2 Report from Ballmeistersl allmeisters Athletic l evelopment
8020 Hidden Court
Chanhassen, MN 55317
To the Chanhassen Park Commission,
On behalf of the Ballmeisters Athletic Development Corporation, I am requesting that you authorize the
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department to act on our behalf in trying to secure gym times from
School District 112.
Ballmeister's is a non-profit athletic club, organized identically to thc Chanhassen Athletic Association
(CAA). It has been organized to fill the needs of teen-age boys and girls in District 112 who are excluded
from District 276 activities because of activities arranged by school district (AAU). The first sport served
by Ballmeistcr's is summer basketball.
The club is non-profit, registered with the state of Minnesota and Federal government as such. By-laws
have been written, a volunteer parent board of directors has been organized, and we now request city
acknowledgement and services.
Club sports offered will be only for sports and seasons where no other program exists. It is specifically
designed to fill a void in programming. District 276 students, for instance, have "The Lakers" basketball
club serving their basketball needs. District 112 has no program serving it's students. While the Lakcrs
must allow District 112 students to tryout for teams, they are not encouraged to do so because their service
area does not include District 112.
Thirty students have registered to play. We are looking for gym times to practice. The school district will
only accept requests from a city park and rec department. Your immediate attention is requested because
of time issues. Thank you for your consideration,
Si~cerel~v, ./"%,
Chris Polster
Ballmeister's Athletic Development Corporation
"Grow healthy, improve skills, be responsible, help others learn, and have fun."
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
Chris Polster, Ballmeisters
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
March 1 I, 1996
Facility Scheduling
The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission'coordinates the delivery of recreation facilities
on the following premise: Priority is given in the following order:
1. City sponsored events.
Organizations that serve our local youth and adults where both groups will have equal
access to facilities (CAA, CCSA, Girls Softball, South Tonka Little League, Tonka
United Soccer, etc.). Youth organization is defined as any non-profit organization who
provides services to youth under 18 years.
3. Civic, service community groups.
Local religi0¢s.organizations.
Local commerc~al/bus~ness groups.
All other non-local groups.
Chris, I have scheduled your appearance before the Park & Recreation Commission on March 26,
1996. If you desire to make a formal request of the commission, please submit a report
explaining your request by Wednesday, March 20~1996. This information can then~ be forwarded
to the commissioners allowing them to take action on your request on March 26.' '
I called District 112 to discuss your ability to schedule facilities directly thrOugh them. They
informed me that their only limiting requirement, outside of their priority and building monitor
Mr. Chris Polster
March 11, 1996
Page 2
policies, is the provision of proof of insurance. The district does not maintain a policy requiring
youth activities to be sanctioned by a City Park & Recreation Department.
District 112 Community Education
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor
Dawn Beitel, Recreation Supervisor