds.
Upon expiration of the letter of credit,
the county redeemed the bonds at par
with interest, but did not pay a pre-
mium. The bondholders filed a class
action lawsuit alleging various claims.
Decision and analysis
The Minnesota Supreme Court
determined that the language in the
bond agreement was ambiguous as to
whether the county could voluntarily
trigger the mandatory redemption of
the bonds by declining to seek renewal
of the letter of credit. The structure
and placement of the mandatory
redemption provisions suggested,
however, that they were not to be
invoked voluntarily, but were for the
protection of the bondholders if an
unforeseen event put the value of the
bondholders' investment at risk. The
court characterized the county's action
as an intentional obstruction of the
issuance of the renewed letter of credit
to obtain a premimn-free redemption
prior to maturity and the optional right
to redeem for a premium accrued.
Therefore, the Minnesota Supreme
Court held that the bondholders stated
a claim for breach of contract and
breach of an implied covenant of good
faith and fair dealing, and remanded
the case to the trial court for further
proceedings. In re Hennepin County 1986
Reo, cling Bond Litigation, __ N.W.2d
__ (Minn. Nov. 9, 1995).
City may deny a
landowner's request to
convey property that
includes a right-of-way
A landowner sued the city challeng-
ing the city's denial of a series of ap-
plications for permission to convey part
of his property as part of a develop-
ment plan. The conveyances included
land designated on the official city map
as right-of-way for future road and
highway improvements.
Decision and analysis
The Minnesota Court of Appeals
upheld the city's decisions upon
finding that the city had a rational basis
Basketball-Adult 6:00-8:30am
Basketball-Adult 11:30-1:00pm
Basketball-Adult 6:45-10:00pm
Basketball-Adult 6:00-8:30am
Basketball-Adult 11:30-1:00pm
Basketball-Youth (GR. 1-6) 3:30-5:00pm
Volleyball-Adult 7:00-10:00pm
Basketball-Adult 6:00-8:30am
ParentJTot Gym 9:15-10:45 (Children must be accompanied by adult)
Basketball-Adult 11:30-1:00pm*
Golf-Adult 11:30-1:30pm*~
Golf-Adult 8:15-10:00pm**
Basketball-Adult 6:00-8:30am
Basketball-Adult 11:30-1:00pm
Catch-Youth (Gr. 1-6) 3:30-5:00pm
Basketball-Adult 6:00-8:30am*
Golf-Adult 6:00-8:30am~
Basketball-Adult 11:30-1:00pm*
Golf-Adult 11:30-1:30pm*~
Basketball-Youth (Gr. 1-9) 6:15-8:00pm
Basketball-Adult 8:00-10:00pm
Catch-Family 7:00-10:00pm (Youth must be accompanied by adult)
~Ba sketlffa I i-~d olff~0TO0=- ~l:zr~a m
Catch-Family 12:00-2:30pm
Volleyball-Adult 6:00-8:00pm
Parent/Tot Gym 8:30-10:15am*
Parent/Tot Gym 9:00-11:00am*~
Catch-Family 11:30-2:15pm*~
Baske~l~olleyball-Youth Gr 6-12 8.~30-10:0~
Golf-Family 7:30~10:00pm**
* This activity runs thru 3/31
** This activity begins 4if
February 2, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
La Crosse, WI
Dear :
Enclosed please find copies of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department's internship
packet. Applications for spring and surnmer internship positions will be accepted through March
29, 1996. For fall positions, May 31. 1996 is the deadline. We believe that we offer a
comprehensive internship with great learning opportunities.
It would be greatly appreciated if this practicum position could be posted and made available to
individuals majoring in Parks and Recreation or related programs. Thank you for your
assistance, and please, don't hesitate to call should you have any questions. I can be reached at
937-1900, extension 144. We look forward to hearing fi'om your students.
Dawn Beitel
Recreation Supervisor
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
February 6, 1996
Dear Softball Players:
Organizational meetings for all leagues will be held Monday, February 26th at the new
Chanhassen Recreation Center, located at 2310 Coulter Blvd. If your team is interested in joining a
league, you must have a team representative at the organizational meeting. League meetings are
formatted differently this year. Instead of meeting separately, all league representatives will meet at
7:00 p.m.
Please note the following new rules being added to the league.
1. Both teams must supply a new ball for each game.
2. Home team is detemfined by the winning toss.
3. Profanity rule will be implemented and enforced.
This year league fees, roster, etc. must be submitted by the dates established. Failure to do so may
jeopardize your team's season. Lake Ann Park will be very busy this summer, which may limit
some teams from participating in the 1996 summer season. Field requests have increased from
other groups and organizations, which may have an effect on the adult softball leagues. Stay tuned
for more information.
