1 Prairie Knoll Park PresentCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May30,1996 Mr. Robert L. Schnese 641 Lake Susan Hills Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Bob: Thank you for your letter of May 28, 1996 regarding Prairie Knoll Park. I enjoyed our follow-up phone conversation and look forward to working with you on future planning for this park site. At your request, have scheduled you for a presentation at the June 25 Park and Recreation Commission meeting. As promised, I will also inquire with Greg Roy of BRW regarding potential grading for a sliding hill as a component of the Powers Boulevard project. Bob, in my assessment, the stage is set to transform Prairie Knoll Park from an open grass field into a neighborhood park with minimal site work and seeding. A nice area can be created to accommodate a playground. The park trail is akeady scheduled for completion, What is needed is a commitment by the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council to finance the purchase of the playground equipment. Park and Recreation Commission Chairwoman Lash asked that I relay some information regarding the allocations of your property tax dollar. As you may be aware, the City receives 16 cents of each $1.00 you pay in property tax. Your school district garners 50 cents on the dollar, the county 30 cents, and special taxing districts 4 cents. The city's park and recreation administration, operating and maintenance budgets which total $1,048, ! 10 in 1996, receives funding from general property tax. However, not a single penny of property tax money is designated for capital improvements in the City's park and trail systems. These improvements are f'manced through park and trail fees. A precious commodity with annual revenues of approximately $250,000. Park and trail fees are also a resource which must be budgeted over a number of years. When building activity decreases this revenue source will begin to dry up. The commission does not wish to be caught Offguard. -¥ Again, thank you for your efforts in improving the Chanhassen park and trail systems. I look forward to seeing you on June 25, 1996. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman, CLP Park and Recreation Director TH:ns pc: Park and Recreation Commission Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent May 28, 1996 Mr. Todd Hoffman, CLP Director of Parks & Recreation ClTY OF CHANHASSEN 690 Coulter Drive P. O. Box 147 Chanhasscn. MN 55317 Dear Mr. Hoflh~an: I wanted to thank you for allowing mc to appear before the Park & Recreation Commission at the meeting on May 2 I. I appreciated thc opportunity to speak to you about our neighborhood and the need for a private access park. As I stated in my remarks, I an~ one of many concerned home owners in thc Lake Susan Hills subdivision who are interested in the Prairie Knoll Park "concept plan." Currently, mad construction (Powers Blvd. expansion) is affecting our neighborhood. Our children need a safe. private access location that awfids crossing major roadways, such as Powers Blvd. (4 lanes) when il is completed. At present. Lake Susan Park is the location that we have for our neighborhood. This is a very nice park, however, being a regional park it is one that gets a lot of use by many Carver County residents. Even folks from Eden Prairie, Shorewood and Excelsior come here to usc this I~cilily. Thc park is very crowded during peak hours of the evening and on weekends. Add to thai, the presence of many young (high school aged) adult patrons who may not always be aware of thc young eyes and ears that are present in this park. Overall, it is what it was intended to be, a regional park for all Carver County residents. I realize that new parks cost money. Thc "concept plan" calls fi)r a play area, sliding hill and some landscaping to be done. 1 ¢1o not know what price has been assigned to this plan. However, this seems to be a relatively modest endeavor. The Lake Susan Hills residents are not asking for a lot. In fact, many have expressed an interest in helping to provide our own labor if it would speed up the process. The proposed site has already been procured by Chanhassen. The Powers Blvd. constmclinn is taking place where the park is to be located. It only makes sense to take advantage of this time lo complclc thc Prairie Knoll Park. Mr. Todd Hofflnan May 28, 1996 Page - 2 In closing, we are a concerned neightx)rhood who only desires a modest park with private access. We want a safe place fi~r our children to play in our neighborhood. Please believe me when I say that we arc as concerned about property taxes as anyone. We are all contributing substantially to the continuing impn~vcmcnt of Chanhassen and Carver County. All we ask is that some of the improvements go into our own neighborhood. Please give serious consideration to allocating the money and/or resources to make Prairie Knoll a Park, not a Plan! I would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have at your convenience. Sincerely, Roberl L. Schncse 641 Lake Susm~ Hills Drive 906-9670 (H) / 942-3552 (W) cc: Bob Spcweik Park & Recreation Commission CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 April 26, 1996 ? Mr. Bob ~(teweik 659 Lake Susan Hills Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Steweik: Thank you for your inquiry into Prairie Knoll Park. A copy of the Park Concept Plan dated September 6, 1989 is enclosed. I have scheduled you for a visitor presentation with the Park and Recreation Commission at 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday, May 21, 1996. The Commission meets in the City Council Chambers, in the lower level of City Hall. If you would like to present a written request to the Commission, please deliver it to City Hall by Wednesday, May 15. You may also present materials to the Commission on the evening of the 21st. Again, thank you for your interest in Chanhassen's Parks. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman, C[P Director of ParkS~nd Recreation TH:gmb pc: ~'Park and Recreation Commission g:\park\th\steweik Note: The trail has been realigned to follow the contour of the h/Il. The region marked "fill site" received 1-5 feet of fill. These two conditions prohibit the maintenance of a sliding hill as designated. TH (6-15-96)