7a Chan Lions Club DonationOF
(612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Todd Hoffrnan, Park and Recreation Director
DATE: March 20, 1996
Accept $15,000 Donation from the Chanhassen Lions Club for
Chanhassen Recreation Center Playground.
In the summer of 1994, the Chanhassen Lions stepped forward with an initial donation to
fund city park improvements. The City Council accepted $11,000 to be placed in an
escrow account, to be used at a future date, to assist in equipping the new Chanhassen
Recreation Center.
I am pleased to report that the Chanhassen Lions would like to increase that investment
by $15,000 for a new total of $26,000. This allocation will allow the community to move
forward with a playground project at the recreation center.
The original budget for the Chanhassen Recreation Center did not include a community
playground. The district installed a playground outside of the school cafeteria to
accommodate recess play. This playground will also serve the community, especially
during evening hours:
The attached site plan indicates the location of the existing playground. As you can see,
families involved in ballgames on fields #1 and #2 will have ready access tO pih~y
equipment. While one sibling plays ball the other sibling(s) and friends play on the
playground. The parent(s) or guardian watch both activities from the "middle".
Ballfields #3, #4, and #5 and the park shelter currently do not offer this relationship. The
park shelter will be the activity center of the outdoor park. The infields ofballfields #3,
#4, and #5 meet in a semi-circle. The two locations being studied for placement ora
"Chanhassen Lions" community playground are labeled alternative "A" and "B". Site
"A" relates directly to the remaining ballfields and site "B" relates directly to the park
shelter. Either of these sites are good, physical size and terrain are limiting factors.
Mayor and City Council
March 20, 1996
Page 2
It is recommended that the City Council accept the donation of $15,000 from the
Chanhassen Lions Club to be invested in a new community playground at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center. This playground to be designated the "Chanhassen Lions Community