2 Pheasant Hill Park PresentCITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Mike and Becky Nyberg, 1721 Wood Duck Lane Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission DATE: June 11, 1996 SUB J: Landscaping Plan - Pheasant Hill Park Attached please find a copy of a conceptual landscaping plan for the Pheasant Hill Park "Wood Duck Lane" entrance. Upon reviewing the plan, please call me to let me know what you think. Upon completion of these improvements, would you consider mowing the park strip up to the trail? Thanks for all your patience and understanding over the years. I look forward to talking with you. Daffodils & Black Eyed Susan 8 - Anthony Waterer Spirea 4 - Anthony Waterer Spirea 3 - Am. Highbush Cranberry Split Rail Fence 3 - Prairiefire Crab 2 - White Pine 3 - Red Oak ~:3 ~-'~ Holslngton ~ Split Rail Fence 5 - Am. Highbu~h Cranber~ il 4 - Prairiefire Crab Il ~ 1 - White Pine ;~'~ Ph ea sa n t .H ill PLaar~d-s~ p irt~gEF~l~ CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 May30,1996 David '& Mary Dezellar 1731 Wood Duck Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Dezellar: Thank you for sending a letter outlining your current concerns involving Pheasant Hill Park. To maximize clarity in my responses, I will address one issue at a time. "The playing field is heavily used Monday through Friday from about .5 p.m. - 8 p.m .... " The city is pleased to hear that the park is being used. As you are aware, the Park & Recreation Commission toured the park on Tuesday, May 21 from approximately 6:45-7:15 p.m. Other than a few people utilizing the playground, the commission and I were the only people in the park. No cars were parked on Wood Duck Lane on that particular evening. "In the early stages of planning for this park, an access point and designated parking on Lake Lucy Lane was discussed We think this will solve this problem." The debate over the availability of parking on Lake Lucy Lane or in a parking lot adjacent to Lake Lucy Lane was played out in 1992-93. At the time, the Commission's opinion was that parking in these two areas would not be utilized and was certainly not convenient. The Commission voted in favor of on-stieet parking on Wood Duck Lane or an interior parking lot with access to Wood Duck Lane. The "old" master plan dated 5/15/91 will assist you in assessing th~: Commission's opinion. Neighborhood opposition to the interior parking lot resulted in the decision to maintain on-street parking on Wood Duck Lane. "Concerning the installation o fa split-rail~nCe and landscaping." As agreed, I will be forwarding a plan to your attention for comment. You can expect to receive this plan in the next two to three weeks. You should know that I have forwarded a copy of your letter to members of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. I will be presenting your concerns to the Commission at their June 25th David and Mary DeZellar May 30, 1996 Page 2 ~ meeting. You will receive a copy of the agenda and are encouraged to attend the meeting to represent your issues. Mary, upon investigation of the verbatim minutes which document previous public action in regards to Pheasant Hill Park, I have found that the minutes would fill a whole binder. If you are interested in reviewing them, please stop by City Hall. Thank you for your continued interest in Chanhassen's parks. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman,CLP Director of Parks and Recreation pc-' Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Dale Gregory, Parks Superintendent Mr. Bruce Chamberlain, Hoisington Koegler Group !,' i VaaDoren · Hazard · Sailings.lac, . ....-]~,~,~, PHEASANT HILL PARK i CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA .:.~,; ~". 2';'.,~'h MASTER PLAN