If you have any questions please give me a call at 937-1900 extension 126.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Supervisor
Plans, directs, and coordinates recreation activities associated with Summer Discovery Playground program for ages 4-11.
Supervises playground leaders, all outings, and special events related to the playground program. (Approx. 35-~0
SKILLS: Strong leadership skills. Ability to plan, organize, and conduct recreation activities, ability to supervise and
work harmoniously with playground leaders, must inspire others, and show enthusiasm and understanding of children.
Motivation, dependability, and creativity a must. Previous experience in recreation or teaching is preferred.
STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 6-August 23, 1996
Starting Salary: $8.00/hour
Leads recreational activities associated with Summer Discovery Playground program. Under the supervision of the
playground director, helps plan activities such as crafts, games, and sports for children ages 4-11. (Approx. 30-35
SKILLS: Enthusiastic, genuine interest in children, ability to lead activities and inspire sportsmanship, and work harmoniously
with fellow employees. Dependability and motivation a must.
STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 6-August 16, 1996
Starting Salary: $6.50/hour
Plans, coordinates, and instructs a comprehensive tennis lesson program for youth and adults using curriculum guidelines of
the United States Tennis Association. Also responsible for the coaching and coordination of Chanhassen's USTA Junior
Tennis Team program. (Approx. 30-35 hours/week)
SKILLS: Ability to effectively instruct, plan, and organize pre-beginner to intermediate levels of tennis. Must be
enthusiastic and understanding of others, willing and able to handle various skill levels, age groups, and sizes of classes,
and promote good sportsmanship techniques. Motivation and dependability a must. Previous experience preferred.
STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 3-August 16, 1996
Starting Salary: $8.00/hour
Assists Tennis Specialist/Coordinator with lessons and with Junior Tennis Team participants. Approximately 10-15 hours
SKILLS: Should have tennis team experience. Must be energetic and flexible with good people skills.
STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately June 1 O-August 16, 1996.
Starting Salary: $6.50/hour.
Responsible for supervision of park users, gate building, park facilities, and selling of parking permits. Opens and closes
park gates, records daily attendance, and inspects water craft.
SKILLS: Should possess strong people skills with an ability to communicate with the public. Capable of submitting
required reports, and balancing daily cash receipts. Dependability and flexibihty a must.
STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately May 4-September 2, 1996
Starting Salary: $6.00/hour
Responsibilities include coordinating rental agreements for boats and other recreation equipment, dispensing food and
drink, operating a cash register, general upkeep of the concession building and taking daily inventories.
SKILLS: Motivated and flexible individual with strong people skills. Able to deal with public effectively and
professionally. Some physical work and lifting required.
STARTING/ENDING DATES: Approximately May 18-September 2, 1996
Starting Salary: $6.00/hour
The City of Chanhassen is an Equal Oportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
For further information on any of the jobs listed, please call 612-937-1900.
The Chanhassen Park &
Recreation Department
takes pride in serving our
community with lifelong
recreational leisure experiences.
Your comments will help us improve
our service. Please complete this evaluation and
return to the Recreation Center. Thank you.
Date &Time of Use
Room(s) Used
I. Did the overall condition of the
Ye, po
Recreation Center meet your 't~l
2. Was the employee service courteous I~CI
and appropriate? ~
3. Are the hours of operation convenient?
4. Did the facilities and equipment you
used meet your needs?
5. If you took a class, wa~'the instructor
6. Was the room you used clean and '~1~1
in good repair?
7. Are the fees appropriate?
8. Are the policies appropriate?
Please comment on any of the above:
Na. me (optional)
Would you like someone'to contact you! ~1 fY~',~ [~ No
January 25, 1996
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Mr. Tony Misslin
8231 Lake Ct. W.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Misslin,
This letter is in response to information given to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation
Commission on Tuesday, January 23 regarding our phone conversation several months
ago. As I recall, you were inquiring about usage of gym space for the soccer program.
Because the gyms had been previously booked for several other activities including CAA
youth basketball, Tonka United Soccer, Park and Recreation programs, Open gym time,
and School use, I was unable to offer you the times you were requesting for your own
It is the goal of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to be a quality service
provider. To that end I offered alternate times that may be available, including time that
the Tonka United Soccer group was cun'ently not fully utilizing. I do remember you not
being satisfied with my answer, and being concerned about the unequal time given to
certain sports. Upon explaining the procedure for reserving space at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center our conversation ended with me agreeing to mail you a reservation
form. Within a few days our new reservation forms mTived and I sent them to you, never
hearing back fi'om you either verbally or by mail regarding the space.
Presently I am accepting reservation request fo~Tns for gym use during the months of
March, April, and May. I have enclosed several forms for your use should you be looking
for some indoor space this spring. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for
Sincerely, _
Dawn Bcitel
Recreation Supervisor
pc: Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission