4 Eagle Scout Proj CurryFarmsPkCITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Park & Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director June 20,1996 Approval of Eagle Scout Project, Mr. Mike Bott, 7490 Tulip Court; Construction of Foot Bridge at Curry Farms Park I will be introducing Mike on Tuesday evening. He will present an overview of his Eagle Scout project asking for your input and approval. \ \ Ii: CURRY FARMS PARK c~y of Chanhassen, Minnesota CONCEPT PLAN I~ I June 12, 1996 Mr. Todd Hoffman 691] Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Hoffman, I am planning on taking the foot bridge at Curry Farms Park and completing it for mg Eagle Project. I have formed a design for the bridge and laid out my expenditures. I have enclosed the plans and the budget that I have made. Thank gou for gour help in finding me this project. Sincerelg, P. S.: I have also enclosed the new Troop Newsletter. Mike Bott RECEIVED JUN 1_ ,~ 1996 CiTY OF CHANHASSEN ~0/~; 0~ '¥Srl u! pgiu!Jd oo lsgno U~l~USJ:J FOOTBRIDGE BUDGET LUMBER BOLTS ROPE DELIVERY CEMENT TOTAL $350 $35 $40 $25 $5O $500 BREAKDOWN 4X6-30' 4X4-27' 2×12-20' 10- 96Lb CEMENT COIL OF ROPE BAGS Troop Phone list Tim Bott 470-9136 Tim O' Keefe 949-2862 Bill Goers 448-6593 Don Schilling 937-2699 SPL-Mike Bott 470-9136 ASPL-Tom O'Neill 474-3316 Panthers Patrol PL-Jon Bastian APL-Matt Koch Brent O' Keefe Chris Schilling Andy Podevels Kevin Snyder Badgers Patrol PL-Kelly O'Keefe APL-Nick Hericks Zach Bastian Dan Notermann Nigel Kinney Andrew Kelser Joseph McShane Mike Peterson Joel Beadles Tom Albrecht Philip Lewis Michael McMahon Eagles Patrol PL- Steve Goers APL-John Haggerty Matt Winterer Ben Anderson Ben Loiselle Nick Elenz Chris/Tim Herby Steven Roy Peter Bangasser Grant Haggerty 470-1072 Jonathan Dingel 496~0051 Neil Uhlenhuke 949-6108 Chris Issacson 949-6153 If there are any mistakes or you have been left off the phone list please tell a leader or Mike Bott so that it can be corrected for upcoming newsletters. 941-2891 474-6053 949-2862 937-2699 448-3345 941-2940 949-2862 937-5123 941-2891 474-9186 937-2837 934-0531 937-1613 934-5130 934-7782 474-9784 474-1303 443-2591 448-6593 470-1072 470-8994 934-1193 937-0762 934-1485 368-3110 934-5611 937-1167 Issue # 4 June, 1996 Upcoming Events Meetings Sunday, June 9th- 6:30 @ Old St. Huberts. Sunday, June 30th- 6:30 @ Old St. Huberts. Thursday, August 4th- Many Point Planning 6:30 @ Old St. Huberts. Camping June 7,8,9- Shakedown for Philmont group ONLY @ Pete's Brother's Cliff Camping in Wisconsin. June 21,22,23- Taylors Falls Camping Trip. July 12,13,14-Camping @ Cliff Camping in Wisconsin. Summer Camp Philmont- July 23-August 9 Many Point-August 11-August 19 Independence Day Parade- July 4th more information to come later. Chanhassen Public Safety Open House June 13- Volunteers are needed from 5pm to 8pm by the City Hall. Help is needed with refreshments, filling balloons and wearing the "McGruff' costume. A sign up sheet will be at the scout meeting. If you are able to help, please volunteer. For more info call Bill or Vicki Goers @ 448-6593. Correction- At the last Court of Honor Kelly O' Keefe recieved his Second Class r and Jon Bastian did not. Jon already / had it. Sorry about the mistake Kelly. CITY OF May 20, 1996 Mr. Mike Bott 7490 Tulip Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mike: Thank you for meeting with me to discuss your pursuit of an Eagle Scout project. The City of Chanhassen's Park and Recreation Department is please to assist you with this work. I feel the construction of a foot bridge at Curry Farms Park is the best project we have available at this time. The following steps need to be taken in order for the department to sponsor your project. 1. Prepare a materials and supplies list and budget. Attend the June 24 City Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. to discuss your project and request approval of project and authorization to expend funds. Attend the June 25 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting to discuss the project and request approval of the project. 4. Schedule a construction coordination meeting with Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent (474-4127) 5. Complete project. Mike, your project budget may not exceed $500.00. Please submit a letter of intent to complete your selected project to my attention by June 15, 1996. I will then schedule your appearances before the City Council and Park and Recreation Commission. Each presentation will take approximately five minutes and I will introduce you at each meeting. Thank you again for your interest in performing an Eagle Scout project for the City of Chanhassen. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Parks and Recreation Director pc: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent May 6, 1996 Dear Mayor Chimel, My name is Mike Bott and I am a member of the Chanhassen Troop 330 Boy Scouts. I am Life and I am working toward my Eagle Badge. One of the requirement is that I have to organize a service project. I would like to do my project to benefit the city of Chanhassen. If there are any projects or things that need to be done I would like to do them. Thank you for your time and I would appreciate it if you could get back to me with any suggestions. Thanks, Mike Bott 470-9136 7490, Tulip Court Chanhassen, Mn 55317